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Fires of Olympus: Books Ten, Eleven & Twelve (The Immortality Trials Book 4)

Page 14

by Eliza Raine

  ‘They are here, Captain,’ the minotaur said, and Hedone glanced backwards, first seeing the large form of Eryx, then making out Epizon, Lyssa, Phyleus, the centaur and the little satyr.

  A low growl began to rumble across the room, starting behind the gates and rippling along the wing walls. Hercules stopped, looking around as the growl grew louder and louder.

  ‘When the fighting starts, move back,’ he told Hedone, pointing where they’d come from, the faint blue glow of the Styx still just visible behind the approaching crew of the Alastor. ‘Stay out of the way and don’t come anywhere near whatever this is. Do you understand?’ He had to shout the last words over the roar that was now reverberating through the cavern.

  ‘Yes,’ she shouted back, nodding. He leaned forward and kissed her, hard, then turned back to the gates, dropping his stance. Hedone turned and jogged towards one of the wings, feeling the heat rise as she got closer. Keeping a safe distance from the strange wall she turned back to the cavern, where Lyssa was running now, only ten feet from Hercules. Then a crashing thump drew everyone’s attention back to the gates, and fear paralysed Hedone instantly, her legs turning to jelly beneath her.

  The beast that had appeared in front of the gates was on fire. Flames licked up from its black fur, and Hedone let out a small whimper as all three of its heads snapped towards Hercules. She forced herself to look at the thing long enough for her eyes to adjust, until she could see more than just teeth through the searing flames. It looked like a huge wolf, about three times the size of Hercules, who was now crouched in front of it, his lion skin wrapped around him, and Asterion to his left. Its eyes were deeper red than the fire covering its body, and they were slanted and angular, like gemstones. Something dark dripped from all three of its huge jaws as they snapped and snarled.

  Hedone had seen many monsters during the Immortality Trials, most of them larger than this creature, but none had scared her so much. Its presence induced a fear in her so bone-deep that she wanted to run and run and never stop.

  ‘This is my guard-dog, Cerberus.’ A voice echoed around them. ‘He is bound to the gates, and will not give chase, should you decide to flee. But defeat him and you will win the Immortality Trials.’

  Hedone dropped weakly to her knees as Cerberus began to howl.


  Hercules whirled around as Asterion shouted, tearing his eyes from the flaming beast in front of him just as Lyssa barrelled into him. He flew backwards, rolling to his side fast as he skidded towards Cerberus.

  The creature lunged forward on his muscular haunches, jaws snapping, but Hercules was too fast. The guard-dog didn’t follow him as he raced back towards Lyssa, who was now facing him with a dagger in both hands. Epizon was to her right, a machete raised high above his head, and the prince from Taurus was on her left, aiming a loaded slingshot. The last living member of the Orion crew, Eryx, was dancing on the balls of his feet, his raised fists clenched, and the white centaur galloped to a stop at his side, wielding two warhammers. Weapons were strapped all over her torso. Hercules barked a laugh as he slowed to a stop before them.

  ‘You see what you need to match my strength?’ he shouted at his daughter. ‘You need an army!’ He laughed again, loudly, genuinely delighted. The girl had to bring every fighter she could find to stand even a chance against him. And he knew, as hatred and rage and desire flooded through his body, that he would win.

  Her red hair blurred as she glared at him, and the fiery light tingeing the cavern and glowing through the walls mingled with the red that was seeping into his eyes. The growl of the beast behind him dimmed as blood pounded through his ears, adrenaline flooding through him. Cerberus would guard the gates, and no more. He had plenty of time to finish what he had started with his daughter. And he would incapacitate her, not kill her. A quick death was too good for her. She needed to watch as he ripped the guts from the half-giant. She needed to see him break the centaur’s legs. She had to bear witness as he removed her first mate’s head with his own machete. And she would be helpless as he clubbed the prince to death, as he had her mother and brother. Hercules needed to see her pain, hear her sobs, watch her break. He needed to show his father what happened to people who made a fool of him. He needed to erase what was left of Megara, and her family.

  And when he was finished with Lyssa, and he had killed the drooling beast behind him, he would find Evadne and he would keep her alive as long as he possibly could. He would pick apart both her body and her mind until she was nothing but a shell of her disobedient self. He would make her pay for betraying him. He would make her beg for death every minute of every day, and never relent, and then what was left of her would age and wither, while he stayed young and vigorous for eternity.

