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Hush (Pandora's Box Book 2)

Page 28

by Liza James

  I'm far from innocent though.

  She scoffs, and I deliberately pull her arms free of the thin straps but leave her bra hanging around her neck. I lean forward, seemingly adjusting myself on her lap, moving closer until our naked chests are rubbing against each other with each heavy breath.

  Her tight nipples scrape across mine, becoming harder, tempting me to touch and suck and bite until she's begging to be fucked.

  "Maybe," she breathes against my lips as I tease her with my own. I kiss her, lightly at first before pulling back and moving to her jaw. I taste her, trailing my tongue along her skin before kissing her neck next. Her head tilts to the side, allowing me more space to take more of what I want.

  Her back arches, her chest pressing even tighter against my own as we begin rolling and grinding against each other. She leans back on the bed and I kiss a line over her collar bone, her fingers weave through my hair, tugging me tightly against her.

  Her body writhes under my own, and I shift my knee between her legs, throwing my other over the side so we're locked together. We're both wearing shorts, and I fucking hate it. I want to fuck her, but I want to take my time in this as well.

  There's something empowering about what we’re doing. How I'm taking the control that was stripped from me so violently over the last several weeks. It's as if I'm reclaiming the power I lost, with someone I've learned to trust again, to both surrender to and evolve with.

  I move back against her own leg, grinding my wet pussy over her skin while she does the same to mine. We work together, moving in sync while my tongue rolls over her stiff nipple. I move slowly at first, because I want to taste every piece of her. But I become just as needy, as desperate to consume her as I suck her into my mouth and release before moving to the other side.

  She's moaning beneath me, her hands becoming frantic and her nails scraping along the nape of my neck. "Fuck, yes," she says breathlessly, and I let one hand fall between us as I slip it under the waistband of her shorts and along her pussy.

  I thrust forward at the same time I fill her, and when I look up, I see her parted lips and hear her breathy moans simultaneously. "Tell me how you feel," I demand, knowing I want to hear exactly what's overtaking her right now.

  She doesn't respond at first, her hips pushing against my fingers as I pump in and out of her. "I feel everything," she finally says, and I begin moving faster in reward. "I need this now. Everything you give me, everything you force me to feel. No one fucks me like you do, Lyp. No one intoxicates my blood, my head, like you do."

  I can tell she's getting close, and we're both grinding together while I fuck her wet core with my fingers. I wrap my other hand around her neck, hold her down while we both work to get our release. Even me, watching her get off, hearing her words, her moans. Before I even realize what's happening, we're both coming at the same time, loudly and fiercely as our lips collide again.

  I pull out of her as we kiss, but I'm not finished. There's still one thing I'm desperate to experience with her.

  "Turn over," I whisper against the soft skin under her ear, my fingers biting into her waist as I flip her over quickly.

  She laughs, a dark and seductive sound as she arches and presses her ass into my hips. I roll forward at the same time, my hand slipping around to her lower stomach and then drag my fingers over soaked shorts without moving inside.

  "You're so wet," I breathe against her neck, gripping the front of her shorts and roughly pulling them up her stomach as she pushes back against me again. She gasps, and the softest whimper escapes as she slides against the fabric.

  "I want your pain, K. You're going to give me that," my voice is dark, and I pull even tighter, wrapping it around my fist so it rubs roughly against her clit. It twists into something resembling a rope, a burning friction of pleasure pulled into one action.

  She moans again, her hand dropping back to my own as if she's going to stop me. "Yes," she finally replies, but at the same time, uses my fist to tighten it even more.

  My own need for control has constantly fed her desire to submit to me, to take more of the pain I'm aching to give her. I fucking love it, and I'm reminded of how well we move together when we're like this.

  "Good," I reply with a tilted smile on my lips. Her body trembles, and she rolls back and forth again over the fabric of her shorts. I drop one hand to her ass, moving lower so I can slip between her legs and feel her wet pussy caught and spread over the rope. I push against her as she moves back over my touch, whimpers escaping her lips as another orgasm already begins to unfold.

