Book Read Free

Until Then

Page 6

by Delisa Lynn

  Giving Brutus some extra food and water, I pat his chunky head and throw a ball around with him for a minute.

  I pull up to Roe’s at exactly five forty-five. I shut my truck off and walk to her door, which she opens before I can knock, giving me that smile I’ve thought about constantly for the last two days. “Come in, I need to finish getting ready.” She holds the door open for me. I kiss her cheek and see the blush spread across her face.

  “You look nice.” I lean against the wall and watch as she grabs her shoes.

  “Thanks, so do you. I wasn’t sure where we were going. I hope this isn’t too casual.” She motions at her outfit—tight jeans with a black low-cut blouse, completed by a pair of black knee boots.

  “It’s perfect.” I give her a wink. “You’ll love where we’re going.”

  “Just tell me already. And I hope you’re going to feed me. I skipped lunch.” She grabs her purse and walks toward the door. “Ready?”

  “Yes, there’ll be food involved.” I wink at her again as I walk out the door and watch as she locks her door behind us. She tosses the keys, in her purse.

  “Good,” she says as I help her into the truck before walking around to my side and sliding in. “Do you think you can take me to find a car tomorrow? If not, I can call London,” she asks as she fastens her seatbelt.

  “I can. Do you have a place in mind?” I ask, but I’m actually taking her to get one tonight. I called a buddy of mine who works at a dealership; he’s meeting us there in twenty minutes.

  “Not really. I bought that one in Michigan. I just want something similar to Coop.”

  “I’m sure we can manage that.” I turn out onto the main road. “I need to stop off and see a friend real quick, and then we’ll head to the restaurant. Is that okay?”

  “Sure, as long as I get food some time tonight.” She giggles.

  “You will, sweetheart,” I assure her. We pull into the car lot, and I see that smile spread across her face. “Are you ready to find Coop the Second?” I ask, turning the truck off. She’s already unfastening her seatbelt.

  “We’re going to get my car tonight?” She beams as she reaches over and hugs me. Pulling back quickly, she says, “Sorry, I get a little excited.”

  “No worries, and yes, sweetheart, we’re getting you a car.” I slide out of the truck, and she’s already out, looking like a kid on Christmas. “Let’s go get you a new car.”

  “Thank you,” she whispers as she leans into me.

  “You’re welcome, beautiful,” I say, kissing the top of her head.

  Roe’s car will be delivered tomorrow. She picked out a white and silver Mini, only slightly different from the white and black Coop. She said that as long as it had the same features as her old one, she was fine. I was able to talk to my buddy and get her a good deal, and the insurance check covered it all, so she didn’t have to pay any out of pocket.

  We’re heading to dinner at a little Italian restaurant my parents used to take us to all the time. It’s family owned, and the food is amazing. “I hope you like Italian food,” I say as I pull into a parking space.

  “I love it. Pasta is my weakness. I gain a few pounds just thinking of it,” she teases.

  “You’ll love Franchetties, then. My parents are friends with the owner.” I exit the truck and walk over to her door to grab her hand.

  “Hell, even the parking lot smells wonderful.” She licks her lips.

  “Oh, just wait until we get inside.” This is the first time I’ve been on a real date since I lost my wife. I never feel nervous, but right now I am a ball of nerves. I knew I’d eventually move on, but, the thought is scaring the loving hell out of me. I mean yeah, I have been with women, but I knew it was a onetime thing. With Roe, it should be more, mean more. I know I’ll never get over losing my wife, but I know that I do need to move on no matter how nervous I am about it.

  Once inside, Sonny, one of the owners, greets us.

  “Kole! So good to see you.” His eyes go from me to Roe. He knew my late wife and her family. I’m sure he is wondering if this is a new woman for me, as I haven’t been seen in public with another woman since…Sherrie.

  “You too, Sonny. This is my friend, Rosealy,” I introduce them.

  “Nice to meet you, dear. I’m Sonny.”

  “Likewise.” She smiles and takes his hand.

