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Carbon (Blackwings MC Book 4)

Page 5

by Teagan Brooks

  The next thing I knew, I was being shuffled into a panic room with Reese, James, Shannon, and Ember while the guys went off to deal with club business. Several hours later we were being driven to the hospital in Devil Springs with no idea what awaited us.

  When Byte said Chase had been hit, I fell to the floor with Shannon before the rest of his words registered. It wasn’t serious. Still, all I could do was look to Reese with pleading eyes and hope she understood my question. “Where is Duke?” she demanded.

  Thankfully, my brother wasn’t injured. Once I knew he was okay, I tried to focus on Shannon. Her man wasn’t okay and might not make it from what I understood.

  When Chase walked into the waiting room with a large bandage on his arm and locked eyes with me, I felt my entire body sigh in relief. He winked and turned his attention back to the room.

  At some point, Chase was called out into the hall with my brother and Phoenix. Then, Duke was calling for Reese, and I just knew it was because of Chase. When Duke and Reese returned without Chase, it was all I could do to remain in my seat. I watched the doorway, waiting for him to return, but he never did.

  Duke placed his hand on my shoulder. “Do you want to stay at the Devil Springs clubhouse tonight or do you want to stay at Aunt Leigh’s?”

  “Are you and Judge going to be at the clubhouse?” I asked.

  “Yes, we are. Reese will be there, as well as Ember and Dash. And you know Aunt Leigh will stay there, too, if you ask her.”

  “Okay, I’ll stay at the clubhouse.” I really would have preferred to stay at the house that was my home for eight years of my life, but I was hoping I would be able to see Chase at some point if I stayed at the clubhouse.

  Once I was settled in my designated room, I locked the door and headed for the shower. Even though I was exhausted, there was no way I would be able to sleep knowing I was covered in hospital germs.

  I found Chase on my bed, propped up against the headboard when I emerged from the shower. Dropping my towel, I went straight for him, completely forgetting that I was naked and still somewhat wet. I straddled his waist and brought my lips to his. “I’ve been so worried about you,” I confessed. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I am now,” he whispered against my lips and deepened the kiss.

  He groaned, and I immediately froze. “Is it your arm?” I asked, worried that I had inadvertently hurt him.

  “No, baby, it’s my cock. You made him a promise earlier, and he’s ready for you to make good on it.”

  I giggled. “And what exactly did I promise your cock?”

  “That he could use your body to work through his troubles,” he said as his lips slid down my neck. “Undo my jeans, Harper.”

  I could feel my body preparing for him. I loved it when he took charge in the bedroom, though I wasn’t sure how much he could do with his injured arm.

  “Now, Harper,” he ordered with a light slap to my ass. I scooted back and set to work on getting his jeans open. Once I had him free, I wrapped my hand around his shaft and gently ran my fingers over the barbells that lined the underside of him.

  “Stop,” he commanded, and my hand instantly stilled. “Raise up on your knees.”

  I did and impatiently waited for the next instruction.

  “Are you ready for me?” At my nod, he added, “Show me.”

  I kept my eyes locked with his as my hand trailed down my stomach to the apex of my thighs. I reached between my legs and slowly slid one finger inside myself. I moved it in and out a few times before holding it up for him to see.

  He brought my finger to his mouth and licked it clean. “Fuck me, Harper,” he growled.

  No need to tell me twice. I grabbed ahold of his cock, positioned it at my entrance, and slid down his shaft. I started rocking my hips slowly and gradually increased my pace until I was bouncing up and down and our skin was loudly slapping together with each fall of my hips.

  His good hand firmly gripped my hip as he ordered through gritted teeth, “Come.”

  And I did, completely forgetting to muffle my screams of ecstasy, as did Chase when he found his release seconds after mine.

  I collapsed against his chest covered in sweat and panting for breath, but his next words had me shooting off the bed. “You were a little loud. You might want to make sure I locked the door.”



  I was shocked when Coal was discharged from the hospital only five days after being shot, but I was damn grateful for it because I had a job to do, and I needed everyone associated with the club to be in Croftridge. Copper and his crew followed the convoy bringing Coal home but planned to return to Devil Springs the next day, which meant I had a small window of opportunity to do what needed to be done.

  Harper spent the day babysitting James while Reese helped Ember and Mrs. Martin prepare for Coal’s arrival. By the time all was said and done, it was late, and she was exhausted. Phoenix offered her a room at the clubhouse so she wouldn’t have to drive back to the farm and, thankfully, she took it.

  After she went to her room for the night, I waited until the coast was clear and joined her. Usually, she snuck out to meet me somewhere on the farm, and we spent a few hours enjoying each other’s bodies. This time, she was exhausted, and I needed her to fall asleep sooner rather than later. Crawling into bed with her, I pulled her to my chest and kissed the side of her face.

  “Tired,” she mumbled sleepily.

  “I know, baby. Just want to hold you.”

  I held her in my arms and prayed it wouldn’t be the last time I had the chance to. I buried my face in the crook of her neck and breathed her in before I carefully got out of bed and quietly walked to the door. I turned back to look at her one more time and almost decided to say ‘fuck it’ and stay with her. But, I couldn’t. Because I knew I would regret it if I didn’t do this.

