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Dance With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 4)

Page 2

by Blake, Joanna

  “I want to be alone with you. Not here .”

  She smiled shyly and nodded .

  “Okay .”

  * * *

  W e barely made it to my place .

  She was game to ride on the back of my bike, even though it was her first time. By the end of the night, I’d found another thing she’d never done before .

  Becky had been a virgin. Innocent and pure. Untouched. But not shy .

  When it came down to it, she was almost as eager as I was .

  Almost, but not quite .

  From the second I slipped the key into the lock, it was on. Our tongues tangled as I opened the door, escorting her inside. I thought about turning on the light, but decided to wait. I wasn’t worried there was anything that would scare her off. No socks hanging from lightshades, or stacks of pizza boxes and beer cans. There was nothing out of place .

  I was just too busy getting her clothes off to bother .

  I knew the simple ranch house was spotless, as it always was .

  I’d learned to keep things clean growing up in an military family. We moved a lot, but every place we went had one thing in common .

  My mother always kept our house as neat as a pin. Aa a result, so did I .

  You would never know it from looking at me, but I was a mama’s boy through and through. Being a mama’s boy got you into a lot of fights. Before I hit my growth spurt I wasn’t one of the big guys. I learned how to defend myself .

  Even before I got big, I learned how to fight. And win .

  That served me well when I got shipped off to military school after my father died. And again later when I followed in my daddy’s footsteps and joined up myself .

  Neatness and my knack for details made the whole transition easier .

  That and my ability to crack skulls. I’d never not won a fight in my life. No matter what the odds were. Not once .

  Tonight felt like the prize for all my hard work. All the time I’d given to get my own cut. All the years protecting smaller kids at school from the bullies. All those years eating slop. All the times I’d kissed the pavement between every pushup with someone’s boot digging into my back. All the years I’d worked so hard to become a one of Devlin’s crew .

  Tonight was it. The prize. I was claiming my prize .

  This gorgeous girl in my arms was it .

  I threw the locks and pushed her against the door, pulling her clothes off as quickly as possible. Then I stopped, breathing heavily. I had one arm on each side of her beautiful face .

  It was dark but I could still see her eyes shining and her pouty lips, bruised from kissing .

  She held her dress up in front of her. I’d unzipped it but she caught it before it fell .

  I reached over to the light switch and flipped it on. She blinked at me, like a little bird startled by the sun .

  “Let go of the dress, Becky .”

  She chewed her full bottom lip, staring up at me with those big eyes of hers .

  “Okay .”

  Her fingers unlocked and the dress slid down her body, landing in a pool at her feet. It was hard to breath in that moment. Staring at all that deliciousness .

  Becky wasn’t a skinny little thing. Thank God. But I would have wanted her either way .

  I stared into her eyes as I pulled my suit jacket and shirt off. She licked her lips, staring at my body. I grinned and scooped her up into my arms .

  “What are you doing ?”

  She asked breathlessly as I carried her through my house .

  “I’m putting you to bed .”

  “ You are ?”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll tell you a bedtime story first .”

  She was breathing fast and shallow when I set her down on her feet again in my bedroom. I ran my hands over her sides and back up again. She shivered .

  “Are you cold ?”

  She shook her head and I smiled .

  “Don’t worry. I’ll warm you up .”

  I didn’t wait another second. I bent forward and caught her lips with mine, nudging them open and sweeping my tongue inside her hot mouth. She was sweet and so shy as she kissed me back nervously. She tangled her tongue with mine and I rewarded her by gently sucking it into my mouth .

  “Hmmm… you taste so good .”

  I tipped her back and slowly lowered her onto my bed. She looked a little startled but intrigued as I started peeling the rest of my clothes off. She licked her lips and I smiled knowingly .

  She wanted me too. I knew she did. And damn if that wasn’t a miracle .

  I climbed on top of her and went to work. My hands and lips and cock wanted to be everywhere at once. I had planned to be patient, skillful and thorough. Instead, I was greedy, eager and desperate .

  Especially once I got her bra off .

  My brain shut down at the sight of those glorious, tantalizing mounds of flesh. I started grinding into her as I slurped and licked and sucked on her delicious tatas. Her hard little nipples were so sensitive. I could feel her panties getting soaked as I worked her nipples with my tongue .

  I groaned and leaned back, tugging her plain white panties down. The girl wasn’t fussy or high maintenance, that was for sure. And the innocence of those simple panties made my dick swell until I thought it would burst like a hissing sausage on hot coals .

  I tossed her undies over my shoulder and practically threw my face between her thighs. My tongue lapped at her urgently while she squealed in surprised pleasure. I held her hips steady in my hands and I dove my tongue inside her tight sweetness again and again .

  I wanted to make her come before I took her but my dick felt like it was clawing it’s way out of my shorts. It wanted in . Now .

  “I can’t wait … Fuck !”

  “I want you… please, Whiskey …”

  She was wiggling around under my tongue as I flicked my finger rapidly over her cute little clit. She gasped and I felt the flood of her juices coat my tongue .

  Just in time too because my cock was about to start a riot .

