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Sins of Thy Mother 4

Page 21

by Niki Jilvontae

  I glared at my father with nothing but hate as he stood there and smiled while he fixed his collar and I turned to walk in.

  “Oh and leave Lydia alone. She don’t really like you. I guess she’s just sad that I don’t want to touch that hot pocket anymore since her little sister so hot n ready.” My daddy said and struck that one nerve he knew would drive me insane.

  Before he or I knew it, I had turned around and lunged at him with my hands up ready to choke the life out of his ass. Lucky for me though my big homie and star quarterback Chop was nearby at a table with his girl and he jumped up quickly to pull me away. I cursed at my dad as he pulled me inside and I was greeted by my manager. Needless to say I was released from that job right then, but my manager didn’t report the incident to the university so I was grateful for that. I couldn’t go home my head was fucked up when I left so I hopped in the Impala Tisha bought me and headed home to her house When I got there she was already gone to take Tania, A’Miracle, and Talaya to their Saturday dance class and Jerrod let me in. He was really who I wanted to see anyway since I didn’t want to worry Tisha with more problems.

  “Wassup lil bruh?” Jerrod said as he opened the door and I waked in after I gave him dap. I guess he could tell by the way I stormed in or how hard I hit his hand that something was wrong because by the time I made it to the family room to sit greet my nephews who were on the floor playing with cars as the watched the game, Jerrod was behind me with questions. “Wassup Sha? You look a little on edge my guy.” Jerrod said as he walked up to me and I motioned at the kids.

  “Boys, would y’all please go outside and play in the backyard for a while until I talk to uncle Sha? Y’all can even ride your 4-wheelers. With helmets and leave the curtains open so I can see y’all outside.” Jerrod said as the boys got up and agreed before they ran outside. I sat down and watched Jerrod as he went over to open the curtains they had forgotten before I began my story.

  “Maine big bruh, it seems every time shit going right in my life something goes wrong. Let me tell you about this bullshit.” I began as Jerrod came around and sat down beside me and I told him everything. I watched Jerrod’s usually calm and composed demeanor turn back to that of a gangsta like I remembered as a kid while I sat there with an evil expression on his face and his mind worked. After a few minutes it was like I could see the lightbulb in his brain go off and he stood up.

  “Okay this what we’re gonna do. You’re gonna call that ole bitch ass pedophile nigga and tell him to be here tomorrow to get his 10 stacks. I’m gonna make sure all of my cameras inside and out are working tomorrow, matter of fact I’m gonna add some more in here. One is gonna be visible so he can’t say he didn’t know we have surveillance. You gonna let him come in and spill his fucking guts. Then after he does that you gonna make him wonna fight so I can come whoop his ass. Since he wonna play with 12 and ruin niggas lives like that damn Dense tried to do me, we gonna let him see how it feel. Muthafuckas in prison don’t take kindly to pedophiles though. He’ll find that out fast. You game?” Jerrod asked me as I stood up and shook his hand.

  “Bet then bruh, its perfect. Be over here at noon regardless of when you tell him. Sunday is my day so Tisha and the kids are usually out until about nine at night. That gives us plenty time to get this bitch nigga. I got you lil bruh. Don’t worry.” Jerrod said as we dapped again then went outside to play football with the boys.

  The rest of the day I thought about the plan until I pushed it to the back of my mind before I entered my apartment. I got inside to find Lydia gone and that said she had to go home to her mother’s house with my dad because her sister called her upset. I called her a dozen times with no answer before she finally picked up and told me Shaheim had done something to her sister Alysia but she wouldn’t tell her what. I told her to come home right then and bring her sister too, but she said they wouldn’t let her sister go and that she couldn’t leave her.

  I understood that from experience so I told her to barricade themselves in the room and for her to text me every hour. Once we hung up I freaked out for a second as I cried and punched the air while I imagined it was my father’ face. I calmed down when I got a text from Lydia that said she was fine and they were locked in the room. After that I grabbed a bottle of vodka and took a few swigs before I dialed my dad’s cell number.

