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Dad's Boss- My Dirty Secret

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by Sofia Romano

  He slams his length into me, pounding my hips into the bed. It feels good beyond my wildest dreams. His hands grip at my waist, pulling at my body and burying his cock deeper inside of me. I am uncontrollable as he pounds into me, making noises I didn’t even know I could make. Cries and moans. Screams and squeals.

  “You’re too fucking tight,” he groans. “You feel too good.”

  “Cum in me,” I whisper. “Fill me with your seed. Own me.”

  He thrusts a few more times before his liquid heat pours inside of me.

  He pulls out of me and lays down next to me. I turn and rest my head on his hard chest. Nothing has ever felt so right.

  Chapter 10


  Charles takes me back to campus on Saturday afternoon after brunch. He kisses my forehead before I go, and it makes me want to melt all over again.

  I want to ask him when I’ll see him again. I want to know that he meant what he said, that this wasn’t a fling or a dream. But my feelings for him are too big, too heavy.

  I’m too afraid of his answer. So I say nothing and walk up the long sidewalk to my dormitory. I prepare myself for my roommate to judge me, to ask questions about why I didn’t come home last night. But she’s still not home either so she’s not there to poke fun at me. Part of me is relieved, but another part of me wishes I had someone to talk to about it.

  A few times in my life, I’ve called my dad for dating advice. The thought makes my blood run cold. He can’t know about this.

  I don’t start worrying until two days later. One day without texting seems okay, not desperate, but not very long. But two days turn into three, and pretty soon it’s been a week.

  “Whatever happened to that hot date you had?” Melissa asks while we’re studying for history one night.

  “It was really nice, but I haven’t heard from him.”

  “Have you tried texting him?” she asks.

  “No way. If he’s interested, he’s going to text me first.”

  “Well, maybe he’s sitting around thinking the same thing about you.”

  She has a point. I don’t want to hear it, but it’s true.

  Chapter 11


  It’s hard to get back to my regular life without Emma. The night we spent together feels like a dream, but it also feels like something so far away.

  I want to contact her. Every night, I want to call her. I want her to be mine.

  On Friday afternoon, I have a meeting with Emma’s father. Not much in life makes me nervous anymore, but this is making me sweat. He comes into my office with a smile on his face, and I think it’s likely he doesn’t know. After we muddle through an accounting issue, I invite him to lunch with me.

  “How have you been?” he asks me.

  “Not great. I had a date with someone, but I don’t know if she’s still interested in me.”

  “Well, I’ve been out of the game for a long time, with no interest in dating again. But I think communication is always the best policy.”

  “It’s easier to say than do,” I mutter.

  “Well, if you really like her, it’s probably worth it.”

  “Yeah,” I sigh. “Thanks.”

  In the evening, I arrive at my empty home. My footsteps echo against the hardwood floors.

  I stare down at my phone. No new messages.

  I pull up our text message history. I type out a message.

  Thinking of you.

  I delete the message. That sounds childish.

  Defeated, I pour myself a glass of whiskey.

  Chapter 12


  Melissa says the best way to get over being ghosted is to move on hard and fast. I don’t think I agree, but I’m willing to give it a try.

  “I don't really know what to do at a party,” I confess to her as I apply mascara in the mirror.

  “Just have a drink in your hand and talk to anyone who makes eye contact,” Melissa says with a shrug. “Everyone probably feels just as awkward as you do”

  I think Melissa is seriously underestimating my awkwardness, but that’s fine. We pile into the back of the cab with a few other girls, and then we’re off to the frat house.

  Inside, it feels like a carnival. I'm overwhelmed by the bright lights and loud music. I try to find a spot against the wall, but every inch of space seems to be occupied by a body. I trip over a foot and fall into a broad-shouldered guy.

  “Sorry,” I mumble.

  “Hey baby, where do you think you're going?” he asks as I try to step away. I dodge and weave through the crowd until I get to the kitchen where I grab a cup of punch that smells painfully alcoholic.

  “Come here often?” a smarmy, rat-faced guy asks.

  It takes effort not to scrunch up my face.

  I lean against the wall and scroll through my phone. The attention of these mediocre guys just makes me think of Charles. How different he is.

  After my cup of punch is empty, I pull out my phone to text him. I know it's late, but I just can't stand it anymore.

  How are you?

  It seems innocent enough. I hit send, and in the same second, I receive a message from him.

  Been thinking about you.

  Did he reply that fast? Or were we thinking of each other at the exact same time?

  Chapter 13


  Her message sends a thrum through my entire body. I check the timestamp. We messaged each other within thirty seconds of each other. Memories of the time we spent together crash into me like a wave. I lay in my bed, holding my phone close to my face.

  What are you up to tonight?

  The bubble that indicates she is typing is the most nerve-wracking thing I can imagine.

  My roommate talked me into going to a frat party. I'd rather be at home.

  I can picture her now, on an overstuffed couch in some strange living room, surrounded by the chaos of a party. The image is crystal clear in my mind. I imagine there are couples all around her.

