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A Spartan's Kiss

Page 23

by Billi Jean

  “Do you need me to explain—?”

  “Look, I don’t think this conversation has to continue. I told you what you need to do in order to get back your little Dare. What do you want? I was shopping, you know?”

  He laughed again. The sound wasn’t pleasant. “Oh, yes, I know. Shopping, rather than cutting yourself. A novel idea. Will it work? Can you fix yourself so you can be a mate to my captain? I fear I need him, but he will die soon without you.” He paused in his stroll around her and murmured, “I hadn’t realised this when I brought them back.” He examined her expression. No doubt she looked dumbfounded. She was surprised her mouth wasn’t gaping.

  He nodded. “The time, you see, it weighs on them. The years, I suppose. Aeros more so than the others, I think. He seeks no solace, and because of this, he is fading.”

  Her heart did a funny leap, and her stomach wanted to follow. Fading? “What are you talking about?” Aeros was as solid as any man she’d ever met—very, very solid. Recalling the bar scene, she shivered. The pleasure they’d shared had been something she’d treasure forever. She’d not meant to let it go so far. But she couldn’t regret it now.

  “The heat he feels? You’ve not noticed?”

  Thinking about Aeros hurt. But she forced herself to remember every moment, the pool, buried beneath the earth for their first kiss, the bar scene. Sure, he’d felt warm to her, but they’d been in the jungle. Recalling the chilliness of the monster’s cave, she frowned. He’d been sweating, while she’d been shivering. When he’d curled around her, she’d felt his heat surround her.

  “What about it?”

  “It’s a sign he is near to being extinguished.”

  “What? You need to explain that. Now.” Fists clenched, she faced Ares and glared at his knowing smile.

  He raised an arrogant eyebrow instead of answering her. Gods, he was condescending. She hoped Dare made him suffer. He was arrogant. He played with people. And now he was playing with her. Her power flowed quickly, like the pulse of her heart, filling her with anger and what felt like an endless supply of juice. Was he feeding her power without knowing it? Without her knowing it? Didn’t matter. Aeros had saved her life, he’d given her pleasure, he’d been calm and patient while she could admit she’d not been very kind to him in the jungle. And she’d repaid him by taking Dare out of his reach. Had Ares punished him? Was Ares lying? Ares could be punishing Aeros even now—maybe even causing the heat.

  “You are a bit feisty for being such a cautious witch. Well, since you asked so sweetly…” he said, sauntering back to his throne. The guy was so arrogant she couldn’t believe Dare really wanted him, but who was she to judge?

  He turned and gave her a condescending smirk, and leisurely sat and crossed one leg over the other like he had all the time in the world. Pissing her off even more, he rested back on the big thing and watched her. Geesh, he looked like Aeros when he did that. Only not as sexy.

  “Ares. You are trying my patience. If I had to guess? I’d guess you’ve made Aeros sick for not bringing you your little toy. Sorry, but you just can’t go through your existence playing with people. Dare is free. If you want her back, care about her, and notice the emphasis on ‘care’, you’ll earn her back. Now, tell me what you’ve done to Aeros!”

  Okay, maybe yelling at a god wasn’t the smartest gamble, but the guy sat up straighter and seemed to flip from amazement to outrage and back again.

  “Well, she certainly told you.”

  Whirling at the newest member of this game, Tab took a double-take. Dressed like a Greek statue, the woman facing her had a bow, with an arrow notched and ready. That was okay. Who wouldn’t come prepared to see Ares, god of war? But by her side was a fawn, lightly rubbing into her thigh. Okay, so this had to be… A memory of her trip to the glen surfaced in a flash of images and colour. Artemis.

  “Artie, what brings you to my home again so soon?”

  Artie? What the hell? Did the guy have no respect for anyone?

  Shooting Ares a glare, Tab moved so both gods were in her sights. Who was stronger? Ares the god of war, or Artemis, who Tab remembered was the goddess of…animals?

  “Tabithia, Ares speaks some truth in his lies. Aeros has reached his limit on time. If he does not bond with you, he will not survive the month. He will not return to the fields Ares stole him from. Instead he will pay his time to Hades.”

