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Thin Lies (Donati Bloodlines #1)

Page 11

by Bethany-Kris

  She didn’t look back at him when the elevator door closed.

  Sleep didn’t find Emma. She tried everything to clear her mind enough that she could forget about the day and rest, but nothing worked. Frustrated, she tossed and turned until she was on her back, and staring blankly up at the ceiling.

  Emma didn’t know how long she stayed like that. An hour, maybe more. The darkness of the bedroom would usually soothe her, but tonight it almost felt like it was taunting her. Staring at the ceiling helped to slow her racing thoughts enough that she could think.

  In just a few days, she would be on a plane to New York.

  A married woman.

  Her life irrevocably changed.

  Emma had done her best to ignore what was happening around her by staying out of things and keeping quiet. She couldn’t do that anymore. The changes were staring her right in the face, about to take over, whether she was ready for it or not.

  Slowly, Emma’s thoughts began to drift in another direction. Calisto’s handsome features filled her mind. She was still angry after what she learned earlier, but only because no one had thought to tell her sooner. What made her more confused, was how she was angry with Calisto for not telling her.

  Calisto owed Emma nothing.

  He was nothing to her.

  And yet, she was still angry with him.

  Thinking about Calisto while Emma was in bed was not a good thing. It was bad enough that her strange attraction to Calisto wouldn’t let up no matter how much she wished it would. Being alone with thoughts filled with only him left her with an ache between her thighs that she couldn’t settle or soothe. She shouldn’t let a man that she couldn’t even have affect her.

  Calisto wasn’t hers.

  Simple as that.

  Annoyed and unsettled, Emma shoved the blankets away and pushed out of the bed. Her bare feet hit the cold hardwood, and a chill filled her to the brim. Padding out of the bedroom, Emma made her way to the kitchen. She made a peppermint tea, hoping it would calm her nerves and let her sleep. As the tea steeped, she went in search of something chocolatey and sweet.

  Indulging a craving seemed fitting.

  Her mother would have a fit if she knew Emma kept a secret stash of sweets hidden in the pantry of her penthouse. Heaven forbid Emma eat a cookie and gain five pounds.

  Pressing on the slightly indented panel on the wall, the hidden doorway swung open under Emma’s hand. The pantry was a five-foot by eight-foot section of the kitchen that Emma rarely used, as she didn’t need the extra storage. Usually, she went out to eat more often than she cooked for herself.

  Emma flicked on the pantry light, illuminating the space. She snatched the package of cream-stuffed chocolate cookies on the top shelf and turned to leave. The gray, metal door on the other side of the pantry caught her eye, stopping her from closing the pantry door.

  It was the second exit to the penthouse. Fire code demanded that every suite in the casino which used a private elevator access have a second emergency exit, in case of fire or something else. The door led to a staircase that went up to a rooftop fire exit, or down to the ground floor where the underground garage was situated. Each fire exit locked from the inside and couldn’t be accessed from the outside unless the master key was used.

  Emma never thought about hers. She hadn’t needed to use the door before. Her heart raced again, but she didn’t want to allow herself to consider what using the door might mean.

  Security would know she skipped out.

  Wouldn’t they?

  Emma shook her wayward thoughts off. They were crazy, after all. She couldn’t indulge errant ideas that would probably only get her into trouble. As she flicked off the light and closed the pantry door, Emma was still watching the metal fire door.

  Stop it, she told herself. It won’t work. It’s pointless.

  Emma hadn’t even gotten back to her tea before the penthouse phone rang. She looked to the decorative clock hanging on the kitchen wall, noting it was well after midnight. No one should be calling her at this time. She made it to the phone on the third ring.

  “Hello?” Emma asked into the receiver.

  “Miss Sorrento, it’s Mark from security downstairs. We noticed your sensors were showing activity and wanted to make sure everything was fine.”

  Emma blew out a breath and pinched her nose. She should have known. It wasn’t like she wandered the halls of her penthouse every night, but that didn’t help her agitation.

