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Relentless - Manhattan Knights Series Book Two

Page 30

by Parks, Sienna

  “Okay. Let’s just stop. We’ve got everything we need. Let’s enjoy this moment. We get to bring our princess home today. We are finally going to be a family, here in our home, together.” That gets his attention and he stops what he’s doing, making his way over to where I’m standing.

  “You’re right, baby. We’ve waited long enough for this day to come. Let’s enjoy it. I can’t wait to have my two favorite girls under one roof. Let’s go and bring our daughter home.”

  We arrive at the hospital to find all of the doctors and nurses who have helped Verona on her journey, gathered around her crib with balloons, teddies, and presents for her. She’s made a lasting impression on everyone who has come into contact with her. A tiny person that has made a big difference to so many people’s lives already.

  When I lift her into my arms today, it feels different somehow. Knowing that I don’t have to let her go; that I don’t have to say goodbye at the end of the day; that she’s finally going to be where she belongs – with Carter and me. It’s a teary goodbye when we leave. So many people to thank for doing so much for our baby girl. Words could never really convey just how grateful we are for everything they’ve done.

  The drive home is… slow. Carter’s wary of every other driver on the road, slowing down to twenty miles an hour, just in case he needs to break for another car. We find ourselves laughing, knowing just how ridiculously over cautious we’re being, but we get there in the end!

  When he opens the door to our apartment, I feel the change as soon as I step inside with Verona in my arms. There is a tangible shift; our home is finally complete. We have a quiet, wonderful first night at home together - our little family. Carter is lying on our bed with Verona sleeping on his chest, like a little starfish, her arms and legs spread wide, clinging to her daddy, perfectly content. I’m curled into his side, his arm wrapped around me as he watches our girl sleeping, transfixed by the tiny rise and fall of the cute little bundle on his chest. I am mesmerized by them both. There is something about watching a strong, alpha male like Carter, being so tender and loving with a baby. It melts my heart. I never thought I would have this – a man that loves me unconditionally, a baby girl to love and cherish. They are such a gift in my life, and the fact that I am lucky enough to be here with them is the greatest gift I will ever have.

  I spent the past few years of my life keeping people at arm’s length, trying to fix what had been broken. The moment Carter walked into my life, he changed that, forcing his way into my heart, whether I liked it or not – relentless in his pursuit. I will always be grateful to him for not giving up on me, for continually pushing me to open up, to let him heal me and love me for who I am. It’s been a long and bumpy road for us to get to where we are now, with a lot of heartache along the way, but we’re stronger for it. He’s given me more chances than I deserve. He believed in me, in us, when I didn’t have the strength to; and he saved my life two months ago, giving me the opportunity to raise our beautiful baby girl with him. I am his, in every sense of the word, in every way possible. Carter de Rossi is ‘the one,’ he is everything to me, and I will make sure he knows that, every minute of every day, for as long as we both shall live…


  Ten Months Later

  The sun is shining in Central Park today, the birds are chirping, and I’m surrounded by family and friends to celebrate my baby girl’s first birthday. I can’t believe it’s been a year since our life was turned upside down. It’s amazing how much one tiny little human can change every aspect of your life.

  Nothing can prepare you for how you’re going to feel when you become a parent. The fear, the worry, and the love you feel for this helpless little baby from the moment you lay eyes on them – it’s fucking amazing.

  We had a rough start, with Verona and Addi fighting for their lives, but my girls are survivors, strong-willed, fierce and determined when they put their mind to something. Verona is so like Addi, not only in looks, but in personality. She has a tenacity that can be trying as a parent, but it will stand her in good stead when she’s older. I swear she is going to be a real ball buster! I fucking love that about her.

  Since we brought her home from the hospital, Addi and I have really found our stride. We’ve learned to trust each other again, far beyond what we ever had before. We rely on each other, we’re a team. It’s a joke of ours when Verona is giving us a hard time - it’s us against her, baby. We’re a family.

  Addi and I still share an intense and explosive passion for each other that never seems to fade or falter. I always thought the fierce connection we share would be the death of us, because that level of passion can become toxic between two strong-willed people, but I was wrong. Our explosive connection is our greatest strength; it’s an unshakeable foundation that will always be there. Embracing that fact has allowed us to build on it, to use it, and to cherish it.

  Taking a step back from work and handing over the day to day running of the clubs was the best decision I’ve ever made. I get to spend so much time with my favorite girls. I have been there for all of my Tesorina’s firsts – first word, first smile, first steps. You can’t put a price on that, and I wouldn’t change it for anything.

  Addi decided not to go back into advertising. Instead, she spends her days with Verona, and she loves it. She set up a charity to help raise money and awareness for premature babies in the NICU and their families; she also started a website for young women who’ve had hysterectomies, which has been a great success, bringing women together from all over the world, giving them somewhere they can talk with others who understand what they’re going through.

  It was a major turning point for Addi when she started the website. It has allowed her to connect with and help so many other young women. It’s still hard for her, and for me, to know that we can’t ever give Verona a biological brother or sister, but we’ve spoken about adoption, and I think at some point in the future, we’ll give a baby a home and a family, and a big sister that will love the crap out of them!

