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Dancing With Devia

Page 4

by Viveca Benoir


  “What the fuck?” He suddenly shouted a few hours later. He sat up, causing her to fall off him and onto the blanket laying on the beach with a soft thud.

  “Whaaa…?” She said, still semi asleep herself. She sat up and moved her hair out of her eyes.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” He shouted angrily. Devia suddenly remembered where they were and what they had been doing. She hadn’t meant to fall asleep with him, it had just been so nice. Her head against his chest, his heart beating steadily in her ear, her hand on his firm tight abs, her fingers just hooked inside his trouser belt. It had just been so good, to be so close to him, in his arms like that. As though he were her man. She responded quickly.

  “You passed out. You were ill. I was keeping you warm. I tried waking you hours ago. Then gave up. ” She said indignantly.

  “What’s that horrible taste I have in my mouth?” She smarted at his comment. That taste was her pussy juices, and they weren’t horrible. Her men always said she tasted sweet. Why didn’t he like her taste?

  “You ate some food, then you were ill. I just said that.”

  “What?” He shook his head. He was still feeling groggy. “What do you mean I was ill?”

  “You started mumbling that you weren’t feeling well and seconds later you blacked out.” She looked at him to gauge his reaction. He was still shaking his head as though he wanted to clear it.

  “I don’t understand.” Julian was confused. It didn’t make sense and he felt fine now with the exception of feeling a little ‘out of it.’ He started to feel angry, but didn’t know why. Devia continued.

  “Remember I am the client. I was stuck here, unable to do anything, until you came round. It’s been hell for me.” She said, suddenly on the offensive to distract him.

  “Ok I am sorry. I don’t know what happened. We have to get going.” Julian looked at the horizon and saw a thick fog rolling in from the sea. “Damn, it doesn’t look like we are going anywhere tonight. We need to get aboard and I will let the others know what has happened, they will be worried sick. We will have to leave in the morning.”

  “Where will we sleep?” She asked.

  “There are more than enough cabins on board.” She grinned at the unexpected luck of having to stay overnight, on board, alone, with Julian. Things were turning out better than she could have ever hoped. God was on her side.

  They gathered up the things in the dark, the fog was still coming their way . After they had collected everything they both got in the dinghy to hea d back to the boat. Julian started the engine and the Williams fired into action, the water thrusting through the jet nozzles at the back. The boat sped over the waves and he didn’t slow it down until they were alongside the Ocean Islander. Julian brought the dinghy to the stern platform so Devia could step on board. She held on to the chrome handrail and pulled her chunky body up as Julian started to fit the dinghy lines to the winch so it could be hauled up and out of the water. She stayed where she had boarded and waited for him to finish. She waited for him to step up and go through to switch on the lights for the yacht. When he had done so, she walked inside and put her things on the plush sofa. It was a beautiful stateroom, with shiny teak cabinets and floor, and large windows, which normally had a beautiful view, but tonight showed a thickening pea soup of a fog outside.

  Whil e Julian was radioing in and explaining to Andrew what was happening, Devia crossed the room and placed her camera on the shelf behind a sculpture. She checked that only the lens was visible. She turned the timer on.

  ‘Click, click, click, click, click, click.’

  Julian looked up to see what the noise was, he knew the boat inside out and he knew her every sound and creak.

  “What’s that sound? Do you hear anything?” He cocked his head to the side as he looked around for it.

  “No,” she said, suddenly realising she had to think of something quickly to hide the sound of the camera. “How about some music?” She said loudly. “What do you have on board?”

  “We have every type of music you could think of, more than 40,000 tracks. What sort of music would you like?” He sounded annoyed.

  “I would like something romantic. Do you have any ballads? Or just soft mood music? ”

  “I am sorry, but I cannot suggest anything there.” It was the last type of music he wanted to hear with her.

  “How about ‘Il Divo’? Do you have that?” She looked at him defiantly.

  “Of course.” He replied sarcastically.

  “Then, that is what I want to hear.” She grinned, please d to get her own way.

  He reluctantly put the music on for her and tried not to listen. He was happy to hear it any other time, but not with this pushy crazy woman.

  She smiled at him happily. When he returned to the galley, she joined him, and stood very close to him as he was preparing something for them to eat. She made it look as though they were cooking together, she swooned over him, flirted and responded with sly looks and smiles. She knew it didn’t matter what she said or did, because the pictures would tell their own story. Her story. Appearances were everything after all.

  Considering Julian wasn’t even talking to her, he thought she was totally crazy. She was acting as though they were a couple! Obviously she was delusional, and dangerously so. He tried to ignore her. The more he did, the harder she tried. And the way she was pushing her pendulous floppy breasts into his arm was annoying him. She had tried to put her arm around his waist, in a semi friendly way, but he had stepped away, and openly glowered at her.

  ‘Click, click, click, click, click, click.’ The sound of ‘Il Divo’ filled the yacht and covered the sound of the camera. Devia was delighted. She just couldn’t stop smiling , like a child in front of an enormous ice cream sundae. Her eyes were adoring and glittering at him.

