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The Professor's Girl

Page 7

by Rose, Renee

  He stepped back. “There’s a vase on the table. Go collect all of them.”

  She looked around in bewilderment, then spied another rose on the sofa and understood. She smiled and bounced over to pick it up, reading the note attached. She ran from room to room like a child collecting Easter eggs until she had found and read all dozen.

  When she returned, she stood on her tiptoes and gave him a juicy kiss. He caught the back of her head and kissed her deeply, exploring her mouth with his tongue. She leaned into him, pressing her firm breasts against his trunk.

  “So,” he said when they parted. “I bought a take and bake pizza. Or I could take you out if we want to risk being seen.”

  She shook her head immediately. “I’d rather stay in.”

  “And then there’s the little matter of your spanking. Shall we get it over with so we can enjoy dinner?”

  She nodded, looking excited.

  He smiled and picked up her hairbrush, which he had brought home with him. Leading her to the sofa, he patted his lap. She started to crawl over from his left, but he caught her waist and led her to the other side of his legs. “I’m right-handed,” he explained.

  “Oh yeah, right,” she said, looking flustered.

  “Are you nervous?”

  She shook her head, but he heard her say “yes” as she lowered herself over his lap.

  He lifted her little skirt, revealing the sight he’d been looking forward to all day. Her pert little ass, naked it in all its glory. He brought his hand down on one cheek with a resounding slap. “How has it been without panties?” he asked as he rubbed away the sting.

  “Terrible,” she grumbled.

  He laughed as he brought his hand down again on the other cheek. “Did it make you think of me?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  He picked up speed, warming her cheeks to prepare her for the hairbrush and prevent bruising. He watched as her skin turned from light peach to rose and spanked her long past the time when she began to wriggle and kick her heels.

  Her breathing had turned shallow and she began to make little gasps and cries of protest. He stopped and rubbed. The color had begun to hold, her cheeks painted a lovely shade of blush.

  “So,” he said, picking up the hairbrush. “What was your idea with leaving this brush lying around my lab?” he asked, bringing it down on one cheek.

  She let out a high-pitched squeal.

  He circled her cheek with the smooth wooden surface. “It hurts quite a bit, doesn’t it?”

  “Y-yes,” she gasped.

  He brought it down on the other cheek.

  “Owwww,” she protested.

  “Yes, my dear.” He applied it rapidly, alternating right and left cheeks for a series of ten strokes.

  Lucy twisted and turned on his lap, trying to dodge his blows. “Ohhh,” she moaned pitifully when he stopped.

  “It is rather unforgiving. I consider it to be an implement for punishment, rather than play.”

  He gave her another set of ten rapid fire spanks.

  “Ouuuch. Please, ouch.” She tried to reach back to rub her bottom but he caught her wrist and bent it behind her waist.

  “What do you think, Lucy? Is it fun?” He began to spank again, this time leaving six stinging marks on her lower cheeks.

  “N-not really,” she moaned.

  “What do you say to your professor for teasing him with it?”

  “I’m sorry, sir.”

  He chuckled and ran his hand over her heated skin. “Thank you. Get on your knees at my feet.”

  She scrambled to comply, probably eager to end the lesson. When she blinked up at him with her big green eyes, he realized she wore mascara, and it accented her light eyes beautifully.

  “I like your make up,” he said, believing it important to reinforce any behavior he appreciated.

  She relaxed slightly. “Thank you.”

  He cupped her face with both hands. “Now, Lucy, do you have anything to confess to me?”

  She froze, her pupils narrowing. She didn’t answer.

  “Have you broken any of my rules? If you confess to breaking a rule within twenty four hours, I will go easier on you than if I have to call you on it.”

  Her eyes widened. “Are you talking about walking at night?”

  “You tell me.”

  “It was only to my car, in the parking garage,” she protested. He saw real dismay on her face, nothing pretend now.

  “Oh and parking garages are very safe places at night.”

