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Dance With The Devil (The Devil's Riders Book 4)

Page 20

by Blake, Joanna

  They climbed the stairs to the jet. She wondered briefly if he was doing all this to get close to her. Or if it was merely to punish her for daring to gainsay him. Or if he really did need her, as much as he needed Marley .

  She shook her head. That was an absurd thought. Nick was a grown man, he didn’t need looking after .

  Probably it was just a silly game he played to entertain himself. She suspected he liked to play games .

  She, however, did not like games. She’d never played much as a child. She’d have to get good at them and fast. Maybe she should read up on poker… she had a feeling she’d need her game face to get through the rest of the tour .

  She boarded and mentally started to prepare herself. Nick smiled at her warmly and she gave him a small nod .

  Game on .

  Chapter 21


  G od, he loved surprising her .

  The look on her face was priceless. Lovely and sweet and absolutely awestruck. It was probably more satisfying than sex. Well, perhaps not sex with her .

  Nick watched as Sabrina stared gape mouthed around the plane .

  The Falconmobile, as it had been dubbed .

  He wanted to impress her, he realized. Maybe this would do the trick. It certainly couldn't hurt his chances that he had a private jet now, could it ?

  But he might be disappointed if that was all it took to bag her .

  She snapped her mouth shut and gave him a sideways glance. There was something mildly disapproving about the look in those gorgeous eyes of hers. He groaned, realizng she wasn’t impressed at all. She was horrified by the excess and ego of it all .

  Oh well, the giant initials he'd had painted on as the plane's logo were a bit much .

  There was a ten foot high 'N' and an 'F' with a circle around them painted on each side of the bloody plane. Turns out it had been over the top after all, just like Marley said .

  Maybe it was a bit much …

  "Shall we, my- Sabrina ?"

  She raised an eyebrow at him and smiled politely. He could tell she was more impressed that he'd used her proper name than by his bloody private jet. But damn if she didn't make him feel like every small victory was winning a prize .

  Not any prize. It was like sweeping the Grammys. Or winning the Goddamn World Cup with one, perfect goal .

  He felt like a champion from the tiny nod of approval she gave him. Dead right, he did .

  Marley and the limo driver loaded their bags onto the plane as the flight crew waited on the steps. When it was your plane, every bloody thing was carryon .

  He gulped, taking a look at the crew .

  The very pretty flight crew .

  Damn, he'd forgotten about them. His, uh, ‘mile high club’ had a few regulars in it. They didn't have to sleep with him to get a job on his jet, of course. But so far they always seemed to want to .

  Who was he to fight them off ?

  But if Sabrina caught on she wouldn't approve. And he wasn’t interested in partaking anymore, he realized with a confused start. Meaningless sex held no interest for him anymore. No woman did, except her .

  But she couldn’t know. She mustn’t know the power she had over him. Or his dirty secret .

  He knew without a doubt she wouldn't approve of him banging his stewardesses .

  She wouldn’t like him. And he knew she did. Perhaps just a little, but it was there .

  The girls smiled widely as they climbed the stairs. He shook his head subtly and they all dimmed their thousand watt smiles imperceptibly. Smooth as silk .

  Thankfully, Sabrina was too preoccupied to notice any of the subtle interplay. He noticed that her hand was gripping the railing for dear life. She'd nearly stopped not far from the door to the plane .

  "Sabrina? Is everything alright ?"

  He put his hand on her shoulder and she jerked. Christ, the woman was wound up tight! The thought was followed immediately by a dirty one .

  He'd like to be the one to unwind her …

  "Yes! I'm just- I don't like to fly ."

  Oh dear. They were embarking on a bloody world tour and she didn't like to fly? That was going to be problematic .

  Then again, it could work in his favor .

  He gave her a gentle nudge in the lower back and she stepped all the way on board. Once again, her mouth was open. He smiled, knowing this time it was in his favor .

  White leather sofas lined the cabin. There was also a bedroom in the back but he didn't have to show her that .

  Not yet .

  The plane was super deluxe. He'd had a designer redo the whole thing just last year. Now it was minimalist, but still punk rock. He even had instruments on board. A baby grand piano, guitars. And a bar of course .

  That gave him an idea .

  "Get settled love… I mean, Miss Newton. I just need to have a word with the pilot ."

  He pulled Marley into the cabin with him .

  "Marley, make yourself scarce ."

  "What does that mean ?"

  "It's a big plane! Just don't sit too close to us ."

  He turned to the captain .

  "Now, as for you… any way to make the ride a little bumpy- say after about two hours ?"

  "I can do that. Any particular reason why ?"

  "I've got a nervous flier on board. I just want to make sure she ends up in my lap. Or vice versa ."

  Marley rolled his eyes and left as the Captain had a good laugh .

  "You got it , Nick ."

  Nick smiled as he left the cockpit, watching Sabrina nervously take a seat. He knew he had an ace up his sleeve right now .

  He literally could not lose .

  He had her in checkmate .

