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Doira'Liim (The Beautiful Whisper of the Goddess Saga)

Page 35

by Orr, Krystal

  "Who are you to speak to me in this manner? You gave up your right to her when you allowed her to leave! You are too soft, Markahn. A real man would have known how to handle a whore like Talliea. You should have taken what she withheld from you, shown her the power you held and made her feel it!"

  "A real man?" Markahn scoffed and took another step toward Lao'dahn. "The veil has been lifted from my eyes for I see you as you are, old friend. All these long years and you have desired Talliea for yourself."

  Lao'dahn swallowed a nervous breath at the intensity in Markahn's eyes. He licked his lips to stall for a moment before inhaling a breath, squaring his shoulders, and adopting, what he hoped, was a defiant stance.

  "Yes. Yes, I desired her for myself! What man did not desire her? We all saw how you were with her. Soft and weak. Allowing her to mock you year after year with her refusal to spread her legs open for you! But you, Markahn, you were pathetic. You allowed her to be a harlot! As a man, you allowed a woman to dictate to you when she would lay with you! You could have gone to her while she slept and taken what you wanted and needed! That would have taught her what was expected of her! Women are here to service us! Us, Markahn! They provide us pleasure and keep our homes. They are not meant to be traipsing through an unknown forest doing Esuval knows what! You are weak and are a disgrace to our Order!"

  Anything else Lao'dahn had planned to say was forgotten. A solid fist connected with the side of his jaw and the impact caused him to bite his tongue. Blood filled the confines of his mouth and pain shot through his head. He temporarily lost his balance and fell to the cold snow beneath his feet.

  "You are filled with hatred, Lao'dahn. As a man of Esuval, I do not understand how you can reconcile such thoughts. My actions do not matter. Talliea is gone. What is done is done. You need to move on and claim a woman of your own."

  Markahn stepped around Lao'dahn and began heading back toward camp. He no longer desired to be in the other man's company. Lao'dahn stood up, spitting dark red blood upon the pristine white snow, and watched as Markahn moved away from him. "I claim Talliea!" he shouted. "I challenge your claim, you fool, and intend to join with Talliea."

  Markahn spun around quickly and with fire in his stormy eyes. "You challenge my claim on a woman no longer in the realm of the living? To challenge anything, Lao'dahn, Talliea must be present!"

  Spitting more blood onto the forest floor, Lao'dahn wiped away at a cut on his upper lip. Standing tall, he looked behind him at the monolithic rock formation, before returning his attention to Markahn.

  "I will find her, without the approval of the other men, if I have to. She is out here. She is alive. Talliea taunted you, Markahn. She mocked you and made you weak. I will not walk as you have. I will not allow her to lead me astray. She is out here and I will find her."

  Markahn sighed and shook his head. "The forest will claim you as it claimed her. What chance do you have in the snows?"

  "Esuval guides me. Go back to camp. Tell the others whatever you wish. This insanity has gone on long enough. I have claimed a woman and challenged your declarations. When I return with Talliea, we will see who the stronger man is."

  Lao'dahn turned away and began moving deeper into the woods. All Markahn could do was watch in confusion and amazement. Everything had happened so quickly. His first instinct was to go after the other man. Lao'dahn could die out in the forest. Markahn quickly dismissed the idea. Let the fool do as he pleased. He watched Lao'dahn disappear as the land dipped away from his line of sight. He could not have known that Lao'dahn headed in the right direction. He could not have known that the giant rock formations in the distance were the very stones that stood watch over a wondrous thermal spring.

  Markahn could not have known that that very thermal spring had once bathed the body of his beloved Talliea or that his Talliea had fallen in love with a figure of mystery and legend while sleeping in a cave not far from that spring. He could not have been aware that only two days' walk away, in another cave near another spring, Talliea and Arizira made love to the point of exhaustion.

  No, Markahn could not have been aware of any of those things, and so he turned away from Lao'dahn and Talliea and Arizira and slowly began the trek back toward his people. Lao'dahn could not get very far with so little food and supplies...

