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by Serhii Plokhy

  21. Holubets’, Bilovezha, 13–14; Kryzhanivs’kyi, “Tostiv bulo”; Kravchenko, “Belarus’ na rasput’e.”

  22. Kravchuk, “Shushkevich i El’tsin predstavliali sebia”; Chemerys, Prezydent, 269; Sergei Shakhrai, “Nam udalos’ predotvratit’ iugoslavskii stsenarii,” Novye izvestiia, December 8, 2006; Kebich, Iskushenie vlast’iu, 201.

  23. Gaidar, “Za riumkoi”; Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo, 125; interview with Leonid Kravchuk, Rozpad Radianskoho Soiuzu, tape 9,; Chemerys, Prezydent, 267, 271; Kravchuk, “Shushkevich i El’tsin predstavliali sebia”; Holubets’, Bilovezha, 13; Kryzhanivs’kyi, “Tostiv bulo.”

  24. Holubets’, Bilovezha, 15; Sergei Pashkov, “Sovetskii Soiuz. Poslednie dni,” Vesti nedeli, December 2, 2001; Igor’ Kozhevin, “15 let kazhdyi za sebia,” Vesti. ru, December 8, 2006; Stanislav Shushkevich, “Ni po odnomu punktu ne bylo raznoglasii,” Ezhednevnik, December 9, 2008; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 435.

  25. Raspad SSSR: Dokumenty i fakty (1986–1992 gg.), vol. 1, Normativnye akty. Ofitsial’nye soobshcheniia, ed. S. M. Shakhrai (Moscow, 2009), 1028–1031.

  26. Yegor Gaidar, Dni porazhenii i pobed (Moscow, 1996), 148–150; Aven and Kokh, “El’tsin sluzhil nam!”

  27. Kebich, Iskushenie vlast’iu, 202.

  28. Kozhevin, “15 let”; Iakov Alekseichik, “Kholodnyi dekabr’ v Viskuliakh,” Sem’ dnei, no. 49 (December 8, 2001).

  29. Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo, 132.

  30. Korzhakov, Boris Yeltsin, 128; Holubets’, Bilovezha, 16; Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo, 125; interview with Leonid Kravchuk, Rozpad Radianskoho Soiuzu, tape 9,

  31. Gaidar, “Za riumkoi”; Kebich, Iskushenie vlast’iu, 207–208; “Iz besedy prezidenta Kazakhstana N. Nazarbaeva s redaktorami moskovskikh gazet 15 aprelia 1995 g.,” Gorbachev Fund,; Christopher Robbins, Apples Are from Kazakhstan (New York, 2008), 282–285; Kravchenko, “Belarus’ na rasput’e.”

  32. Kebich, Iskushenie vlast’iu, 202–203.

  33. Evgenii Shaposhnikov, Vybor. Zapiski glavnokomanduiushchego (Moscow, 1993), 125–127.

  34. Ibid.; Mikhail Gorbachev, Memoirs (New York, 1995), 659; Shakhrai, “Nam udalos’”; Gaidar, “Za riumkoi”; Gaidar, Dni porazhenii i pobed, 148–150; “Belovezhskoe ėkho,” NTV, December 11, 2011.

  35. Kravchenko, “Belarus’ na rasput’e”; Kebich, Iskushenie vlast’iu, 206–207; Chemerys, Prezydent, 270.

  36. Leonid Kravchuk, “V saune ne parilsia, shampanskogo ne pil,”; Telcon with President Yeltsin of the Republic of Russia, December 8, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,—Yeltsin.pdf.

  37. Shushkevich, “Monolog o pushche”; Kebich, Iskushenie vlast’iu, 210–211; Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo, 131–132; Gorbachev, Memoirs, 659.

  38. Michael R. Beschloss and Strobe Talbott, At the Highest Levels: The Inside Story of the End of the Cold War (Boston, 1993), 450; Holubets’, Bilovezha, 17; Chemerys, Prezydent, 274; Dmukhovskii, “Belovezhskie tainy”; Anatolii Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod. Dnevnik dvukh ėpokh, 1972–1991 gody (Moscow, 2008), 1034.

