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Twitch - The Hunter Chronicles Book 5

Page 20

by Claire Marta

  “Yes. I won’t be seeing him again.” She told them as she bowed her head, hoping to hide the lie. “I ended it.”

  Fingers settled under her chin. With a forceful pressure, the vampire Master raised it up. “Did you fuck? Feed? You are taking care of yourself?”

  Heat flooded into her cheeks at Asier’s question. She and Twitch had fucked like rabbits. Twitch was something she could never get enough of. She was constantly horny whenever she thought of him and they had only been together two nights.

  A growled sounded to her left. Kane was watching her with a dangerous hungry look. It made Lexi even more edgy.

  Releasing his hold on Lexi, Asier’s haughty gaze turned to Kane. “Do we have a problem?”

  “No.” Turning away without another word, Kane descended the stairs two at a time. Annoyance was radiating off him. Watching him go, Lexi relaxed a fraction. It was starting to feel dangerous working here at the club, but she needed to know the truth. Was she really bound to Asier? If she left did he have a way to summon her back? What did the binding mean?

  “Is there something we need to talk about Lexi? You know I am always here if you want to talk.” Intently Asier searched Lexi’s expression. His concern seemed genuine.

  Words hovered on her tongue. The truth and her fears bubbling up, wanting to spill out. All she wanted to do was curl into his lap like she had as a child and feel safe. She yearned for a simpler time.

  “No, Master.” Lexi backed up, swallowing what she knew could not be spoken. As her courage deserted her she scurried down the stairs. Running blindly, she headed for the back of the club. A coward. That’s what she was. With a sudden, sharp despair, she wanted, no needed, to see Twitch. When they were together, things made sense.

  Lexi sensed Kane. Like a menacing shadow, he was suddenly behind her. A large hand clamped down across her mouth. His beefy arm was around her waist dragging her into a dark, empty play room before she could struggle. She was no match for his vampiric strength.

  As her back hit the wall, she gasped. In the light filtering in through the door he left open, the Viking stood with his body angled into hers. Expression intent, a frightening look of resolve gleamed in his sky-blue eyes. “Asier might believe your lie, but I can smell it.”

  Fear tightened Lexi’s insides. She should have known this moment was coming. It had been inevitable. She had been too naive to think she was safe. That Kane would be wary of Asier’s wrath.

  “Get the fuck off me!” Even to her own ears, her words sounded weak, shaky.

  Hooking his fingers painfully around her jaw, he forced her chin up. Using a knee, he spread her thighs. Pressing himself into her he circled his hips, grinding his erection against her stomach. “Don’t tell me you don’t like this, Pet.” He panted against her ear like an animal in heat. “Once you’ve had a taste of my cock inside you, you’ll be begging for more. You won’t think about that techno mage ever again.”

  Disgust and loathing rose inside her. Just the thought of him touching her as Twitch had made her feel sick. It was something she would not permit. She wouldn’t let him taint her love. Strength from deep within her rose to fight. Hands shoving against his chest, she threw him across the room.

  He connected with the wall with a sickening crack. Dazedly, he lay in a heap. A stunned expression was etched over his face.

  “Don’t you fucking dare touch me again!” Lexi screamed. “You have no rights over me and the next time you say I belong to you I will fucking castrate you.” For good measure, she kicked him hard in the nuts.

  Unprepared for her attack, Kane shrieked as her foot impacted with his balls. Hunching over he clutched himself. “You little bitch.” He snarled, fangs extending. “I’ll make you regret that.”

  Anger seething, Lexi hissed at him through her teeth. She could feel her glamour slipping. Knew that anyone looking would see her horns and claws. Storming from the room she ran straight into Asier.

  “What is going on?” Attention on her head he viewed her horns through narrowed eyes.

  “Kane tried to force himself on me.” Lexi could not contain the shudder of disgust. Wrapping her arms around her waist, she hugged herself protectively. Her skin still felt the imprint of his body as he’d forced himself against her.

  Expression darkening, the vampire Master’s lips twisted in annoyance. “I will have words with him. He has been warned before about this.” His eyes skimmed over her assessing for marks or harm. “Amore, you need to calm down.”