  * * * * * *

  Talliea sighed contentedly and tried to calm the crazed beating of her heart. Her breathing was heavy and labored and sweat covered her heated body. She licked her lips to moisten them and smiled when she felt a kiss being placed on her shoulder. Ever since their first time together a week before, Talliea and Arizira had barely left the seclusion of their cave. They had spoken more freely with one another, laughed more often, and expressed their feelings several times throughout the day.

  Physical exhaustion was something new for Talliea. Her body was completely satisfied, yet at the same time, it was tired and sore. She loved it.

  Arizira had awakened a whole other side in her. The need to be physical with Arizira was new and exciting and greatly adored. The two of them ate, secured whatever food was closest to their abode, cleaned and sharpened tools and supplies, talked and learned more of one another, and then spent the rest of their time wrapped around one another's bodies. Every time Talliea thought there was no way Arizira could possibly make her feel more than before, she was pleasantly surprised to find herself proven wrong.

  Arizira was a loving, patient, and gentle teacher. She ensured Talliea felt everything she did. She took her time to explore every inch of skin that covered the beautiful and wondrous body of the woman she adored. Her lips kissed everywhere. Her hands dipped into sensitive places. Her body moved with Talliea's in an expression of complete and utter appreciation.

  Talliea had yet to actually lead one of their physical encounters. Arizira always took the lead and guided Talliea through the motions, teaching her what felt good and how best to achieve complete fulfillment. Talliea was happy to allow things to continue as they were. She and Arizira had all the time in the world to explore one another. She was satisfied with the pace of their relationship.

  That was not to say that she did not wish to feel her own fingers surrounded by Arizira's warmth. She greatly desired to be the one to push her lover over the edge of passion and lust. Her reluctance to do so was brought about by her own inexperience. She knew a time would come when she felt comfortable to take the next step and make love to Arizira.

  In the mean time, Talliea was complacent to have Arizira guide her and their lovemaking. "That felt wonderful," she said, her words slurred and heavy.

  "I know," Arizira replied, smiling against Talliea's tan chest.

  "I love you."

  "I love you, too, failira."

  The two of them laid next to one another, the heat from their bodies quickly fading now that their activities were no longer as strenuous. Arizira's fair fingers drew lazy circles across Talliea's chest and stomach while Talliea's hands held Arizira's slender body near to her own. A light snow was falling outside, the sounds of an unhurried wind whirling through the trees.

  Silence stretched between both women for several long moments. Finally, Arizira spoke up. "We need to get up, Tah-li. We smell of our...activities and need to go bathe."

  Talliea, eyes closed and sleep calling for her, pressed Arizira's naked body closer to own before protesting, "There is little point in washing our bodies, love. We shall only enjoy one another again soon. Besides, I like the way we smell."

  Arizira removed her head from Talliea's shoulder and looked down into her content and peaceful face. Bending down, she kissed a nose and then two arched eyebrows, before bringing her lips to the full ones of her lover. Smiling against Talliea's lips, Arizira tried again. "We need to leave, Tah-li. I wish to show you something."

  Talliea's eyes slowly fluttered open and her hands, one on Arizira's back and the other near her elbow, began gliding over smooth skin. Smiling playfully, she replied, "I think you have shown me plenty for the
time being. My body cannot take anything more."

  Arizira laughed, a rich and full laugh just as musical and lovely as the sound of her voice, before leaning down to properly kiss Talliea. Their tongues danced with one another before she pulled away. She brought her right hand up and tenderly traced Talliea's chin and jaw.

  "I love you so much, Tah-li. As much as I would enjoy remaining here lost in your embrace, there is still the matter of our survival. Our food stores are low and our clothing in need of stitching. I also promised to teach you to use a bow."

  Talliea smiled happily as she looked up into Arizira's face. She could not believe how perfect her life was. There was nothing else she could think of that would make her situation any better. Being with Arizira, free and without any worry or restraint, was the epitome of perfection for her. They laughed together, slept together, found their food together, bathed together, confided in one another, spoke freely, and enjoyed life together.

