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Cast Out (The Red Enchanter Book 1)

Page 14

by Mary Swift

  He pulled his head inside and took out the notebook and pen. He scribbled, Killian Cramer does not get car sick. Almost immediately his stomach began to settle. “I should have done that straight away.” he said. “I thought it would get better.”

  “Not with Tom’s driving.” Nora said.

  “What else can I do? The roads are terrible here.” Tom said.”

  “Drive however you need to.” Killian told him. “I’m fine now.”

  “Should we call Lucy’s mother?” Nora asked.

  Killian could imagine the conversation with Talia. She would blame him for everything that happened; then she would threaten to take Lucy away. “Let’s find Lucy first and then I’ll tell Talia.”

  Nora put her hand on his. He liked having her with him, even if he hadn’t showed it. He would have never thought of putting a spell on the mortal road map, that was clever. He would thank her and apologize for yelling after they found Lucy. He suddenly remembered something she had said. “You told me that your husband was an enchanter.”

  “Yes, Dante was an enchanter. His mother was wanted by Firesea. She convinced Dante to create a shield for their family. They took a mortal girl and made her immune to Firesea. That what I am, I’m their personal protection. Dante never loved me. It was all an act.”

  Killian could hardly believe what he was hearing. How could any enchanter use a mortal like that? It was against their laws, against the rules of basic human kindness. “Are you sure about this?”

  “His mother told me herself. I meant nothing to him. I was just a stupid girl who wanted to fall in love.”

  “You don’t know that Nora. Maybe it started out that way but-” Killian stopped, something had just occurred to him. “You’re immune to Firesea. You’re immune to me.”

  Nora smiled. “You must be from there.”

  Under normal circumstances the thought of knowing where he was from would have been electrifying, but at the moment he could only think of Lucy. Once she was safe he could start to contemplate his own place in the world.

  “After we get Lucy-” Nora stopped. Tom was pulling the car off of the road. “What are you doing?” They were at the edge of a scrubby field.

  “There’s no road, we would have to go through the field.” Tom said.

  “So what? Go.” Killian told him.

  “My car-” Tom began.

  “Tom just drive, he’ll fix your car later.” Nora said.

  “All right, but hang on.” Tom maneuvered the car through a shallow ditch and into the field. He looked at the map. “They’ve stopped. I think they are in Firesea.”

  “What are you waiting for?” Killian said crossly.

  Tom set the map aside and the car lurched forward. Soon they were speeding over grass, low bushes and shrubs. Sticks and branches scratched the side and undercarriage of the vehicle while Nora and Killian were tossed around in the backseat.

  Killian felt more and more anxious. They had to get there. If those men hurt Lucy in any way he would use the pen or his bare hands to destroy them. He looked out the windshield. There was something on the horizon, it looked like a thick red line.

  “What’s that?” Tom cried. The line appeared to be moving.

  “Horses.” Nora said. “It’s horses. Stop the car.”

  The car came to a screeching halt. Nora was right, they were chestnut colored horses, at least fifty of them. Each horse held a rider in dark red leather armor. As soon as the car stopped the horses circled around them with trained precision.

  “Oh no.” Nora muttered.

  “Everyone stay calm.” Tom said.

  Killian started to reach for the pen and then stopped. He could sense something in the air. They were enchanters, he could feel their energy, it felt comfortable and familiar.

  Two of the riders dismounted while the rest drew their swords. “I feel like I’m going to see King Arthur and Lancelot next.” Tom joked.

  “Shut up Tom.” Nora muttered.

  The first rider, an older man with gray hair, looked in at the three of them. He turned to his partner. “Two mortals.” He pointed to Killian. “We need to take this one.”

  “What should we do?” Tom asked.

  “I don’t know.” Killian admitted. The men opened the car door. They took hold of his arm and dragged him to the ground.

  “No!” Nora tried to grab his hand.

  The two men pulled Killian to his feet. He kicked the older man hard in the shin as he attempted to wriggle free.

