Book Read Free

Krystal Le Beau

Page 3

by V. A. Dold

  Six days later, Doug was sitting at his desk when the phone rang. “Sheriff Dansby, how can I help you?”

  “Hi, this is Krystal.”

  Hearing his mate’s voice, Doug’s tiger raised its head and purred. “Oh, hey. How are you?”

  “Okay, I guess. We buried Roy yesterday.”

  “You buried him? His family didn’t step up?”

  Krystal huffed a breath in his ear. “Those awful people didn’t deserve Roy. When I told his mother he was gone, she hung up on me.”

  Doug suppressed a growl. “I wish I’d been there for you.”

  “Thank you, but we wanted to keep it just family. Roy wouldn’t have wanted a public affair.”

  “I can see that. The few times I saw him in town, he always kept to himself.”

  “Yeah, he was a very private person. I think he was afraid to let anyone too close out of fear of being exposed and rejected again.”

  “I’m sure he was glad to have all of you. I know all the men out there respected him. I heard the hands talking on several occasions, and they always had good things to say about him.”

  “Hearing that means a lot to me. I’m glad his final resting place is here on the ranch where people loved him.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. So, did you want to talk about having dinner with me, or is it too soon?” Doug held his breath, waiting for her answer.

  “No, it’s not too soon. As a matter of fact, I could use an evening away from the ranch.”

  “Do you have guests at the ranch this week?”

  “A few. We’re about half full.”

  “I’m not familiar with your dude ranch schedule of events. Why don’t you tell me what night works best for you?”

  “Friday nights, we have the cowboy cookout and sing along. Lucas and the boys can take care of the guests that night. How about that?”

  “Perfect, I’ll make reservations at Rubio’s for seven. Pick you up at six-thirty?”

  “All right. I’ll see you tomorrow—shoot, I have a guest heading for the front desk, I need to go. Bye, Doug.”

  “Goodbye, Krystal.” Doug hung up and quietly whooped in his office, pumping his fist in the air like he’d won the grand prize. Which, in his mind, he had.


  Kensie knocked lightly on Krystal’s cabin door before letting herself in. As she entered, she called out, “I’m here. What’s the emergency?”

  “Thank God! I can’t decide what to wear.” Krystal held up a floral sundress in one hand and a blood-red silk tank top in the other. “This shirt with jeans and boots, or this dress with sandals?”

  Kensie took the sundress and held it in front of Krystal. “Very pretty.” Carefully laying that on the bed, she held up the tank in the same way. “Also, very nice. Either is perfect. Perhaps we should look at this another way. What kind of message would you like to send? Are you a girly, feminine woman who wants a man to take care of her? Or are you a strong, capable woman who is sexy as hell?”

  Krystal immediately said, “The second one.”

  “Then you should wear the tank with jeans, but leave off the boots and wear the black pumps with red soles that I know you have hidden in your closet.”

  Stefanie grinned triumphantly. I told you so.

  Krystal eyed the tank and jeans. “Do you really think so?”

  Kensie shrugged. “Put them on with the shoes and see for yourself.”

  Krystal slipped into the jeans and shirt, then pulled her shoes from the back of her closet. Opening the shoebox, she hesitated. “I’m not sure I’d be comfortable wearing these in front of Doug. They’re just so…”

  “Hot? Sexy? Confidence boosting?” Kensie offered.

  “Well, yeah. I don’t want to give him ideas.”

  Stefanie’s mouth fell open. Why the heck not?

  Kensie voiced exactly what Stefanie just said. “Why not? Lucas said he’s your mate. He is, isn’t he?”

  “I suppose so. I mean, he isn’t a shifter like we are, he’s… a feline shifter.”

  “Wait… what? He’s a what?”


  Kensie sat hard on a dinette chair. “Wow. I wasn’t expecting that.” She paused as if thinking. “So, is it the cat thing, or do you have another reason not to give him ideas?”