  “Do we have a contract?” The question burst out before she could over think it. “You and me? A demonic binding?”

  “Si.” Asier’s expression became guarded. Although he stood relaxed, Lexi did not miss the slight tension in his shoulders. He had taught her to read body language at an early age. It was an advantage over others. One she now used against him.

  “I don’t remember ever agreeing to bind myself to you.” As her anger dropped away, her glamour slipped back into place, hiding her horns amongst her pink locks.

  “You were a child at the time. Your mother showed you how and we did it the day you came to live with me.”

  Narrowing her eyes, she stared up into his closed expression. “What exactly does this mean?”

  “That you are mine.” Asier stated simply. Staring back at her, he did not elaborate. The conviction in his words though sent icy foreboding through her veins. His, like a pet?

  “My mother bound me to you?” It still did not make any sense. Her mother had known who her birth father was so why the hell had she chained her to his sworn enemy?

  “Has the mage filled your head with nonsense about being free?” A charming smirk curved Asier’s mouth. It was one he always used whenever he was being persuasive. “Your life is here with me.”

  Hugging herself tighter, Lexi’s expression clouded with doubt. “I just want to know the truth.”

  “What you feel for Twitch is nothing but a childish infatuation. It will pass now that you have stopped seeing him, I promise you. I know best, amore. Trust me.” Gently, Asier unknotted her arms before pulling her into his muscled, bare-chested embrace. Lexi went stiffly.

  But could she? That was her fear. What did Asier really want with her? And why did Kane seem so sure that she was going to be his? Had they made an agreement of some kind. A pact? Why have a demon under your roof when you hated her kind?

  After witnessing Nelly die, Twitch needed to see Lexi. Needed to hold her close. To feel her love. The image of the old woman falling kept replaying in his head. It was a continued painful reel that had no end. Zook’s words burned through his brain. This was his fault. His fault for not telling them about Lexi’s parentage. He was the reason Nelly now lay in a cold, cheerless morgue. Twitch knew he had to warn Lexi about the demons. They were coming for her and he had to protect her.

  Reaching the corridor leading to the staff room at the club, Twitch rounded the corner. Disbelief faltered his steps. For a split second, he thought he was seeing things.

  Asier had his arms wrapped around Lexi. She was leaning into him, her cheek buried in his bare, muscled chest. It was intimate. Familiar. Way too cosy.

  As if he had sensed him, the Master vampire’s gaze jumped to his. Lips tilting up, he smiled smugly. Tightening the possessive embrace around her, his eyes bore into the mage’s, confident and self-satisfied.

  “You have done a good job with the techno mage.” Asier whispered into the girl’s pink hair as he rubbed his cheek affectionately against her soft strands. “I am pleased and will reward you later for your loyalty. Now off you go, vai. I have things to deal with.”

  Flattening against the wall, Twitch hid himself from Lexi. He did not want her to see him. What the fuck was going on? Nothing made sense any more.

  Bewilderment passed across Lexi’s face as she nodded reluctantly. “Thank you, Master.” Without another word, she hurried off in the direction of the main club. Twitch stood for three beats before he moved.

the fuck were you touching Lexi like that.” Launching off the wall, he stomped towards the vampire.

  Asier stood waiting. Angelic features rigid in lines of superiority, he pinned the mage with a haughty look.

  “She belongs to me. I have told you that already and I will touch her how I please, capisci?” The vampire’s attention slanted to the blood that was barely dry on Twitch’s clothes.

  Gashes decorated the length of his long, black velvety coat. He had not had time to change. After Zook had abandoned him, he’d rushed Fang to a twenty-four-hour vet. Now the dog was under their care. The wounds he had received had not been life threatening to Twitch’s relief, but had still needed tending to.

  “The fuck you will.” Jabbing his finger into Asier’s chest, Twitch’s expression twisted with his anger. No one touched his girl. Especially this twatwaffle of a vamp who thought he could fuck his way through London. It wasn’t enough he was trying to get into his cousin’s pants, but he wanted Lexi too? No way was that happening.