  “Stop that.” the man said. “You try and escape and you’ll find yourself run through.”

  Killian looked at the circle of riders surrounding them. He didn’t stand a chance of escaping and he had to keep himself alive for Lucy.

  The soldier touched the top of his head. “It feels real.” He took a knife out of his belt and sliced into Killian’s shirtsleeve, just below the elbow.

  “What did you do that for?” Killian asked.

  The man ignored him and looked at his arm. He poked at the reddish blonde hairs. “We’d better take him in, he might be the one.”

  “My hair is enchanted. I have to find my daughter, she’s been taken, there’s a map in the car, I can show you.”

  “I wouldn’t say anything if I were you.” the man said. “Restrain him.”

  Killian tried to bolt when he suddenly felt his hands and legs bound together. He fell to his knees. He heard Nora and Tom calling his name.

  “Get the hood.” someone said.

  A thick black hood was placed over Killian’s head. The world was gone; he could see and hear nothing. He felt himself being dragged across the ground. He could not give up. Lucy was counting on him.

  Chapter 54

  “What did you say young lady?” the councilman asked Lucy.

  “My father is Killian Cramer.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Of course I am.” Despite her nerves Lucy was beginning to feel excited. She had been waiting to find out about her father for years. There seemed little chance there could be two men with that exact name.

  The guards returned Finnegan to the bench. He looked at her and then put his head in his hands and stared at the floor.

  The councilman glared at Finnegan. “I can’t believe you would show your face in the circle. We exiled you long ago. You forced your own brother to be part of the treaty with Wildbush. What a wicked spell.”

  “What?” Lucy heard herself saying. She turned to Finnegan. “He’s your brother?”

  “It’s complicated.” Finnegan said. “You see-“

  “Be quiet Mr. Murphy.” the councilman said. He looked at Lucy. “We’ll have to use the staff on you to see if you are being truthful.”

  Arden stepped forward and offered his hand. “It’s all right. It doesn’t hurt.”

  Lucy took his hand and he led her to the dais. The Truth Staff was shoved at her forehead. She felt as though someone was poking into her mind, rummaging through her memories.

  The councilman set the staff aside. “You are Lucy Cramer, daughter of Killian and Talia Cramer. You were telling the truth.”

  “I know that.”

  He turned to a young man standing behind him. “Get Mr. Cramer.”

  “My father is here?”

  “You may have a seat until Mr. Cramer comes to collect you.” Lucy went back to the bench. Her mind was spinning. How on earth did he find her? It seemed impossible, but then her father was extremely smart. She was just relieved that the whole ordeal would soon be over.

  “You can’t trust them.” Finnegan whispered to her.

  “Mr. Murphy, I see no reason to keep you here any longer.” The councilman turned to Arden. “Commander Cormenic you may take him to the island.”

  Arden signaled his men. They charged at Finnegan and grabbed his arms. “You can’t do this!” he cried.

  Lucy stood up. She had questions of her own. “Wait. I want to talk to him. Can’t you wait until my father gets here? I know he’ll want to h
ear this.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous young lady. Your father isn’t coming here. How should I know where he is? I’ve called for your grandfather. Devin Cramer will be here shortly. You’ll go with him.”

  “No I won’t. I’m not going anywhere except home.” she said desperately. She looked to Arden for help but he simply sighed. “You can’t tell me what to do.”

  The councilman scowled. “Young lady you’re in Firesea now. This isn’t some backwater circle. You’ll do as you’re told.”

  “I have rights.”

  “In Firesea you have no rights unless they are granted to you, and I have not granted you any. Now sit down and wait for your grandfather to take you into his custody.”

  “His custody?”

  Arden and the rangers escorted her newly found uncle to the door. As they passed by Finnegan looked at her. “You should have kept your mouth shut. They’ll never let you go now.”

  The rangers dragged him out of the council hall leaving Lucy alone and afraid.