  Well, I'm sure there are plenty of cute boys there.

  I regret that as soon as I hit send. It sounds petty and jealous. That's not how I want to sound. But I guess if I'm being honest, it's how I feel.

  Actually, being around these guys just reminds me how much I like you.

  I let out a slow breath.

  Men like that don't deserve you, Emma. You're special.

  I know. There's only one man I'm interested in.

  Is that so? I certainly hope he's worth your time.

  He is. But I'm not sure I'm worth his time. I don't know if he wants me.

  My heart falls through my body. It was a mistake to go silent. I should have never felt so unsure. I knew I wanted her, and I shouldn't have doubted that she wanted me, too.

  I want you more than I've wanted anything in my life.

  She takes her time in responding. The wait is agonizing. Every second feels like a millennium.

  I want to be yours.

  Then why are you at some terrible frat party and not in my arms?

  Meet me tomorrow night. I can be all yours then.

  Perfect. Stay safe tonight. I'll be waiting for you.

  Chapter 14


  I wake up the next morning with an actual hangover on top of an emotional hangover. I can't believe I texted him. There's no way Charles is interested in me at all. Clearly what we had was a fling. He wanted to get into the pants of a much younger woman, and once he got what he wanted, there was no contact. I'm sure he only texted me because he felt sorry for me.

  But he agreed to see me tonight. He's coming to pick me up in a few hours. So maybe there is something there.

  I pass the time changing outfits, trying to find something that looks nice but doesn't look like I'm trying too hard. But I guess only people who are trying too hard worry about not looking like they're trying too hard.

  I’m painfully anxious coming down the stairs. But when I see him opening the door of his car, that sam
e smile on his face, my worries melt away. It feels like the entire world comes into focus, and all I want to focus on is him.

  “It's nice to see you again,” he says softly as his driver pulls us onto the road.

  “It's nice to see you, too,” I say, and I mean it more than I think he could know.

  We fall into conversation on the drive. He brings me to some upscale Italian restaurant, and no amount of bread or pasta can slow our conversation down. It feels like it did on the ski slopes, like he’s a knowledgeable, kind soul trying to guide me through snowbanks. It feels easy and smooth, like talking to someone who has known me all of my life.

  It feels good. It feels like love.

  Chapter 15


  Dinner lasts as long as we can make it. At first, I worry it's just me. But then Emma suggests dessert, and our waiter has to come back three times to ask if we’ve decided, only for us to sheepishly admit we’re not interested.

  A look of worry plays across her face as I escort her into the car. Before getting into my side, I ask the driver to roll up the partition. When I see her face again, she's more beautiful than I thought possible, and she looks up at me through her eyelashes.

  “Emma,” I whisper.

  She tilts her head at me, curious. I reach out to grasp her hand.

  “I can't take it anymore. I need you to know. I'm in love with you. And I don't know if you feel the same way, but I can't possibly-”

  She cuts me short with a kiss. Her lips are sweet and hot and needy on mine. She sighs into my mouth before she pulls away.

  “I'm in love with you, Charles.” She rests her head on my shoulder.

  “I want you to be with me and only me. It feels like I already lost you once, and I never want to lose you again.”

  “You didn't lose me. I never stopped thinking about you, or that night. I was just afraid you didn't feel the way I felt.”

  I reach down and press my fingertips under her chin, tilting her head up so that I can meet her gaze.

  “I want you to be mine, Emma. I want you to be with me and only me.”

  “That's what I want too.”

  She kisses me again, harder and needier.

  Chapter 16


  He wants me. Bad. And I want him to have me. All of me.

  I kiss him hard, and it feels like the world around us stops existing. I place a hand on his sharp jawline, feeling the roughness of his stubble. Without pulling my mouth away, I straddle him. My knees squeeze his thighs together. I can feel his hard cock through his pants, pressing at the thin fabric of my underwear.

  I make quick work of his zipper, and soon, his manhood is in my hand. He groans as I grip the shaft of his cock. It feels impossibly big, so turgid and angry. In my hand, it feels almost too big to fit inside of me. That only makes me want it more.

  I stroke his cock, slowly at first. It is amazing to watch the emotions play across his face: the pleasure, the desire, the greed. After a moment, he realizes I’m watching him, and his bright blue eyes sear into mine as he groans. My pussy has never been wetter.

  I don't bother taking off my underwear. I slide them to the side and press myself onto him, impaling myself fully on his cock. He cries out in ecstasy, and the sound only makes me want more. I grind my hips into his, sliding his massive length in and out of my hole. His dick throbs deliciously inside of me. His greedy hands grab at my ass, spreading me apart farther and kneading the soft globes.

  His hands travel all over my body as I ride him. He runs his palms up over my sides and grabs at my breasts. He pulls them from their cups, and the cool air feels amazing on my hot skin. He wraps his mouth around one of my nipples and sucks, his tongue tracing fast circles around my swollen nub. It feels exquisite.

  “I’m going to cum,” he says through gritted teeth.

  “Do it,” I say.