  She shrank, pulling her chin from his palm.

  When she did not say anything, he prodded, “I thought you agreed to my rule. If you were at the lab alone at night, you would call me.”

  “But I wanted you to be surprised,” she wailed.

  He softened. “I appreciate that, I really do, but do you think I would have liked to be surprised to hear you were raped or worse last night?”

  Her shoulders sagged. “No, sir.”

  “No. I am not happy with you, Lucy.”

  She got a stubborn set to her shoulders so he caught her chin again. “Lucy?” he warned. “This will go far better for you if you act contrite. I know it seems like I’m ruining what started off as a great night. I feel the same way. So let’s get past this so we can move on.”

  She looked sulky, but she nodded. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry.”

  “Go and stand with your nose in the corner,” he said, pointing to the intersection of two walls.

  She still looked upset, but obeyed him.

  “Hold your skirt up so I can see that pretty red bottom on display.”

  Her bottom clenched and she almost turned around, but resisted. His words excited her, even though she really did not want to be punished any more. She lifted the hem of her skirt and held it up at her waist, showing her pulsing backside to her professor.

  He let her wait about five minutes before he called her back. “Stand here,” he said, pointing to the floor in front of him. When she arrived, he said, “Remove your clothes.”

  Her legs trembled slightly, whether with fear, embarrassment or excitement, she could not be sure. Probably some perfect combination of the three. She pulled off her shirt and removed her bra, then slid the skirt off so she stood before him in the nude.

  “Clasp your hands behind your head.”

  Her nipples tightened at the direction even as her face grew hot.

  He let his eyes roam over her body, inspecting her with a slow deliberation. “When I give you a rule, I expect you to obey, Lucy.” His voice sounded soft and forgiving, despite the position he had her in.

  She sagged. He had nailed it earlier when he said she was disappointed in being punished on the night when she’d expected reward. But her resentment was more out of her own defensive perfectionism. She didn’t like to mess up.

  “It was not an arbitrary rule, or a playful rule. It was a real rule designed to protect your safety.”

  Guilt began to set in, especially because he spoke so kindly. Had he been more stern with her, she might have stayed resistant to his choice to punish. “Yes, sir. I’m sorry, sir.”

  He patted his lap. “You’re going to find out how I use the hairbrush for real punishment.”

  She groaned. She could tell he meant business when he clamped one leg over her two to pin her pelvis over his thigh. Taking hold of her wrist, he brought it behind her back. Then he began to spank her fast and hard with the horrid hairbrush.

  She could not even move to dodge his blows. First one side, then the other, he brought the brush down again and again. She howled at the pain—so much deeper than the surface sting of a hand spanking, the concentrated force behind the unforgiving wood made her bury her fingers in the sofa cushions like claws.

  “When you deliberately disobey me, you will receive a serious spanking, young lady.”

  His words lit all her fires, even as the hairbrush incited one on her bottom.

  “Sometimes I will give you a hair brushing befor
e bedtime to remind you who is in charge. Other times I will deal with the behavior immediately.”

  She loved the lecture, her body melting into liquid at his dominance, distracting her from the terrible punishment.

  “But I will never, ever tolerate disobedience. Is that understood?”

  She could not collect herself to answer, in fact, she had begun to float off somewhere. The pain of the spanking receded as she drifted into a contented space of nothingness.

  From a distance, she heard Todd continue with his lecture, but she missed the meaning of his words. Not until she felt his hand stroking the back of her head did she realize the spanking had ended. Her limbs felt heavy, as if she had orgasmed.

  Todd ran his large palm up and down her back, caressing her bare skin. He seemed in no hurry, so she did not attempt to move, simply drank in his gentle touch in contrast to the blazing pulse on her bottom.

  “You went out fast,” he said after a moment.

  “Hmm?” she asked, turning her head to face him.

  “Were you in subspace?”

  “What’s that?”

  He chuckled. “Did you check out for a while there?”