  Chapter 55

  Killian touched the course hair of the horse he was slung across. Suddenly the animal stopped and he was dragged off its back and shoved down a steep embankment and into something with an unsteady floor, he thought it might be a boat. After being pushed up a rocky hill he was forced into a place with a stone floor.

  Someone began tugging at the hood over his head. A second later two burly men in scanty shorts and sandals were staring at him. “It’s more copper than red.” one of them said.

  The other man looked at the top of Killian’s head. “How does that make him more powerful? I don’t get it.”

  “I dunno.” said the first one. “But the Master Enchanter is coming so we’d better go.”

  They shackled Killian’s wrists to two chains coming out of the wall and left, shutting the heavy oak door behind them.

  Killian stood in the middle of what was obviously some type of prison cell in disbelief. Just that morning he had been redecorating the front parlor. Now Lucy was gone, he had inadvertently killed Maeve, Tom and Nora were captured and he was chained to a wall.

  A few minutes passed before the door opened. A man about Killian’s age walked inside. He was wearing a long red robe with black embroidery on the hem. His hair was black and long, it fell in a tangle of waves. His eyes were the same color as his hair making it difficult to distinguish between the iris and the pupil. Killian took a step back, the robe was the most powerful magical object he had ever encountered.

  “Hello there.” the man said with a curl of his lip. He reached out his long fingers and touched Killian’s head. He frowned. “Who cast this spell on you?”

  “Why am I here? My daughter has been kidnapped. You have to help me.”

  The man leaned casually against the wall. “We’ll get to all of that a bit later. First of all, do you want to know who I am?”

  “No. I want to find my daughter.”

  “I’m the Master Enchanter of Firesea.”

  “So what?”

  “So that means I am the top, the number one.”

  “Can you help me find my daughter?”

  “The color red is very important to our circle. Red haired people tend to be the most powerful.”

  “Then why don’t you have red hair?” Killian asked.

  A flicker of annoyance crossed the Master Enchanter’s face. “That is not your concern. You have an enchanted pen in your pocket.” The Master Enchanter reached inside Killian’s jacket and put his hand in his shirt pocket. There was a hissing sound. The Master Enchanter pulled his hand away, his skin was burnt several layers deep. He put his fingers to his mouth. “Very clever.”

  “Thank you.”

  “I can’t allow you to have that here. It wouldn’t be very hard for you to escape.”

  “Why am I being held at all? I’ve done nothing wrong.”

  “You were found riding in one of those wheeled contraptions.”

  “An automobile?”

  The Master Enchanter nodded. “Yes. You were not granted rights for that.”

  “I have to find my daughter.”

  The Master Enchanter put his hand in the pocket of his robe, when he removed it the burn was gone. “All citizens of Firesea have to earn their rights, you’re no different.”

  “I’m not a citizen. I’m from Wildbush.”

  The Master Enchanter laughed. “You are from Firesea, you know that.”

  Killian didn’t say anything. The Master Enchanter put his hand back in the pocket of his robe. When he removed it he was wearing a steel glove. He reached inside Killian’s pocket and took the pen. The look of triumph on his face quickly faded as the pen ate through the steel and burned his hand. Enraged he slapped Killian across the face with what was left of the glove. For once Killian was grateful for Talia, a slap was nothing. The pen landed on the floor.

  “There’s no point in trying to take it.” Killian told him.

  “Then we’ll take you away from the pen.” The Master Enchanter called for help. The two men returned. “Take him to the main prison. I’ve had enough of him.”

  One of the men looked at the floor. “I think you dropped something Master Enchanter, some kind of writing stick.”

  “Leave it. In fact seal this whole cell off. I don’t want anyone coming in here.” the Master Enchanter said.

  “What about my daughter?” Killian cried as the two men unshackled him and dragged him out of the cell. The Master Enchanter strolled away without answering.