  Chapter 22


  Dear Lord, please do not allow me to fall from the sky. Not today. Thank you .

  S abrina stared out the window into the bright blue sky outside the plane, taking a break from relentlessly working on her laptop. Work was calming her slightly, thank Goodness. But she was still pretty terrified .

  She just did her best to hide it .

  It was brilliant outside, with hardly a cloud in the sky. She still had some things to line up for the tour. Plus she really wanted to keep on top of her other clients, even if she wasn't there to handle them personally .

  She took a deep breath. She'd been dreading this flight since the moment it had been proposed. It turned out that she was perfectly fine. Hardly nervous at all anymore .

  Well, not so anyone else could tell .

  The plane hadn't done any of those sickening lurches she despised. No bumps at all actually .

  So why were her hands still clenched into fists ?

  She took a deep breath and relaxed her hands. She glanced up and caught Nick staring at her .

  Again .

  He had a thoughtful expression on his face. But pleased. As if he were contemplating something. Something enjoyable .

  She frowned. She had a sudden feeling that whatever he was thinking about included her as a participant. And very little clothes. No clothes at all in fact. A funny warm feeling pooled in her stomach at the thought .

  She stared at her glass of mineral water on the side table. It was rattling, shaking around on the table. And then it spilled .

  The intercom came on with a soft tone .

  "Please be seated. We've got some turbulence up ahead. Could be severe, so please use your safety harnesses ."

  The plane gave a sickening lurch to the right and she stifled a scream. Nick was beside her in an instant, sitting close on the sofa .

  "There there, it's alright. Let me help you ."

  She nodded shakily as he slid the harness into place. It wasn't a normal seat belt, because of the unusual seating. It held you entire torso against the couch but you could still move around a bit .

  She was thinking the most inane thoughts. T
he captain said severe turbulence! And now she was wearing a harness !

  Nick's hands were businesslike as he fitted the nylon straps over her. Until he accidentally brushed her chest. His hand froze, the back of it against her suddenly hardening nipple .

  Oh God .

  It should have been incredibly awkward. Instead, it felt good .

  Really good .

  Their eyes met and she saw his were dark with desire. She swallowed nervously and moved away from his hand slightly. Just then the plane seemed to lift up and slam downward, dropping sharply. She gasped and Nick went flying, right onto her lap .

  His torso was pressed into hers sending waves of electricity through her. His head had somehow landed over her shoulder, his face pressed into her neck. One leg was between hers .

  "Mr. Falcon !"

  "I'm alright. Christ- hold on -"

  His hands were all over her as he tried to right himself. She was locked into place so she couldn't do much about it. But if she was honest with herself, it was taking her mind off the shaking plane .

  Plus it felt… nice. Nice to be close to him. Nice to not feel so alone .

  He grinned at her sheepishly as he settled back into the seat beside her. He slid into his harness and held out his hand. She stared at it for a moment and then grabbed it tightly .

  "That's it. I’ve got you. Just lean back and close your eyes. It will be over soon , love ."

  "Don't call me that ."

  He squeezed her hand and laughed .

  "I'm sure it won't be turbulent for the entire ten hours to London ."

  "Ten hours?" she squeaked and sat up sharply. Well, as far as the harness would allow her. The plane was rattling side to side, slamming them into each other repeatedly .

  "Well, it could be only eight or nine, depending on tail winds ."

  She moaned and leaned back again, closing her eyes .

  "Are you nauseous ?"

  "No. I just don't like being jostled so much .”

  He squeezed her hand again .

  "Or heights ."

  He laughed .

  "Or confined spaces ."

  He laughed harder .

  "I know just what you need. Hold on ."

  She heard him unsnapping his harness and grabbed his hand. She felt ridiculous, like a terrified child begging for her father. But she couldn’t hide her fear .

  "Don't leave me !"

  "I'll be right back love. Trust me ."

  She lay back and closed her eyes again. She was not being professional. Why would just holding his hand make her feel any better ?

  The crazy thing was though, it did .

  Chapter 23


  N ick winked at the flight attendants who were riding out the turbulence in the bar section. He grabbed a bottle of tequila and two glasses. One of the girls scooped ice and a lime into each .

  "Do me a favor love and tell the captain to take the bumps down a few notches ."

  She nodded and walked gracefully toward the cockpit despite the turbulence. He shook his head. They really were remarkable women. They hadn't revealed a thing about the past to Sabrina. He decided to give them all a raise .

  Funny thing that, giving gorgeous women money for not sleeping with him .

  He turned and walked back to the lounge area. Marley must be in the back taking a nap. He didn't mind. He knew he wouldn't be getting Sabrina into bed just yet .

  Soon, though .

  Very soon .

  He smiled at her, even though she couldn't see him with her eyes so tightly closed. Time to start laying the groundwork .

  "Here we are. Liquid courage ."

  Her eyes opened a crack. She stared at him sitting beside her then snapped her eyes shut again .

  "I don't drink ."

  "There's a first time for everything ."

  He poured himself some tequila and sipped it, smacking his lips together .

