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Nikel-free Cooking: Tips and recipes for people with nickel allergies

Page 6

by Maurizio Sansone


  Warm the butter in a Pyrex dish and add the rice to fry. Slowly add the boiling broth and beer, stirring constantly. When the risotto his cooked and creamy, turn off the heat and add the cream and grated swiss cheese. Take off the burner and mix well. Serve and enjoy.

  Risotto with Milanese style





   160 grams of arborio rice

   30 grams of butter

   1 half a liter of broth

   15 stems of saffron or 1 sachet


  Brown 30 grams of butter in a Pyrex saucepan. As soon as it's melted add 160 grams of arborio rice, stir with a wooden spoon, making sure that it does not stick to the saucepan. Using a a flame breaker under the dish can help with this. As soon as it starts to become golden, add a few tablespoons of broth. Make sure that it does not boil, burn, or stick to the bottom. Continue to stir it until cooked (about 20 minutes). When cooked add the saffron, a bit of butter, and grated parmesan cheese. Keep on the heat and stir with the wooden spoon for a minute. Serve warm.

  Rice with sausage





   160 grams of arborio rice

   1 sausage

   1 glass of white wine

   Black pepper


  Cut the sausage into small pieces and sautee in the wine. As they, cook the fat should melt. Add the rice and cook in the sausage fat at a low temperature, continuously adding water to prevent it from sticking to the sides of the pot. It should be cooked in about 20 minutes. Once cooked, taste and add salt if necessary. Add some black pepper and serve.

  Seafood risotto





   160 grams of arborio rice

   3 ounces of clams

   3 ounces of mussels

   2 ounces of squid

   2 ounces of shrimp

   ½ fish cube

   ½ glass of white wine

   2 tablespoons of oil

   1 clove of garlic


  Rinse the clams and mussels well, put in a pot, bring to a boil, and cover. As soon as they open, turn off the heat, and keep covered. Cut the squid into small pieces and fry in a large pot in oil. Once they start to fry, turn the heat down and cover. Cook for ten minutes, adding a little bit of wine if necessary. Next, add the peeled shrimp and continue cooking for another five minutes. Then add the rice and the ½ fish cube and stir with a wooden spoon. When it starts to dry pour in the remaining wine. After cooking for 10 minutes, add the clams and mussels (with the liquid from cooking) to the rice. Continue cooking for another 10 minutes, always adding water when necessary. Serve and enjoy.

  Risotto with black sauce





   160 grams of arborio rice

   200 grams of cuttlefish

   30 grams of butter

   2 tablespoons of oil

   1 clove of garlic

   ½ nutmeg

   ½ glass of white wine


  Clean the cuttlefish (setting aside the parts with ink). Cut the cuttlefish into strips and fry in garlic and oil. Add the wine and cook (without a lid). As soon as the wine has evaporated, add a little broth, and put the lid back on to cook for an hour. Once it is cooked, pour the rice and the cuttlefish ink (set aside earlier) into the pot. Add boiling water slowly and cook. When it is cooked add butter and serve.

  Spaghetti with garlic, chili pepper

  and olive oil





   2 ounces of spaghetti

   4 tablespoons of oil

   4 cloves of garlic

   2 tablespoons of breadcrumbs


  Pour plenty of extra virgin olive oil into a pan, add four cloves of garlic, and fry on low heat until you see that the garlic starts to turn golden. Cook and drain the spaghetti and add to the pan. Sprinkle in two spoons of breadcrumbs and stir with a wooden ladle. Be sure they do not dry out too much. You can add a few tablespoons of pasta water, if necessary, to thicken. Serve warm and enjoy.

  Spaghetti with provolone





   2 ounces of pennette pasta

   1 hectogram of provolone

   125 grams of cream

   30 grams of butter

   1 half tablespoon of flour

   salt and pepper


  Melt the butter in a pan on very low heat. Add the flour and cream and mixed. Next, cut provolone cheese into small pieces and add to the pan. Lightly salt and pepper. Cook and drain the penne pasta and pour the sauce over. Sti well and serve hot.

  Spaghetti with bottarga





   2 ounces of spaghetti

   100 grams of bottarga

   2 cloves of garlic

   2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil


  Fry the garlic with oil in a pan on very low heat. Be careful that it does not burn. Cook and drain the pasta when it is al dente. Take the pan off the heat and add the pasta and bottarga. Stir well, adding a few tablespoons of the water from cooking the pasta. Serve and enjoy.

  Spaghetti alla carbonara








   1 hectogram of bacon

   1 tablespoon of oil

   ½ glass of white wine

   2 eggs

   30 grams of parmesan cheese


  Fry one hundred grams of guanciale in a pan on low heat with a tablespoon of olive oil. Add a half glass of dry white wine. The fat of the guanciale should be almost melted on very low heat. While the pasta and bacon cook, separate the egg whites from the yolks. Put the yolks aside and beat the egg whites with a whisk. (Be sure to use a whisk. If you use a fork similar, the egg white will not incorporate enough air which is what makes it soft). Take the pan off the burner and add the pasta. Next, add the yolk, beaten egg white, parmesan, and black pepper. Stir well to mix everything and plate.

  Spaghetti with clams





   ½ kilo of clams

   3 tablespoons of oil

   1 clove of garlic

   ½ glass of white wine

   2 ounces of spaghetti


  Carefully wash a half kilo of clams. Put in a strainer to drain for an hour and add salt. Add them to large pan with three tablespoons of olive oil, a clove of garlic, and half a glass of dry white wine. Turn up the heat and cover with a lid. After a few minutes they should open. Now, lower the heat and cook for 4 minutes. Now add spaghetti (al dente) into the pan and stir with a wooden ladle. The spaghetti should finish cooking in the pan. To do this you can add a spoonful of pasta water until the sauce is creamy. Sprinkle with chopped parsley, remove the garlic, and serve.