  As soon as he answered I said what I had to say and told him to meet me at my sister’s by two if he wanted is money. I hung up before that bitch could answer and hit the bottle three more times before I fell asleep with vengeance on my mind. I woke up the next day at nine a.m. and began to clean up my apartment to keep my mind occupied. By the time 11 rolled around I was done, dressed, and headed out the door to meet my father. I pulled up to find Tisha was gone and Jerrod had parked his car in the garage. I parked in the driveway and went inside to find him in the living room as he rolled a blunt.

  “Wassup lil bruh you ready? Is the pussy nigga really coming?” He asked as he handed me one of the blunts he had already rolled and I shook my head yes. “The pussy said he is and as money hungry as he is I know he should. I guess all we can do now is wait.” I said to Jerrod and he finish rolling his blunt and we both lit ours at the same time.

  We got high as a muthafucka as we waited on my dad and when he knocked on the door at two on the dot, I jumped up ready to end his bitch ass and slay a dragon of my own. “You got this bruh, remember get him to confess then make him made so I can beat him.” Jerrod said as I nodded and he went to hide. I felt anxiety and anger build up in me as I walked to the door and opened it for my dad. As soon as he walked in he jumped with the shit as he stormed past me right into the family room.

  “Yeah, yo lil bitch ass wised up fast, I guess you smarter than I thought. Anyway, nigga where my money. You up here in this mansion and shit all bougie. Muthafuckas got a camera like somebody wonna steal yo house. Nigga y’all still ain’t shit but some dusty ass project kids. The offspring of a psycho, junky hoe. Hahaa!” My dad said as I felt fire burn behind my eyes. I almost forgot the plan and beat his ass but I quickly got my shit together and started to question him instead.

  “I got yo money right here ole bitch ass nigga.” I said as I pulled the 10 racks Jerrod had given me as decoy money out of my pocket. “I got it but you gotta tell me some shit first. Tell me you didn’t know what my mama was doing to us all of those years. Tell me you haven’t been hurting Lydia and Alysia since they have been in yo home. Tell me it wasn’t yo intention to kill me, yo son when you brought them niggas to the Cottage and I almost got shot. Tell me nigga and you can take this money and walk away.” I said as I held the money out and watched the evil smile spread across his face.

  I watched him as he contemplated whether or not he would answer me truthfully as he examined the camera behind me. “Tell you huh? Truth or dare huh young nigga? Well, fuck it. I’m a tell yo lil bitch ass the truth because I don’t care about you enough to lie. Hell yea I knew. I knew the bitch was crazy, she was beating y’all and selling them lil hoes pussy. I knew it all the entire time and pretended not to because it wasn’t my business. I even snuck over there one night she has them hoes unconscious and got me a piece of those sweet pussies. I tell you that young hoe Tisha was the best.” He said as I clenched my fists and fought that blind rage that pulsated through me.

  I could imagine what Jerrod was doing as he sat in the next room and had to hear his wife’s rapist brag with no remorse. In fact, he was happy as he spilled his guts. “Nigga I knew it all. I just felt sorry for you after the bitch tried to kill you the second time, by throwing you over the banister so I came to get you. I thought that check would be good and I could actually bond with you, like I had missed something but I quickly found out I was wrong. I found out you were every kind of retarded muthafucka she said you were. Now to get to what you really want to know, HELL YEA. I been fucking yo bitch since y’all were 15 and I married her mama. I have my way with every pussy in my house. What the fuck are you gonna do about it?�
� He yelled as I had enough and rushed towards his ass.