  39. Chemerys, Prezydent, 274.

  40. Kravchenko, “Belarus’ na rasput’e”; Dmukhovskii, “Belovezhskie tainy.”


  1. Conor O’Clery, Moscow, December 25, 1991: The Last Days of the Soviet Union (New York, 2011), 192–193.

  2. Anatolii Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod. Dnevnik dvukh ėpokh, 1972–1991 gody (Moscow, 2008), 1034; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’. Belaia kniga. Dokumenty i fakty o politike M. S. Gorbacheva po reformirovaniiu i sokhraneniiu mnogonatsional’nogo gosudarsta, 2nd ed. (Moscow, 2007), 465; O’Clery, Moscow, 192–193; Georgii Shakhnazarov, Tsena svobody. Reformatsiia Gorbacheva glazami ego pomoshchnika (Moscow, 1993), 303.

  3. Valentyn Chemerys, Prezydent. Roman-ese (Kyiv, 1994), 274–275; Leonid Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo. Spohady i rozdumy (Kyiv, 2002), 133.

  4. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 465–466; Andrei Grachev, Gorbachev. Chelovek, kotoryi khotel kak luchshe (Moscow, 2001), 401ff.; Michael R. Beschloss and Strobe Talbott, At the Highest Levels: The Inside Story of the End of the Cold War (Boston, 1993), 450; O’Clery, Moscow, 192.

  5. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokranit’, 465–469; Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1034; Evgenii Shaposhnikov, Vybor. Zapiski glavnokomanduiushchego (Moscow, 1993), 128; “Stanislav Shushkevich: obresti suverennost’’, no ne raz”ediniat’sia granitsami,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, December 10, 1991; “Nursultan Nazarbaev: Ia—pragmatik i budu ottalkivat’sia ot sobytii,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, December 10, 1991.

  6. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokranit’, 469–470; Beschloss and Talbott, At the Highest Levels, 450.

  7. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1035.

  8. Author’s interview with Nicholas Burns, Harvard University, June 15, 2012; George Bush and Brent Scowcroft, A World Transformed (New York, 1998), 556–557.

  9. Shaposhnikov, Vybor, 128; “Generaly ukhodiat. Pochemu? K kadrovym peremenam v Genshtabe,” Moskovskie novosti, December 15, 1991; John Dunlop, The Rise of Russia and the Fall of the Soviet Empire (Princeton, NJ, 1995), 272–275; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 472.

  10. “Ratifitsirovano soglashenie o sodruzhestve nezavisimykh gosudarstv. Ukraina,” Izvestiia, December 11, 1991; Chrystyna Lapychak, “Ukraine Ratifies Amended Agreement on the Commonwealth,” Ukrainian Weekly, December 15, 1991, 1–2; author’s interview with Kostiantyn Morozov, September 6, 2011.

  11. “Ratifitsirovano soglashenie o sodruzhestve nezavisimykh gosudarstv. Belorussiia,” Izvestiia, December 11, 1991; Petr Kravchenko, “Belarus’ na rasput’e. Zapiski diplomata i politika,” Narodnaia volia, nos. 154–157, September 30, 2006; Viacheslav Kebich, Iskushenie vlast’iu. Iz zhizni prem’er-ministra (Minsk, 2008), 216–217.

  12. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 472–474.

  13. Dunlop, The Rise of Russia, 275; “Armiia ne verit soiuznym strukturam,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, December 13, 1991; Pavel Palazhchenko, My Years with Gorbachev and Shevardnadze: The Memoir of a Soviet Interpreter (University Park, PA, 1997), 352.

  14. “Vystuplenie Prezidenta RSFSR B. N. El’tsina,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, December 13, 1991; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 477–481.

  15. Vadim Medvedev, V komande Gorbacheva. Vzgliad iznutri (Moscow, 1994), 227; V Politbiuro TsK KPSS po zapisiam Anatoliia Cherniaeva, Vadima Medvedeva, Georgiia Shakhnazarova (1985–1991) (Moscow, 2000), 736–739; “M. Gorbachev o situatsii v strane i o sebe,” Izvestiia, December 12, 1991; Palazhchenko, My Years, 352.

  16. Nikolai Portugalov, Memo to Mikhail Gorbachev, December, 1991, Gorbachev Foundation Archive, fond 5, no. 10866.1.

  17. Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1036; “Gorbachev brosaet vyzov ‘Slavianskomu Soiuzu,’” Izvestiia, December 10, 1991.