  “Didn’t you notice the sensors started to show movement from my bedroom?” Emma asked.

  “Well, yes, but—”

  “You must have known I entered the apartment earlier, went directly from my bathroom to the bedroom, and never opened the elevator to let anyone in,” Emma interrupted.

  Her anger bubbled up even faster than before. She knew it wasn’t the security’s fault. They were just following orders. She was still pissed off like nothing else.

  “Yes, we did notice that no one had entered,” the man said quietly.

  “Then you had to know it was just me walking around in my own goddamn apartment.”

  “Yes, miss, we did.”

  “And yet you still called me,” Emma muttered.

  Mark spluttered for a response before lamely saying, “I apologize.”

  Emma gritted her teeth, again reminding herself that it wasn’t this man’s fault. Her anger didn’t necessarily need to be directed at him. “Please let Calisto Donati know that I’m just wandering my halls and not trying to sneak out. I know you either have to call him, or already did. No need to make the man jump out of bed and get dressed for nothing.”

  “I’ll do that right now,” Mark said on the other end of the call.

  “Thank you.”

  Emma hung up the phone, leaned against the wall, and willed her annoyance to go away. When that didn’t work, Emma grabbed the phone and pressed three digits. The call rang through to security, and the same man who had called earlier picked up.

  “Miss Sorrento, hello. I apologize again for earlier. What can I do for you?”

  “Put me through to Calisto Donati’s penthouse suite.”

  “Uh … well, we don’t really do that, Miss.”

  Emma scoffed. “I’m not sure that should make a difference to me, considering you give him a call every time I move from one room to another. You already told me you would call him. He must be awake. Unless he’s got a visitor and I’m interrupting him, I want you to put my call through to his suite. Now.”

  “Yes, miss. Hold for a moment.”

  A click resounded in Emma’s ear a second before the call began to ring again. On the fourth ring, Calisto picked up.

  “Donati speaking,” he said.

  Emma ignored the way Calisto’s timber deepened even more over the phone. She hated how her body wanted to react to this man like he might be able to satisfy her if she just gave into the urges thrumming through her blood.

  “Calisto, it’s Emma. I just wanted to let you know I was wandering my place and decided to grab a snack because I couldn’t sleep. I’m sorry if the security woke you up over nothing.”

  Calisto laughed. “It’s fine, Emmy. I wasn’t sleeping, anyway.”


  Emma had asked the security if Calisto had a guest and the man didn’t answer. Was that why Calisto wasn’t sleeping? A ball of jealousy burst in Emma’s gut. She refused to pay it any mind.

  “I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

  “You’re not,” Calisto replied quickly. “I couldn’t sleep, either. After watching the shadows on the wall, I jumped into a cold shower to see if that would help.”

  A cold shower?

  Weren’t those only good for when a person needed to wake up or if a man needed to get his … Emma shook her head, wanting to get as far away from those thoughts as possible.

  Emma cleared her throat. “Oh. Well, I just wanted to let you know.”

  “No problem,” Calisto replied easily.

“I’ll let you get back to whatever. Good night, Calisto.”

  “Wait a second.”

  Emma held the phone tighter. She wanted to end the call instead of talking more. Adding to the little issue that she was attracted to Calisto, and curious about him, was not a good idea.

  “Yeah?” she asked.

  “Since we’re both up with nothing to do, and I have a movie starting, do you want to come over and watch it? It’s action, not some chick flick.”


  Emma clamped her mouth shut to keep from shouting the word.

  “It’s just a movie,” Calisto added when Emma stayed quiet. “You won’t get in too much trouble for a movie, I promise. Let’s just say the security of this hotel are a bit more partial to me than my uncle. I’m the one paying them the most for information, if you get my drift.”

  “Just a movie?”

  “Sure. Car bombs, a bit of blood, and lots of guns. Unless that’s not your thing and you prefer a sappy romance. If that’s the case, I rescind my invitation.”

  “I like action movies,” she said quietly.

  “Do you have popcorn?”