  I came at him like a runaway train, but that time he expected it and stepped to the side as he pulled a 9MM from under his shirt and aimed it right at my head. “Yeah, lil bitch nigga you thought you was gonna snuff me again, huh? Got me over here to confess on camera then try to whoop my ass huh? Lil retarded bitch I don’t give a fuck about a confession because after I kill you and ransack this house I’m gonna take the tapes anyway bitch. You better hope me and my goons don’t come back. I see its three little beautiful bitches I can have fun with up in here. You know like em’ young and tender. You think I won’t?” He asked me as tears fell from my eyes and I prepared to die.

  “Yeah, cry lil bitch. Those the last tears you will shed. Tell yo maggot ass mammy I said hey when you get to hell.” My dad said as he pulled the trigger and Jerrod busted in the room at the same time. The click from the gun as it got jammed was like music to my ears as I punched my father so hard he flew into the wall like a rag doll. Before I could get over there to work his ass out Jerrod was on him as he kicked and stomped him like a madman. I watched as teeth and blood flew everywhere a Jerrod continued to beat him with no mercy. I had to pull him away when he stomped his head into the china cabinet by the door and I noticed a big plug of meat fly out. “Bruh, bruh stop. Don’t kill the bitch. Tisha will never forgive me if you go to jail. The 12 on the way I already pushed the alarm.” I said as I felt Jerrod’s tense body relax in my hands.

  Minutes later sirens could be heard as Jerrod and I sat at the table and smoked a blunt of medical. We continued to sit there and smoke as the cops rushed in and we told them what had gone down. After that my dad was taken in and we were questioned before we were given a summons for court to testify. I felt like part of my hell was over though as I watched the police car with my father in it drive away. Once they were gone I helped Jerrod clean up the house then I thanked him before I went home. At home I texted Lydia, laid down, and unexpectedly fell asleep. I woke up at six the next morning to the sound of my phone ringing. When I answered it Lydia’s voice poured over the line as her cries filled my ears and I sat up to talk.

  “Lydia, what’s wrong baby? Talk to me.” I said as she cried and hiccupped before she was able to clearly tell me what happened. “Shaheim was arrested last night on several child molestation charges, mine and my sister’s included. My mama went crazy on us. She put both of us out and now my sister is suicidal. What is she gonna do Sha? She has nowhere else to go. You know our brothers only care about themselves.” Lydia said as she cried and I stared at the phone.

  I couldn’t believe she was questioning my loyalty after all we had been through. I had to prove to her that I was there for her no matter what. “She good baby, she can stay with us. I make enough money to take care of us all, don’t worry about nothing. Your sister is my sister so there is no question of where she will go. Y’all just get her now. Do I need to come get y’all?” I asked Lydia as I reached over to grab my shoes and she told me I didn’t have to because they had her sister’s car.

  “Oh baby thank you I love you Sha and I’m sure our baby will love you too. Okay, bye baby.” Lydia said fast as she tried to rush me off the phone but I caught on. “Wait a minute, pump yo brakes. What the hell did you just say?” I asked her as my heart raced and I stood up to pace the floor. “I said your baby will too. I’M PREGANANT SHA!” Lydia said and my world turned from bleak to beautiful.

  I cheered in her ear as she cried and I told her how much I loved her. I must have said that shit fifty times before she hung up the phone and I jumped around my living room and hunched the air like I was the man. All that excitement made me have to pee so I ran to the bathroom to relieve myself. Just as I walked back into the room with a big ass smile on my face my phone rang again and I thought it was Lydia. I answered the phone happy as hell, but as soon as I heard the voice my tone changed.

  “Sha. Sha this your sister. I love you Sha. I just wanted you to know that. Tell Tisha and my kids I love them too. I called you for the address because I really have to send something.” Terricka said in a slurred, drugged out voice that broke my heart.

  I almost hung up in her face but the love for my sister no matter how fucked up she was wouldn’t let me do it. I quickly gave her the address before I began to question her and she shut down. “Terricka I love you too, but where are you? Are you okay? Why you leave Buddy? Sister yo kids need you. Come to California Terricka. Will you.” I begged my sister as I heard her do a dry, druggy laugh in the background.

