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Relentless - Manhattan Knights Series Book Two

Page 7

by Parks, Sienna

  “What the fuck is going on?” I hate lying to Lily, but I can’t tell her anything… it would change… everything.

  She cusses me out for a good five minutes but nothing really strikes a chord until…

  “…I’m saying this because I love you. I don’t want you to miss out on a great guy because of that douchebag Gavin.” I feel like I’ve been punched in the guts at the mention of his name. “Don’t let Gavin win.” Lily walks out of the bathroom and leaves me in my own personal hell.

  I sink to the floor, my chest constricting as the enormity of her words wash over me; a cold shower of emotion, raining down on me, chilling me to my core. All this time - my love ‘em and leave ‘em lifestyle… I thought I was taking control and doing things my way. Everything I believed was utter bullshit, and the revelation is unsettling. I can’t believe I’ve been letting that dick Gavin dictate my life all this time without even realizing it. I feel like such a fool.

  I can’t bring myself to face everyone just yet. I pull myself up off the floor and take a good long look at myself in the mirror. I can see it in my eyes – what Carter saw; the brokenness, the sorrow. He is the only man that has ever seen it, the only man who evokes such strong emotion in me that I can’t keep up the façade. I want to give him a chance, I really do, but I don’t know if I can I get past the other night and the extent of his man-whoring. I believed him when he said none of that would have happened if I hadn’t pushed him away and slept with Colin.

  I take a few minutes to compose myself, fix my makeup, and come to the decision that Lily is right. I need to at least give whatever this is with Carter a chance, or Gavin wins… again. I don’t know if I can do this, but I’m going to try. I head back out to the party, thank Lily and tell her I love her, before sitting down and letting myself look straight into the eyes of the man that twists me inside out.

  As soon as we lock eyes, our gaze is transfixed on each other. My small smile and acknowledgement of his presence gains me a massive shit-eating grin. From that moment on, I am mesmerized by his every move. Even across the room I can feel the tension building between us, desire unfurling in my stomach.

  The rest of dinner is a blur, and suddenly I find myself saying goodbye to my family and Lily’s mom, before being swept away to Cube with Carter and the others. Xander and Lily make their own way there, which gives me a little time to clear the air with Carter. He is a true gentleman about it. He doesn’t make me feel bad, and he doesn’t make me grovel for another chance. As soon as I open my mouth to speak, he reads my mind, swooping down to silence my lips with a kiss.

  “We’ll take it slowly, Tesoro. A fresh start… okay?” The tender smile he gives me before touching his lips to mine is my undoing. I don’t know how, but this man just gets me. He understands my reluctance and my willingness - and the war that they wage inside me. He takes me by the hand and leads me back into the club. The last time we were in one of his clubs together it didn’t go so well and my muscles stiffen, betraying my concern.

  “Don’t worry, sweetheart. This is going to be fine… we are going to be fine. I’m not going to tease you or rile you up, or leave with anyone but you. I will be in your bed, making you moan my name tonight, and any night after this that you want me.” Okay, that made me a little weak at the knees and he didn’t even curse! What happened to him since I last saw him?

  We have a fabulous night, and the electricity between us fuels our every move, our every breath, the anticipation of what’s to come clouding my every thought. I barely register anyone around me when Carter is in such close proximity. The chatting, drinking, and dancing, feels so easy and so… right, between us. I am beyond turned on by the time he takes me back to my apartment, leads me to my bedroom and proceeds to fuck me until I’m a limp heap of overused muscles, powerless to refuse his ministrations. Not that I would ever refuse them - the man is a sex god to rival all sex gods! I think I’m going to start calling him Himeros – seriously… that is how freaking amazing this man is at fucking me.

  Carter stays the night, and I don’t try to kick him out. I actually kind of enjoy falling asleep in his arms; waking up, making breakfast for us and saying goodbye with a long, sweet, hot kiss before agreeing to let him take me on our first official date on Sunday night. I’m sort of excited about it. I know we’ve slept together more than once already, but a date is different, and a tiny swarm of fireflies start circling in the pit of my stomach in nervous anticipation.