  “Follow me. I’ll give you two the best seat in the house.” We walk up the stairs to the second floor, sliding into a small booth next to a window overlooking the city. Sonny was right. It’s the best seat in the house.

  “Red or white wine?” he asks.

  “Thanks, Sonny. Red okay with you?” I ask Roe, and she nods in agreement. “Red it is. Thank you so much,” I say to Sonny.

  “Coming right up. Jane will be up to take your orders shortly.” Sonny walks back down the stairs.

  “This is beautiful,” she gasps.

  “So are you.” I catch myself saying.

  “Thank you. You’re pretty handsome too.” A warm reddish-pink cover her cheeks.

  We fall into a great conversation, stopping only to order once Jane approaches us.

  My car will be here tomorrow. I was so surprised and excited when we pulled into the Mini dealership. I’d worked so hard for my first car, and I was really upset about the wreck until I saw Coop the Second. When I left Michigan, I made a promise to myself that I wouldn’t fall for another man that I wouldn’t get involved again.

  Lucas broke me; losing him made me feel things I’ve never felt before. I was at my weakest when I came here, but I started over, and I’ve been happy alone. Now that I’ve met Kole though, I feel like I want more than what I’ve had lately. I know I’ll never love any man the way I loved Lucas, but I want to feel again.

  “What are you thinking about over there?” he asks as we pull into my driveway.

  “Honestly?” I turn to face him. “I was thinking that I want you to kiss me.” I lean over the armrest; my mouth just inches away from his. “Will you kiss me, Kole?” I’ve barely said the words before he catches my mouth with his. I moan as I hear him growl. I’ve never been kissed like this, and I mean never.

  None of the boys I kissed when I was younger—not even my ex—set my insides on fire like he just did.

  Seemingly reluctant, he pulls away from me. “I better go. I really like you, and I want us to remain friends,” he says, raking his hand down his face. “Fuck!” He slams his hand on the steering wheel. “I really fucking like you,” he says, before he crashes his lips to mine once more.

  “Please stay,” I whisper after we break apart. “I’m not asking for more than one night.”

  “If I stay, what happens tomorrow?” he asks, kissing along my neck.

  “You go home, and we still remain friends,” I say meekly.

  “If I stay, you’ll want to be more than my friend. But there are things that you don’t know about me. Things that will make you think differently of me,” he murmurs, making his way down my neck. “Are you sure you want to cross that line?”

  Running my hand through his dark hair, I answer, “Yes, I do.” I kiss him tenderly then pull back. “There are things you don’t know about me either. I’m not asking for marriage, only one night with you. One night with you buried deep inside me. I realize we’ve barely known each other two days, but I feel like I’ve known you for years. I haven’t been with anyone since my ex, and I need you. Will you stay with me? I won’t ask again.” I open the truck door and head toward my house without looking back. When I unlock my door, I feel him behind me. Walking in, he pushes against me as he closes the front door.

  “Tonight is all I can give you,” he whispers. “After that, I can’t promise anything.”

  “That’s all I’m asking for, Kole. Only tonight.” Unbuckling his belt, I pull him closer to me. “Take me. Make me yours for the night.” My voice is laced with lust.

  “Sweetheart, I’m going to fuck you so hard that you’re going to beg me to do it
again.” He pulls my blouse over my head.

  “Mmm,” I moan.

  His jaw ticks. “You’re beautiful. Fucking beautiful.” He leads us to my bedroom, and I kick my boots off before getting his pants off. I slide them down his thighs, and his length greets me, ready for my mouth. I push him on the bed and step out of my jeans. Pulling my socks off, I leave my panties and bra on then climb on the bed.

  With Kole lying on his back, I place my lips on his, kissing him hard and rough as his erection rubs against me. Sliding down his body, my tongue grazes over the tip of his cock. He growls and grabs my hair with his right hand. Taking him in my mouth, I moan then devour him. He fists my hair with one hand and the sheet with the other before pulling my head off him. I miss his cock already.

  “I’m not coming in your mouth. I want to come in that pretty little cunt,” he growls as he flips me over, sliding my panties down my thighs.

  “You’re going to kill me,” he says before placing his mouth over my heat.

