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Doira'Liim (The Beautiful Whisper of the Goddess Saga)

Page 15

by Orr, Krystal

  "You should not be here, Ari-sera! I was trying to keep you safe, love! Why? Why?" Arizira coughed and with difficulty managed to place her hand on top of Talliea's which rested on her chest."I...m-missed you. I...promised...t-to keep you s-safe."

  Tears fell from Talliea's eyes and pooled in the crook of Arizira's neck. She could feel her love's breathing coming farther and farther apart. Her skin was pale and quickly cooling and blood was drying on her lips. "Not this way, Ari. Not this way." Arizira attempted another small smile before wincing with pain. Tears formed in the corners of her eyes and Talliea realized the light within them was fading. "A-always t-this...way, f-failira. My e-eyes are...g-g-gladdened to...s-see your...f-face again. Y-you are...s-safe. T-this is...e-enough...f-for me."

  " I can not walk this world without you. P-please! Stay here. Stay here with me." Talliea's heart could not decide if it wanted to continue to beat or cease all attempts and join her love's. She had waited her whole life for Arizira. She had found herself in the other woman. Love, happiness, physical fulfillment--all had been achieved for her through Arizira. The two of them had found one another. They had become friends. They had become equals.

  They had found love and become lovers. The thought of never experiencing any of those things again terrified and saddened Talliea beyond all imagining. She could not live her life without Arizira. She couldn't. Their two separate lives had become one over the course of their time together. The bond they shared was unlike anything she had ever known. She knew she'd never find that type of connection again. "I'm going to save you, love, do you hear me? Just stay with me," she pleaded, before attempting to pick the smaller woman up.

  Around them both, the sounds of steel meeting steel rang out in the silence of the forest. Voices called out to their fellows and resounding commands were issued afterward. Occasional flashes of light flared to life in various areas but, for the moment, no one attempted to interfere with Talliea or Arizira.

  Arizira cried out when her love tried to move her. Pain shot through her chest and fanned out into her arms and fingers. Fresh blood spilled from the wound in her chest and her vision darkened. "Do...n-not, Tah-li...d-do n-not," she panted out. She knew the Esu and Arnira would soon be upon them and she desired her last moments to be spent with her love rather than in pain because of some futile attempt at flight. Talliea loosened her hold on Arizira's body and let her head fall onto her neck. She needed to be close to the woman who had brought her to life and healed her heart.

  "I love you so much," she whispered in a ragged breath against Arizira's neck. Kissing her pulse, she let herself feel the enormity of her crazed emotions. Everything assaulted her at once and she cried as someone who has lost a most vital part of themselves. Her spirit felt like it was being ripped from inside her only to be replaced with a deep, black, and unforgiving void. She grasped Arizira's shoulder and squeezed her arm almost painfully in her desperation to keep them together.

  "Failira..."Arizira croaked. Her voice was deeper and slower and Talliea knew their time together was coming to a fast end. Pulling away and running her fingers across her lover's face, she tried to clear her tears so that she could see Arizira's eyes more clearly. "Y-you's...g-g-great...est...d-desire. I...l-love y-you..f-fai..l-lira. A-always..."

  Talliea watched the dull glow of Arizira's eyes finally dim and fade away. A glossy sheen seemed to cover them almost immediately and her body slackened in her arms. A deep rattle like sound came from her throat and in the next moment, she was still and quiet. "No! No! Oh, please! No! Ari? Ari? I love you...please!"


  "This is what must come to pass?" The voice, the angelic voice that did not belong to the rest of the world, answered back softly, "It is how she shall come into herself."

  "I was not aware of the pain involved."

  "Through pain comes strength. This shall prove to be the catalyst she needs to find her strength."

  "There must be some other way. The ethereal voice paused for a moment before, "There is not. Her power will manifest itself when the need presented is great enough. Death shall be that need."

  "She deserves to know. They both do."

  "They can not. The prophecy would veer off course and things that must come to pass would not. You shall not interfere. All forks in the road do not lead away from the forest."


  "I would never question you unless I thought it best."

  "I know."

  Another beat.

  "They will fall in love and experience a bond not felt in ages only to end as you have shown me?" The question was met without an immediate answer.

  "One is very dear to me. I have watched her for all of her life. I shall continue to do so, but from you I require your trust and your faith."

  "You have it. Always you have had it."

  "Then trust me again. The Child of Whispers must experience death if her goddess is to find her way to me."

  * * * * * *

  Arizira finally came to the rock formation early the following morning. The moon still shone in the sky above her, but its light was fading as the sun attempted to claim the day. Red and pink colors spread across the horizon and a light fog could be seen in the forest where the sun's rays fought to reach the ground. All was quiet as she approached and the peaceful silence was welcome to her.

  Just as she was about to bend down to check on Talliea, the sound of a wolf howling caught her attention and forced her to search for the source. She looked straight ahead and noticed, far away on a hill top shrouded in heavy mist and fog, a great white wolf. The wolf's head was thrown back as it howled at the dying moon. Its great body was pure white without a speck of silver or grey. It howled, turned to look at Arizira, and then howled again. The sound was deep and rich and seemed to echo the lament she felt herself at the night's passing. Finally, the wolf finished its cry and turned to face her. Something about the creature seemed different, but she could not place what that was. She felt a connection with the wolf, as though the great beast knew her in some way.

