Spell Checked
Page 18
“Greg, how bad is it? Please tell me no one was hurt,” he choked, feeling as if the world were falling down around him.
“When we couldn’t get hold of you, we thought you’d been shot too. Everyone is okay, but the lab is still burning and there’s little that can be salvaged. Howard also reformatted the backup hard drives at the data center, rendering them useless. Your IT people are doing everything they can to salvage even the tiniest piece of information,” Greg relayed.
“I will be at the lab in about thirty minutes. Have everyone gather in the parking lot so we can discuss employment options while the new lab is being built.” Beck knew this would be the foremost concern on their minds.
“Yes sir, they will appreciate you coming to talk with them….Sorry to hear about your fiancé; let me know if you need anything,” he sincerely offered.
Beck’s next call was to Aidan. He was angry with his friend for leaving without telling him. He sat down on a concrete bench under a large shade tree in a small park just outside the hospital. The phone rang several times and then went to voice mail. “Aidan…pick up your damn phone before I go there and personally kick your ass!” He waited a couple of minutes for Aidan to call.
“I see you have turned your phone back on…How is Mae?” he asked.
“She is stable but not healing thanks to the silver plate on the bullets. I cannot stay here doing nothing, so I am going to fly out to London first thing in the morning. I should be at Heathrow by six and your ass better be there to pick me up,” he demanded, anger infusing his voice.
“No need to get snarky Beck, we did what we thought was best. I am tracking Howard, Meredith is preparing for the Council meeting. You need to be with Mae right now not on an angry rampage in search of Howard or trying to influence the Council,” Aidan attempted to reason with him.
“Six o’clock Aidan, you are not going to talk me out of it,” Beck repeated, adamant about his decision to go to London.
“Fine…But, you are going to follow my rules when you get here. I can’t have you here messing up our plans to flush out the others who are responsible.”
Beck let out a deep breath, he didn’t like agreeing to Aidan’s terms, but it looked like it was the only way to accomplish what needed to be done. “Okay, I give you my word. I will do whatever you say; just let me do something useful or I will go crazy sitting in this hospital doing nothing for much longer.”
“I understand, my old friend; we are here for you.”
“Thank you Aidan. I need to get to the lab, I will call you again later…Bye.” Beck hung-up the phone and walked to his car.
The fire department just finished putting out the last of the embers and were rolling up their hoses when Beck arrived. He stood in the parking lot staring at the charred remains of what was left of his lab. A small crowd of employees gathered around him.
“I know this is a major blow to our research, but believe me when I say we are like the Phoenix, ready to rise from the ashes. I have complete faith that we all have it in us to continue our research despite any hindrance of the past trying to prevent us. You are among the brightest in your fields and I hope you will stay onboard while we rebuild what is sure to be the future of medicine.” He paused to the sound of clapping and cheering. “My downtown office building will be our temporary home until we can rebuild and I will make arrangements with some of the local universities for lab usage. For now, Dr. Lowman will be in charge of gathering any and all information you can remember about your projects. I also will need a list of all equipment required to move forward. Are there any questions for me?” He paused for a moment allowing time for his people to ask. “If not, I leave you in the capable hands of Dr. Lowman.” He motioned for Dr. Lowman to follow him for a private chat.
“Greg, I know it is a lot to ask, but I trust you can handle things for the next few weeks without me. I am promoting you to temporary executive status during the interim period of the rebuild and I will double your salary. Please say you will accept…I do not trust anyone else to do this for me.”
Greg let out a deep breath, “How can I say no to that? I would be honored to take on the challenge.”
“Fantastic! Call me at any time if you have questions. My assistant, Monica will be at your beck and call if you need help. I have made arrangements for office space already, so all you need to do is show up and start assigning jobs.” Beck stood by his car as he finished his conversation with Dr. Lowman. He had a lot to do before he left, but was relieved to know his research team would be in Greg’s capable hands.
“I just hope I can be the same rock for this company that you’ve been.”
Beck opened the car door and got in. “I know you will be that and more.”
Upon returning to the hospital, Beck was given the third degree from Alexis for leaving. He reminded her that he did not take orders from her or anyone else for that matter, which left her angry with him. He sat in the chair next to the bed and placed his hand on top of Mae’s hand. Warmth returned to her, giving him hope that she would recover.
“Alexis, I hope you are not angry with me still. I am leaving for London first thing in the morning and I need you to stay here and guard Mae.”
Alexis moved to where Beck sat and clasped his free hand. “I promise to guard her with my life. When I went to lunch, it was not to flirt with Dr. McHottie. I was digging for information about the witches in the healing circle. I plan to wipe their memories clean of Mae’s unusual parentage and get her out of here as soon as possible for her own safety. Until then, you need to hire some security.”
“That is a good idea. I shall make some calls and get armed guards here as soon as possible. But, you are right. She will be safer at my house than she is here. We just need for her to get well enough to move her. Has anyone from the Council been by to talk to you about the shooting?”
