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Witchling Wars

Page 48

by Shawn Knightley

  And yet, Emily showed me something else when she took over my body. She showed me with both Nathaniel and Tobias. She made it seem as if I could choose.

  ‘No I can’t. Georgeanna wants Nathaniel. There’s a way to things. I cannot break that. No matter how much I hate it.’

  “Prove to me it’s really you,” I demanded.


  “I know you think it’s stupid but just do it. For me. Please!”

  I refused to let my guard down until he had done so. Brian knew things. He knew how to talk to me. He knew how to reach inside me and make me feel things I didn’t know were lurking in there. Was there really a way for me to know for sure?

  “You talk in your sleep,” he said.


  He dared take a step closer to me as he spoke softly. Approaching with both apprehension and purpose. “You always wear Chantilly perfume. I smell it on you every time you’re near. You prefer dresses to jeans because they keep you cool. You always wear silver jewelry, except that awful locket Tobias gave you. You thought of applying to colleges and spent two weeks in a philosophy course before withdrawing. You cook far too much pasta for someone as lean as you are. And you have flecks of gold in your eyes that one can only see when they’re standing inches away from you.”

  ‘Okay. Creepy. You have been watching me for a long time. Before Andrew ever called me.’

  And yet for some reason, I instantly calmed down. I forced my magic back into my hands and set them on the banister behind me. I’m not sure what I was expecting. Maybe his demand for me to stop. Maybe a stern scolding about my bad behavior before witchling royalty. I received neither. But that didn’t make what I did receive any less shocking.

  Nathaniel reached for me and set his lips firmly on mine. I knew then and there that he wasn’t Brian. He couldn’t be. There was no heaviness to my limbs. No fog in my mind. No haziness.

  He reached for my back and pulled me in closer to him, commanding me to return his embrace. I didn’t hesitate to do so. And oddly enough, this was the best way to show me that it truly was him. He didn’t take things too far like Brian did. He didn’t make me doubt myself or any sense of decency I might have. This was all he wanted. One kiss. One embrace. One simple sign that whatever thoughts I barely allowed myself to have weren’t entirely unrequited.

  He broke the kiss at just the right time, making me want more but respecting that there were still boundaries between us. Even though they were slowly being broken down.

  My thoughts instantly shot to Caleb once Nathaniel broke away. Was I forgetting him too quickly? I didn’t even have his pictures anymore. They sunk to the bottom of the river along with Tobias’s car. Then I thought of Georgeanna and my heartbeat quickened. Was this stealing? What was I doing? Was I willing to anger the vixra and Georgeanna to avoid marking Tobias? I didn’t know.

  ‘It’s not fair to Nathaniel. He would never choose me if he knew Georgeanna was alive and still loves him.’

  I had to keep her secret. And it was already starting to eat away at my insides.

  “What is it?” Nathaniel said, taking my face into his hand as my head fell in defeat. My habit of wearing my emotions on my sleeve wasn’t doing me any favors.

  I didn’t get a chance to respond before the door opened and Madison appeared.

  “Are you two ready?” she asked.

  I gave a small nod and pushed by Nathaniel. A butler followed me once I stepped inside and pushed a chair in behind me. Nathaniel soon followed.

  “Well, Miss Ashwood,” Arthur started speaking. “Given that you were brought into my home this time and you didn’t see fit to break in by the use of a tolepa potion, I must urge you to tell us everything that occurred since Congressman Larsen’s trial.”

  I was left in a complete daze. Not sure of how to even begin describing what happened or knowing that what I saw was even real. Arthur asked me to explain before the first course was even served. I left out what I considered embellishments. The fact that Georgeanna rescued me when I wrecked one of Tobias’s cars after I ran away. That fact that she told me more about the prophecy than the vixra cared to tell me. The fact that Brian kissed me before kidnapping me. And the fact that Emily showed me a hallucination that involved both Nathaniel and Tobias. I may have been in the presence of the vixra, but I would strive to maintain whatever sense of privacy I possibly could.