  I could almost see her all drugged and dirty as she swayed and held the phone to her ear. “Oh my saint little brother. He wants to save me just like Tisha. Baby ain’t no saving me Sha so please let me go. All of y’all just let me go. Believe me my kids are better off without me just like we were better off without Denise. Hell, everyone’s lives are better without me so just let me go. I’ll be at peace soon anyway; free from pain, hurt, memories, and guilt. I’ll be home soon Sha so don’t worry. Anyway, bye and keep yo eyes on the mail for my gift.” Terricka said before she hung up and I sat there and yelled her name.

  When I hung up with her my heart dropped and I instantly called Tisha and told her what happened. I could hear extreme worry in her voice as she told me what I wanted to hear.

  “I’m sending this information to Buddy right now so that he can go get her. He knows exactly where she is. He will hold her down until we get there. It’s Monday now, so we can fly out Friday. Don’t worry little brother. We will try again to save her. We won’t give up.” Tisha said before we expressed our love to one another and hung up.

  Once off the phone I cried like a baby until all my tears dried up. I couldn’t help but to think my sister had given up and that was the last time I would hear her voice. I went into the bathroom and splashed water on my face before I looked at the man in the mirror. “Every time I’m occupied gathering the pieces of my shattered life, something else crumbles. I won’t give up though. This curse will end.” I said to myself as I prepared to fight the toughest battle of my life.

  Chapter 9

  Terricka: Slipping, Falling… I can’t Get Up!

  Tears fell from my eyes like water once I hung the phone up with my brother. I quickly jotted the address he gave me down on the big, yellow envelope I had in my hand before I staggered away from the porch I was on and towards the blue mailbox that sat on the corner. I scanned the blocked through swollen, bruised, and blood shot eyes as I looked up and down Watkins before I hit the corner where everyone could see me. I was not trying to run into Meech again when I had just barely escaped him hours earlier after he had me locked up and fucked up all night long.

  That nigga put me through some real hostel shit for a funky ass eight ball of powder and twenty measly ass 30’s. Hell, I knew I was wrong when I stole the shit but I never expected him to go as hard on me as he did. I could still feel how my heart raced when he walked in the room and I stuffed his shit down my pants. I could still feel that fear as I scurried up to the mailbox and dropped the envelope in and it was two hours after I had escaped. After I dropped the envelope off, I quickly dashed my ass down the street and into the store in front of Apple Tree Apartments as my memories and the voices took over me.

  As I ran into the store and went to sit on the cooler in the back I often sat on, the voices in my head told me I was already dead so I should just commit suicide. They encourage me to kill everyone that hurt me and then myself as I softly whispered no and held my ears while I rocked back and forth on the cooler. I didn’t even really speak to the store owner Cooley as he walked past and called my name because I was so wrapped up in my paranoia and the memories. Suddenly I felt like Meech’s big, angry ass was right there in front of me again. I saw him as clear as day even though no one was there, yet I still trapped in the memory as I saw him when he lunged forward and snatched me up by my neck. I could still feel his hands all over me as he pounded me in the face while he kept one of his hands aroun
d my neck to shake and strangle me. “No Meech, I’m sorry. Here yo shit back.” I yelled as he continued to punch and shake me while I stuck my hand into my stinky, dirty pussy and pulled out his sticky, crusted bags.

  I pulled them out as he continued to choke me and lifted me up off my feet to shake me. His grip was so intense that my hands naturally flew up to my neck and the sticky bags flew right into his face. I guess he took that as disrespect like I did that shit on purpose because the bags flew right on to his lips and in his mouth. As soon as they did and the stench hit his nose he slammed my ass into the ground like a sack of potatoes. I could still fell him kick and stomp me as he yelled what a whore I was. He beat me until I passed out and when I woke up sometime later I was in a bath tub of ice cold water as he poured liquid soap and straight bleach on me while every cut and wound on my body burned.



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