  Looking into Arizira's amazing silver-blue eyes, she knew she would do anything this woman asked of her. She lived to see her smile and to make her happy. "It is late," she said.

  "By my people's time, it is early," Arizira retorted with a smirk. The moon was slowly taking command of the sky outside, stars twinkling in the inky blackness, and night was soon to be upon the two women.

  "You wish us to bathe in the dark?" Talliea asked. Arizira watched her fingers move along Talliea's jaw. She still marveled at their difference in their coloring. "My eyes can appreciate you better in the dark, Tah-li," she answered. "You look beautiful with the moon washing over you."

  Arizira recalled the first few times she had seen Talliea. Her dark skin and features had seemed to absorb the light of the moon and that had only enhanced her beauty to Arizira. After traveling during the day for so long, she had nearly forgotten how breathtaking Talliea appeared in natural moonlight.

  "You will walk with me and make sure I do not lose my way in the dark?" Talliea asked, eyes closing at Arizira's touch. "Always, failira. The moon will be over the spring shortly. It will allow you to see."

  Talliea's smile was small, but heartfelt. Arizira leaned over her and kissed her lips softly again. She opened her eyes and noticed a familiar look staring back at her from the depths of a silvery glow. Her body instantly reacted. Wrapping her fingers behind Arizira's neck, she brought their lips together in a heated kiss. Immediately, Arizira's fingers were moving down her stomach to land between her legs again.

  She spread her thighs apart and arched her back when she felt the touch she craved. The two of them began to make love again. It was slower than it had been previously. Each of them took their time in fully appreciating their actions. Talliea allowed Arizira to tease her and prolong her release.

  They had a few hours before the moon would be over the spring. Arizira had said so. What better way was there to spend that time? As Talliea felt Arizira's fingers push inside of her and start a deliberate and steady rhythm, she reached her own hand down to wrap around Arizira's wrist. Feeling her lover as she pushed her fingers in and out of her was dizzying. The two of them moved together, bodies sliding against one another and moans becoming louder and longer. Talliea saw, again, flashes of Arizira's life. A name, a title, came to her mind.

  The Child of Whispers. She smiled upon learning that particular tidbit about her love before giving in to the physical sensations she was experiencing.

  Whispers of love broke against the silence. The steady pace of their movements guided them in a dance whose beat they knew, but had long since abandoned. Lips kissed. Teeth bit down into hot flesh. Pleas were breathed.

  When Talliea's orgasm rocked her body, she wrapped her arms and legs completely around Arizira's slim frame. Her teeth sank into the flesh of Arizira's shoulder and nails scratched at her back. She slammed her eyes shut tightly and rolled her hips continuously. Declarations of love and soothing words spoken in Arniran brushed across her skin. She felt the air inside her lungs vacate her body and then all was still and quiet.

  "I love you...I love you..." the words were heavy. They were heated. Who spoke them, neither woman could say. As Talliea untangled her body from Arizira's and once again fought to control her breathing, she could not help but think that perhaps Arizira was right.

  They did need to bathe.

  Chapter 32: Led to Destiny

  What should have been a relatively short one to two days' walk to Talliea and Arizira's location turned into anything but for Lao'dahn. The young man was unaccustomed to the trails and paths and trees that surrounded him. Though he was no stranger to long treks and surviving with very little provisions, he was not skilled in trail finding and had soon become rather turned around in the forest.

  The first day, he had concentrated on gathering edible nuts and berries and had even managed to catch a fish in a stream that had not completely frozen over. Shelter had been simple enough for him. He was used to harsh conditions and so finding a place to hunker down for a few hours had been easily accomplished. The second day had come and he had been reluctant to admit his consternation that none of his fellows had come looking for him.

  No matter. The Light always shines the brightest in the darkest gloom, he had told himself.