  Cracking the door, I peered into the hallway to make sure it was clear before I stepped out and walked straight out the back door. I couldn’t risk anyone seeing me leave.

  After weaving my way around the club property to avoid the security cameras, I finally made it to the fence. Hoisting myself up and over, my feet hit the ground running and didn’t stop until I arrived at my condo where my Mustang was parked. Within seconds of arriving, I was in the car and on the road.

  The next part of my plan was going to be tricky and had the potential to ruin everything, my life included. I pushed that thought to the back of my mind and focused on the task at hand. I knew I would only get one opportunity, so I couldn’t afford to miss it.

  I slipped into a janitor’s closet unnoticed and kept my eyes on the man in the hall. He was sitting in a chair with his eyes glued to his phone looking bored, and tired. He yawned. He stretched. And within half an hour, he was asleep.

  My chance had arrived. I left the closet and moved into the room without making a sound. When my eyes landed on him, my mind quieted, and everything around me ceased to exist. All I could see was him, but the rage I expected to consume me was strangely absent. Instead, I felt an overwhelming obligation to make the world a little less evil by removing this demon from it.

  I wanted to make him suffer before I ended him. Make him pay for the beautiful, innocent lives he stole, leaving mine and my sister’s forever tarnished. He deserved to have his teeth crushed one at a time with pliers held by my hand. I should get to hear his screams as I plucked each fingernail from its bed before pulling each knuckle from its joint. He should die lying in his own excrement after I broke every bone in his body I could get my bare hands on, and he should have to look me in the eye while I did it.

  Sadly, he wasn’t going to get everything he deserved. Life wasn’t fair, and I was being forced to settle for a minuscule amount of what I felt was rightfully owed to me. The knowledge that he stared into my eyes while he descended to Hell would have to suffice.

  I stalked to the side of the bed silently. Simultaneously, one leather-gloved hand shot out to cover his m
outh and pinch his nose closed while my other hand reached under the covers and squeezed his balls. I didn’t know if he would even feel the pain, but it wouldn’t hurt to try. Or maybe it would. Ha!

  The moment my hands landed on him, his eyes popped open, and he tried to fight against me, but I was far stronger than him when he wasn’t injured, and I wasn’t pissed. I kept my eyes locked on his and smiled. “Hello, Omen.”

  He bucked and wiggled as best he could, trying desperately to escape my hold. I had to fight to hold in my laughter. I shook my head and smirked. “You clearly didn’t think I would come for you.” I pulled my lip ring into my mouth and grinned. “You’re making this so much better than I expected. Thank you.”

  His wide eyes fluttered before closing, and his body went limp. I immediately released his nose but kept my hand over his mouth as his body automatically sucked in some much-needed air.

  It didn’t take long for him to come around. When his body tensed and his eyes flew open, I brought my thumb and forefinger together again, effectively closing off his air supply. I didn’t have an abundance of time, but there was no way I was letting him die an easy death. If anything, he was going to be well aware of what was happening to him and who was doing it.

  I smothered him until he lost consciousness, over and over, one time for each member of my family, one time for his part in my nephew’s kidnapping, one time for hurting Reese, and one time for Boar’s father. But the last time, the time where I ended him, was for all of us.

  I watched with glee as his eyes closed and his body relaxed, but I didn’t let go. I kept my hand over his mouth and nose while I silently counted out 180 seconds. My free hand came up and felt his neck for a pulse. When I was sure it wasn’t there, I let go of him and took a step back, wishing I could at the very least spit on him.

  With a sigh, I turned on my heel and approached the door. The hallway was clear of hospital staff and the police officer was still sleeping in his chair. I moved quickly and quietly, disappearing into the darkness as if I’d never been there.

  By the time I made it back to Croftridge, I’d had plenty of time to process what I’d just done. He was far beyond my first kill, and I highly doubted he would be my last. Taking his life didn’t bother me. None of the lives I’d taken bothered me, because I only took lives that deserved to be taken. It’s not that I saw myself as judge, jury, and executioner, but I felt a need to protect the ones I loved and, more times than not, the justice system failed to protect. Our laws were focused on punishing a crime after the fact instead of trying to prevent them in the first place.

  Feeling like I had finally written the end to this chapter of my life, I parked my car at my condo, trekked through the woods, hopped the fence, snuck into the clubhouse, and crawled into bed with the woman I was growing to care about more and more as each day passed.



  At the end of the week, I reluctantly returned home to Sugar Falls. I thoroughly enjoyed seeing Chase every day, and I was really going to miss him, but our relationship needed to go back to the way it was, which was much more casual. I wasn’t interested in a relationship and what I was doing with Chase was starting to feel like one. I had some weird trust issues. I trusted him with my body and with my safety, but I didn’t trust him with my heart...and he was worming his way into my heart whether he intended to or not. Oh, my therapist would have a field day with this, if I was still seeing her.