  “Who doesn’t?”

  “Bring it,” Calisto said. “Press five-oh-four into the elevator. I’ll let you in.”

  Before Emma could respond, Calisto hung up. Emma stared at the phone in her hand for longer than she wanted to admit. Putting the phone back on the hook, she wasn’t sure what to do. A single night of innocent movie watching wasn’t wrong. She wasn’t doing anything bad.

  Calisto offered, not her.

  Emma grabbed her cookies, a bag of popcorn out of the cupboard, and her peppermint tea. Once she was inside the elevator, she pushed the numbers Calisto had told her, and waited. The elevator didn’t move, confirming what Emma already knew. Calisto’s penthouse was in fact situated directly across from hers.

  The elevator door opened to a suite that matched Emma’s in layout, but not in design. The earthy colors on the walls and the leather benches in the short entry hallway gave off a warm feeling while hers was white, bright, and sterile looking.

  “Down here,” Calisto yelled.

  Emma followed his voice. Each step she took helped to take away what hesitance remained. It wasn’t that she didn’t want to spend time with Calisto.

  She did.

  That was the problem.

  Spending time with him might feed her interest. It could lead her into something she couldn’t handle. It might make something come of nothing, and then where would she be?


  That’s where.

  Emma kept walking until she was in a black and white designed kitchen with stainless steel appliances. Calisto stood leaning against the island with a phone pressed to his ear, a coffee in his one hand, and nothing but sleep pants hanging low on his hips.

  Her gaze couldn’t be stopped as she took inventory of a bare-footed, naked-chested Calisto Donati. A light dusting of dark hair was sprinkled across his muscular chest. His railroad path of abs led straight down to the hard cut V of his groin. The sleep pants Calisto wore hugged his hips, but still rested low enough to showcase the trail of dark hair that traveled from below his navel and disappeared below cotton. Not only was the man tall, dark, and handsome, but he had a body that looked as if it had been chiselled from stone.

  Emma’s mouth went dry.


  This was a bad idea.

  “Yes, obviously I know she’s left the penthouse. She’s in my fucking suite,” Calisto barked into the phone. “Seems you’re really dropping the ball tonight if you can’t even figure out the girl is just walking from one room to the next.”

  Calisto hung up the phone and put it on the counter. Then, he flashed Emma a sinful smile that was enough to make her gut clench and her cheeks get hot.

  Bad all over.

  “Ready for a movie?” he asked.

  Emma was going to ask him if he would put some clothes on. She knew it was the right thing to do. Hugging her peppermint tea close to her chest, and grabbing the cookies and popcorn tighter, she decided not to say a thing. As long as she didn’t act on her thoughts, she was doing nothing wrong.

  “Yeah, sure.”


  “That’s not even possible,” Emma said, laughing. “The least they could do is make it believable.”

  A small sports car on the movie swerved in and out under an eighteen-wheeler as the hero of the flick attempted to retrieve his kidnapped girlfriend whilst in the middle of a high-speed chase. Calisto chuckled at the absurdity of it all. Emma had a point. The scene wasn’t exactly realistic, considering the hero was also shooting a gun out of the driver’s window while he did the dangerous maneuvers. Earlier in the movie, the man didn’t even know how to handle a weapon.

  “It’s the action and drama of it all,” he explained.

  “Still a little over the top.”

  Calisto conceded to her point. “Fine, but you’re ruining the movie for me, so be quiet.”

  Emma winked, grabbed a handful of popcorn, and pretended like Calisto hadn’t said a thing. She had set herself up on the other end of the couch, as far away from him as she could get. She had taken the blanket from the back of the couch, used it to cover up with, and tucked her legs up close to her chest. She had been acting strange since she first came in, not saying much and staying a few feet away from him at all times. She wouldn’t meet his gaze when she did talk. It wasn’t like the Emma he knew.

  Calisto couldn’t help but wonder if there was something wrong with Emma. The tension in her voice when she had called him earlier prompted Calisto to ask her over for the movie, and nothing else. No, absolutely nothing else.