  “Of course, the feline aspect takes some getting used to, but I’m also rather inexperienced when it comes to dating. My mother made it impossible to meet men, and I haven’t been in Texas all that long.”

  “Lucas mentioned your mother once. She sounds like a piece of work. But hey, I was clueless about dating when I met Lucas, and look at how well that turned out.”

  “I recall you freaking out when I told you he could shift into a wolf. Is that what you mean by working out well?” Krystal teased as she slid her feet into the heels.

  Kensie made a face at her cousin-in-law. “No. I’m referring to Jojo coaching me on how to act on a date. Some of the advice was helpful, but most of it was a little twisted. That’s probably why she has issues with maintaining a relationship.”

  Krystal shivered a little. “Advice from Jojo sounds terrifying.”

  “Don’t get me started. Anyway, if you want advice, I’ll do my best,” she offered.

  “Thank you, but no. I think I can figure it out on my own. Although, I would appreciate it if you kept your phone close tonight. If things don’t work out, I may call you for a pick up. The last thing I want is a long, silent ride home with a guy I just rejected.”

  “I would argue the odds of that happening if not for the cat thing. I mean, are felines and wolves as mates a common thing?”

  “Not hardly, I didn’t believe they were real until I met Doug.”

  “Then all bets are off with your date succeeding. I’ll make sure I keep my phone with me. Don’t hesitate to call.” Kensie hugged Krystal and left her to finish getting ready.

  Krystal was checking her lipstick when a knock sounded at her door. Collecting her nerves, she went to answer. She maintained her confident persona until he smiled. Damn, I’m in trouble. The combination of straight white teeth, tanned skin, and the deep grooves in his cheeks were lethal. The grooves didn’t qualify as dimples, but they were sexy as all get out.

  Her wolf raised its nose and howled its happiness.

  Doug, the tough, take no guff, sheriff, stared at Krystal and swallowed hard. He searched for the correct words and swallowed again. His woman was gorgeous. Jeans and heels had never caught his attention before. Apparently, what mattered was the lady filling out those jeans. And fill them out she did. The denim molded lovingly to her curves, emphasizing her womanly figure.

  The sound of a feminine throat clearing jerked his gaze from her legs to her face. His mouth and brain took a moment to connect. “Sorry. But… wow! You look incredible.”

  Stefanie leaned in and whispered. Told you. Look at him, he’s about to drool.

  Krystal blushed a pretty pink and glanced away. “Thank you.”

  So, Miss Krystal Le Beau was unaccustomed to compliments. She would have to get used to it because he intended on letting her know she was beautiful every chance he got.

  “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes. I just need to grab my bag.” She glanced around the small cabin. “Where did I leave it?”

  She searched the one-bedroom cabin to no avail and finally found it in the bathroom. Holding it up as if he hadn’t seen it, she announced, “Found it.”

  When they reached the passenger side of the truck, he opened it and helped her in. He should have thought about her getting in and out of his four-wheel drive. It was taller than the average pickup and a challenge for anyone under six feet.

  Climbing into the driver’s seat, he started the engine and grinned. “Have you eaten at Rubio’s?”

  “A couple of times. Maria’s food is amazing. I was surprised to find authentic Italian in a small Texas town. Plus, it’s the only place to eat e
xcept for the diner.”

  Doug chuckled. “Like you said, small town.”

  In no time, they were parked in the spot next to the door, marked Reserved. “Stay put,” he said as he hopped out and hustled to her door. Opening it, he offered her a hand. “Allow me to help you down. It’s a pretty big drop to the pavement.”

  Krystal crossed her arms and lifted her chin at the reserved sign. “This must be Angelo or Maria’s space. You can’t park here.”

  Chuckling, he wiggled his fingers. “Actually, Angelo put the sign up for me a couple of months ago. He said he likes the safety of having the sheriff at a table in his dining room. The reserved parking is his way of enticing me to come back.”

  She gave him a look that said she didn’t believe him as she took his hand.

  Angelo was at the host podium when they walked in. “Sheriff Dansby, and with the lovely Krystal Le Beau no less.”