  By the time I thought I was done, the first course was served and getting cold from everyone finding my story far more interesting than the food. I didn’t like the feeling of their eyes on me. Nor did I like the fact that Arthur clearly didn’t think my lowly presence was good enough for his wife or grandmother to join us if they were even around. It served as a reminder that he knew my place. Vixra didn’t dine with kruxa unless given a very good reason to do so. And the breaking up of the most powerful vampire coven in the western world was only good enough to require the presence of three vixra at the dinner table.

  “Your ability to find trouble is equally as impressive as it is alarming,” said Eli from the other end of the table. His eyes were glued to me the whole time I spoke, trying to gauge just how outraged he should be concerning what transpired. To my surprise, his frustration didn’t appear to be aimed at me. “Now tell us what you’re leaving out.”

  ‘Damn him.’

  “What do you mean?” I asked, trying to sound as if I didn’t know what he was talking about. He saw straight through me.

  “Tobias already told me of his plans. I made him explain himself when he first arrived. It’s not often we receive a visit from a vampire. Even less so one who thinks himself superior to other vampires and worthy of gaining an audience of multiple vixra.”

  “You receive Nathaniel,” I muttered.

  “Nathaniel is an exception. Not the norm. He’s proven to have complete control over his impulses.”

  “And Tobias hasn’t?”

  “Not to me.”

  “But your father thinks him fit enough for me to mark him. He said so when I was here last.”


  Nathaniel stared daggers at me. He knew Tobias admired me. He even knew that he was pursuing me. But nothing as serious as the prospect of me marking him.

  Arthur snickered beside me, sensing Nathaniel’s seething jealousy as clearly as I did. “You sure about that, Eli?” he said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. “It appears to me that Nathaniel may still have some murderous instincts if I ever saw them.”

  “I assure you that I’m fine, sir,” Nathaniel responded, sipping the blood in his glass. His place was the only one that was empty of any food. And I found myself wondering who had been willing to give Nathaniel a small portion of blood to sustain himself for the evening.

  ‘Someone probably forced the servant.’

  Eli rested his hand on his glass of wine, taking a sip of it before speaking again and preparing himself for whatever reaction he might stir from Nathaniel. “Don’t you wonder as to Ragna’s motivations for deceiving your coven master, Nathaniel?”

  “Of course. I assume she gave in to her old ways. Vampires can maintain control so long as they practice it diligently.”

  “What if I told you that Nathaniel wishes for Harper to mark him so he can live out a mortal life and make you the new leader of the Catach-Brayin?”

  Nathaniel was silent. There was no surprise. No elation. No moment of sudden understanding. Only the sound of the fireplace crackling behind the table as I watched him.

  “She sent Isaac to kill me and Harper that night,” Nathaniel said.


  “And continued to try killing Harper once she looked into the Larsen case.”


  “It doesn’t matter.”

  Nathaniel statement took me by surprise. How could he think none of that mattered?

  “Why do you say that?” Edmund asked.

  “Because the Catach-Brayin has been destroyed,” Nathaniel answered. “If what Harp
er says happened is entirely true even with a croxa haunting her ability to see reality, Ragna wished to unite the coven against Tobias. She only succeeded in making them nothing more than a dispersion of vicious murderers. They used to hunt in the shadows. Now they’ll be left to their old ways.”

  “Then there’s no better time than the present to prove you’re capable of doing what Tobias’s has in mind for you,” said Arthur.

  We all stared at him with confusion.

  “Allow me to explain,” he said, looking rather irritated that no one else had caught on but surrendering to the fact that he would have to bring himself down to our level. “Tobias wants to know that you can lead. You’ve more than likely proved that to him given his advances toward Harper.”

  “Of which you thoroughly approved,” I sneered. Probably not the best idea to snap at the vixra seated at the head of the table. I did so anyway.

  “I do,” said Arthur. “Forgive me for thinking one less vampire in the world is a good thing. No offense, Nathaniel.”