  Silence, Tab realised in that moment, echoed. It wasn’t exactly silent. Silence made a sound like a drum, loud and not soothing at all. Maybe it was her heart. How could this be happening? She’d tried. She had. But have sex? With Aeros, the beautiful warrior who stumbled over himself when she was near? Would he feel the same after? Would he be disgusted by her?

  “You have to choose, witch. Life for him, or life without him. But either way you should decide soon.” Somehow, the goddess made Tabithia think she didn’t like to offer the solution to saving Aeros. Tabithia sensed something else was going on, but Ares barked out a laugh and cut her thoughts in two.

  “Artie, you are full of wonder. Why are you here? To aid my case? I haven’t decided if I should let the witch live, let alone whether I should let her go so she can save my warrior. I have many warriors.” He flicked his wrist, as if batting a fly away from his godly head. “Aeros is no different.”

  The bastard. Aeros was different. In the middle of opening her mouth to tell him off, she snapped it shut. There were many things Tab was good at. Some things she’d never pursued to the fullest, but truth and lies? She could almost smell a lie. Ares was lying. Why? Aeros was more to him than simply a warrior.

  She walked over to the small table and poured herself a drink she wasn’t going to touch. She was out of her league. Things were going on here, plots within plots. Hell, no wonder the Fay were known for this shit, they’d been born of the gods, after all. But the lying she could use.

  “Really? So if he dies, or if he goes to spend some quality time with Hades, you won’t care?”

  Leaning back, the god of war simply watched her, a thoughtful frown on his handsome face. He shifted his eyes to Artemis and frowned harder, making his handsome brow angle down over his perfect nose.

  “Why are you here? What stake do you have in this?”

  Artemis tossed her glossy hair over her shoulder and lowered the aim on her bow. “Me? I simply keep the balance, Ares. You have brought this on yourself. I have told you this for years. Now you tread on those better left alone.”

  Lie. Tabithia could almost taste it on the godly air.

  “The Celtic gods, eh?”


  Again, a lie. This one not so great, but it was there, the flavour bitter on her tongue. So, her goddesses would be pissed off about this, but Artemis either didn’t believe they posed a threat, or she simply didn’t want Ares to know she didn’t believe their anger was worth noticing?

  “Yes? That’s all? No more scolding? No more threats? Why would they be interested in Aeros?”

  “He is Tabithia’s bonded, and she is what they are interested in.”

  Truth. But under her words there was a snap, an anger Tabithia couldn’t decipher.

  Then it hit what had been said. She was Aeros’ bonded? Tab considered leaving, since the two gods seemed to be well on their way to settling this, but, glancing around, she saw no means of escape. The hall was lined in huge marble pillars, spaced evenly in a large oval ring, but beyond that? Mist. Yeah. She and Trouble had used a spell to reach this place. She didn’t have that spell handy. It wasn’t like she often spelled to reach a god.

  “Can you aid him, bond to him, Tabithia?” Ares demanded.

  Jerked back to the here and now, she held her breath. Could she? Could she? What would it mean? Could she have sex? Maybe just have sex and leave? Then she’d never have to see him again, see the disgust and disappointment on his face.

  Meeting Ares’ gaze head on, she nodded. “I can try.” Was that her voice? Geesh. She sounded like a scared rabbit—if rabbit
s could talk.

  Ares nodded sharply. “Then you will try. And I will ask only one thing of you when you accomplish your bond and save Aeros’ life.”


  “You will lead me to Dare. I will negotiate her…demands in person.”

  Uh, no? “I can’t see that happening. Even if I wanted to, she’s hidden somewhere beyond your reach. She’s in between realms so your authority means nothing. As you know, the truce in these places is impossible to break.” Unless you actually were on the list to get in. Not that he knew there was one. Or which in-between realm she was in. There were literally thousands of in-between hubs sprinkled around the globe. She was hoping. Betting.

  Artemis said, “Ares, it is time to let her go. Soon it will be too late.”