  I told myself I wouldn’t come inside her. I just wanted to feel her skin to skin. Just for a minute, and then I’d get a condom. I thrust my shorts down and guided my bare cock to her pussy. She was slippery and hot and soft as I sank my tip just inside her .

  I groaned in ecstasy. I’d never felt anything like this. It was like coming home .

  It was like I’d been climbing a mountain for years and I finally reached the summit .

  I grit my teeth, knowing I was on the verge of coming faster than ever before if I wasn’t careful .

  Her body opened like a flower as I sank further inside her. But not right away. I had to go slow, she was so tiny. Not to mention I was almost a foot and half taller than her, and big, even for my size .

  I knew she was inexperienced. I’d never seen her with a guy around town, and believe me, I’d been looking for evidence of one. I just didn’t know how inexperienced .

  I’d been eaten alive with jealousy every time I saw a guy check her out, and it happened a lot. But now she was mine .

  Mine alone …

  I hit a barrier and froze. A moment of clarity crashed through me. Knowledge and wonder and pride .

  Becky was a virgin. And she was letting me be the first. I was overwhelmed with the significance of this moment .

  “Oh Christ… Becky… Is this your first time ?”

  She nodded wordlessly as I closed my eyes. She was so sweet, so delicate and here I was, tearing her virgin pussy apart with my monstrously big cock .

  “Oh God, Rebecca. I can’t… I can’t stop .”

  “It’s okay, I don’t want you to stop. I want you to keep going.” She smiled nervously. “I’m glad my first time will be with you .”

  Her eyes were clear as she stared up at me. She wasn’t drunk. Or crying. She wanted this .

  She wanted me .

  I’d never been more honored in my life. She was perfect and pure. It was a duty and a privilege to be her first

  But I would have gone a whole lot slower if I had known !

  “Thank you.” I kissed her forehead. “Thank you so much .”

  I kissed her perfect lips and pulled out a bit .

  “Ready ?”

  She nodded and I let my hips push forward. I grunted as I plunged through the last thing in my way. I took her, breaking through and sinking in as far as I could go .

  “Are you okay ?”

  She nodded, though I could tell it had hurt. Her gorgeous eyes were full of tears. I tried to stop myself, but my hips started making tiny circles. I closed my eyes, trying to control the urge to pump my hips into her like a madman .

  She was so hot and slick, hugging my cock so perfectly …

  “Whiskey …”

  “What ?”

  “Please fuck me now .”

  My eyes opened. She was okay. And I was not stupid enough to deny a pretty lady when she asked to be fucked .

  I didn’t even answer. I couldn’t. I just wanted to move .

  So I did .

  My hips took on a mind of their own, pumping in and out of her. I started slow, groaning with each deliciously prolonged thrust. But that didn’t last long. In a few minutes, I was fucking her hard and deep. Not rough, but not all that gentle either. Then faster .

  “Oh God! Sweetie… Becks, am I hurting you ?”

  “ Don’t stop !”

  And then I felt it. It was like there were angels singing as she came. She was making the sweetest little sounds I’d ever heard in my life. My dick got squeezed over and over as her canal pulsed all around me .

  It was too much. I’d wanted to make this last but there was no way. I didn’t stand a chance .

  My balls turned into jet blasters as my seed came barreling up my cock, taking all coherent thought with it .

  “Uhhhhhhhnnnfffff !”

  I sounded like an animal, thrusting wildly out of tempo as I unloaded endless streams of my seed. I’d never come this hard in my life. Not even close .

  Not even close to close .

  I was shaking with the force of my orgasm. So was Becky. I held her as she pulled the last drops from the tip of my cock. I was still coming, but there was nothing left to give .

  Good gravy .

  I groaned, rolling us to our sides so I wouldn’t crush her as I collapsed. I was still inside her. And she was still having aftershocks .

  I swear to God every inch of me was tingling. From my hair shafts to my toes. I was a man. Men weren’t supposed to get goosebumps .

  “My God, Becky .”

  She was staring at me with a look of absolute amazement. I knew how she felt. That had been incredible. Beyond amazing .

  Life altering .

  Epic .

  After all these years, she had been more than worth the wait .

  And I knew in that moment that I was never letting her go .

  Chapter One


  I grit my teeth as the needle repeatedly cut into my skin .

  “Take a break ?”

  Callaway paused, holding the gun just above my flesh. He was the best damn tattoo artist in town. Maybe even the whole state .

  And once he got his cut, he became the official ink master for the entire club .

  Nowadays, he rarely tatted anyone who was not a Devil’s Rider .

  “No, I’m good .”

  “This is really fucking heartwarming, you know that ?”

  I grunted, ignoring him. I knew he meant the message I’d chosen. It was a reminder. A reminder for every time I started to get weak. That happened a lot more often over the past year than I wanted to admit .

  Now I wouldn’t forget. I could just look in the damn mirror if I was tempted to try and track her down again. I’d already wasted months searching for her. There was nothing more pathetic than searching for someone who didn’t want to be found .

  I needed help fighting the itch. The constant worry and concern. The never ending feeling that something was missing .

  Just three words. But those three words said it all .