  "God, that's good. I can already feel myself relaxing ."

  She opened her eyes again. The poor thing looked terrified. He really was a heel. A shot of guilt went through him. He squashed down the voice of his conscience and smiled reassuringly .

  "You know, I'm a bit afraid of flying myself. Not to mention this is a new pilot ."

  " It is ?"

  "Yeah, it’s my first time flying with him. I've never experienced this sort of turbulence before. It's a bit frightening. Even poor Marley had to take something and lie down ."

  "He did? Oh God. This is not good ."

  He smiled grimly and handed her the second glass, splashing a liberal dose of tequila into it. This time she took it, staring at it uncertainly .

  Good girl .

  "There you go. Bottoms up ."

  She lifted the glass to her lips and drank. He watched her as her face crinkled .

  "It's strong ."

  "It's good medicine, love. Here, have another splash ."

  He tipped the bottle into her glass, squeezing his lime into it. It cut the taste a bit. She stared at the glass in her hands and then lifted her eyes to his. He inhaled sharply at the trusting look on her lovely face .

  This was wrong. What he was doing was wrong .

  He was going to hell, that much was certain .

  But like the devil himself, he knew he'd enjoy the ride .

  She sipped her drink until it was gone per his intructions. Then he opened a drawer in a side console and fished around until he found a deck of cards. He brought them back over to her and started shuffling .

  "Poker? Just to take your mind off the fact that we are hurtling over the continent thousands of miles in the air ."

  She blanched .

  "Christ love, I'm only joking. Look, the turbulence is much better already, isn't it ?"

  She nodded .

  "And you feel more relaxed, don't you ?"

  "Yes. Thank you ."

  He poured her another drink .

  "You should always listen to Dr. Falcon. Now take your medicine like a good girl ."

  She tried to give him a stern look but quickly dissolved into giggles. He watched as she picked up her glass. She was already getting used to the taste he could tell. That boded well for his plans to wine and dine her all over Europe .

  And bed her. Frequently. Mustn't forget that part .

  She finished her drink and then another after he refilled her glass, shamelessly pressing her to drink. She leaned back and closed her eyes, the empty drink still in her hand .

  He stared at her, the cards forgotten in his hands .

  She'd bloody well fallen asleep !

  No woman had ever fallen asleep on Nick Falcon. He was a bloody rock star! Women fainted sometimes in his presence, but slept? Never! Only if he'd worn them out by shagging them all night long .

  Nick's sense of outrage was quickly replaced by something else entirely while he watched her sleep. He felt protective of her in a way that was foreign to him. He'd trounce anyone who wanted to do the things that he was contemplating. Or anyone who tried to get her drunk as he just had .

  The girl pretty much made him want to trounce himself , when you got down to it .

  She looked so innocent in her sleep. Softer somehow. He knew it would be magical to wake up and see her laying so sweetly beside him. And he'd do anything to keep her safe .

  Gingerly, he reached to pull her drink from her hand. He tugged the edges of her wrap over her front, and she snuggled a bit into the warm cashmere .

  Then he leaned back and did the only thing he could do. He dealt himself a game of solitaire .

  He had a feeling he'd be doing a lot of that in the next few weeks .

  Chapter 24


  T he sun w
as peeking through the blinds when Sabrina cracked her eyes open. She felt heavy, like she’d slept for a long time .

  Sabrina sat up in the enormous four poster bed. It took her a moment to remember where she was .

  Oh right. She was in London. With him .

  She was here with Nick Falcon and Company. They were booked at the Four Seasons for the next few days in London. They'd arrived in the early afternoon and she'd gone immediately to bed after sleeping for most of the flight .

  She glanced at her phone and groaned. It was nearly eight o'clock in the evening .

  She must have missed Nick’s rehearsal at the arena that afternoon. Great. She was off to an impressive start. Not . She wondered why they hadn't woken her. Then again, maybe they'd tried .

  She cringed as she realized that she might not have woken even if they'd been pounding on the door with a battering ram. She rolled over, grabbing her head. It wasn’t pouding anymore, but yesterday had been brutal. She'd never felt so sick in her life .

  But on the bright side, she didn't remember a thing about the flight .

  She was just stepping out of the shower when her phone buzzed .

  It was a text from Nick .

  He wanted her to go up to his room to discuss the schedule. For a moment, she wondered if it was just another ploy to get her into bed. There was no point in pretending that's not what he was after. Not that he was being subtle about it .

  She was too hungover to lie to herself at the moment .

  It was too bad she wasn't the sort of girl to go for casual sex. She had a feeling it would be an unforgettable experience if she was up for it. But she hadn't been with anyone since her boyfriend in business school. That was over two years ago. She was no match for an experienced playboy like Nick .

  Besides, she couldn't risk messing up her career any more than she already had for a roll in the hay .

  But what she was really worried about was losing her heart. Nick seemed like just the person to steal it away. And then trash it when he got bored. He probably wouldn't even do it deliberately. It was just who he was .


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