  “Mmm… Yes,” I moan as he sucks my clit. He dips a finger inside me, and I come undone. This is exactly how I imagined it would be. “Kole, yes. Oh, God, right there!” I call out as my hips buck.

  Wrapping his arm around my waist, he keeps my ass on the bed as his tongue finds that spot inside my folds that make me breathless. Before I can even moan, I feel his cock plunge inside me.

  “You’re so tight, baby. So fucking tight, but my cock was made for this pussy.” His lips find mine, the taste of my juices on his mouth setting my body on fire. He thrusts, and I bring my hips up, matching him. “So fucking beautiful,” he says as he kisses his way down my chest. Pushing my bra beneath my breasts, he tugs a taut nipple between his teeth.

  My walls clench around him. “Kole, yes. I’m coming!” I moan as I feel my pussy milking his cock.

  “Right there, sweetheart,” he growls as he pounds into me. His body stiffens, and I feel his seed pouring into me. He slides out of me, and the warm liquid runs down my ass crack. “Shit… Condom.”

  There’s complete silence as he lies on my stomach and I run my hands through his hair. A good thirty minutes pass before either of us speaks. I’m thirsty and have to pee, but I don’t want to ruin this moment—it was the best sex I’ve ever had. His hands are still on my hips, and I can feel his breathing slowing down. I clear my throat, and the words won’t come out. I tap his shoulder.

  He looks up at me, his eyes soft and curious. “You okay, baby?” His voice is husky.

  “Yep, I just have to pee.” Gah, I feel silly now that the words left my mouth. He rises and takes my hand, helping me to my feet. “Thank you.” Smiling, I pad toward the bathroom.

  I’ve never had unprotected sex before. I’m so glad I get a birth control shot every three months. Which reminds me, I need to schedule that soon.

  Cleaning myself up, I walk toward the refrigerator and grab a beer and water before heading back to the bedroom. Kole is lying on his side, smiling. “You read my mind. I could use that beer right now.” He chuckles.

  Tossing it to him, I sit on the bed. “I thought so,” is all I say before sliding under the blanket. I discarded my bra in the bathroom, and now I’m completely naked.

  “I’m clean, and I hope like hell you are. And that you’re on birth control. I normally don’t do that. I just had to be in you and didn’t think about it, honestly.” He takes a pull from the beer.

  “I’m clean, and on birth control.” Sipping my water, I look back at him. “I’ve never been unprotected, not even with my ex,” I admit.

  “C’mere, I wanna cuddle.” When he smiles, that uneasy feeling I had washes away, and I slide next to him. “I’m so glad I ran into you,” he murmurs into my hair.

  “You know I moved here from Michigan, right?” I say, and he nods. “I was engaged. My ex, Lucas, was in an accident and lost his memory. He’d been four-wheeling with some friends. I begged him to stay with me that night, but he said he’d see me the next day. He was never the same after that. We tried after he regained consciousness, but he didn’t have any memory of me…or us,” I explain, and for the first time since it happened, I’m not sobbing about it.

  “Where is he now?”

  “Still in Michigan, with his wife.” I sit up so I can look at him, “He married one of the home care nurses his parents hired for him. Hell, they were beyond happy that he couldn’t remember me. They always hated me. It’d been a few months since the accident when I moved here. I just couldn’t be there anymore. My dad thinks I was running away, but I wanted to find myself. I’d been at my job for three years, and even though I loved it and my clients, I wasn’t happy. It wasn’t something I wanted to continue doing.”

  “Damn, sounds like you’ve had a rough few years,” he says, pulling me into him once more.

  “It made me stronger, and I’m glad it worked out the way it has.” And it has. I never would’ve left had that not happened.

  “That’s understandable. Do you still talk to anyone from back home?”

  “Not really, other than my dad. I talk to a few of my old friends, but I was at a point in my life that I had shut everyone out. Lucas and I were together since we were teenagers.”

  “How old are you?” he asks, and I realize we’ve never discussed our ages.

  “I’ll be twenty-six in a few months.” I trace circles over his chest.