  The main part of the prison was in the basement. It was nothing more than a large room with privy holes on one side and a slow trickle of water coming out of a spout on the other. The only light came from narrow slits at the top of the walls. Into the darkness Killian was shoved. A few prisoners looked up, but otherwise no one took notice of his arrival. The odor was almost unbearable. He felt himself gag.

  “They tell me that you get used to the smell.” he heard someone say.

  Killian turned around and found Finnegan standing behind him. Killian reached back and landed a hard punch to his face.

  Chapter 56

  Lucy was brought into a small room away from the council. There was another case to hear and they wanted her out of the way. A window overlooked a side street. People bustled about in strange woolen clothing and odd shaped hats. She ached for home, for everything familiar and right.

  Someone came in and handed her a pair of red silk slippers. She put them on, her one remaining shoe was covered in mud. She sighed and stared out of the window. The minutes passed by slowly. Outside an older man with silver hair and a silver beard came into view. A few seconds later she heard someone talking to the guard outside. The door opened and the silver haired man stepped inside. “Are you-” He stopped and took a handkerchief from his pocket. He wiped his brow. “Are you my granddaughter?”

  “I suppose so.”

  “They told me you were kidnapped by Finnegan Murphy. He was always a rotten boy.”

  “I want to go home.”

  “Is your father Killian Cramer?”

  “Yes.” she said impatiently. “I’ve already said that to them.” She pointed to the council chambers.

  “I’m sure you have. I never thought I would hear that name again. He’s my son.”

  “How can I believe that? Show me proof.”

  “I don’t have any proof. But I assure you that I am his father. My name is Devin Cramer.” He offered his hand and she reluctantly took it. The gesture reminded her of Killian as did his tall slim frame.

  “Why do I have to go with you? Why can’t I go home?”

  “My dear this is Firesea. Rights must be earned and as of now you don’t have any and I have very few. You’ll have to wait until you are granted your freedom.”

  “I’ll do no such thing. I’ll escape.”

  He laughed softly. “I used to be like you, full of spirit. My stepson Finnegan took that away.” There was melancholy in his eyes. “Is Killian alive?”

/>   “Yes of course.”

  Devin smiled. “I’m glad, I was afraid he was dead. Is he a good man?”

  “He’s been the best father any girl could ask for.” Her voice broke. She felt hot tears running down her cheeks. “I just want to go home.”

  “Come on, let me take you to my home for now. We’ll talk of escape later.”

  There was no alternative. She was going to have to trust him. She left the council hall with Devin. They walked past the cathedral, timbered buildings leaned forward casting shadows in the circle. The Firesea enchanters stared at her. They looked at her clothes and whispered to one another. She noticed there seemed to be others dressed in drab burlap robes walking behind the enchanters. She took them to be servants, or maybe they were the mortal slaves Arden had mentioned.

  Lucy followed Devin to a small house crammed between two larger buildings. He took a worn brass key from his pocket and unlocked the front door. “Here we are.”

  Lucy took a deep breath and went inside. Whatever happened next she would find her way home.

  Chapter 57

  Nora’s hands were bound with a thin gold rope. She was riding behind a man with a sweaty neck and thick flabby arms. Tom was somewhere in the column of horses and soldiers. They passed through the red doors of Firesea. The soldiers dismounted and pulled Nora to the ground. She glanced over her shoulder and spotted Tom looking dazed. She tried to catch his eye but he stared straight ahead. They were hurried into an enormous round building with a red glass dome. Inside was a long dais lined with people wearing red shirts and absurd hats. Milling about were men clad in only a pair of tiny suede shorts that laced up the front and leather sandals, they were carrying long spears.

  “More? I thought we were done.” an elderly man with the tallest hat complained as he looked down at Nora and Tom. “What is the charge?”

  One of the soldiers next to Nora cleared his throat. “These two mortals were caught operating a motorized and wheeled apparatus in the occupied land. They were accompanied by a red haired enchanter. He has been taken to the island for evaluation by the Master Enchanter.”


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