  For long moments, blue eyes held blue eyes. The wolf sniffed the air as the sun finally took over the sky above. Arizira looked up at the slowly gaining light. When she turned back to where the wolf had been, she was surprised to find it no longer present. Looking around, she hoped to spot the majestic creature, but her attempts were met with disappointment.

  The wolf was gone.

  She sighed to herself and took the wolf's appearance as a good sign for the day. Wolves were special to Aitla. With that thought in her mind, she felt as if her goddess was somehow blessing her decision to aid Talliea. She crawled inside the rock structure and was immediately grateful for the warmth the spring provided. The night had been cold and her journey through the forest a trying trek. She was happy to no longer feel the sting of Salira's icy bite.

  Talliea was on her side, facing her, with the wolf hide blanket pulled up to her shoulders. Deep and even breaths signaled her state of sleep and rest and Arizira smiled at noticing how peaceful she appeared. Reaching out, she let her fingers brush away a few strands of dark black hair that had fallen over Talliea's face. Her fingers lingered a moment by her ear before Arizira stopped herself and pulled her hand away.

  Cynra's earlier words to her had been wise and given her a lot to think about. They had been fanciful and filled with hope, but they had also confused her immensely. Despite what the Dream Speaker said, Arizira knew she could not just blurt out her feelings, nor could she take advantage of Talliea's youth and innocence of the world. If she chose to pursue Talliea, she knew she would have to approach her differently than she would an Arniran woman. She would have to take things more slowly and cautiously if she hoped to win Talliea's heart.

  Arizira knew that was what she wanted. She was
not seeking just a physical accord with Talliea. Her body was not craving that beautiful release of the flesh that she had experienced in the past. Though those couplings had been fulfilling to her, Arizira was not desiring that type of encounter with the Esu woman. She was searching for something deeper and more meaningful. It was not her body that reacted first when Talliea was near her. It was her heart, her spirit.

  She knew there was definitely a physical attraction present and her body did react to Talliea's touch, but those things were not the first sensations she noticed. There was something different about Talliea. She felt at times as if she had always known the other woman. When their eyes met and all was quiet, Arizira was sure the two of them were sharing a moment they had many times before.

  It was strange to her, her feelings. They truly did leave her unsettled. When Talliea was close to her, her fingers practically hummed with a desire to caress that dark, bronze skin. Sitting against the right side of the deep impression of the rock formation, Arizira let the warmth from the surrounding spring seep deep into her bones. She knew the two of them would be needing to leave soon. They could not stay where they were. The structure provided little protection against the elements, and if a heavy snow or a rain passed through the forest the formation would quickly be filled and the two of them easily trapped inside.

  They would need to find a more permanent shelter, some place far enough away from both of their peoples, but close enough to familiar hunting grounds and sources of water. With the winter ever approaching, Arizira knew she and Talliea would need to stock up on as much food as they could. Water would not be as hard to come by. There were several rivers and springs and creeks throughout the wide forest. Though they would freeze in the cold, the water trapped inside could be melted down and stored in skins for long periods of time.

  Arizira found herself going over their needs. Shelter was first on her list followed by searching for and securing as much food as possible. She would need to go hunting. The animal she would kill would provide food for them, which could be dried for later use, as well as more adequate clothing for Talliea. The Esu woman could not run around the woods, in the winter, with only a thin cloth shirt and a flimsy skirt. She needed extra protection against the changing seasons.

  Shelter. Food. Clothing.

  Watching Talliea sleep, Arizira felt excitement well up inside her. The two of them were free to do as they wished. She could get to know Talliea without the worry of the Esu in the back of her mind. The Wilds were a much wider place than Talliea knew. She had only seen a small sampling of the forest. Arizira thought of all the places she wished to show her. The beauty around them was never ending. When the snows came and covered the world in a blanket of soft white, Arizira felt Talliea would still be able to appreciate what she wanted to share with her.

  Yawning and stretching, Arizira let her eyes close for a moment. She would need to learn to share the day in the light of the sun if she hoped to teach Talliea what she knew. The Esu were not able to see during the night as her people were able to see during the day. She and Talliea would both need to sleep at night and travel during the day. The sun was slowly growing in the sky outside and Arizira let her body relax against the rocks behind her. A small nap would help her to keep herself for the day ahead. As her eyes closed, she let them focus on Talliea's face. A small and contented smile was present on the other woman's full lips and Arizira wondered what dreams she witnessed to cause such an expression.

  Smiling softly to herself, she reached out her hand and placed it on top of Talliea's. Sleep came quickly to her and the world awoke outside with the sounds of birds and animals.

  Their journey together was finally beginning.

  Chapter 15: Taetylona

  Talliea stretched and rolled over onto her back. A bright glare against her eyelids caused her to squint and she mumbled to herself in annoyance before forcing her eyes open and looking around. The sun was large and full in the sky beyond and its radiant light filled the rock formation with a warm glow. Birds called to one another, and the sound of small creatures scurrying in the treetops and along the forest floor calmed her and caused her to smile at the simplicity.