  I get to spend Saturday night with Lily before she sets off for London, which is awesome. We laugh, we eat, we drink and we pass out late after getting her packed for her trip. I spend Sunday afternoon getting showered and shaving all the necessary areas getting ready for my date.

  There’s a buzz from the doorman at 7 p.m. sharp and I am more than ready to venture out on my first date with Mr. de Rossi. It’s been a long time since I’ve been this excited to go anywhere with a man… and I don’t even know where we’re going.


  I’m taking a whole different approach with Addi tonight for our first official date. No wining and dining, no dressing to impress or dancing the night away. We’ve done the club thing enough already. She put her faith in me on Friday night and I want to build on that - start to get to know her properly. I know I sound like a dweeb, but fuck me; she just brings it out in me. That should probably set the alarm bells ringing and make me run a mile, but I fucking want to be around her… I admit it… I’m Carter de Rossi and I’m a pussy-whipped loser for a girl I’ve slept with three times. I’m worse than Xander!

  When I arrive to pick up Addi, I decide it’s best if I just whisk her out of her apartment as quickly as possible because if I’m in an empty room with her for more than two minutes, I will have her naked and writhing beneath me, while I fuck her all goddamn night. I think she’s a bit surprised when I hustle her out the door. I decide not to tell her where we’re going… she’ll know soon enough and I hope she likes it. I didn’t bring my car tonight, so I just hail a cab to take us to our destination.

  As soon as I give the address to the driver, a wide grin spreads across Addi’s face. She’s so damn cute right now. “Are you taking me bowling?”

  “Hell yes, I am! I thought it would be fun. I bet all the guys want to wine and dine you, and you’re obviously used to the finer things in life already, so I figured, why not do something fun? Plus, I get to check out that fine ass of yours bending over all night. It’s a win/win situation really.” She throws her head back and lets out a genuine belly laugh, and a slight snort escapes her. It’s so fucking adorable.

  “Did you just snort?” I can’t stifle my own laugh at this point.

  “Yes… yes, I did. So what? Don’t be a dick. A gentleman would never draw attention to such things.”

  “Oh sweetheart, you and I both know that I am anything but a gentleman, especially when it comes to you.”

  I scoop her off the seat and cradle her in my lap before licking the seam of her plump red lips, eliciting a sexy little moan from her. She opens up, darting her tongue out to meet mine, and it’s like fireworks going off as they twist and tangle, stroke and explore. We move in perfect harmony, our mouths and tongues fucking each other, taking what we need; trying to quench the undeniable desire between us. I’m not going to be able to get out of this cab with the raging hard-on I have just from this one kiss.

  She can feel the length of me growing beneath her sweet little ass, and she doesn’t shy away, instead she starts wriggling on my lap; driving me crazy and making me desperate to impale her on my cock, right here in this cab. The sly grin that she shoots me doesn’t mask the arousal I see in her eyes. She is just as turned on by me, and two can play at this game. I pull her harder against my lap as I start to grind my hips, forcing her to feel how hard I am, making sure she is positioned so I’m rubbing right over her most sensitive area; the hardness of my jeans adding to her pleasure. A tiny moan escapes her and I know we need to stop, or this evening is going to tu
rn out very differently.

  “Thank fuck, we’re here.” The cab stops and I throw money at the driver before jumping out of the cab with Addi still in my arms.

  “What the hell? That is not the reaction a girl wants when she’s grinding on your cock.” I throw my head back laughing at how damn funny she is.

  “I’m trying to give you a proper date before I slide my cock inside you, baby, but you’re making it difficult with your sexy ass and your smart mouth. If you touch my boner with any part of your body one more time, there won’t be a date. There will be, you and me, and your clothes on my bedroom floor.” I give her a swift kiss and set her down on her feet, taking her hand in mine and striding towards the bowling alley.

  Addi finds it hilarious that I’ve arranged for new bowling shoes to be ready and waiting for us when we arrive. I know I said no flashy stuff, and I don’t consider this fancy or flashy – it’s just fucking hygienic. I plan on licking her from head to toe later and I don’t want her pretty little feet inside a used pair of bowling shoes. That is just fucking disgusting. She finds it hysterical and as per usual decides to make fun of me.