  On the night of his third day out, Lao'dahn found himself going over various markers and geographical formations in the hopes of better understanding his surroundings. He'd had a very nagging feeling of being watched for most of the day and so had decided to take a small respite to focus his thoughts. As he sat against the base of a massive boulder, covered with snow and leaves and moss, he stared into his small and dying fire and kept his cloak pulled tight against him.

  He hated the forest when the sun went down. The trees took on a haunting appearance and the woods seemed to come alive with the sounds of insects and animals calls. Everything about the night brought about a sense of dread in him. As a result, his sleep was always restless and fitful. He poked a stick into the flames of his fire, happy at least to have been blessed to find a bit of dry kindling, and let his gaze become unfocused.

  Talliea had to be alive. There was no other explanation for who could have shot at him. Granted, how Talliea had come across such a skill defied all reason, but it was far more likely than any other alternative. At first, Lao'dahn had fancied the idea that another Esu clan had settled in the area, possibly before his own clan had arrived. However, he did not think any of his people would openly attack him from the shadows. Even if the clan was from one of the warring peoples, all Esu prided themselves on their honor in combat.

  What honor was there in striking a foe without first stating one's intentions? No, another Esu clan was not the answer to the riddle. Contact would have been made by now. Other men and women would have been spotted. A whole clan could not remain so very well hidden.

  One lone woman, however, could. Markahn wished to believe that Talliea had left and become lost and, as a result, forfeited her life to the forest. What a dolt. If Talliea's survival skills had ever been in question, why would she so eagerly have left the protection of the clan? Had her so-called freedom truly meant so much to her?

  Lao'dahn did not believe so. He chose to believe that Talliea had left so that she could exact her revenge upon him for his lessons. She was a strong-willed woman. His theory was not without consideration.

  Stretching his legs out before him and tossing some dry pine needles into the fire, Lao'dahn snickered to himself. Imagine the looks on the other men's faces when he returned to camp with a broken Talliea behind him. They would all praise him for finally crushing her defiant spirit. Markahn's status among the others would fall while his would rise. When he defeated Markahn and won his claim to Talliea, he would be valued as a true man of the Light; a noble and tried warrior for the laws of Esuval.

  Yes, his path to glory and respect was spread out before him. All he had to do was persevere and hold true to his god and all would end as he desired. Talliea would be his. Her tight virgin body would belong to him.
The fire in her eyes that had always held so much disrespect would finally be doused and she would look upon him with obedience and submissiveness.

  He would be able to do as he pleased and she would be unable to stop him. He felt his trousers tighten at the thought of pounding her body into the dirt. Another image came to him of her on her knees and him pushing into her from behind. As he sat and stared into the fire, his mind was overcome with scenarios of how he would take her and make her his. The tightness in his pants became nearly unbearable.

  "I may have to remind her of her place again," he said to himself. "She may not come back so willingly."

  A smile touched his thin lips. Ramming himself into her while her back scratched against the bark of a tree would be a prudent lesson. Breaking her spirit before they returned may be the only way to complete his goals.

  Before another twisted or crude thought could form in Lao'dahn's dark mind, the feeling of being watched came over him again. This time, it was stronger. Whoever or whatever was watching him was very, very close. He reached down next to him and grabbed the staff he favored as a weapon. Crouching on his knees, he swallowed anxiously and tried to calm the crazed beating of his heart pounding in his chest.

  The sound of his own breathing seemed unnaturally loud in his ears. He gripped the leather bound middle of his staff and strained to pick up any unusual sounds. His eyes scanned every shadow they could find, but to no avail. The forest was too dark. The trees above him kept the moon from offering much light. He thought about using his own abilities to aid him, but quickly dismissed the idea. If someone was out in the forest, the light from his god would surely alert them to his position.

  As he released a breath and allowed his body to go slack, he all too soon realized his mistake. Something was close to him. Behind him. He turned quickly and came face to face with two intense and icy blue eyes. Startled, he fell back and tried to scramble away from the large white wolf that had suddenly come upon him. The creature was not in a defensive stance, nor were its ears laid flat against the back of its head. It stood calmly and watched him.


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