  Ares settled more firmly on top of his throne. The man was stubborn, she’d give him that. “You have less than a week.”

  A week? She’d thought she had a month!

  “Aeros lives or dies according to your actions. I will see Dare. I will have you take me to her. I will negotiate with her.” He waved his hand, clearly dismissing her. “Tell her this. She will agree.”

  He sounded so smug. Sitting atop his throne, dressed in his war gear, his goatee cut sharply along his strong jaw, lips thinned with displeasure and hair tied back from his arrogant face, he was the very image of powerful male. He made her sick. Seriously, he needed to be taken down a notch or two. She hoped Dare told him to go to Hades, but she seriously doubted the lovesick witch would do any such thing.

  “Fine. But Dare gets to decide and no cheating, trying to grab her and go and all that. She’s not happy with you.”

  His smug smile really pissed her off.

  “Very well. I will send you to him. Make the best of it.”

  Send her to him? She had just enough time to glance at Artemis, who looked even sterner, before she was standing in front of Aeros.

  Chapter Twenty

  Aeros nearly fell backwards into the rack of leather jackets Tabithia had been checking out. He knocked over the rack of clothing with a startled grunt. What was he doing here? Had he been following her?

  “Tabithia, damn it, you—” He cut off mid-curse, shook his head, and reached up to rub the back of his neck, looking baffled. Clearly she’d surprised him. “Surprised me.”

  “I’m sorry about the other night, Aeros.”

  Did that sound all right? She watched him closely to see if he was angry with her, but he simply frowned and shook his head.

  “I overreacted,” she said, “and I’m sorry I ran off.”

  “There is nothing to be sorry about, Tabithia. I am the one who is sorry. I should never have taken advantage of you like that. I am sorry for worrying you, scaring you at the club.”

  Aeros cleared his throat, reminding her of that night in the caves. He’d been so careful with his words and himself. Even when he’d been doing such wicked things to her in the pool, he’d made her feel like she was beautiful—like she’d break. Considering herself, she accepted she might. She wasn’t a good match for him. If she was his bonded, his one true match, what a crazy, mixed-up world this was. He deserved so much more.

  “You’ve been well?” he asked.

  Meeting his dark eyes, she nodded, swallowing past her nervousness. He looked flushed. Sweat beaded his brow. Now that she knew what to look for, she could sense the unhealthiness in his aura.

  “And you?”

  “I am well. Tabithia, can you give me another chance if I promise not to rush you…or harm you? I can be—”

  She shook her head quickly. “You’ve never harmed me, Aeros. You’ve never done anything wrong. Here, though, uh…”

  She glanced around at the humans in the store, nervous to be alone with him, but not wanting to discuss this here. Would they simply get it on? Just have sex now? She had a week, but why wait? Her body went into instant readiness at the thought of him touching her again. A flush warmed her. She tried to ignore it, but the heat and excitement settled deeper. She needed to slow down, but the thought of him holding her had her body rioting, ready and willing for his touch.

  “Can we go somewhere else? Somewhere less public?”

  He exhaled heavily. Had he been holding his breath? A slow smile spread on his face, and she took a direct hit to the stomach. He was a very handsome man, but his smile? Devastating.

  What would it be like to have him in her life, smiling like that at her? He seemed happy at her suggestion.

  “That would be nice, Tabithia.”

  Her name. Did he have to say it like that?

  They stood there looking at each other awkwardly. Suddenly, she remembered she’d suggested they go somewhere else. Yes, somewhere else, but where? Mind blank, she glanced around, and, when she looked back, Aeros was just looking up from her chest. Something warm and fuzzy had her smiling. He liked her breasts, she remembered. He’d often seemed to get his gaze snagged on her curves when they’d been in the jungle. Would he like her to be bold? To pour an icy glass of water over them and let him lick the beads of chilly liquid off her budding nipples?

  Holy gods, help her. Did she just think that?

  “Do you know this area?”

  He watched her closely, and she hoped he didn’t see how tight her nipples had gone under her skimpy T-shirt. His gaze softened, warmed to something she couldn’t think about.

  She swallowed. “Uh, how about…?”