  She attempted to roll over and he scooped her up to cradle in his arms. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  He smiled and kissed her forehead affectionately. “I’m glad. I really didn’t want to bring you to tears tonight.”

  She blinked up at him, still dazed. Her body was an odd mixture of relaxed and trembly at once. She continued to marvel at how much he knew about spanking. His experience overwhelmed her, but made her feel safe at the same time.

  “Am I forgiven?” she asked, pulling out a cute little girl voice.

  He smiled fondly and kissed her nose. “Did you learn your lesson?”

  She nodded. “Yes, sir.”

  “Then I forgive you.”

  “Are you going to punish me in other ways now?”

  He chuckled. “You’re ready for part two?”

  She nodded happily.

  “All right, little girl. You asked for it.” He pushed her off his lap to stand and led her to the side of the sofa. “Bend over the arm of the sofa and raise that red little ass up for me.”

  She folded her hips over the bolstered arm, as instructed. Her bottom blazed. He gripped her upper thighs and pulled them apart and shocked her with the touch of his tongue on her sex. She jerked in surprise but he held her fast, pinning her against the sofa and licking into her.

  She wriggled and moaned, the pleasure almost too intense.

  He swirled his tongue over her clit, as his hand slapped her sore bottom.

  “Ow… ah,” she cried in pleasure.

  He kneaded her tender flesh with both hands, then abruptly pulled her cheeks wide and circled the rim of her anus with his tongue. She shrieked in mingled horror and pleasure, but his fingers dug into her flesh, holding her still for his continued onslaught. He licked up and down from clit to anus, driving her mad until she bucked in a mini-orgasm.

  Todd made a satisfied sound and withdrew, slapping her throbbing ass one more time. She heard the rip of a condom wrapper and the delicious sensation of his cock at her entrance.

  She pushed her pelvis back at him, encouraging his plunder and he slid in with a groan. “I love how tight you are, little girl.”

  “Thirty kegels a day,” she said and he laughed.


  “I don’t know. Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?”

  “Yes,” he affirmed, although she knew he was laughing at her.

  Her position over the sofa tilted her pelvis so his cock sank so deeply inside her she nearly went blind with pleasure. Remember the place she had gone during the spanking, she gave herself over to him again, relaxing and enjoying with a removed sense of observation the incredible sensations of his cock moving in and out of her. She wanted it to go on forever.

  Todd brought her sharply back to reality by gripping her elbows and causing her torso to arch back toward him. Desperation took hold suddenly she was weeping, sobbing for release. “Please, oh please, oh please, oh please.”

  “Come, Lucy,” he ordered and she shattered, pleasure exploding through every cell of her body, fireworks shooting before her eyes. “Oh God,” she moaned when she had collapsed into the sofa, her face planted into a cushion.

  Todd still gripped her hips, his cock buried to the hilt, his thighs jerking as he came.

  She literally could not move. She might have been floating out of her own body.

  “I’m your bad girl,” she muttered and heard the sound of his laughter far away.

  Chapter Six

  Knowing after the hair brushing, she may not be up for his planned ping pong paddle assault the following day, he told her they’d pick up again the following week. He had taken things fast with her and he figured they both needed a chance to catch their breaths. Besides, he had a research paper deadline looming and he needed some time to focus.

  When he showed up at the lab on Monday, though, Lucy greeted him stiffly. He raised an eyebrow, but the others were in the lab, so he let it drop.

  Laura, the department secretary appeared just after one. He had dated her for six months the previous year, but ended things amicably. She seemed breathless and somewhat harried. “Todd, I’m really sorry to ask this of you, but I just went to the parking garage and my car won’t start. I was wondering if you have jumper cables?”

  He hid a sigh. “Yes, but they’re at home. I’ll have to walk back and get my car. Where are you parked?”

  “In the Euclid and Tyndall garage, fourth floor. But why don’t I walk with you and then we can ride over together?”

  He nodded absently and picked up his keys. “Okay.”