  He laid the table and set out the special plates they used solely for clients. He was annoyed because he would have to eat with her. She asked for a candle to be lit and he did so, only upon her insistence. She loved every minute of his company and she knew how great the pictures would turn out.

  Julian never said a word or looked at her. He just stared at his plate. But as he had his back to the camera, she took advantage and made all the facial expressions, putting her hand up in such a way, that it would look, in the pictures, as though she were stroking his hair.

  “What are you doing?” He asked, as he pulled his head away from her hand.

  “Oh, there was a fly, by your head, I just shooed it away, so it wouldn’t land on you.” She said innocently with a sweet smile. He growled.

  “ Would you just stop? I can take care of myself.” Everything about her annoyed him. She seemed so clingy, so needy, sometimes so sickly sweet and just being in her company was grating on him. He didn’t know why, but his gut instinct told him to stay away from her at all costs. He glanced at her briefly and she was looking at him adoringly. If looks could kill she would have been dead already.

  The dinner passed very slowly as far as he was concerned. She dragged out the eating of her meal and made it last as long as possible. She talked non-stop, almost as though she felt that the more she talked the more attractive she got. ‘Did she think it was a date?’ She kept doing odd things with her eyes, a cross between a crazy stare, and a lusty love. He didn’t like either look. He felt very uncomfortable.

  Devia was actually thinking of the climaxes he had inadvertently given her that day. How wonderful he had felt to her. She loved every part of him and she wanted more of him. To know that she had enjoyed him, and he hadn’t a clue, delighted her. It was probably how guys felt when they gave a woman Rohypnol; that sort of easy ‘kill’ for a sexual predator and she loved it, knowing things about him that he didn’t even suspect. Her pussy juices were still on him, all over him. She was sure he would smell sex on himself later, and she smiled at that thought.

  He excused himself, leaving the stateroom to prepare a cabin for her and to take care of secu
ring the boat for the night. She used this time to further her devious plan. Stripp ing off her top, she played with her breasts , posing for the camera while he was gone. She quickly undressed so that she was totally naked, and took photos of herself all over the stateroom; making it look like she was waiting for him to return to her. The fact he wasn’t in the room, made no difference, whatsoever. She knew that any wife seeing the images of a woman naked on a yacht, alone, and overnight with her husband, would put two and two together, and come up with four… only in this case it would be five. As it was all lies.

  Devia dressed hurriedly and collected her camera before sitting down and thumbing through a brochure nonchalantly, her cheeks were flushed with the effort she made during her photo taking session. She had just quickly picked up the brochure and was actually holding it upside down, when he came back into the stateroom.

  He asked Devia to follow him to her cabin. He led her through the yacht and showed her to her cabin door. She asked where he was sleeping, and he looked at her in suspicion, so she quickly added.

  “In case there is an emergency, and I need you…”

  “There will be no emergencies I can assure you of that.” He pointed further down the corridor. She smiled, and went inside. He closed the door behind her, shutting her in her cabin. But as he walked away she opened it slightly and watched him go into the main stateroom. A few moments later, Julian had turned the music and was placing the dirty dishes in the sink. She closed her door and put her back against it as another plan formed in her deviant mind.

  Later that night, after he had gone to bed, she walked naked towards his door. She took photos of the door. Then she pressed herself against it and listened to him sleeping inside.

  She took photos of her body pressed against the door in various poses. This got her feeling very horny so she played with herself. Right there in the hallway outside his room. Bringing herself to a shuddering, knee trembling climax the entire time taking pictures of herself. When she regained the full use of her spent and useless legs, she took her pussy juices on her wet fingers and wrote ‘Mine’ on his door. She walked back to her cabin grinning maniacally. This trip was turning out to be better than she had expected. She went to bed, and smiled uncontrollably as she lay there.

  Even in her sleep, she smiled.

  Chapter Three - Julian

  During the night Julian briefly woke up when he thought he heard a low groaning. It sounded like a mewling sound. A sound an animal would make when hurt or mating. He turned over, and went back to sleep, not knowing it was Devia climaxing outside his cabin door.

  The moment Julian woke up in the morning, he threw on his clothes and didn’t even bother to shower. After dressing quickly he jogged through the cabin to get the boat read y to set sail. It was about four am, but he didn’t care. If he set off early he could get rid of her by seven. He could be home with Crystal by seven thirty, and his life would be better all round.

  He made himself a fresh cup of strong black coffee to get himself going, and then switched on the weather report to check sailing and wind conditions. The recorded voice read out the weather for all the local regions. He sipped his coffee as he listened, but realised that he had a cold, and couldn’t taste it at all. It was just hot and wet. Crystal must have shared her germs with him. He didn’t mind. They shared everything, good and bad.