  "Not yet," I tell her, and she groans out on a breathy sigh of frustration. "Don't fucking come."

  I release her, leaning back on my knees while she's in front of me and bent over. My hands rest just above her ass, and I can't help it, I need to fucking feel her, to touch her. So, I drag my touch lower, gripping the edge of her shorts and slowly pulling them down and off her ass.

  Tugging them further off her legs, I toss them to the side, and suddenly she's knelt down before me, her perfect wet pussy exposed and begging to be filled.

  I brush my knuckles along her core, and she immediately gasps at the sensation. I trail my fingers down to her clit, and then back up to her entrance, pushing inside as her back arches and she drives against my touch.

  Fucking hell, it's like I can't control myself around her anymore. But I'm suddenly leaning forward and licking my tongue through her pussy. Her arousal slicks my lips as I taste her and I use my hands on her thighs to yank her pussy back against my face.

  Her arms drop to her elbows, naturally spreading her legs and her pussy even wider while I eat her, fucking savoring the taste of her on my skin.

  God, this exactly what I’ve wanted.

  I pull back, forcing myself to breathe while I glance to the side and grab the strap. I slip the tip of the cock through her pussy, watching her arousal coat the plastic. I don't think I've ever been more turned on in my life, and suddenly I want to push it inside her, fucking her hard and rough while she screams.

  I pause though, taking the time to secure it on myself before shifting forward and laying my hand over her spine. She glances back over her shoulder and my eyes meet hers in a dark and twisted craving ache for more.

  “Come here,” I bite out, reaching over her back and gripping her hair as I pull her around to face me. She’s on her hands and knees before me, and I tighten my hold in her hair as I drag her even closer. “Suck me before I fuck you.”

  Her eyes meet mine briefly, and as my hips roll forward, her lips hesitantly part. Her tongue slips out, and the sight alone as my pussy pulsing and needing release. I grip the base and shove it forward, watching her mouth swallow me completely and slicking the length.

  Jesus, fuck.

  My fingers tremble in her hair, simply for the fact of seeing her like this. Taking me, submitting, sucking me off before I fuck her with my shaft.

  I pull out and thrust forward even deeper, listening to her gag before yanking her head away from me and throwing her back. “Such a fucking whore. Turn around now.”

  She does as I say, immediately and swiftly, moving back into position with her elbows on the bed and her ass up towards me.

  Moving against her, the length slips through her pussy, and I reach forward to pull her head back so I can claim her mouth with my own. We're kissing, and the thick shaft is rolling over her clit as I thrust behind her.

  "Fuck, Lyp," she moans against my mouth, and I lean back before wrapping my fist through her hair like a rope.

  "Say it," I urge her, slowing my thrusts and yanking her head back over her spine. "Beg for it, K."

  I grip the base of the dildo, dragging it up through her pussy and back down. It slips through her wetness, with every move, every inch, I want to fill her with it. But I need to hear her beg me for it first. I want to own those words from her lips.

  "Fuck me," she finally moans out, the words falling freely as she completely surrenders beneath me. She p
ushes back, attempting to fuck herself on the strap but I pull away. "Please," she adds, and I swear my own pussy is pulsing with the need to come at just the sound of those words. "I'm begging you, okay? I need you to fuck me."

  I fall forward over her back, my hand biting into her jaw as I grind my teeth over her ear. "I'm going to stretch you open while I fuck you, K. Are you sure you can take that? I don't think I'll be able to be gentle with you."

  "Yes," she whines. "Shit. Yes."

  I keep my grip on her hair and reach back to guide the cock to her opening, pushing inside and feeling her suck in a deep breath at the same time I do. I thrust forward, filling her completely, her back arching and her ass pressing into my hips.

  "Fucking hell," she whispers, her head falling to the mattress as I sit back and move my hands to her hips. I watch us as I pull out bit by bit and grip the base again before pushing the tip inside just barely. Holy shit, there's something addictive about watching myself slip inside her, seeing the way her pussy stretches to take me in completely.

  I'm fucking obsessed.