  Tagliolini with sea bass





   1 nice sea bass

   30 grams of butter

   1 cloves of garlic

   2 ounces of pasta


  Remove any thorns or bones from the fillet of sea bass with fork and sharp knife. Chop it into small pieces. Melt 30 grams of butter in a pan and add a clove of garlic and the chopped sea bass. As soon as the garlic starts to turn golden, remove it. Brown the sea bass and add the cooked and drained pasta al dente. Keep the water from cooking the pasta. Stir for a minute with a wooden spoon, adding a few tablespoons of pasta water, if necessary, to thicken. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.

  Tortellini from Bologna





   50 grams of butter

   1 pound of lean pork

   1 glass of white wine

   1 hectogram of mortadella

   50 grams of grated parmesan cheese

   3 ounces of puffed pastry dough


  Melt 50 grams of butter in a pan. When it begins to fry add one hundred grams of chicken breast (cut into pieces) and one hundred grams of lean pork. Gradually add white wine. Make sure it does not burn. Put the cooked meat, a pound of mortadella (cut into pieces), and 50 grams of grated parmesan cheese into a blender and blend well. At this point we need the sheet of puffed pasta. It is easiest to use the premade type from the grocery store. Roll out the puffed pastry on a floured board and use a glass take a glass to make circles from the dough. Add a spoon of the meat mixture to the center of each piece of puffed pastry. At this point we must close the cappelletti. First, we lightly grease the outside rim of the circles with the beaten egg using your finger. This will help to make the dough adhesive. Now fold the circle in half and, with the help of a fork, pinch the edges together. While you are folding the circle keep a finger in the center to obtain the characteristic shape of the tortellino. Boil the tortellini in plenty of water and season to your liking with butter and cream or meat sauce. You can also cook the tortellini directly in meat broth.

  Potato soup





   1 liter of broth

   4 potatoes

   1 hectogram of cream

   15 grams of butter

   nutmeg


  Cut the potatoes into pieces and boil them in the broth. When cooked, mash the pototoes and put back on low heat. Add the butter, cream, and parmesan cheese. Mix with a wooden spoon, plate, and sprinkle with nutmeg.

  main dishes

  Fried lamb





   8 lamb cutlets

   1 hectogram of breadcrumbs

   1 egg

   oil, salt and pepper


  Beat the egg in a bowl and add pinch of salt. Dip the cutlets inside, covering each in egg and cover in breadcrumbs. If the breadcrumbs are not sticking well, use your hands to press them into the cutlets. Heat oil in a large pan and, once hot, add the cutlets. Once they start to turn golden, flip them. Once cooked, lower the heat and continue cooking for several minutes to make sure the inside is cooked. Plate and enjoy.

  Lamb chops





   8 lamb cutlets

   oil, salt and pepper


  Heat oil in a pan and once it is hot, add the cutlets. Once they start to change color, fip and cook the other side. Once both sides are browned, lower the heat and continue cooking for several minutes to make sure the inside is cooked.

  Baked lamb





   1 leg of lamb (about 1 kg)

   3 cloves of garlic

   2-3 grams of thyme

   olive oil

   ½ kilo of potatoes

   salt and pepper


  Take the lamb out of the the refrigerator 1 hour before you want to start cooking. Preheat the oven to 240 °C. In a bowl, mix the olive oil, thyme and crushed garlic. Coat the lamb generously with this mixture, rubbing the meat with your fingers to make sure the breading herbs stick. Bake the lamb in the oven for 15 minutes on high heat. Then lower the oven temperature to 200 °C. Drizzle with a bit of olive oil and sprinkle the surface with a pinch of salt as it cooks. Add the washed and cut potatoes around the meat and cook for 25 minutes. Once cooked, remove from the oven and cover with foil for 15 minutes. Cut into slices and serve immediately.

  Baked anchovies





   4 ounces of anchovies

   10 grams of breadcrumbs

   1 lemon

   oil and salt


  Cut open the anchovies and remove the head and bones. Greasen a pan, add the cleaned anchovies, and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, oil and salt. Next, make a second layer of anchioves and sprinkle lemon juice over. Then cook in the oven (medium temperature) for fifteen minutes. Once cooked, grill on the stove to brown the outside.

  Orange duck in the microwave





   250 grams of duck breast

   1 orange

   2 tablespoons of oil

   1 hectogram of flour

   salt and pepper


  This is a very simplified version of classic orange duck. It only takes a few minutes, but the result is wonderful. Marinate the sliced ​​meat with oil, orange, salt, and black pepper for two hours. Then, without draining it too much, put the meat on a microwave-safe plate and cook in the microwave for three minutes. Let it cool a little and coat with flour. Put the slices of meat back into the microwave on medium power and cook for 5 to 6 minutes. Plate and glaze with the sauce from cooking.

  Pork loin with milk





   ½ kilo pork loin

   ½ liter of milk

   20 grams of butter

   salt and pepper


  Add the meat to a baking dish and brown with butter and pinch of salt and pepper. Turn it often and, when it is well browned on both sides, pour over the milk covering the meat. Cover and cook for about two hours. The milk will make a cream. Cut the pork loin into slices, plate, and top with the milk cream.









   ½ kilo of beef rib

   1 hectogram of bacon

   1 liter of red wine

   4 cloves of garlic


  Cut deep incisions in the meat with a sharp knife and stuff with pieces of bacon. Put the meat and garlic in a Pyrex dish and cover with wine. Set aside and let it marinate overnight. The next day, add butter and oil to another pan and heat. Drain and dry the meat with a paper towel and add to the pan. Brown the meat on both sides and add the wine. Cover and cook on low heat for 2 and a half hours.


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