“No. But, Meredith took down my statement before she and Aidan left for London. I don’t trust some of the council members, so I’m glad not to see any of them.”
Beck let go of Alexis’ hand and looked at Mae. “I do not trust them either except for Meredith and right now I do not even trust my own kind where Mae is concerned. I fear we may have to go into hiding.”
Alexis sat at the foot of the bed. “I hope it doesn’t come down to that. Your medical research is too important for you to just abandon it and go underground.” She took a good look at Beck, his exhaustion becoming evident. “When was the last time you ate or slept?” she pried.
He let go of Mae’s hand and leaned back in the chair. “That is not important right now,” he responded, selflessly.
“You need to feed, I can feel it. Look, it won’t do us any good if you’re too tired to think straight. If you don’t go and feed I will give you a transfusion before you can make it out of the ICU…I can be very persuasive, it’s my gift,” she reminded him.
“You know your powers will not work on me, so do not make empty threats,” he cautioned.
“My powers don’t have to work on you, silly man, when they work on everyone else around you.” She got up from the bed and walked to where he sat. She leaned over, kissing the top of his head and whispered, “O positive or AB negative?”
He was too tired to argue with her and bagged blood would work as well as drinking fresh. “O positive will be fine, but I will just take it from the bag minus the transfusion,” he told her, too tired to continue arguing.
Alexis came back carrying a bag of blood and tossed it to him. “You’re in luck. I found a bag of one hundred percent human, O positive blood in the bank. Promise me you will go home and take a nap after you feed, you look like hell.”
“Fine...But stop mother-henning me, it does not suit you at all,” Beck retorted, sinking his fangs into the bag.
Beck tried to sleep, but too much was going on in his head and the feeding left him feeling too energized. It was dark, he stood on the balcony of his townhome mulli
ng over all that had transpired in the past two days. He fumbled with the engagement ring that was now hanging from a leather cord around his neck. He wanted nothing more than to place it back on Mae’s finger. The ring suddenly started to hum, its vibration causing the diamond to illuminate brightly while a vision burned into his eyes.
It was Mae on the patio, under the oak she had grown, her laughter intoxicating as she bounced a toddler on her lap. Then darkness as the ring went silent and the vision vanished. “Was this our future or was it nothing more than Mae’s longing to be a mother?” he thought. The profoundness of the vision made Beck realize, he too longed to have a child. This longing added to the emptiness Mae had left him with the day before and he understood he would have to control his anger if this was the future awaiting him. He could no longer afford the consequences he would face if he laid waste to those responsible. Justice would have to be attained on the Council’s terms and not his, a situation that did not sit well with him.
Beck made one last visit to the hospital before leaving town. He noticed the two armed private security guards posted at Mae’s door and felt satisfied that she would be protected before he left. The door was closed, but he could hear Alexis talking behind it. When he got closer he realized she was talking to Mae. Beck opened the door and quickly comprehended Mae was still in a drug-induced coma, so he raised his eyebrow at Alexis. She was the last person he thought would be talking to Mae’s comatose body.
“I was told it would help her recovery if I talked to her. Meredith called to let me know Gemma was on her way back to Dublin. Donald will pick her up when she gets here.”
“Oh bloody hell…I completely forgot to call Gemma! She is going to kill me.” Beck stood by the bed next to Mae, with Alexis in the chair he had occupied the evening before.
She lightly kicked the back of his leg. “You men can be such idiots sometimes. Lucky for you, we girls have your back,” she smiled and winked.
“Yes and I am sure when this is all over I will be forever in your debt. Which you will, no doubt, remind me of incessantly,” he remarked, looking at his watch. “I have to go, the plane is waiting. Please take good care of her,” he said before bending over and kissing Mae’s cheek.
“Gemma and I are more than capable of taking care of her, especially now that you have Blackwater contractors outside the door as guards. No pun intended, but don’t you think that’s overkill?” She stretched her legs, so he could see that she was armed.
“No, I do not think it is overkill at all. By the way, they know you are in charge. They will change shifts every twelve hours; make sure none of them are witches or vampires.”
She stood up and saluted him, “Sir, yes sir, anything else General Worthington?” she teased, before sitting again.
“No, I think that is all,” he said, walking out the door past the two guards.
It was a short flight to London from Dublin and Aidan was waiting at the airport for him when he arrived. “Have you found Howard yet?” It was the question that haunted him the whole flight over.
“I think I may have located him in Hackney. I was just on my way there…Please promise me you won’t do anything stupid if we do find him.” Aidan threw Beck’s bag in the trunk and sped out of the parking garage.
Beck said nothing, he wouldn’t promise to spare Howard, so he chose to say nothing rather than lie. Traffic was already heavy and Hackney was still about twenty-four miles away, leaving him plenty of time to deliberate things in his mind.
Aidan was nervous at Beck’s cold, distant demeanor and his refusal to promise not to hurt Howard, so he tried to change the subject. “How is Mae doing?” (Probably not the best question to ask him.)