  Luckily, conditions were perfect and visibility was excellent. The fog had totally cleared from the bay, with the break of dawn. On the horizon there were some small remaining swirling patches, but they were nowhere near where he would be sailing. He set up the navigation equipment, typing in the GPS co-ordinates for his marina to return home. He turned on the radar, and then switched on the engine to warm it up while he checked the decks to be sure they were clear. He moved various items around and stowed things away ensuring that everything was secured for sailing. He just had to stow the dinghy and hoist the anchor then they could set sail. He pressed the switch to raise the anchor and the sound of the chains grated as it moved up and through the slow steady winch. As it came up to the deck he leaned over with the water hose and washed off all the mud and seaweed that had been brought up with it. He smiled as he spotted a crab clinging on to the seaweed and watched it plop back into the water still clinging on to a few tendrils of limp seaweed. That crab would have a story to tell all the other crabs later.

  Doing his final instrumentation checks, after checking all the gauges for the engine parameters, and that all the lights were correct, he put the engine into gear. He always loved this moment, the moment of the sound the engine made when it kicked into life. It was something that fired his blood. It meant he was going on a journey. He was sailing somewhere and it never failed to please him. He felt complete joy when the yacht started to manoeuvre into the waves. Today, he felt happier than normal, because he would be able to get rid of Devia, once and for all, and he would soon be home with his wife and kids. He smiled in the direction of home, felt the yacht riding the waves and picking up speed. When they were under way he would unfurl the sails so that she could gain speed. The sun shone on the yachts chrome handrails, sending flashes of bright light as they reflected, and he felt free.


  Coming about at the marina several hours later, Julian was delighted that Devia hadn’t surfaced. Or even come to bother him. He assumed she was still asleep. To be honest, he didn’t care. He left her to her psycho dreams. She was out of his way and he could enjoy the return journey alone, every nautical mile a little closer to home. He thought about running in the door, grabbing Crystal, swinging her around in his arms, just because he was home and had missed her. They had rarely spent a night apart from each other and that was just how he liked it. He had tossed and turned for most of the night, he missed her so much. She was a physical need for him, and just her presence soothed him. There was nothing better than snuggling up to her. Her curves fit his body like a glove and over the years he needed to feel her body, warm against his, for a goods night’s sleep.

  He moored the yacht against the dock and went below to tell Devia they had arrived. He knocked on her door and she opened it. Naked. She stood and stared at him bleary eyed.

  He looked away as soon as he saw her bare breasts.

  “We have arrived. You need to get ready to leave. I have my next group arriving soon.”

  “Oh, ok.” She sounded disappointed. He turned away, not caring.

  “I need you gone in half an hour. Your cruise ended yesterday.” He spoke abruptly and she knew not to push him. He walked back outside and a few moments later, she came upstairs as he was checking the ropes.

  She waited for him to help her off the boat. She was wearing the same clothes as the day before, only now she hadn’t bothered with her high heels or her hat and her hair was all mussed up from sleeping. Her makeup was smeared across her face. She smiled at him as though she thought she was a real beauty, not realising she was anything but.

  He reluctantly helped her down to the dock and felt relieved the moment her feet touched the marina walkway. Now he was no longer responsible for her. He watched her walk away and then went back on board to secure everything. He didn’t have another booking until the weekend, but he hadn’t wanted her knowing that. Otherwise she may have lingered. This way, she was gone. He would come back on Friday to clean the interior of the boat and change the sheets in her cabin.

  He locked up, and about ten minutes later he was walking down the docks whistling. He couldn’t wait to get home. He unlocked his Explorer with his remote, as he walked towards it, the loud beep of the horn telling him the car was now open. He got inside and started it. Without another glance around, h e turned swung the car round , and headed for home.


  Across the car park, Devia had dropped something next to her car. She had bent down to pick it up, and when she st ood up, she saw Julian walking happily towards his car. She felt an irrational anger at his lie. He didn’t have another group. He had been lying to g
et rid of her. An out and out blatant lie. He hadn’t seen her which was to his detriment, and to her benefit. She started her car and followed him, trailing a few cars behind him. Now she could find out where he was going. She had had another stroke of luck. She started to smile as she tailed his car from a safe distance.

  Julian pulled the car into his driveway and killed the engine. He got out of the car and stretched. Devia arrived shortly after and had also pulled over, by a large shrub off the street, and was watching him stretch. She saw his taut muscles outlined in his shirt and remembered his naked torso hidden underneath.

  Julian was glad to be home. As he walked to the door, Crystal came running out towards him, and physically threw herself into his arms, and began to fervently kiss him. Devia was livid when she saw Crystal, hugging her man. She wanted to get out of her car and pull Crystal off him, and slap her so hard.

  Crystal suddenly stopped hugging him, and pulled back sharply, her face full of anger. She screamed angrily at him, slapped him hard across the face, and then stormed inside the house. Julian didn’t know what was going on and held his arms out in surprise. He ran in after her, pleading with her to explain what had upset her. Outside in the car, Devia knew exactly what was going on. She watched them, with glee, through their large living room window of the house. Julian was trying to placate her, whereas Crystal was going nuts at him, shouting and waving her hands angrily as she spoke. She couldn’t hear what was being said. But then again, she didn’t need to thanks to Crystal’s irate and very clear gesticulation.


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