  ‘They’re all here to fight Cerberus,’ Lyssa called. ‘I’m here to fight you.’

  A thrill thundered through Hercules’s body, and he felt his muscles expand. ‘Asterion, don’t let them kill the beast,’ he hissed, without taking his eyes off his daughter. Then with a roar, he charged.


  Lyssa began to run towards Hercules, preparing herself to jump at the last moment. Power and energy flowed through her and she knew she was as ready as she would ever be. Then a flash of white light engulfed her vision and she felt her body freeze. She gave a shout of frustration as her eyes were forced closed against the light. What was happening? Why was a god getting involved now?

  When she opened her eyes she was standing in a different room. Cerberus, Hercules and the fiery wings were nowhere to be seen. This was a throne room, she realised as she looked around her quickly, adrenaline still making her limbs shake, still ready to fight. Phyleus was next to her, and Epizon was there too, both men looking equally confused as they blinked in the dark room. It was circular, and every surface was made from a black, shining stone that sparkled with pinpricks of light. A throne on one side of the room was raised ten feet off the ground, simple and angular, and rows of benches carved from the same black stone lined the rest of the chamber. It could easily fit a few hundred people, Lyssa thought.

  ‘This is Hades’ throne room,’ Phyleus whispered, and Lyssa’s heart skipped a beat.

  ‘Why are we here?’

  ‘I don’t know.’

  ‘I do,’ said Epizon, and she spun around to look at him, his face pale.

  ‘You all do,’ a voice said, and it was like no voice Lyssa had ever heard. It was as though it had actually slithered into her ears, and her fingers flew to them immediately, rubbing and scratching at them, trying to remove the alien feeling. The others were doing the same around her, Phyleus’s face contorting with disgust. ‘Give me what I need, and you may re-join the Trial. Hand her over.’

  ‘Hand who over?’ shouted Lyssa, her Rage building as the awful feeling crawled further inside her head. ‘Get out!’ she shouted, pulling at her ears now, the feeling reaching the back of her throat, making her gag.

  ‘Hades, show yourself if you want to talk!’ Phyleus bellowed, and suddenly the feeling vanished. Lyssa gulped down air, shaking her head as black smoke began to fill the room. Slowly, it solidified into a humanoid shape, standing in front of the throne.

  ‘You’re much more forceful than you were when you came her before, young prince,’ the smoke being said, its slithering voice gone, replaced by a cool, calm tone. In the same way that power rolled off Zeus and Poseidon, darkness and cold emanated from Hades. The tendrils of smoke dancing away from his body towards them set Lyssa shuddering in uncontrollable fear.

  ‘I can thank your Mysteries for that, Hades,’ replied Phyleus, and he bowed low. Lyssa and Epizon followed suit.

  ‘The Mysteries will seem like a child’s game compared to what I will put you all through if you don’t hand over the being. I know she is on your ship.’

  ‘We don’t know what you’re talking about,’ Lyssa said, glaring at the smoke. More tendrils curled towards her, and as they got closer screams began to sound deep in her mind. Visions flashed before he
r eyes, men stretched over torture racks, blades falling across necks, hollow, empty eyes staring at her. ‘Stop it!’

  ‘Then show me some respect,’ Hades hissed, and Lyssa couldn’t help stumbling backwards, the terror his voice instilled in her was so real.

  ‘We will never hand her over,’ Epizon said, stepping towards Hades.

  ‘Ep—’ Lyssa started, but he cut her off.

  ‘He knows she’s there, Captain. There is no point lying.’

  ‘Clever young man,’ Hades said. ‘I am afraid she has become rather attached to you, and your ship. She doesn’t seem to want to leave.’

  ‘So let her be.’

  Lyssa’s mouth fell open as Epizon raised his chin. What was he doing speaking to the god of the underworld like that?

  ‘I don’t want to hurt her,’ Hades said, and Lyssa was surprised at the softness in his voice. ‘I want to help her.’

  ‘It doesn’t look much like that from here,’ she said. ‘Besides, we have no power over her. If she can resist the will of a god, what do you think we can do about it? I need to get back to Hercules and Cerberus, now.’