“She is in a drug-induced coma, her hair is all shaved off, there are tubes up her nose and down her throat, needles in her arms, wires attached everywhere and oh yeah I almost forgot a couple of bullet holes in her head. Did I miss anything?” Beck snapped at Aidan as if it were his fault.
Aidan was surprised at Becks response to his inquiry about Mae. “Calm down, Beck. I just wanted to know if there was any improvement. You don’t have to get ugly with me because I left without you. I get it and I’m sorry.”
Beck exhaled and ran his fingers through his hair. “Sorry Aidan, I did not mean to take it out on you. I just have so much going through my mind right now and Howard is at the top of my list.” Anger still laced his voice, but it was no longer directed at Aidan.
“Don’t worry we’ll catch him,” Aidan reassured him, making his way through traffic.
There was a long pause of silence then Beck’s voice quivered as he began to speak. “Helen has left Mae’s body.”
“Really? I didn’t know she could do that. Where’d she go?” Aidan inquired, surprised at Beck’s sudden calm demeanor.
“I did not know she could either. For a few minutes she was a ghost and then she went to the light. Aidan, she is gone forever,” he whispered, peace suddenly washing over him.
“I am so sorry, Beck,” was all he could think to say. What do you say to a man who has just ended a thirty-five hundred year old relationship?
“Do not be, it allows me to love Mae without her wondering if I do because of Helen being inside her. It feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.” Beck sincerely did not regret letting her go. He knew in his heart it was what Helen wanted.
Chapter 12
Aidan and Beck arrived at a rundown apartment house in Hackney. Even during the day, Hackney was considered a rough area, so they cautiously walked into the small office where Aidan had made inquiries about new tenants earlier that morning. He opened his wallet and showed the manager a photo of Howard. "Have you seen my grandfather? We’re very worried about him. He escaped from the hospital and needs his meds." Aidan hoped his ruse would fool the manager enough to get a straight answer out of him.
"He does look like the old man who just moved into apartment twenty-six. Real shady fellow, if you ask me. He gave me the name of Ronald but put a different name on the lease." The manager reached over to his desk and searched for the lease agreement.
"He’s a bit crazy and I know he won't come without a fight. That's why I brought back up," Aidan said pointing to Beck. “So if you hear a ruckus, please don’t call the police, the quicker we can get him back to the hospital, the better.”
The manager nodded in agreement then continued to look for the papers. "Here we go…looks like he used the name, Mozenrath Nadu on the paperwork. It’s the name on the credit card on file also,” he said, showing Aidan.
“Can I get a copy of that? I’m sure he stole that poor fellow’s card. The family will want to reimburse him for his trouble.” It was part of the evidence Beck needed to make his case with the Council.
The manager handed the copies to Aidan. “Thank you so much for your help; our family will be most grateful.” Aidan turned on his heels and quickly exited the office with Beck behind him. Then he pulled out his cell phone and dialed while heading back to the car. “Meredith, you were right to suspect Mozenrath, I have proof he financed Howard’s escape.”
“We are meeting in two hours, Aidan. You need to bring Howard here and get him to confess.”
“Beck and I are just about to pick him up.”
“Make sure he doesn’t kill Howard,” she warned sternly as if it were a real possibility.
“I’ll do my best. Got to go, before Howard senses we’re here.”
“Good luck,” were her last words before hanging up.
Aidan opened the trunk of the car and pulled out a taser. “Bust in the front door and secure him, while I go around back and make sure he doesn’t come out the window,” he told Beck.
Everything happened so fast, Howard didn’t have a chance to fight back. By the time Aidan came around to the front, Beck was already beating the crap out of him. Aidan jumped in front of Beck. “Beck, stop, you’re killing him!” Aidan yelled, pointing the taser at Beck to get his attention.
Beck let go allowing Howard to crumbled to the ground. Aidan pulled out a syringe and injected Howard. “What did you just do?” asked Beck.
“I knocked him out so he can’t use his magic, it will take at least three witches to bind his powers and we don’t have them right now. Why did you have to go and bloody him all up like that? It’s not going to win you any sympathy with the Council, you know.” Aidan motioned for Beck to help him pick Howard up.
They carried him to the car and threw him in the back seat. “I know Aidan. I was just angry. At least I did not kill him, which I could have with my first blow.”
“We have to be careful, Beck. The Council will defer matters indefinitely if they feel you are stepping on their toes. Besides, the fact that Mae is both vampire and witch is going to cause issues alone, we don’t need to add to them,” Aidan said, chastising his friend.
It was the first time Beck ever submitted to Aidan and his wishes. He had come to understand that Aidan was more than just a friend and could truly be his equal if he only had the ambition. There were times when Beck envied Aidan’s laid-back ways and lack of focus, but it was not the nature of vampires to go with the flow and just let life happen. Suddenly, the thought crossed Beck’s mind, “What kind of dad would he be?” Mae was not even with child and he was already questioning whether or not he would be a good dad. Never in his life had this notion popped into his mind and now he was making decisions by it and it scared him.