  It was only my third tat, other than the enormous club emblem on my back and the ‘live free or die’ emblazoned across my chest. These were to honor my brothers. The new one referred to something else entirely .

  Her and her alone .

  Becky ‘Tear Your Heart Out’ Townsdale

  I had no idea what her real middle name was and I didn’t care. It didn’t matter anymore, because she was gone once and for all. I told myself that anyway but it was a lie .

  Because I cared a fucking lot .

  The best night of my life. The best day after. And the best week, ever. Two weeks really .

  Probably the best two weeks in the history of the world. Up until the minute she disappeared anyway. Poof. Just like that she was gone .

  We hadn’t gotten out of bed for days other than to eat and shower. I’d been crazy for her. Head over heels. Gushing like a fucking girl .

  And she’d ghosted me .

  Me. All 6’3” inches of solid muscle, slowly collecting ink. Girls threw themselves at me on the regular, even with my scars. But her ?

  She turned tail and ran .

  I was the rare guy who rode and still opened doors for a lady. Well, Dev, Donnie and Jack did too, but only once they met their ladies. Before that, they hadn’t exactly been gentlemanly .

  I’d grown up doing it .

  I still liked to raise hell though. I just didn’t do it around women. Not even the club skanks, who I felt worried for more than anything .

  You had to wonder where their mamas were .

  I blew the air out from between my lips .

  Yeah, so she’d ditched me, and right before I did something crazy. Like propose. Not even joking, I’d been about to .

  Yeah, after two weeks .

  I’d been on the brink of asking Becky to marry me. Seriously. Not a crazed, sex-fueled thing, though the sex had been insanely fucking good .

  So good, I hadn’t touched a woman since. I hadn’t even thought about it. If I couldn’t have paradise, I didn’t see the fucking point .

  No word from her. Not even Kaylie knew where she was. And Mae wouldn’t tell me. In fact, she had stopped serving me altogether .

  I still went in though. And drove past it multiple times a day. I always offered to pick up orders for the club .

  Not even a hint about where Becky was. Or why she had left. And not knowing had kept me up nights. Just about all the nights. I’d spent every damn night staring at the ceiling since she disappeared .

  What the hell had I done to upset her? Did she get spooked by how head over heels I was? Or maybe she just didn’t feel the same way ?

  The crazy thing was, I was sure she did. I’d seen the same goofy love struck look in her eyes as I had in mine. We were two fools, that much was certain. Cooing over each other and talking in baby talk. We were sickening .

  But there was no way she was faking that. She loved me, or she had while we were together. I knew it without a doubt .

  Maybe… just maybe… she didn’t want to love me. So she put the breaks on, even though she cared about me so much .

  Maybe it was because of what I was .

  Who I was .

  A dirty, fucking outlaw biker .

  “Okay, ten more minutes. Have a shot .”

  I ignored the shot Callaway poured for me and grabbed the bottle. Glug, glug motherfucker. I was getting shit-faced tonight .

  Just like I did most nights .

  Every fucking night since she left .

  Chapter Two


  “I s she sleeping ?”

  Mae held her fingers up to her lips, indicating that she was .

  My perfect little Petunia .

  It wasn’t the baby’s real name of course, that was Eliza. But for some reason, Petunia had stuck .

  I led Mae out of the tiny b
edroom into the main room of the dinky apartment I’d been staying in. Calling it a one bedroom was a joke, but there was a quiet place for the baby to sleep, and it had been home for nearly a year .

  The only person on the planet who knew I was here was Mae. She was more than just my aunt. She was pretty much my entire family. The best one I could ask for too .

  After my folks died, Aunt Mae had taken me in. We’d been close ever since I was a little girl. She’d always doted on me. Mae didn’t have kids of her own and was more than happy to shower me with love every little chance she got .

  She’d taken me in so I could finish high school. She’d even given me a job so I could save for college .

  Of course, that particular dream had flown straight out the window after I got together with Whiskey .

  It was the dumbest, and very best, thing I ever did .

  Dumb, because I knew I’d get my heart broken. Whiskey was gorgeous and a core member of the local motorcycle club up where Mae’s diner was. He was sweet too, even though he looked like a bad ass. Girls flocked to him like bees to honey .

  He was literally swimming in easy ass .

  It was the best thing because I’d never been happier than when I was with him. But most of all because of the little wiggler in the other room. My bouncy angel. The apple of my eye .

  Too bad the daddy wasn’t the settling down type .

  I sighed, knowing what Mae was here to ask me .

  She wanted me to move back home with her. I knew I needed help, and she knew it too. Plus, she needed me helping out at the diner. Her most reliable waitresses had all taken off in the past couple of years .

  First Kaylie and Sally. Then me .

  She was taking shifts herself now, and far too old to be running around on her feet that long. She needed me. Either that or her place would close. She couldn’t work all those hours with just the cooks and bus boys. The landlord had jacked up the monthly rent too. With the new higher cost of doing business, she was losing money for the first time ever .

  I could not let that happen. Lots of people relied on Mae’s for jobs, hot meals and even companionship. Some of the older people in town didn’t see a friendly face all day until they came in. It was more than just a diner .


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