  Nathaniel didn’t say a word. He knew better. Unlike yours truly.

  “The fallout of the Catach-Brayin must be contained,” he continued. “The only way to do that is to hunt them down and kill those who refuse to swear an oath of loyalty to Nathaniel. Seeing as their trust in Tobias has been badly damaged it’s probably more likely that they can be persuaded to join him rather than their former leader.”

  Hunted down? There were hundreds of them! Some probably weren’t even in the cavern that night. How were we supposed to do something like that?

  “Miss Ashwood,” Arthur said my name then turned his attention entirely to me. “You were once the hunted. Now I need you to become the hunter. Along with Nathaniel and Tobias. I have a few people strategically placed throughout the west to help us keep an eye on things should there be trouble that might involve our kind. I can use them to our advantage.”

  ‘Georgeanna. He must mean Georgeanna. Even he won’t say her name in front of Nathaniel.’

  “We will equip you with everything you might need,” he said. “Consider it revenge for what vampires did to the kruxa for so many centuries.”

  “You think I’m capable of being some kind of… vampire hunter?” I asked, doing my best to contain the fit of laughter threatening to burst through my mouth at any moment. Images of Hollywood movies were running through my head. Men in dark capes and wooden stakes with bad Transylvanian accents and Buffy running around taking down evil as a nighttime recreational activity. He had to be joking!

  “You know as well as I do that you consider yourself above vampires. And you are. You have witchling blood in your veins. Make your ancestors proud. Think of this as long-awaited revenge. Give the vampires the option to pledge their lives to Nathaniel. If they don’t then kill them.”

  “Because I’m totally capable of tearing off a vampire’s head,” I complained.

  “You don’t have to. A living soul is never the same after being possessed by a croxa. As I’m sure you have experienced. The only reason you were able to take control of your grandfather’s wand after my son fixed it and channel the vixra blood inside of Ragna was because Emily’s soul weaved with yours. She made you more powerful. It’s very likely that she’ll never entirely leave you, even if her spirit manages to find peace. This makes you different, Miss Ashwood. It makes you a kruxa with an edge. A dark edge that will permit you more power than you realize. You can also use Congressman Larsen. Once he’s properly trained I’m sure he will have some pent-up frustration considering what Ragna and Brian brought upon his family.”

  My entire body went cold. I could feel the hairs on my arms stand up.

  “I’m ordering you to use this edge of yours to your advantage,” Arthur went on. “If that’s not enough to motivate you, know that I hold you partially responsible for the chaos that has ensued as a result of your lack ability to handle the situation.”

  ‘What did he expect me to do? Take on a cavern full of vampires by myself? If it was so easy why didn’t you just do it? I’m guessing that’s beneath you as well.’

  I did my best to calm my rapidly rising temper. All the vixra magic in the world that Madison sent my way couldn’t have prepared me to hear Arthur Matthews tell me this was all somehow, at least to some extent, my fault.

  “How am I supposed to do this?” I asked.

  He took his time before answering, taking a bite of the food before him and chewing it. “Tobias knows a luxra who lives in D.C. He can show you.”


  “The matter is settled, Harper,” Edmund said my name from the other side of the table. “If the vampires of the fallen Catach-Brayin reveal us or their own kind, war will soon follow. Do as my son says and we will do everything we can from where we sit. This is the only way forward. Do not argue.”

  I was ready to sit back in my chair, completely defeated and rather dumbfounded that the vixra would see fit to make me some kind of hunter of vampires rather than doing it themselves. I guess it was beneath their dignity. The vampires have always been seen as a kruxa and luxra problem. That one detail hadn’t changed in several centuries.

  I raised my hand to pick up my fork to eat only to find that it slipped right through the silverware. There was no food on my plate. I couldn’t even take hold of my glass. I peered at my hands to find I could see right through them.

  “What the hell?” I whispered.

  “You’re not the only one who can brew a tolepa potion, Miss Ashwood. Only my original version is much more powerful,” said Arthur. “Tell Tobias what I have said and I will consider forgiving his intrusion on my property.”