  Doug cocked a brow. “Good Evening, Mr. Rubio.”

  “Mr. Rubio? I asked you to call me Angelo,” he blustered.

  “And I asked you to call me Doug,” the sheriff countered.

  “Touché.” Angelo glanced at Krystal and whistled softly. “Miss Krystal, you are stunning.”

  “Thank you, Angelo.”

  While Doug chatted with Angelo, Krystal inhaled the mouthwatering fragrances of garlic, basil, oregano, rosemary, parsley, and thyme the instant they entered the restaurant. Dried spices were never used in any of the restaurant’s dishes. All of the herbs were as fresh as could be. Maria Rubio was old school, just like her mother and grandmother. It was the loving hands of those three women who created the magic in the kitchen. The Rubio’s believed in garden to table, growing all of the restaurant’s vegetables and herbs in a huge garden behind the restaurant. Rubio’s popularity throughout the county was no accident, the incredible food spoke for itself.

  She was deep into a daydream of pasta noodles covered in Marias sauce and gooey cheese when someone touched her arm. “Oh! Is our table ready?”

  “Yes, mio amico,” Angelo said with a grin on his face. “The aromas from the kitchen got to you again, sì?”

  Krystal grinned back at him, blushing. “Busted.”

  “I will have to tell my beloved, Maria, she has done it again. Come, I will seat you and bring you whatever your heart desires.”

  She couldn’t help but smile at Angelo. Maria was a lucky woman. She was surprised when he led them through the dining room to an isolated table in the back. That was when she noticed the candlestick, crystal stemware, and fine china.

  Doug released her hand to pull out a chair for her. As he took his seat, Angelo lit the candle and excused himself. Placing his napkin on his lap, he felt Krystal’s gaze like a soft caress. “I requested a private table for an important date. Angelo and Maria really outdid themselves.”

  She touched the sterling silver flatware and smiled. “I’d say. The table is beautifully set.”

  They hadn’t been seated long when Thelma, a woman with silver-gray hair, arrived with glasses of water. “So, you’re the reason Maria broke out the fancy china. I must say, Sheriff, you couldn’t have made a better choice. Miss Krystal is quite a catch.”

  “You’re absolutely right, Thelma, only the best for me. I traveled a long way to find a town like Oak Grove and a woman as special as Miss Le Beau.”

  Thelma put her hand on her hip. “You did? I don’t believe I’ve heard this story. Where did you live before you moved here?”

  Doug waved her question away. “I’d hate to bore you with all of that. Let’s just say I wasn’t truly content until I found our little town. Then I met Krystal and my entire life changed for the better.”

  “All right, that’s enough from the both of you,” Krystal admonished. “What smells so good, Thelma? Is that this evening’s special?”

  “Chicken parmigiana. Isn’t it amazing? I mean, everything Maria and her family make is really good, but her parmigiana is something extra special,” she said as she set the glasses on the table.

  Krystal handed her menu to Thelma. “I don’t even have to think about it. I want the special.”

  Grinning, Doug did the same. “Make that two specials, and a bottle of chianti. We can’t have Maria’s chicken parmigiana without a glass of your very best.”

  Thelma pulled out her order pad and tucked the menus under her arm. “Two specials. Those come with a salad. What dressing would you like?”

  “I’d like ranch on the side, please,” Krystal answered.

  “And I’ll take French,” Doug added.

  Thelma wrote down the order and tucked her notepad in her pocket. “I’ll be back in a minute with your salads and wine.”

  After Thelma left the table, Doug reached for Krystal’s hand. “I’ve been waiting all week to find out why our auras bothered you.”

  “Every wolf shifter has a special gift. Mine is seeing auras and spirit guides. I was about twelve, you know that age when boys and girls start to notice each other? Anyway, I was shocked to see some of their auras reaching out and intermingling with another’s. After a while, I realized that the couples who had mingled auras were the ones who stayed together. The couples whose auras shrunk away from the others broke up fairly quickly.”