  The party is in full swing, and Verona is being completely and utterly spoiled by everyone. It’s a joy to watch her interact with her grandparents, and with our friends. She has funny little names for everyone, and her own special relationship with each and every one of them. Xander and Lily are Xan and Lelly – they dote on her and I wouldn’t be surprised if Verona has a little playmate in the not too distant future. Vittoria is Aunt Tori, and Logan is Log – We don’t get to see much of them with their work schedules, but when we do, Verona is mesmerized by her ballerina aunt, and she has a soft spot for Logan’s charms. He’s great with her, always ready with a silly game or a funny face to amuse her. I have no idea what is going on between Vittoria and Logan anymore. I don’t think they’re together, but I can see that they still have feelings for each other. Addi made me promise not to beat the shit out of him, and to let Tori make her own decisions. I can’t refuse her anything, so I agreed, but if he ever hurts my little sister, all bets are off, and I will bury him in a shallow grave!

  Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves today, and most importantly, Verona is having the time of her life. Addi arranged for this little corner of Central Park to be turned into a princess paradise. Everything our baby girl adores. Cinderella and Snow White are entertaining all the kids; dancing, singing, and telling stories. There is a face painting station where all of the girls have been covered in glitter and pink! She even organized a princess makeover boutique. We now have twenty or so toddlers running around dressed in the smallest ball-gowns you’ve ever seen.

  I’ve done my duties and mingled, saying hello and making small talk with all the dads, half of whom I’ve never laid eyes on before. My girls are social butterflies with their Gymboree and mother-toddler groups, but I try to steer clear of that whenever possible. I love my princess, but spending time around lots of tiny terrors at once is a living nightmare.

  Everywhere I walk, and everyone I talk to today – are all just background noise. I can
’t take my eyes off of Addi and Verona. They are inseparable; the best of friends, and they get up to all kinds of mischief together when my back is turned. It’s fucking adorable. As I stand watching them, I can tell they’re conspiring against me. Verona’s perfect little cherub face keeps turning around to look at me, with a massive grin every time. Addi is crouched on the ground beside her, whispering in her ear, smiling over at me with feigned innocence. I’m close enough that she can see me raising my eyebrows, a questioning look on my face. She simply blows me a kiss, hands Verona something, and sends her my way.

  My baby girl comes teetering toward me, her face covered in birthday cake, and her cute, chubby little hands holding an envelope out to me.

  “Daddy, Daddy, Daddy!!!”

  I scoop her up into my arms and plant a kiss on her sweet little cheeks. “What have you got here, Tesorina? Is this for me?” My name is written in elegant script with a purple ribbon wrapped around the plain white envelope.

  She points her tiny finger towards Addi, standing next to the princess castle bounce house that we had set up for the party. She looks breathtaking in a powder blue summer dress, her hair soft and flowing, her gaze fixed on me. The smile she flashes has my heart hammering in my chest.

  “Did mommy give this to you for me?” She nods her head enthusiastically, proud of herself for doing what mommy asked. “Well done, baby girl. You are so clever.” I nuzzle her cheek, drinking in her cute baby smell.

  I tuck her into the crook of one arm so that I can open the envelope and see what Addi is up to. I peel off the ribbon and give it to Verona to play with, carefully opening the back so as not to rip the envelope. What I find inside is beyond anything I ever could have imagined. I pull out three plane tickets to Barbados in two weeks’ time for me, Addi, and Verona. That in itself sounds amazing, but what I see glinting in the sunshine at the bottom of the envelope is so much better. There are two platinum wedding bands attached to a piece of card that says, ‘READ THE INSCRIPTION.’ I pull the larger of the two rings free and hold it up to the light.

  Forever yours, Addi xxx

  My eyes dart up to meet hers, our friends and family oblivious to what is transpiring between us in this moment. I’m transfixed by her, enchanted by her, and filled with desire. A sly grin spreads across her face as she presses her finger to her lips and gives me a wink, “Shhhh.”

  I close the distance between us in a few short strides, Verona bouncing in my arms, squealing with delight. I pull Addi flush against me with my free arm, sealing my lips over hers, tasting her sweet cherry mouth, lapping at her tongue with my own. She melts against my body, giving herself over to me completely.

  “So, should I take that as a ‘yes’ then?”

  “YES! I want to shout it from the rooftops.” I whisper in her ear.

  She bites her succulent, pouty lip, slowly shaking her head. “Just you and me, baby… just for us… you, me, and V.” I nod my acquiescence. I would do anything she asks to finally make it official.

  She cradles my face in her hands, pulling my mouth down on hers in a fierce kiss. The feel of her tongue twisting and tangling with mine igniting a fire inside me, a passion so great that I will never get enough of this woman. My body is so attuned to her every move, her every breath; the slightest touch of her skin causes a thermonuclear reaction. Every fiber of my being vibrates when I’m in her orbit. No amount of time together will ever quench my thirst for her. My lover, the mother of my precious baby girl, my best friend, my Tesoro.