  ‘Not until I have the being.’ The smoke form turned to Epizon. ‘Call her here.’

  ‘No.’ Epizon didn’t hesitate to say the word… Then he crumpled to the floor, throwing his hands over his ears and screaming.

  ‘Stop! Please, stop!’ shouted Lyssa, dropping down beside him. Epizon’s screams turned to whimpers, and he curled up on the stone. ‘We can’t control her, we’ve told you!’ she shouted again, fury rolling through her as she reached for Epizon.

  ‘He can,’ Hades said, and Epizon’s screams began again, louder than before. Tears of anger and frustration filled Lyssa’s eyes as she gripped the big man’s shaking shoulders.

  ‘Please, please stop,’ Phyleus called, dropping down beside her.

  ‘I don’t want to hurt—’ Hades started, but purple light filled the air, and a blast of energy burst out from the middle of the throne room, cutting him off. Epizon’s screams ceased as Lyssa gaped at the source of the blast. A bubble was hovering five feet above the stone, and in the middle of it, eyes fixed on Hades, was Tenebrae.


  Epizon pushed himself up suddenly, breaking Lyssa’s transfixed stare.

  ‘Ep, are you OK?’

  ‘She shouldn’t be here,’ he said quickly, struggling out of Lyssa’s grip and to his feet. ‘Tenebrae, leave now!’

  Her bubble turned with her as she faced him, her intense eyes softening a little.

  ‘I’m sorry to draw you out like that,’ Hades said, the ice in his voice gone. ‘You have grown to be truly magnificent. And you are called Tenebrae?’ The bubble moved, and she faced Hades once more. ‘I really mean you no harm. In fact, I have found you sanctuary. I have a found a god strong enough and willing to keep you safe.’

  ‘She’s safe on the Alastor,’ barked Epizon.

  ‘Not as safe as she could be. And would you really have her kept in a tank in the dark her whole life? I can offer her a world she was meant to live in. A world where she can become everything she was meant to be.’

  ‘Meant to be?’ Epizon said, then his expression changed, his eyes becoming vacant, as they did when Tenebrae was communicating with him. ‘You...’ he whispered, after a few seconds. ‘You created her?’

  Hades paused, then nodded, the smoke shifting as he moved.

  ‘Yes. To live in a thirteenth realm.’

  Lyssa couldn’t help the gasp that escaped her lips, and Phyleus spluttered in surprise.

  ‘Creating a new realm broke many of our rules, and Zeus punished me as he saw fit. He destroyed the realm I’d worked so long and hard to create, and every new creature in it.’

  ‘Except Tenebrae.’

  ‘Except Tenebrae. I managed to get her out. But I disguised her so well she was stolen, by fools who had no idea how important, or powerful, she was. Zeus and the others will not let her live if they find her.’

  ‘Where do you want to hide her?’

  ‘I can’t tell you that.’ Another burst of power pulsed from Tenebrae’s bubble and Hades let out a long sigh. ‘Telling you could mean your death, if the other gods discover that you know.’

  ‘Fine,’ said Lyssa.

  ‘Things are changing in Olympus. An ancient and powerful force has recently awoken. A force with greater power than any of the gods.’

  ‘How is that possible?’

  ‘A Titan,’ breathed Phyleus. The smoky form of Hades turned to look at him.

  ‘Indeed. And all gods need a realm. No matter Zeus’s feelings, a thirteenth realm will exist before long. And I have bargained for her sanctuary there. If she wishes it, she will live like a queen, and her powers will blossom. She could be the greatest creature ever known to Olympus.’

  ‘Epizon, if he’s telling the truth then we should consider this.’ Lyssa looked up at her first mate. His eyes were filled with glistening tears. ‘Epizon?’

  ‘She will only go if he goes with her. She is in love with him,’ Hades said eventually, in a quiet voice. Lyssa looked between the god and Epizon, pain blossoming in her chest as the tears began to roll down Epizon’s cheeks and she realised what was coming.

  ‘And you’re in love with her,’ she whispered.

  ‘I’m sorry, Lyssa. I can’t leave her.’

  ‘You will be a king,’ Hades said, and Lyssa turned to him, glaring, her head spinning. She couldn’t deal with this now. Not when they were so close.

  ‘Send us back to the Trial, now! We can deal with this afterwards, if we survive!’