  Rearing up on her elbows, she braced her weight and let her eyes take in her immediate surroundings. Arizira was nowhere to be seen, but the evidence of her presence was easy enough to spot. Her bow was leaning against the far side of the underground slope while two quivers, one wrapped in a tight cloth, sat on the floor beneath it. A jeweled dagger with a ruby quartz in the center of the handle laid against the quiver wrapped in cloth, and a tanned pair of gloves was next to it. Talliea noticed Arizira's leather pack sitting by her bow and wondered where the smaller woman was.

  Throwing her blanket away from herself, she crawled to the exit of her shelter and peered around. Leaves fell in a foreign dance through the wind that whistled high above, and the smell of grasses and flowers met her senses, but of Arizira there was no sign. She looked to her left and then to her right, but she found no trace of her companion in either direction. Panic clutched her heart and her mind was suddenly assaulted with vivid images of what could have happened. Had Lao'dahn followed the two women? Had he found Arizira unawares? The idea that Lao'dahn could walk up on someone as perceptive and skilled as Arizira did not seem likely to Talliea. Still, the man had proven to her that he was not without a vicious and cunning nature.

  She reached back behind her and grabbed the dagger Arizira had left lying in the depression. Stepping out of the formation and standing to her full height, Talliea decided to search the perimeter of the thermal spring. She had no idea what she would do if she actually happened upon Lao'dahn or anyone else for that matter. All she knew was that Arizira was not with her. The other woman had obviously returned during the night or early morning. Had she gone hunting? Why would she do so alone? She was supposed to be teaching Talliea her skills. It would prove more beneficial if they both hunted and tracked their food.

  Her thoughts fought within her mind. She attempted to calm herself and focus on the important facts. Allowing her imagination to fly in every direction was not going to help matters. What was important was finding Arizira and ensuring she was safe. Walking around the east side of the towering faces of rock, Talliea paused and listened for any abnormal sounds.

  There was nothing. She sighed and once again wished she was more like Arizira. If she had the Arniran's keen sense of hearing, she was sure she would have picked up on sounds other than that of the wildlife around her. "Ari?" she called as loudly as she dared.

  When no answering call came back on the wind, Talliea gripped the dagger in her right hand tighter and steeled herself. Just as she was about to continue heading farther away from the formation, a strange feeling settled over her. It was nearly like a vaporous wave that settled softly on her shoulders. She noticed her fingertips tingling and a sense of absolute sureness came over her mind. The sensation floated away from her and she blinked when she became aware of its absence. Shaking her head and looking around, she started in the direction the feeling was guiding her.

  Never once did she stop to question herself. Whatever was leading her seemed to be coming from inside herself. There was no other way to describe it. She walked over small ledges of rock and through heavy beds of fallen leaves, and all the time she never felt fear or panic. What she followed was good and peaceful. It required no second guessing. When she came to a small and gentle drop off in the earth, she stopped and came back to herself. Looking around, she realized she recognized her surroundings.

  She had come to the thermal spring she'd visited before. The monolithic rocks around her climbed high above toward the sky and several trees swayed in the easy breeze. From her vantage point, Talliea could see down into the water of the spring. Steam rose over the flat faced stones that broke the water's surface and in the center, amid the columns of aspiring mist, Arizira waded with her back to Talliea. The sound of her gentle singing and humming came to Talliea's ears and she realized
the words were unknown to her. They were lyrical and musical and utterly captivating and at once she knew them to be in the Arnira tongue.

  Arizira's fair and unmarked skin glistened with small rivulets of water and her silvery blonde hair, golden in the sun, was a deeper shade with the water having darkened it. Talliea watched her dip her head back into the water and spread her hands and arms out to her sides. The tops of her breasts peaked over the top of the water and Talliea felt herself blush.

  Arizira was naked! Completely. Naked.

  She turned away and closed her eyes. Why was that fact so shocking to her? She should have known! Arizira was bathing. The throbbing between her legs came back in an instant and she breathed out through her mouth slowly to calm herself. Turning back around, she let her eyes find Arizira again. Despite feeling awkward by her body's reaction, Talliea could not help herself from openly appreciating the woman before her.

  She felt her heart skip a beat in her chest as she watched Arizira trail her fingers over the surface of the water. She was beautiful, like some mystical creature out of imagination and wonder.

  Smiling, Talliea sat down against the tall pillar behind her and let her mind and her heart and her body appreciate the perfection so close to her. She wondered why she felt as she did when around Arizira. Her body always reacted pleasantly, but something else responded, too.

  Something inside her. Something stronger. Something deeper.

  She noticed, as she sat watching Arizira bathe and sing, that her mind and her spirit were completely at peace. There was no urgency or anxiety or worry plaguing the background of her thoughts. Her entire being was focused on nothing but Arizira. It was calming. Though the Arniran woman's back remained to her, Talliea was satisfied just being able to witness the smoothness of her gorgeous skin. The throbbing between her thighs still ached for something she could not name, but her heart was steady and without fear.


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