  “Are you a clean freak germaphobe, Carter? Bad boy player scared of wearing someone else’s shoes? Poor baby.” This girl really amuses herself; giggling away at her own jokes. She still gladly accepts the new shoes and heads toward our lane to get started. This is going to be fun.

  The place is jumping, we have drinks on the way, and Addi is setting up our names on the scoreboard. I take a look up at the screen to find ADDI and PLAYER in big letters staring back at me with a sly grin.

  “Nice, Addison… nice. Let’s make this game a little more interesting, shall we? How about... some truth or dare? If you get a strike you get to ask me anything you want, or I do a dare, and vice versa.” She likes this, I can see the mischief twinkling in her eyes.

  “You’re on, hot shot. And whoever gets the most strikes, gets to pick a dare for the other person, and you have to do it.”

  Oh, I’m going to enjoy this.

  “You have yourself a deal.” I hold out my hand to shake on it, pulling her flush against my body as soon as our fingers touch. I run my free hand up her back and into her hair, pulling her head up to just the right angle for me to lick the crease of her lips. “Oh, I am going to enjoy picking a dare for you. It will definitely involve you… naked… and my cock.” She licks her bottom lip before biting it, trying to stifle a moan.

  “Let’s play.”

  I break contact with her, and as much as it makes my balls ache, I enjoy the bereft look on her face as I saunter past to pick my ball – a big, blue, rock-solid ball… apt for how I’m feeling right now! Thankfully, I get a strike on my first shot, so I don’t look like a dick.

  “Truth or dare, baby?” I say as I spin around to face her.

  “Truth.” She looks a little nervous, so I start her off with something simple.

  “What’s your full name, Addi?”

  I see the relief as she picks her ball and brushes past me. “Addison… Stone… Warner.”

  How does she make her name sound like a sexual treat as it rolls off her tongue and washes over me? Addison… I like the sound of that as I imagine myself shouting it; grunting it as I spill my come into her tight little pussy. Fuck… I need to distract myself. Easier said than done as I watch her sashay up to take her shot, her perfect ass calling for me to bite it, and claim it. I’m going to make it my mission to show her how much pleasure I can give her.

  She’s jumping up and down as the pins go crashing to the ground; the screen flashing for a strike. Why do I get the feeling I’m about to get hustled? With a smug look on her face she struts over to me.

  “Your turn. Truth or dare?” Shit, I can already see this backfiring on me.

  “Truth, but go easy on me… Addison.” God, I love saying her name like that.

  “How many women have you slept with?” Holy fuck, straight for the jugular.

  “Really, Addi? This is how you want to start our date… thinking about the women I’ve slept with?”

  “I just want to know what level of man-whore I’m dealing with. Should I be worried? Just answer the damn question.” I do not want to be having this conversation with her. She seems quite playful with it, but I know this is going to kill her good mood. I run my fingers through my hair a few times before I can bring myself to answer her.

  “I don’t know, Addi. I don’t have a little black book of all my sexual conquests, and I don’t have notches on my bedpost. I’ve slept with a lot of women. It’s in the triple figures. I’m not proud of it, and I’m not ashamed of it. I have my reasons and that’s the way I’ve lived my life up until now. If I wasn’t this way, I would never have been so forceful when I met you – and something tells me you like the way I take what I want…” I leave that hanging in the air and turn to take my next shot. She’s gracious enough to accept my answer, and move on.

  We have a great time, and Addi totally kicks my ass in our strike competition. I knew she was on the hustle when she was so eager for the end wager. We’ve found out all kinds of crazy information about each other and even squeeze in some silly dares. She is so much fun to be around, I can’t help but smile; she’s fucking adorable. I dared her to go get a phone number from a cute blonde girl playing a few lanes over from us. I thought she’d bail and just take a question, but the little minx works her magic and saunters back to me waving a napkin in my face, with not only the girl’s number but a pretty pink lipstick kiss on it. I’ve got a semi from watching her flirt with another girl, and now I need to get her back to my place ASAP.