  He returned an hour later to find Lucy looking murderous. Shit. He should have considered her feelings before leaving with an ex-girlfriend. She probably knew about their relationship, having been in the department and around the gossip last year.

  “Lucy,” he said, standing in his office door and trying to appear casual.

  “Yeah?” she said, without looking up.

  “Come in here for a second.”

  She sighed and stood up, looking put out.

  “I’m sorry,” he said when she came in. “Did that upset you? I was just helping her with her car.”

  She nodded. He could see the threat of angry tears. “No, I’m not upset,” she declared icily. “But I don’t think our disciplinary arrangement is going to work out after all.”

  His jaw went slack. “What are you talking about?”

  She blinked rapidly. “Or-or maybe we should just keep it non-sexual,” she said, her voice faltering.

  He looked past her to the lab. Closing the door for a long talk would definitely raise suspicion. “Have you had lunch?”

  She nodded stonily.

  “Let’s get a cup of coffee, then. I’d like to talk about this away from the lab.”

  He thought she would refuse at first, her jaw set at a stubborn angle, but she gave a reluctant-looking shrug. “Okay.”

  “I’ll leave first and meet you outside the building.”

  She turned and exited his office without a word.

  Dammit. What had gone so wrong? He suddenly realized despite all his expertise in topping and knowing just how to read his bottom, he didn’t have a clue about relationships. He shoved his hands deep in his pockets and walked out of the lab and down the stairs, standing outside the front door to wait.

  To his dismay, Lucy emerged with Ryan walking beside her and he seemed actively engaged in telling her a story. She didn’t glance over, but her steps did slow. He stepped back into the shadow of the building, watching. It took her about five minutes to lose him, after coming to a dead stop at the sidewalk.

  She walked back to the main entrance, without looking right or left. Seeing Ryan was well on his way, he stepped forward to meet her.

  “Hey,” he said softly.

  She fell into step beside him.

  “So what’s going on? Why are you mad?”

  “Nothing. No, I’m not mad. I just reconsidered things.”

  “Why?” he pressed.

  “I just realized I was in too deep, that’s all. And you know, for all the reasons you said we shouldn’t be involved in the first place.”

  His heart beat erratically. He didn’t understand what was going on. They arrived at the Student Union and ordered coffee, carrying it to an outdoor bench in a shaded courtyard. Short of playing twenty questions, he couldn’t figure out how to get her to open up. So he waited, saying nothing.

  She pursed her lips. “So, we’re going to a non-sexual disciplinary relationship?” she asked at last.

  He considered her, taking a sip of coffee. “Honestly, Lucy, I’m not sure if I can do that.”

  Her mouth tightened. “Okay, so we’ll just end things altogether.”

  He blanched. “That’s not what I want. I know we haven’t, dating that long, but I’ve developed feelings for you. I don’t want to let you go.”

  Her eyes searched his as if trying to determine the veracity of his statement. “I don’t want to be your plaything,” she said sullenly.

  “What? Why would you think that?”

  She spread her hands wide and looked at him impatiently. “What am I to you?”

  His breath quickened. “Lucy, I know we started off fast so I was trying to slow the pace back down, but I consider you…” he struggled for a definition. “My girlfriend. My woman. My partner—I don’t know. Not a plaything. Definitely not. You’re way more than that to me.”

  She looked sulky. “It’s been six days.”

  He let his head fall back, finally clear on what they were fighting about. “Oh God,” he said, running his fingers through his hair. “I’m really sorry. I screwed up big time, didn’t I? I just—I thought you needed a break because the intensity was pretty high and then I got involved writing my research presentation. I did not mean to blow you off—at all. Will you forgive me?”

  Her lips pressed together, but he suspected it was to hide their trembling.

  He looked around. He wanted to pull her into his arms and comfort her, but he couldn’t risk being seen. He settled for touching her arm. “Hey,” he said softly. “I’m really sorry.”


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