  He grips my hips hard, his fingers digging into my soft skin. His hips buck upward, fucking into me as hard as he can as he shoots a massive, hot load into my pussy.

  It's only when I catch my breath that I realize the car has stopped moving. He kisses me gently and gives me the promise of another date, and soon.

  As I walk up the steps to my dorm, his seed runs down the inside of my thigh. It's a lovely gift to remember him by.

  Chapter 17


  Emma falls into the routines of my life so easily that it baffles me. Within a few days, my driver doesn't even need to ask, he just heads to her dorm room after work before taking us home. After a month, my life with her is the new normal. On Sunday mornings, we lay in bed together until late into the afternoon. She rests her head in my lap as she highlights passages in her textbook, and I kiss her forehead in between flipping pages in the newspaper.

  I've never been married. And I've never dated any women that have fit into my life so well. Every moment with her just feels right. And even as we fall into a routine, the newness never wears off. I never stop being sad to see her leave when I drop her off. I never stop getting a jolt of excitement when I see her again. Everything just feels right.

  Everything except one thing.

  One night, while cooking dinner, it feels right to bring it up. She’s chopping vegetables, wearing only my undershirt and her underwear. I’m watching over a pair of steaks and trying not to be distracted by the sight of her.

  “How would you feel about our relationship becoming more public?” I ask over the sizzle.

  She gets a thoughtful look on her face. “I guess I hadn't thought about that. I don't know. How do you feel?”

  “I want the whole world to know you are mine. Nothing would make me happier.”

  She smiles and steps closer to plant a kiss on my cheek.

  “I would love that too. I guess I'm just nervous.”

  “What are you nervous about?”

  “I don't want the world to judge us. I mean, I just don't want to be the subject of gossip.”

  “I don't care what anyone has to say about us. All I care about is you, Emma.”

  “I know,” she says with a smile. “And I want everyone to know that I'm yours. I'm just worried about one person’s reaction.”

  “And who is that?”

  She bites her lip.

  “My father.”

  Chapter 18


  My dad is shocked when I tell him over the phone that I want to bring my boyfriend home to meet him.

  “You've never even mentioned having a boyfriend before. Is it serious?”

  “Yeah, its serious. That's why I want you to meet him.”

  “Well, tell me about him. Did you meet him at school?”

  I hesitate. “No, not exactly. He’s older than me. He graduated a while ago.”

  “Well, that's fine. You know, I was five years older than your mother when we met. God rest her soul.”

  “Yeah, I know,” I say, the sadness of the memory of her settling heavily in my stomach. “Let’s have dinner on Saturday, and you can get to know him.”

  “Sounds great,” he says.

  Saturday comes too fast. On the drive over, Charles is frantic. It's kind of adorable to see him like this, straightening his tie and checking his teeth in the mirror.

  “Relax,” I murmur, reaching for his hand. “He already knows you. He already likes you.”

  “But will he still like me when he learns that I’m dating his daughter? His beautiful only child?”

  I can't answer that. All I can do is squeeze his hand.

  It feels like an eternity passes after we knock on the front door. I hear his dogs barking in the distance. And then the door flies open to reveal my father’s smiling face.

  “Dad, I'd like to introduce you to my boyfriend, Charles.”

  There is a tense, silent moment. Charles holds his hand out for a handshake. My dad looks at me with wide eyes, then at Charles, then back at me. I smile as hard as I can.

  My dad reaches out and gives Charles a handshak

  “Well,” my dad says. “This is certainly a surprise. Come on in.”

  He steps aside and gestures us into the house. I spent so many years of my life here, but it feels different now. It feels small and quaint after spending so much time in Charles’ luxurious home.

  We settle around the dining room table, and to my surprise, things are smooth. My dad doesn't ask about how we met. He doesn't get defensive or protective over me, and he doesn't ask about Charles’ intentions. He just asks us about how we’re doing, and he listens and laughs at stories of our everyday life.

  At a point where Charles excuses himself, I have to interrogate my dad a little. Everything is just too easy. Surely he must be waiting until we are alone to tell me what he really thinks.

  “So, what do you think?”

  He laughs. “I was surprised, of course. But he’s a great guy, Emma. I can absolutely see what you see in him.”

  “You're not upset? Or weirded out?”

  He puts a hand on my shoulder.

  “I just want you to be happy, Emma. And if he makes you happy, go for it.”

  I smile and pull my dad in for a hug. “He does make me happy. He really does.”




  I want Charles to wait to propose until after my graduation. He is frustrated and impatient, but he agrees to it. And that May, while I'm still wearing my cap and gown, he gets on one knee and offers me a massive, sparkling diamond ring. I've never said yes faster.

  A year later, I wear a wedding band next to that ring. I rest that hand on my swollen belly. I love spending time on Charles’ yacht. I stare out at the sea, wondering if our child will like that, too. After a moment, Charles comes from behind and wraps his arms around me, pressing his hand on top of mine and on top of our unborn child.

  “I can't believe you're not seasick,” he teases in my ear.


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