  18. James A. Baker with Thomas M. DeFrank, The Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War and Peace, 1989–1992 (New York, 1995), 563.

  19. Ibid., 562–564; “Baker Sees Opportunities and Risks as Soviet Republics Grope for Stability,” New York Times, December 13, 1991; Thomas Friedman, “Baker Presents Steps to Aid Transition by Soviets,” New York Times, December 13, 1991; John Lewis Gaddis, George F. Kennan: An American Life (New York, 2011); Nicholas Thompson, The Hawk and the Dove: Paul Nitze, George Kennan and the History of the Cold War (New York, 2009).

  20. Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 535.

  21. Proposed agenda for meeting with the president, December 4, 1991, 1:30 p.m.; December 10, Soviet points for meeting with the president, James A. Baker Papers, box 115, folder 8.

  22. Congressional Research Service, “CRS Report to the Congress: U.S. Assistance to the Former Soviet Union,” March 1, 2007,; Kurt Tarnoff, “CRS Report to Congress. U.S. Assistance to the Former Soviet Union, 1991–2002: A Histor
y of Administration and Congressional Action,” updated, January 15, 2002, 1–7,; Olexiy Haran, “Disintegration of the Soviet Union and the U.S. Position on the Independence of Ukraine,” discussion paper 95-09, Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, August 1995,

  23. Friedman, “Baker Presents Steps to Aid Transition,” A24.

  24. Proposed agenda for meeting with the president, December 13, 1991, 11:00 a.m., James A. Baker Papers, box 115, folder 8; James Baker, “The Politics of Diplomacy,” Chapter Files, James A. Baker Papers, box 195, folder 5, ch. 31, 7–8.

  25. Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 564.

  26. Ibid.; Celestine Bohlen, “Moscow Misery: The Planes Don’t Fly and That’s Not All,” New York Times, December 13, 1991.

  27. Beschloss and Talbott, At the Highest Levels, xi–xiv, 451–452; John Kohan and Strobe Talbott, “I Want to Stay the Course,” Time, December 23, 1991.

  28. Beschloss and Talbott, At the Highest Levels, 452–454; Kohan and Talbott, “I Want to Stay the Course.”

  29. Beschloss and Talbott, At the Highest Levels, 455–456; Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 565; Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1036–1037; Palazhchenko, My Years, 252–254.

  30. “Telephone Conversation with President Boris Yeltsin of Russia,” December 13, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,; Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 557.

  31. “Telephone Conversation with President Gorbachev of the FSU,” December 13, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,

  32. Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 556–558.

  33. Beschloss and Talbott, At the Highest Levels, 455–456; Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 572.

  34. Alfred Kokh and Petr Aven, “Andrei Kozyrev—nastoiashchii kamikadze,” Forbes, Russian edition, September 28, 2011,; Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 564–567.

  35. Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 567–569; Konstantin Blagodarov, “Ot shedevrov Tsereteli liudi prosto obaldeli,” Komsomol’skaia pravda, September 4, 2002.

  36. “JAB Notes from 12/16/91 Mtg. w/Russian Pres. Yeltsin at the Kremlin, St. Catherine’s Hall, Moscow, USSR,” James A. Baker Papers, box 176, folder 28; “JAB Notes from 1-on-1 Mtg. w/B. Yeltsin During Which Command and Control of Nuclear Weapons Was Discussed 12/16/91,” James A. Baker Papers, box 110, folder 10; Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 569–572; Beschloss and Talbott, At the Highest Levels, 456–457; Kokh and Aven, “Andrei Kozyrev: nastoiashchii kamikadze”; Palazhchenko, My Years, 353.

  37. Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 575–578; Kokh and Aven, “Andrei Kozyrev: nastoiashchii kamikadze.”

  38. “Telephone Conversation with President Gorbachev of the FSU,” December 13, 1991, Bush Presidential Library, Memcons and Telcons,; Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed, 556–658.

  39. Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 573–574; Palazhchenko, My Years, 355–356.

  40. Anatolii Cherniaev, memo, “K besede s Beikerom,” December 1991, Gorbachev Foundation Archive, fond 2, no. 19465.1; Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod, 1037.