  ‘That’s exactly why I cannot do that. If Epizon is killed, I don’t know what Tenebrae would do.’ The bubble pulsed gently at his words, and Tenebrae’s eyes were fixed on Epizon. ‘And when this Trial is complete, all the gods of Olympus will convene. She may be as powerful as one god, but she could not manage them all. I need to get her to safety now.’

  ‘No...’ Lyssa put her face in her hands, her mind refusing to accept what was happening. ‘Ep, I can’t lose you,’ she said desperately, grabbing his arm with both of her hands. ‘I need you on the Alastor, I need you as my first mate.’ Tears burned in her eyes as her voice broke. ‘You’re my best friend.’

  ‘I’m sorry, Lyssa,’ he whispered back, his face wet. ‘I’m sorry. But I love her.’ She threw her arms around him and let the tears come as he gripped her. ‘You have Phyleus now, he’ll give you more than I ever did,’ he said into her hair.

  ‘It’s not the same,’ she sobbed.

  ‘I know. But we’ll still be able to talk. And I’m sure you can visit?’

  ‘The Alastor will be granted rights to come and go as you please, I swear,’ said Hades.

  ‘Are you sure, Epizon? You’re sure you want to do this?’

  ‘Yes,’ he said, and gripped her shoulders, holding her at arm’s length so that he could look into her face. ‘You need to be out there, stopping Hercules, for the sake of all Olympus. I’ll be fine. Better than fine. I’ll be happy. This is what I want.’ Lyssa stared up at him, unable to picture life on her ship without him, unable to face letting him go.

  ‘Lyssa, I’m sorry, but... we have to go. Or this all becomes irrelevant,’ Phyleus said quietly from behind her.

  ‘Go, Captain,’ Epizon said, straightening up. ‘Go and save Olympus. I’ll see you when you’re immortal.’

  ‘I love you, Ep,’ Lyssa whispered, and he held her to his chest.

  ‘I know. I love you too.’

  ‘Thanks for everything,’ Phyleus said, stepping forward as Epizon let go of her. Epizon shook Phyleus’s outstretched hand. Lyssa took a shaky gulp, trying to control her sobs, when purple filled her vision, and she was suddenly standing in the endless room of columns again.

  ‘Tenebrae?’ she said, whirling around on the spot. ‘What the...?’ She jumped as she suddenly felt something solid in her hand, and looked down. It was a bow, made from the palest wood, with strings of some material that glowed a faint
violet. As she frowned at it, the columns began to shimmer, and then she was back in Hades’ throne room, still clutching the beautiful bow.

  ‘Tenebrae says thank you.’ Epizon smiled.

  ‘As do I,’ said Hades.

  ‘Good luck, Captain,’ Epizon said, and the world flashed white once again.


  Evadne stood fifty feet from the glowing blue river, gripping the Hydra key so hard her hand hurt. Lyssa, Phyleus and Epizon had just disappeared. Vanished into thin air as Hercules launched himself at Lyssa.

  Nestor had been the only one not to lose her head in the moment of confusion, galloping towards Hercules with her hammers shining in the fiery light. The first one hit him, but glanced harmlessly off his lion skin. The second went wide as he spun and rolled out of the centaur’s path. Eryx had bellowed then, sprinting into the fight.

  Cerberus, the enormous, burning mass of teeth and muscle, was prowling back and forth in front of the demon gates, snapping whenever Asterion got close to him. The minotaur was wielding a lethal-looking spiked mace, but it seemed to barely be bothering the monster, and Eryx and Nestor’s attentions were fixed on Hercules.

  Where was Hedone? Evadne scanned the narrow room and spotted her crouching by one of the wings that made up the walls of the cavern. She was too far away for her face to show clearly, but she wasn’t moving. Evadne guessed she was in the grip of the same barrage of fear she was experiencing herself. Pull yourself together, Evadne, she told herself, gritting her teeth. You may not be a fighter, but they need you. Work out what the damn key is for.

  She glared down at the metal orb, and realised with a stab of surprise that the glowing pattern that was carved into it had changed colour. She lifted it to her face, peering closer. Small sections of the intertwining lines were now as red as Cerberus’s eyes. She poked at one of them with her fingernail, pushing it in as far as she could.


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