  “Is your home near here?”

  Her home. Her home was bare walls and a closet full of weapons and clothes. Not there. No way. She just might have to buy furniture if he was coming over. Was he coming over? Was this a one-time only sex-and-run? Or…more?

  Aeros dug his hands in his jeans pockets, and she couldn’t help but think he’d done that to keep from touching her. Ah, holy shit, she was in deep.

  “No, not really. I mean, well…”

  “We could go to a coffee house around the corner. I remember you like coffee.”

  Ah, yeah. Understatement. Coffee. Like a real date? Something melted inside. The tension eased, allowing her to get a grip on all that had just happened. She could do coffee. She could do this. ‘This’ being a bit vast and more than a bit overwhelming, but for this man, she feared she’d do a great deal more than sip coffee with him to save his life. But, first, baby steps.

  “Yes, I do like coffee. Do you?” He’d not had any of her Starbucks Double shots on the trip. Trip? Geesh, like it had been a mini vacation.

  “Yes, I do drink coffee.” He smiled again, his expression making her feel weak. “Not as much as you, but I do like the taste.”

  “You’re not angry over Dare?”

  Startled, he frowned for a moment, then shook his head. “Not at all. Ares, well, he’s another story.”

  Yeah. She got that, for sure—much more than he knew.

  “Come on then, Sweets and Stuff is just up the street. Have you been there?”

  She doubted he had. This was such a hidden part of the city she doubted many people knew of it. She didn’t go often, not more than twice a year, but she’d chance returning there with Aeros. She felt safe with him, she realised with a jolt—safe. There wasn’t such a thing in the immortal—or mortal—world.

  “I haven’t.”

  She grinned. He’d not changed. Still a man of few words. “Well, we’ll have to see if you like it.”

  Feeling like she was taking a huge leap, she grabbed his big hand and sighed as he wrapped his fingers around her smaller hand. She thought she heard him let out a breath before they started walking.

  Why did she feel suddenly like she was heading down a pathway full of landmines? Oh, yeah, ‘cause she wasn’t sure she could have sex with him. And she wasn’t sure she could save him any other way. And she wasn’t sure he’d understand her when she couldn’t. And let’s not forget, he still wore a pendant. She was almost one hundred per cent sure was forcing her to do anything he ordered.

  She’d seen Aeros angry before. She wasn’
t sure she wanted to again. She had a niggling doubt that he hadn’t truly been angry that last time either.

  She didn’t have any doubts he would be if he discovered she was going to try to save his life with sex.

  One thing she knew for certain about Aeros? He was a man of his word. His word, his honour and integrity meant everything to him.

  If she tricked him like this, would he hate her? He didn’t seem to hate her for tricking him in the jungle. But this…this was different. Right? Or did men not care, as long as they got laid?

  She glanced up at his profile, his squared jaw, Roman-straight nose, and deeply tanned skin, and knew without a single doubt that she was gambling because she suddenly wanted more than to trick him into living. She wanted to live with him.

  Tabithia and Aeros.

  Aeros and Tabithia.

  Did she have a chance of hearing that? Of hearing other immortals refer to them as a unit?

  She wanted him. She wanted to hold his hand, appear normal to everyone they passed, like a couple. She wanted to be his. She wanted him to be hers.

  Holy hell did she want.

  And it was…

  Crazy. Crazy, crazy, crazy.

  He opened the door to the café, and their gazes met. A shiver raced through her body. His irises swirled with golden flecks, lightening the darkness of his eyes. A smile tipped his firm lips. She swallowed hard.

  Now to seduce the sexy Spartan.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Aeros clenched his fist at his side, barely keeping his cool. Sitting across from her on a too-small chair in the little café Tabithia had picked out, he felt out of place—a bull in a china shop. The place was small, even quaint, he supposed, but all he could focus on was her face.

  He’d seen her smile before. He’d actually thought he’d never seen anything as beautiful before in his entire life—until now. Now she truly blew him away. Her happiness was like a break in the clouds after years of rain. Did he make her this way? His hand still burned where he’d clutched her smaller one too tightly.


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