  1. “Vstrecha dvukh prezidentov,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, December 18, 1991; “Rossiiane podderzhivaiut sozdanie SNG,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, December 18, 1991.

  2. Schedules for December 17, 18, and 19, 1991, James A. Baker Papers, box 110, folder 10.

  3. James A. Baker with Thomas M. DeFrank, The Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War and Peace, 1989–1992 (New York, 1995), 578–581.

  4. “Nursultan Nazarbaev: Ia pragmatik i budu ottalkivat’sia ot sobytii,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, December 10, 1991; “Prisiaga Nazarbaeva,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, December 11, 1991; “Kazakhstan ob”iavil nezavisimost’,” Izvestiia, December 17, 1991.

  5. “JAB Core Points Used During Trip to Moscow, Bishkek, Alma Ata, Minsk and Kiev, 12/15–18/91,” James A. Baker Papers, box 110, folder 10; Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 581, 585–586; “Dzh. Beiker—pervyi gost’ nezavisimogo Kazakhstana,” Izvestiia, December 17, 1991.

  6. James Baker, “The Politics of Diplomacy,” Chapter Files, James A. Baker Papers, box 195, folder 5, chs. 31, 36.

  7. Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 580–582. Cf. “Zaiavlenie glav gosudarstv Respublika Kazakhstan, Respublika Kyrgyzstan, Respublika Tadzhikistan, Respublika Turkmenistan, Respublika Uzbekistan,” Izvestiia, December 17, 1991.

  8. “Godovshchina dekabr’skikh sobytii proshla spokoino,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, December 18, 1991.

  9. Uak Arken Battaluly, Materialy genotsida, organizovannogo N. Nazarbaevym protiv Kazakhskogo naroda v dekabre 1986 goda (Moscow, 2000); Khadzhimurat Kozhanazarov and Aigul Mataeva, “Pravda bessmertna,” Soldat, March 27, 2003.

  10. Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 538.

  11. Bruce Pannier, “Kazakhstan: The Forgotten Famine,” Radio Free Europe, December 28, 2007,; “Separatizm russkikh regionov v Kazakhstane—vina rukovodstva respubliki,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, December 11, 1991.

  12. “Interv’iu prezidenta Kazakhstana,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, December 21, 1991.

  13. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’. Belaia kniga. Dokumenty i fakty o politike M. S. Gorbacheva po reformirovaniiu i sokhraneniiu mnogonatsional’nogo gosudarsta, 2nd ed. (Moscow, 2007), 486–487.

  14. Leonid Levitin, Uzbekistan na istoricheskom povorote (Tashkent, 2005), 8–12.

  15. “O pis’me v TsK KPSS rabotnikov prokuratury SSSR tt. Gdliana T. Kh. i Ivanova N. V. ot 11 noiabria 1986 goda,” RGANI, fond 89, op. 24, no. 18; “TsK KPSS. O khode vypolneniia postanovleniia Politbiuro no. P151/3,” RGANI, fond 89, op. 24, no. 19; Anatolii Sobchak, Khozhdenie vo vlast’. Rasskaz o rozhdenii parlamenta (Moscow, 1991), chap. 5.

  16. “Khlopkovoe delo,” YouTube video posted by edglezin, April 1, 2011,; Daniel C. Waugh, Tamerlane’s Heirs: Perspectives on 1991 and Its Aftermath in Central Asia (Seattle, 2011), 27; “Itogi Ashgabatskoi vstrechi vyzvali vzdokh oblegcheniia v strane,” Izvestiia, December 14, 1991.

  17. Waugh, Tamerlane’s Heirs, 26–51; “Itogi Ashgabatskoi vstrechi vyzvali vzdokh oblegcheniia v strane,” Izvestiia, December 14, 1991.

  18. “Uchastniki vstrechi v Ashgabate gotovy stat chlenami sodruzhestva. No ravnopravnymi,” Izvestiia, December 13, 1991.

  19. “Put’ k sodruzhestvu: Minsk—Ashgabat—Alma-Ata,” Izvestiia, December 19, 1991; “Istoriia Sovetskogo Soiuza zavershaetsia v stolitse Kazakhstana,” Izvestiia, December 20, 1991; “Aiaz Mutalibov tozhe v Alma-Ate,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, December 21, 1991.