  “Jesus.” He turns over on his side. “Please, tell me you’re kidding.”

  Shit, he’s serious.

  “Nope, I’m twenty-five. Is that okay?”

  “That’s fine, but you’re going to think I’m fucking ancient.” He laughs. “I’m almost ten years older than you.”

  “Yeah, I figured you’re in your thirties.” Actually, I thought he was in his late thirties. I won’t tell him that though.

  “What was your job before you came here?” he asks.

  “Medical billing. I started right out of high school. Took the classes while still in school, actually. It just wasn’t something I wanted to do anymore.”

  “That happens. I was a detective and left two years ago. I wanted something different and needed a fresh start, so I sold my house and moved into my one-bedroom apartment.”

  “How long have you known Abbott and Lopez?” I’m especially curious considering my best friend is sleeping with one of them.

  “All my life. Lopez and Kathy have been married for years, and he and I worked together on the force. Now I work with Abbott. He’s a good guy. And he seems to like your friend.”

  “I miss having friends like that. I have a few here. London and I clicked right away when we met while applying at North. She’s kind of crazy, but I wouldn’t have her any other way.” I miss home and my life there. I felt bad for leaving the ones who did love and want me around, but I just couldn’t take being there any longer knowing the man I was supposed to marry had no clue who I was, or who we were together. My chest tightens at the memory.

  “She and Kathy have been friends for a while. I’ve heard Kathy mention her before, and we met a few times.” He kisses me. “I need to be with you again before we call it a night.”

  And just like that, he’s inside me. And all I can think about is how Kole Harris made me think twice about not loving again.

  It’s been a week since I’ve spoken to Roe. I left her place that Sunday morning hoping I could just forget about her, but she’s been on my mind nonstop. I went out with the guys three nights ago, but neither she nor her friend were mentioned.

  I’m just finishing up my three-day shift, and tomorrow I’m assisting a training class for new firefighters. I’ve checked my phone every chance I’ve had, and she hasn’t called or sent a text.

  It wouldn’t hurt to just see how she’s doing, right?

  Grabbing my phone, I hover above her name. I slide my finger over, and it starts dialing, but I hang up as soon as it says connecting.

  A text will be better.

  Me: Hey, would you like to get a drink tonight?

  I stare at my phone a few minutes—nothing. Just as I start to put it away, it dings.

  Roe: Hey! Hope all is well. Sorry, I’m a little busy. Some other time?

  Me: Sounds good, just let me know when you’re free.

  Roe: Great, TTYL.

  Fuck, guess she isn’t as interested as I am. I slide my phone back into my pocket and walk onto the floor. It’s the middle of the day, and normally there aren’t too many calls that come in around this time, but I know I better stick around, just in case.

  I look at my watch, seeing that I’m off the clock in two hours. I’ve never really been a social media guy, but I want to be nosey, so I log into my Facebook page and go to Abbott’s profile. I find London on his friend’s list, and then Rosealy in hers. Her page is public—that’ll help my stalking. Her profile picture is just of her, but I see some pictures from two days ago. It’s her and a guy, who looks to be her age. The caption reads “Me and Matt, having a night out.” What the fuck? I scroll further and see pictures of us that night at the bar. Caption reads, “Night out with new friends.” Well, at least she considers me a friend.

  Slinging my phone in the chair beside me, I see Abbott rounding the corner. “Hey, man. Almost time to get out of here.” He sits next to me.

  “Yeah. So, how’s things with you and London?”

  “Good, we’re just having fun. What about you and Roe? She seemed to like you.” He hands me a bottle of water.

  “Haven’t really talked to her. We texted earlier, but other than that it’s been a week since I’ve spoken to her.”

  “You like her, don’t you?” He cocks his head, staring at me.

  “She’s cool. She’s young, though.” I down my water. “But there’s something about her that isn’t like the other chicks I’ve been with the last few years.”

  “Shit, she’s not that young. Same age as London,” he says.

  “Yeah, mid-20s Anyway, I asked her out, and she said she’s busy, so I’m assuming she isn’t too interested. I don’t have time for a relationship or games.” And that’s the truth.


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