  “Read it and weep! You’re not the only player in town.” She’s joking with me, but the image of her leaving my club with that prick comes to mind and makes me want to punch something. I try to shake it off while I order another round of drinks. The waitress that brings them is a shameless flirt and as much as I try to ignore her, she doesn’t get the hint and starts touching my arm, completely disregarding the fact that I’m clearly here with Addi. I’m starting to get annoyed trying to extricate myself from her grasp when Addi casually strolls over and parks herself beside me, running her hand up my back, over my neck and up into my hair before giving it a playful tug; all the while, her glacial stare is fixed on the girl touching my arm.

  “Best not touch things that aren’t yours, sweetheart. That’s how you get a broken nose… when my fist connects with it – in about thirty seconds if you don’t take your grimy little paws off my man.” I am so fucking turned on by her possessiveness; my cock is aching as it hardens in my pants, straining against the seam of my jeans. Why is it so goddamn sexy that she’s staking a claim on me? Normally I would run a mile if a woman did that. The waitress makes a sharp exit with a disgruntled look on her face, and I am in awe of the woman beside me.

  “Tut-Tut, Mr. de Rossi. I can’t take you anywhere, can I? Your raw Italian stallion magnetism is just too much for women to resist.” A sly grin creeps across her face, and it is so damn sexy.

  “You know it, baby. The only woman I want to attract with my ‘magnetism’ is standing in front of me, looking sexy as hell, and I’m hoping she’s ready to get out of here.” I pull her close, letting her feel my arousal, and am rewarded with the acknowledgement dancing wistfully in her eyes as I go in for the kill.

  Her lips are perfect, so fucking plump, juicy, and ripe for sinking my teeth into. Her breath quickens with my own as I dip my tongue into her mouth, tasting the alcohol, savoring every lick, flick and suck. Everything around us fades into the background as we begin to indulge in this sensual assault; white noise to our growing passion, desire, and urgency to explore each other’s naked flesh. I lift her, grabbing her tight little ass, forcing her to wrap her legs around my waist as I deepen our kiss; intensity takes over. When the erotic mist surrounding us lifts for a split-second, I realize that I’ve backed her down onto the scoreboard console. I tear my lips from hers, dragging in a ragged breath; aware of people on the s
urrounding lanes stopping to stare at the scene playing out in front of them.

  I let out a small chuckle before pressing my lips to Addi’s ear. “I need to get you home before we get arrested for indecent exposure. As much as I would love to spend a night with you in handcuffs, I don’t want to share you with anyone. No one gets to see how fucking magnificent you look when you come… except me. Do you understand me, Addison?”

  Her breath becomes more erratic, her chest heaving against my torso as I repeat my question. “Do you understand me? No one.”

  She makes a point of holding my gaze as she gives me the answer I crave. “No one but you, Carter.” I know what a big deal it is for her to give me that… even if only for now. I’ll take what I can get with her, and see where it goes.

  “Let me take you home, Tesoro.” She nods her agreement, and before I know it, I’m opening the door to my apartment - pulling her in behind me. I’m so fucking fixated on her that I didn’t register anything else, from the moment she nodded her head to the moment we arrived here. Privacy and a full night to really explore and enjoy every inch of her delectable body has me buzzing from head to toe with anticipation of the long night ahead.


  My attraction to Carter is unlike anything else I have ever felt in my life. God… I almost had sex with him in a bowling alley full of people; and I wouldn’t have cared as long as he was inside me. It’s my turn to take charge tonight. I need to; it’s the only way I can reconcile whatever is going on between us without running for the hills. I won our bet, so I can do whatever I want and he has to comply; and right now, all I want is to see every inch of his gorgeous, naked body, and feel his rock-hard cock hitting the back of my throat.

  As soon the lock twists into place, I take charge. “Take off your clothes. I won the wager and I dare you to let me take the lead tonight.” He looks a little shocked, but there’s an understanding behind his stunning brown eyes; he knows I need this.


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