  “And how does that relate to our auras?”

  “Well... there’s more. Couples who are destined for each other have matching auras. The colors are the same. Even the patterns are identical.”

  “Colors? Patterns?”

  “Yes. Auras come in every color of the rainbow with an individual aura containing several colors and shades. Most people have two or three colors. Rarely, does a person have only one. And the patterns of the colors are limitless.”

  “Wow. I didn’t realize there was so much to an aura. That still doesn’t explain why our auras disturbed you.”

  “Disturbed isn’t really the right description, as much as shocked. I never expected to find the man who had an aura matching mine. Yours does. And when our auras started to mingle... I freaked out a little.”

  “So, our auras matched and mingled and that bothered you?”

  Krystal shook her head. “It surprised me.”

  “Based on our auras and our bonding marks, you can’t deny we’re meant to be together. You’re my djairi, Krystal. My beloved. My one and only. That’s why our bonding mark appeared. Like the auras, marks only mingle and become visible when a destined mate is found.”

  Krystal flashed her wrist at him. “Yeah, about the mark…”

  Her question was cut off by Thelma returning with a bottle of wine and two salads.

  She placed one in front of Krystal. “Ranch for you,”—then the second before Doug—“and French for you.”

  Thelma took hold of the wine bottle and propped her now empty tray against the wall. Pulling a corkscrew from her server’s apron, she went to work on opening the chianti. “Angelo unlocked his personal wine cellar for this bottle. It must be something really special.”

  The waitress poured a small amount into Doug’s wine glass and waited for his approval before filling Krystal’s glass and then Doug’s.

  “Mm, you’re right, Thelma. This chianti is special. Please thank Angelo for us.”

  “I’ll do that. He’ll be pleased that you liked it. Winemaking is his secret passion. Counting the two of you, only”—she started lifting fingers one by one—“five other people know.”

  “Angelo made this?” Doug asked as he breathed in the bouquet of the wine.

  “He sure did. He purchased a small winery near Tow, Texas to bottle his own wine. He’s hoping to start serving his personal label in the restaurant later this year.”

  Krystal shook her head. “I don’t know where he and Maria find the time for everything they do.”

  “I wonder that almost daily. I swear they never sleep.” She picked up her tray and smiled. “Enjoy your salads.” With that, she was gone.

  Krystal took up
her fork and speared a bit of lettuce. She watched Thelma leave before saying, “You were about to tell me about the mark.”

  Doug frowned. “I explained the bonding mark when it appeared.”

  She forked up a chunk of tomato. “Yes, but how do you know which woman to put your mark on?”

  “A djairi isn’t a choice one makes. She is a destiny. Are you telling me Earth shifters can choose anyone to be their mate?”

  She made a sour face. “If my mother had her way, she would do just that. But much like your mark, a mate is destined. We have three signs that we’ve found our mate. There is an uncontrollable attraction for the other person, you can see new and brighter colors, and you smell a special scent. Do you have these signs, too?”

  Doug’s eyes widened. “So many signs? My people feel the attraction as well, but that is the only sign.”

  “So, when you feel that attraction, you put your mark on the woman?” she asked, still trying to understand.

  “We don’t put the mark on our djairi or djairu, it appears when we touch our companion for the first time. I suppose you could call it a failsafe. If we feel attraction for someone who isn’t our djairi the mark will not appear when we touch. And the wäshaeä mäku, or unbreakable connection, will not form.”

  “Slow down, you’re using words I’ve never heard of. What is a d-jair-ee and a d-jair-oo?”

  “I apologize. I’m using words from my language. A djairi is a female companion, and a djairu is a male companion. When we bond and become a pair, the ritual or ceremony is called a wäshaeä. The closest comparison would be your mating or a human marriage. The unbreakable bond symbolized by our marks is a wäshaeä mäku.”

  “Thank you for explaining that. So, let me get this straight. If you hadn’t touched me, we wouldn’t be in this situation?”


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