  20. “Gorbachev predlagaet nazvanie: Sodruzhestvo evropeiskikh i aziatskikh gosudarstv—SEAZ,” Izvestiia, December 19, 1991; Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 488–492.

  21. Anatolii Cherniaev, Sovmestnyi iskhod. Dnevnik dvukh ėpokh, 1972–1991 gody (Moscow, 2008), 1037; Mikhail Gorbachev, Memoirs (New York, 1995), 660.

  22. Boris El’tsin, “My perezhili tragicheskii ėksperiment,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, December 19, 1991.

  23. “Kakie rabochie i predstavitel’nye organy mogut byt’ v SNG,” Izvestiia, December 19, 1991, 2; “Respublika vernet sebe staryi gerb,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, December 19, 1991.

  24. Author’s interview with General Kostiantyn Morozov, September 6, 2011; “Oppozitsiia nakalivaet obstanovku. Leonid Kravchuk rukovodit gosudarstvom,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, December 21, 1991; “Ratifitsirovano soglashenie o sodzruzhestve nezavisimykh gosudarstv. Ukraina,” Izvestiia, December 11, 1991; “Sotsiologicheskii opros na aktual’nuiu temu,
” Izvestiia, December 12, 1991.

  25. “JAB Notes from 12/18/91 Mtg. w/Ukraine Pres. Kravchuk at Mariinskiy Palace in Kiev, Ukraine,” James A. Baker Papers, box 110, folder 10; Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy, 581–583.

  26. “JAB Notes from 12/18/91 Mtg. w/Supreme Soviet Chairman Shushkevich at the Government Res. Minsk, Belarussia [[sic]],” James A. Baker Papers, box 110, folder 10; “Stanislav Shushkevich: obresti suverennost’, no ne raz”ediniat’sia granitsami,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, December 10, 1991; “Belorusskaia delegatsiia ser’eznee drugikh otneslas’ k peregovoram,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, December 28, 1991; “Moldova vstupit v SNG?” Nezavisimaia gazeta, December 21, 1991.

  27. “Stanet li Belovezhskaia pushcha karabakhskoi,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, December 21, 1991; Petr Kravchenko, “Belarus’ na rasput’e. Zapiski diplomata i politika,” Narodnaia volia, nos. 154–157, September 30, 2006; Rossiia priznala nezavisimost’ Moldovy,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, December 19, 1991.

  28. “Shturmuiut politsiiu,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, December 10, 1991; “Snova krov’ v Dubossarakh,” Izvestiia, December 14, 1991; “Komitet samooborony Nagorno-Karabakhskoi respubliki,” Izvestiia, December 20, 1991; “Armeniia ukrepliaet granitsy,” ibid., 2; “Nezavisimost’ tol’ko togda chego-nibud’ stoit, kogda ona umeet sebia zashchishchat’. Novye ukazy prezidenta Armenii,” Nezavisimaia gazeta, December 21, 1991; “Bezopasnost’ ne garantiruetsia,” Rossiiskaia gazeta, December 21, 1991.

  29. Evgenii Shaposhnikov, Vybor. Zapiski glavnokomanduiushchego (Moscow, 1993), 129–130.

  30. “Istoriia Sovetskogo Soiuza zavershaetsia v stolitse Kazakhstana,” Izvestiia, December 20, 1991, 1; “Prezident sozdaet armiiu. Chem vse-taki komanduet Leonid Kravchuk?” Nezavisimaia gazeta, December 17, 1991; Kostiantyn P. Morozov, Above and Beyond: From Soviet General to Ukrainian State Builder (Cambridge, MA, 2000), 183–193; Leonid Kravchuk, Maiemo te, shcho maiemo. Spohady i rozdumy (Kyiv, 2002), 145.

  31. Soiuz mozhno bylo sokhranit’, 493–503; Raspad SSSR: Dokumenty i fakty (1986–1992 gg.), vol. 1, Normativnye akty. Ofitsial’nye soobshcheniia, ed. S. M. Shakhrai (Moscow, 2009), 1044–1053; Morozov, Above and Beyond, 187–188; Pavel Palazhchenko, My Years with Gorbachev and Shevardnadze: The Memoir of a Soviet Interpreter (University Park, PA, 1997), 359–360.


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