  "You like this, K? Being the one at my mercy, taking everything I'm giving you. Knowing I'm the only one who will ever make you feel like you do now." It's not actually a question, it's a fucking fact and as I thrust back inside her, hard this time, I know I'm right.

  "Fuck yes," she breathes out, her fingers twisting into the sheets below her as I thrust into her again and again and again.

  I wrap her hair back through my fist and yank her up roughly, so she's on her knees in front of me but her back is up against my chest. She's bent forward only slightly, and my other hand tightly wraps around her throat while we both suddenly glance to the mirror in front of us.

  We look fucking good, and I thrust forward again, her meeting my movements with her own hips. Her tits shake every single time I fill her, gasps and heated moans leaving her lips uncontrollably. I tighten my grip on her throat and her hands lift to wrap around my forearm while we watch ourselves in the mirrors.

  "Do you see that, K?" I say against her hear, and as I fill her, the strap hits my clit in the perfect position. I can hardly handle this, and now that I can see how incredible it is holding this power over her, I don't think I'll ever not be able to do this. "How flushed your skin is. The way your body moves with mine. We're in sync, already laced in each other’s blood and scarred over each other’s flesh." I shove her back down on the bed, using my hold on her neck to force her to keep watching us. "You'll never not be mine."

  K comes immediately, heavy breaths and a heaving chest while she practically collapses below me. I'm coming right after her, and when I pull out and drag my fingers through her pussy, I can feel her pulsing in the aftermath of her orgasm.

  Collapsing on the bed beside her, I roll onto my back and untie the straps, tossing it to the floor while catching my breath. I lift my hands up into my hair, pulling it all out from under my back and to the side. I rest my hands against my stomach, finally turning my head to find K's eyes already settled on me.

  "What?" I ask, settling from this high of what we've been doing. "What are you thinking?" It's strange how empowered I feel in those moments, when I'm so readily in control of things. Versus now, in the after moments, when I'm suddenly filled with tinges of doubt and uncertainty in how K actually feels.

  She reaches forward and traces a line over my lip, tugging it down before releasing and tucking her hand under head as she turns fully toward me. "That we wasted a lot of years being a part when you could have been taking your anger out on me like that this entire time."

  I pause, caught off guard the humor in her tone as I watch her. But then it comes, the laughter, and in the next moment my hand is stifling my own giggles as we both lose it beside each other.

  Finally, I'm breathing again. This weight of the unknown with The Nation, the impending doom and despair no longer at the exact forefront of my mind this very second.

  It feels fucking good. Amazing even, and I'm beyond thankful to have her in these lighter memories as well.

  But K's gaze turns serious, in a way that lingers in the space between us. Tension spills into the air and now a spike of nerves race up my spine as I turn toward her. "What?" I ask, quietly this time, ready to face whatever she's about to reveal.

  She's quiet for a moment, her teeth scraping along her lower lip as she sucks it into her mouth and releases it. "I'm not giving you up to anyone else, ever again. It's us, always. So, while you have your moments of claiming me and reminding me I belong to you. You have to know it's the same way for me. I won't let you go again, never."

  Her eyes are shifting into a darker green, something I notice happens when she's in the depths of her emotions, her feelings. When she's vulnerable and shedding those walls we've both built up between us all these years.

  "Always," I reply, shifting forward and wrapping my fingers around the back of her neck as I pull her closer. "You and me. You're the other half of me, a piece that keeps me grounded and in reality."

  She smiles in a way that sparks along my skin, lighting me up in the power flowing between us. "And you remind me how much more life can actually become. How bigger we are than everything around us."

  I feel like all I do is cry lately, but I've been sitting in this place of constantly overwhelming emotions, and tears threaten my eyes before I push them back down.

  My heart races and I want to tell her those three words. The ones making home inside my mind and heart. They've always been there, I think. But have been buried beneath the toxic weight of shame and hatred.

  I inhale deeply, preparing to say them, offer them to her in complete surrender. "Listen, I wanted to tell you," I caution the words and K shifts closer, rolling over onto her stomach and nearer to me. "I lo—"

  Knocking sounds at her bedroom. Rapid successive beats as Ruby's voice suddenly comes through on the other side. "Calypso! Shit, are you guys finished in there? I have your test our here."