  “She’s only fucking you because I told her to,” Asier confided. His tone was laced with arrogance. Lifting a hand, he smacked away the mage’s touch with an expression of distaste.

  Everything inside Twitch came to a screeching halt. For a second he heard buzzing in his ears. “You’re lying.”

  Feeling dizzy, he reached for something solid. Firm flesh met his hands as the vampire caught him just as his knees threatened to buckle.

  “She is a succubus. How do you think she feeds? Every evening it is a new male to satisfy her hunger. She was only a distraction while I got what I wanted. Jasmine.” The conviction in the Master vampire’s stare was a stab to Twitch’s heart. “Did you think it was something more? Did you think she could love you with your imperfect body? Your scars? What would she ever want with someone like you?”

  It could not be true. What he and Lexi had was not a lie. Yet, still, distrust rose with all his insecurities.

  “I need to find Lexi.” Twitch muttered to himself. Realising he had a grip on Asier’s shoulders he released them as if he’d just been burned. He wanted to hear the truth from her lips. If the vamp was playing games he needed to know.

  “I told you to never see her again.” Asier sneered. “And she does not want to see you. “If you do not leave immediately I will have you removed permanently from my club.”

  “Fuck you.” Twitch shot back as he stumbled down the corridor. His legs felt as heavy as his heart. He had to get out. Away from Asier. Away from this place. Waiting for Lexi outside was the best course of action. He needed fresh air. Tugging the hood on his velvety coat up over his head, he staggered for the exit.

  Sucking her bottom lip into her mouth, Lexi listened to the continuous ring against her ear. The murmur of the crowd behind her queuing to get inside the club was a dull hum of noises in the background.

  Twitch was not picking up. After this evening, all she wanted to do was fall into his arms.

  She had a contract with Asier. How she was going to break it was yet to be revealed. Asking him was out of the question. From his reaction to her inquires Lexi was sure her father was not going to tell her. Maybe Twitch could help? He knew all about spells and magic.

  Unease had been like a shroud over her all evening. It wasn’t just what had happened with the vampires. No, something was wrong. Lexi could sense it. The bond. The love she had for Twitch was telling her something was not right.

  Sighing in frustration, she ended the call. Where was he? Feeling restless, her attention danced over the waiting club goers. The neon brilliance of the Liquor and Lust sign bathed their faces in a bright red glow.

  Rudy, the bear shifter, stood as a sentinel. Beefy, muscular arms folded over his chest, the bouncer stood vigilant. Meeting Lexi’s gaze a kind smile lifted his lips.

  Lexi returned it. She knew he was keeping an eye on her as he always did. He was one of the few shifters she considered a friend in this place. Too many of them sensed she was different. It put their hackles up and made them suspicious.

  “Teddy bear, teddy bear, Turn around! Teddy bear, teddy bear, Touch the ground! Teddy bear, teddy bear, Jump up high! Teddy bear, teddy bear, Touch the sky!” Sweet and soft the singing started.

  Fear scuttled up the back of Lexi’s neck. Twisting around, she found the demonic offspring gathered at the edge of the street. Scrawny and dirty, they huddled together, squatting on the pavement. Their clothes hung from them like rags. Eyes inhuman, their expressions lacked any child-like emotions.

  Stella was poised above them. A lithe figure still dressed in her uniform. In one hand, she clutched a crossbow. Young features ghostly pale, dark red streaks stained her cheeks and lips. It was not blush or lipstick she wore. The scent of blood was unmistakable. It was a perverted parody.

  “Are you ready to play?” Stella asked, head tipping to the side as a fucked up grin stretched across her mouth. “I hope you’re more fun than your friends were because we broke them so easily.”

  An Insidious gloom grew around them. Slinking up from the ground in a vapour, it banished the lights from the buildings and signs.

  Dread clutched it’s icy hand around Lexi’s heart. “What did you do? Where’s Twitch?”

  “Celion thinks you’re oh so special, but we only need you for breeding.” The girl continued, ignoring her question. “So, as long as your womb is intact, my friends can have your legs and arms.”