  “But that was me,” I said. “I asked him to-”

  “Nathaniel is the only vampire I’ve ever permitted in my home. That won’t change any time soon.”

  ‘That’s not true. Georgeanna said Edmund has been giving vixra blood to Tobias!’

  I shut my mouth the moment it opened to speak the unspeakable. I couldn’t go too far. I couldn’t forget my place before them. Or they would punish me like they did Georgeanna.

  I turned to Madison. She wasn’t fading. Her body was solid. What in the world was happening? It felt somewhat like the potion I used for the pen, but different. I was solid a moment ago. I was never just a wafting spirit. Or was I? No. Madison held my hand. I felt the warmth in her skin.

  “What about Madison? I want her to come back wi-”

  “It’s out of the question. Your sister won’t survive a week away from us. She’s better off here.”

  Now I was pissed.

  “Better off? Just admit it! You’re holding her hostage so I will-”

  I don’t know if he heard the last sentence I said. I don’t even know if he had time to blink. I vanished in a matter of seconds, not knowing when or if I would see Madison again.

  Chapter 15

  Whatever potion was inside my system without my knowledge, it didn’t feel completely like the one I brewed. Nor did it feel like passing through a vixra tunnel. It was something else. Something more potent. Something I wasn’t capable of brewing. My magic almost always came with a tumble, a rumble, and a stumble. Not this time. My body became solid again and I instantly saw everything around me. There was no need to collect myself or gather my senses. I was lying on Tobias’s living room couch with a strange man looking down at me as Tobias watched from a nearby leather chair.

  “What just happened?” I sat up straight and threw my legs over the side of the couch.

  “I gave you a potion created by Arthur Matthews many years ago,” said the man. “It usually takes quite a long time to brew and Tobias had to convince me it was worth my while, but time will tell if it was worthy of digging into my personal stash.”

  I glanced over at Tobias. “Who is he? What’s he talking about?”

  Tobias had his hands folded in front of him patiently waiting for me to return to my body and slightly anxious to hear what had happened. “You weren’t in good enough shape to se
nd you through a vixra tunnel to Budapest. So Arthur suggested something a little more… metaphysical.”

  “My specialty,” said the other man. He was tall. Nearly as tall as Tobias. But he looked older. His hair was a mixture of speckled black and grey. He wore glasses and a strange cologne I had never smelled before. And he clearly wasn’t entirely human.

  “I’d like you to meet Daniel Clark,” said Tobias. “He’s a detective for the Boston Police Department.”

  The police department? Boston?

  My mind was running a mile a minute, trying to make the connection. Then trying to convince myself that the connection didn’t exist. That I was making something out of nothing.

  Andrew knew a man from Boston. He said he had a friend with cold cases who was helping him. That there were connections between the cases and they were working together on them. Was this the guy Andrew had spoken of?

  If so that could only mean one thing. Tobias knew. He knew all along about the cold cases. He didn’t suddenly become aware of Andrew’s existence because he was digging in holes he had no business digging. Tobias had been trying to find out who committed the murders since before Andrew knew about them. Andrew just got in the way after he learned too much. That’s why he sent Nathaniel to Dilton.

  As Daniel took my hand in his and held it firmly, I felt a twinge of electricity shoot between us.

  He was… a luxra. I could sense it.

  “Witchlings don’t go into police or criminal work,” I protested. “It’s too dangerous.”

  Daniel was tempted to laugh but kept it hidden. “Luxra can control their magic much better so it’s not an issue. I can definitely see how it would be a burden for a kruxa though.”


  “Why did you do this?” I asked, looking at Tobias. “Why did you give me a potion to make me think I was there when I wasn’t.”

  “Arthur wouldn’t permit me inside and you were hurt. He suggested you take the potion so you could feel as though you were there and have limited interaction with your sister. Vixra magic is fascinating to watch. She was able to heal you even though your body wasn’t entirely there.”


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