  Definitely not the dream starring Emma on her knees, the one that woke him up with his cock aching, hot, and hard in his palm. He’d woken, stroking himself in his sleep over the cotton pants he wore.


  Because it wasn’t the first fucking time.

  The visual of Emma below him with her pink lips open and her eyes on him, ready to beg, had been downright sinful. Calisto had quickly gotten into a cold shower, needing to relieve the tension and cool the fuck down.

  He’d just jumped out of the shower when security called the first time to say there was movement throughout Emma’s penthouse. The fucking fools from security knew that no one had entered Emma’s place, so they had no business calling her just to “check up,” as they said. Calisto was sure that was ninety percent of her somber, strange mood. No one wanted to be reminded they were constantly being watched.

  “You all right?” Calisto asked.

  Emma didn’t look away from the television. “Yeah. Why?”

  “You’re quiet.”

  “It might surprise you to learn this, since you don’t actually know me and all, but I’m not a very loud person, Calisto. I like being by myself more than I enjoy company, and I prefer the quietness of night to the loudness of the daytime. Just because you found a few pictures of me online enjoying the nightlife doesn’t mean I’m not more comfortable by myself. I can enjoy both things for different reasons. Appearances are deceiving. Don’t judge a book by its cover and all that.”

  “Huh.” Calisto grinned. “Imagine that.”

  Emma glanced over at him, her green eyes lighting up with mirth. “What’s so funny?”

  “I like being alone and I prefer the dark, too.”



  They had more in common than Calisto first thought. They were simple things, to be sure, but those were the best kinds of interests to share with someone else. Someone who a person could be alone in a room with and not need to fill the silence. Someone who understood that sometimes a person just needed space to think.

  Those kinds of people were rare.

  “Thank you,” Emma said softly.

  Calisto watched the television, but kept one eye on Emma. “What for, dolcezza?”

  A tiny, but still sad, smile curved Emma’s
lips. “For inviting me over. I was going to ask you in for coffee earlier, but it didn’t seem appropriate.”

  “I would have come in, had you asked me.”

  Emma sighed. “Exactly.”

  Calisto didn’t have the first clue what she meant. He chose not to press her for an explanation. Emma turned back to the movie without another word. She sunk lower under the blanket like she needed it for some kind of protection or something.

  He had news for her.

  Calisto would have to be a fool not to see how beautiful and vibrant Emma Sorrento was, but he wasn’t a stupid man. Emma was spoken for—not yet fully claimed, but taken all the same. She was off-limits in a major way. Calisto wasn’t dumb enough to get caught into that game.

  His cock thought differently.

  His brain, however, was on point.

  Emma was a no-go zone.

  Men who thought with their cocks got exactly what they deserved. Calisto wouldn’t be one of them.

  “We might as well make nice,” Calisto said after a moment.

  He could practically feel Emma’s gaze burning into him. Sure enough, when he glanced to the side, he found her watching him under her thick lashes. The devil on his shoulder urged him to snag the blanket and pull it off so he could see the tank top and cotton shorts she wore, but Calisto beat that bastard down.

  “And why is that?” Emma asked.

  “In a week, we’ll be family. Better to make nice with family than to avoid them. It makes for awkward dinners and holidays if you don’t care for anyone.”

  Emma’s teeth caught her bottom lip. Calisto eyed the plump, wet flesh. The tip of his index finger itched with the urge to reach up and free Emma’s lip from her abuse. Somehow, he decided against it.

  Too intimate.

  Not appropriate.

  He shouldn’t care at all, let alone be thinking of things like that.

  Thankfully, Emma released her lip from the bite. “I thought you don’t like Affonso.”

  Calisto shrugged. “I don’t. Not in a friendly or familial sort of way. I admire him as a boss, of course, but little else. The one reason he gets my respect at all in that regard is because of my raising. I was taught to honor and protect Cosa Nostra, no matter what. I chose this life, and so I live with what it means.”


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