  As I kiss the woman of my dreams with my sweet little Tesorina wriggling in between us, cuddling us as tight as her tiny arms will let her, I know, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this is what life is all about.

  They say that there are only two things in life that are certain – Death and Taxes. That’s not true of my life. In my life, there are three certainties. Three things that are unshakable truths – death, taxes, and the fact that I will love and protect the two women in my arms with a ferocity unparalleled throughout the course of history. I will protect their hearts with my own; I will protect their bodies against anything that could harm them, laying down my own life in the process if necessary. But above all else, I will cherish the love they give me, and I’ll give it back tenfold in return, freely, unconditionally, and never-ending. They are my life’s blood, the reason that my heart beats in my chest. It will always beat for them, and them alone. My love for them is relentless. I miei per sempre tesori. [My treasures forever.]

  Sienna is originally from Scotland, but lives in Houston, Texas with her husband, two kids, and a dog. She first fell in love with British Literature while majoring in Linguistics, Poetry, and Shakespeare at Strathclyde University. She is an avid reader, and started writing her own work in 2014. Sienna recently became a writer at Prism Heart Press, and is working on some exciting new projects.

  First and foremost, I need to say a HUGE thank you to my husband. You have supported me 100% in my endeavors to become an author. You’ve been my strength when I had nothing left to fight with. I can’t say thank you enough for putting up with me through this crazy process! When I’ve doubted my abilities, you’ve talked me up, when I’ve let the house descend into disarray while I spend time writing my fictional characters’ lives, you’ve picked up the slack and encouraged me to write while the ideas are flowing. You are everything to me, and I love you more than ever. You and me against the world, baby.

  Patricia – again, I can’t thank you and your team at Prism Heart Press enough for taking a chance on me. Sharing Carter and Addi with the world is a dream come true.

  Jaye – SDS. You are a rock star! You were able to jump into my mind and help me fight my way through the process of polishing Relentless. You have mad editing skills, my friend, and I feel very blessed to have you in my corner. Thank you for all your hard work, late nights, pep-talks, and for your unwavering belief that this book needed to be published. I can never repay you for your kindness. I’m honored to call you my colleague, and more importantly, my friend. Love you, bud.

  To my betas – Where do I begin? You amazing ladies have not only given me your honest feedback when I needed it most, you have championed me every step of the way, loving Addi and Carter just as much as I do. You GET ME! That’s a rare and wonderful gift, and I cherish it. You are my dearest friends, my life coaches when I’m having a meltdown, and I feel like the luckiest woman alive to have found you.

  Sharron, we have had quite the crazy ride together. It has been a joy to spend time talking about my characters with a family member. I don’t need to explain to you what that really means to me, because if I did, I’d ugly cry all over you! I consider it a privilege to have you in my life and your love and acceptance of my passion for writing is a gift I will never take for granted. Love your crazy ass, chick.

  Maria, my amazing friend. It’s been so fantastic getting to know you and share this experience with you. Your notes on every chapter I sent your way had me laughing, and at times, crying with your kind words. Your mad skills are second to none! Your constant love and support is something I hold very dear, and I look forward to the day when I finally meet you in person and sit down over a glass of wine and a good book. Love you hard, Ria.

  Also, to the rest of the Alexander clan – you guys rock! Thank you so much for getting involved. I got a whole family of betas for the price of one!!!

  Leslie. You’re my girl. Your red/purple pen ensured that Addi and Carter’s story is the best that I could possibly make it. You’ve seen the good, the bad, and the downright ugly at times. You’ve been on this journey with me since the very beginning, when I was just an insecure girl with half a book and a dream of becoming an author!!! I’m still an insecure mess, but I know how much you love to stroke my “fragile author ego” – NOT!!!! It’s been a blast, and I’ve laughed my ass off more times than I can count. You push me when I need it, even when you know I’m going to text SHOUT or become crabby! We just… click! I love your guts, girl – always.
br />   I would like to say a special thank you to Noemi and Diane. To see my words as you see them is a gift. You have been dedicated to helping me promote my work since the very beginning. Thank you so much. I love you both.

  And last but by no means least, a massive thank you to you the reader. Thank you for spending your hard-earned cash on my book, thank you for all your kind words, messages, and reviews. You are the reason I get to have this amazing, dream job. Your support means the world to me and I hope that you’ve enjoyed Carter and Addi’s journey together. Thank You.


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  I love the familiar scent of this room. Leather. I find it comforting. The walls are a dark sumptuous purple, the lighting muted, highlighting the various features that it has to offer. There’s a black leather chaise in one corner, with metal restraints at the top and bottom. The center of the room boasts an ornate oversized table, perfect for bending a woman over and spanking her until her cheeks are a stunning shade of red. This is my room. Everything is just the way I like it.

  My latest submissive in training is standing flush against the wooden cross that adorns the wall at the far end of the room. Her legs spread wide, her arms outstretched and ready to be restrained. She is completely naked, vulnerable, and waiting for my command.

  “Well done, angel. You are displayed exactly as I requested. You will be rewarded for that.”


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