  It was getting darker by the second. As the veil between two worlds began to merge, Lexi sensed it. It was a shadow realm. One she knew instinctively would lead to nothing but carnage.

  Behind her, she heard the confused voices of the crowd. Stella was not kidnapping only her, but all of the people who stood waiting in line. The atmosphere thickened. Within the obscurity of the mists that awaited them, Lexi glimpsed forms. Monstrous figures. Teeth and claws flashed in the semi light left shining in the street. Whatever lived there had gathered to feast.

  Lexi knew she couldn’t let this happen. Innocent people were about to be caught up in her mess. She couldn’t let anyone get hurt because of her.

  “Lexi?” Rudy’s voice called from behind. His tone wavered with both uncertainty and disbelief.

  “Keep the crowd back.” She warned, not taking her gaze from Stella and her creatures. “I’ll handle this. Just keep them safe.”

  Letting her glamour slip, her horns rose among the strands of her pink candyfloss hair. Never once had she tried to call on her demonic powers. Asier had always told her not to use them. To bury them deep.

  Caressing the corner of her mind like a silken touch, she felt a connection with the Twilight they were being sucked into. Now that she had let her disguise drop it left her more exposed to the sensations that bombarded her. The transition was almost complete. A few more seconds and everyone here would be knee deep in ravenous demons.

  Concentrating, she pictured it like a portal in her head. The space between both points. In one dazzling split second of clarity a grey metal door took shape. It was so clear in her mind Lexi could see the worn surface. The antique handle in the shape of a lion’s head chipped in sections from wear and tear.

  The children edged towards her. Like animals they came on all fours. Bodies hunched as their tongues poked out from gaping, hungry mouths. They stalked towards her.

  “I really don’t want to hurt you.” Lexi told them, holding her hands up in a gesture of pleading. “But I will if I have to.” She wasn’t a hundred percent sure if she could defend herself and continue to concentrate at the same time.

  Clinging to the image, she could vividly see it was open. Not fully. Just a crack which was allowing Stella to draw them all through. Squeezing her eyes shut as she clumsily stepped backwards she reached for the handle in her mind’s eye. Her fingers closed around the cool hard surface.

  Behind it, she heard the roars and snarls of the beings who lived inside. They knew what she was doing. Could sense her intent. Both hands curling around the handgrip she yank
ed it back with all her might.

  As the door swung closed she was hit with the force of a freight train. With a strangled scream Lexi lost her footing. As the hard concrete greeted her back pain exploded through her hips and shoulders. Bucking frantically, she tried to dislodge her attackers. Small, cruel hands held her down. The sting of their talon claws bit into every inch of her they could seize.

  “No! No! No!” Screaming, Stella tore at her blonde pigtails that were now more like disordered birds’ nests. “I’m the special one, not you! I am Daddy’s favourite.” Strands came away in her hands in clumps. “You shouldn’t be able to bar us from the Twilight, only he has that power.”

  Gone was the prim and proper Miss they had first met in Brighton. She looked as rabid as the horde she controlled. Spittle leaked from the side of her mouth. Eyes wide and wild, her blood painted face made her look like a nightmarish clown.

  “I have had just about enough of you cock juggling thunder cunt.” As the murk of the Twilight faded away Twitch emerged from the entrance of the club. In one quick glance, he assessed the scene.

  Lexi was buried beneath the forms of eight demonic teenagers. Trapping her down, they were yet to rip her apart. They sat, expressions blank, staring at Stella, waiting patiently for her command.

  “Someone’s come back to play.” The girl sung as her attention swung Twitch’s way. Madness. It was there in her eyes. An empty place filled with the monster that Celion had moulded her into.

  “Sometimes light isn’t enough to battle darkness. Sometimes it takes something equally dark to vanquish it.” Nelly’s words echoed through Twitch’s head.

  This girl had taken Nelly’s life. She had no guilt. No heart. Evil, that’s all she was. All she would ever be because of the demon lord. Twitch’s rage boiled over. Revenge. It was so close he could taste it. He wanted to smash her face into the road. Rip out those pigtails until her shrieks grew silent with her death. Reason dimmed as his mind turned black.


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