  While driving to Sugar Falls, I decided it would be best to put some distance between the two of us. To do that, I would not initiate contact with him. When he called or texted to get together, I would tell him I was busy and brush him off for a few weeks. I figured that should be enough time to put things back to the way they were before my little visit to Croftridge. I felt good about my plan and fully intended to stick to it.

  When I pulled into my driveway, I was mentally and physically exhausted. I really could have used a day or two to catch up on some sleep, but that wasn’t an option. As tired as I was, I was still happy to be returning to work. I absolutely loved my job. Right after graduation, I landed a job as a licensed clinical therapist at a crisis center for children.

  After my ordeal when I was a child, Duke moved us to Devil Springs immediately after he rescued me. We had family there, and both of us needed a support system. For me, I needed more than that. I needed someone to talk to that understood my feelings or was at least trained to help me work through them. Unfortunately for me, there was no one like that in Devil Springs. As I got older, I decided that I wanted to be that someone for other children. Working at the crisis center was literally my dream come true.

  I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn’t see it right away. It wasn’t until I went to insert the key that I noticed my front door was open. I automatically took two steps back and surveyed the area while I removed the gun from my purse. I didn’t see anything out of the ordinary, and I didn’t hear any sounds, but I was still unsure of what to do. Finally, I decided to get back into my car and call the police to come check things out.

  Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait long for the police officers to show up. They asked me to remain in my car while they checked the house. I sat in my car and anxiously awaited their return. It took everything I had not to pick up my phone and call Chase. I didn’t want to want him here with me, but at that very moment, I wanted him there more than anything.

  A tap on my window had me jolting and letting out a high-pitched scream...and almost pointing a loaded gun at a police officer. “I’m sorry, ma’am. Didn’t mean to startle you. You can step out of the car now. And, please leave your weapon in the car.”

  I nodded and placed the gun on the passenger seat before I exited my car on shaky legs and faced the officers. “I take it no one was in there?”

  “No, ma’am, but we would like to clarify a few things with you. Follow me.” He turned and walked toward the front door, his partner right behind him. What the hell did I need to clarify?

  My question was answered the moment I stepped into my living room. In the center of the wall above my couch, someone had painted what looked like a game of Connect the Dots, in a color that I could only describe as blood red. What the hell? And where was the series of framed black and white photos that had been on the wall?

  “Ms. Jackson?” I turned to face the officer, who apparently had said my name more than once. “I take it that this wasn’t your doing?”

  I shook my head. “No, sir. I had framed photos hanging there.” I continued to stare at the wall in disbelief.

  “If you’ll follow me, just a few more things.”

  I followed him through my house as he pointed out broken picture frame after broken picture frame. Any frame that included a photo of Duke or my parents had been broken.

  When we arrived in my bedroom, I found my bed covered in peas. Peas. What in the ever-loving fuck?

  “Have you noticed anything missing?” the officer asked.

  “No, sir. Let me check my jewelry box and the places where I keep some of my small valuables.” I returned a few minutes later to let him know that everything was accounted for.

  “Well, Ms. Jackson, it appears that this is of a personal nature. Does any of this make any sense to you? Do you have any enemies? Recently had a disagreement with someone?”

  “No, to all of those questions. I couldn’t even tell you the last time I got into any kind of disagreement with someone.” Well, there was the girl that tried to kidnap my nephew and kill Reese, but he didn’t need to know about that. She was in custody, so she couldn’t be responsible for this.

  “Okay. If you notice anything missing or think of anything we need to know, give us a call. In the meantime, I’ll finish up the report and send you a copy of it. We checked your door, and the lock is fine. Might not hurt to consider adding a security system. You take care, Ms. Jackson, and call if you need us.”

  I thanked the officers and quickly locked the door. When I was sure
they were gone, I ran around the house and turned on every single light before I went back through the house and made sure every window and door leading outside were locked. Then, I sank to the floor and cried.



  This wasn’t good. She hadn’t been gone more than a few hours, and I was already missing her. I wasn’t supposed to miss her. I wasn’t supposed to have feelings for her...nothing more than that of a friend anyway. A friend would call and check to make sure another friend got home safely. So it was perfectly reasonable for me to call and check on her.

  Once I had that rationalized, I grabbed my phone and touched her name. I was beginning to think she wasn’t going to answer when she finally picked up.

  “Hello,” she said into the phone. Something in her tone had my hackles instantly rising.

  “Harper, what’s wrong, baby?” I asked.

  A loud sob followed by several gasps filled my ear.

  “Harper!” I bellowed into the phone.

  “I-I’m s-sorry. I’m okay,” she said between hitching breaths. “I promise.”

  “Doesn’t sound like you’re okay. What the fuck is going on?” I demanded.

  “I’m fine. Really, I am. I was watching a movie, and it’s really sad. The main character just died when you called,” she explained. I was damn sure she was lying to me. She didn’t watch those kinds of movies. If I remembered correctly, she said they pissed her off.

  “Oh, well, I was just calling to make sure you got home okay. I know you were pretty tired when you left. I’ll let you get back to your movie,” I lied right back to her.


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