  The test. Fuck, I forgot I took it right before I came in here to stop K from breaking the fucking wall down.

  I launch up out of bed as does K, racing to grab my tank and throw it over my head. I get dressed as quickly as possible, as does K, and then we're yanking open the door as Ruby offers the test to me.

  Pulling it into my hand, my heart thrashes against my ribs, nerves lighting over my skin in a terrifying anticipation.

  Then I look down, with K over my shoulder, and my heart ceases to beat entirely.

  "Well, thank fuck for two forms of birth control, right?" I mutter out behind her, closely examine the single line on the stick.

  "Goddamn, I was terrified. Even though I didn't think it was possible. I was still scared." Lyp releases a heavy breath, stepping away from us as she moves to the bathroom and tosses it in the trash.

  I intend on following her, but my phone suddenly rings from behind me and I turn to find it twisted in the sheets of my bed. When I pull it out, a new wash or rage burns under my skin. The name of my brother, Alex, flashing across the screen in bright white letters.

  "This was the absolute worst call you could have made today." I speak with red-hot intention, letting every ounce of venom seep through my words and across the line as I answer.

  "Was it? I doubt that," he replies, a sneer in his tone I can't ignore. "Let me guess, now that you have Lyp, you know how useful she was in cleansing us—"

  "I swear to fucking god, you speak another word and I'll kill you tonight. The second I lay my fucking eyes on you, you're dead." My teeth grind together in absolute abhorrence, my limbs shaking as I press the phone tightly against my ear.

  In the next moment, I feel the warmth of Lyp's hands sliding around my waist, underneath my T-shirt so she's pressed against my skin. Her cheek is pressed to my shoulder blade, and I know she can feel how heated I am.

  "Tonight would be ideal, we have an exchange happening with Dom at midnight. Just behind Pandora's Box. Meet us there, and we can finally fucking end this, sister. We n
eed Calypso and Aura. Bring both of the girls and we'll let you all live. All of you. If you don't, we'll come to your apartment—yes, we now know where you've been hiding out all these years—and use you all as sacrifices for the new order of The Nation."

  My skin pulls tight, and I vaguely wonder how much of this Lyp can actually hear behind me. I'm vibrating and my fingers weave through Lyp's as I desperately hold her against me. I can't lose her again, I absolutely cannot.

  Threads of temptation snake through my mind, pulling at the little pieces trying to find a different way through this.

  "Okay," I whisper, my blood turning cold and the air shifting slightly around us. Lyp pulls her head back and I can feel her eyes on me from behind. "Okay, as long as everyone is safe."

  "If you think I'm lying, shift the mirror to the left of your bed, K." His words are bitter, vile joy filling his tone in satisfaction. I immediately pull away from Lyp and rush to the other side of my room, kneeling in front of the mirror and pulling it away just slightly.

  What the fuck?

  The paper sealing the back of my mirror has been ripped away in the corner, and in the space, sits one incredibly small, circular device. I narrow my eyes, ripping it from the backside of the glass before twisting it in my fingers.

  "Wave, little sister," he laughs, and the sudden realization hits me like a set of bricks.

  "Wait, that means—" I start, processing what he's saying bit by bit.

  "That we've watched you two fuck? Oh, absolutely. That's why we haven't come to slaughter you all just yet. We've had our eyes on you both this entire time. Ruby, Aura, Lyp, you. We'll always be one step ahead." He's reckless, his words and actions now twisting inside of me like a vice. Squeezing so tightly I'll explode before he has a chance to protect himself. "Bring the girls at midnight. Either way, we'll see you soon."

  He hangs up, and I drop the phone from my ear, finally raising my eyes to meet Lyp's. Her expression is drawn and tired, defeat lining her turned down lips and vacant eyes. "He knows where we are, doesn't he?" she asks quietly, and fuck, I can feel her energy turning sour and diseased with doubt.


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