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Daddy's Rich Enemy

Page 4

by Katie Ford

  “Allie,” my father calls from the dining room. “We’ve been waiting for you!”

  For once, he doesn’t sound irate. That’s good, I tell myself as I step inside. That has to be a good sign – maybe he’s in a really good mood, and he won’t even care that I didn’t get the internship. In the dining room, Mom and Dad are sitting at one end of the table. A heavenly smell hangs in the air and I sniff eagerly. There’s a large platter of seafood paella and a basket of fresh focaccia that makes my mouth water.

  “Sit down, Allie,” my father says. He smiles at me and I blink back. It’s been so long since he’s smiled that he looks like a completely different man.

  “Hi, Daddy,” I say nervously. “Hi, Mom.”

  Mom smiles with a hopeful expression. “Well, it has to be a good sign that they kept you all day!”

  But then Dad ruins it all. He lets out a loud burp and I realize that he’s drunk. His face is red and there’s an empty bottle of wine sitting on the table between him and my mother.

  “Um, yes it went okay,” I fib nervously. “Can I have a plate?”

  “Yvonne!” Mom yells. “Allie’s home!”

  “Mom, I can get it myself,” I say quickly as I leap to my feet. “It’s really okay!”

  “Nonsense, sit down,” my mother says sternly. “This is why we have help.”

  When Yvonne emerges from the kitchen with a plate in her hands, I throw her a grateful smile. She doesn’t smile back as she sets the plate down in front of me. I look down and frown. My plate is loaded with steamed vegetables and a piece of baked fish that looks soggy and unappetizing. Reluctantly, I sit back down at the table.

  “I’ll just have some paella, thanks,” I say, looking up at Yvonne. She doesn’t reply, but there’s a guilty look on her face.

  “No, she won’t,” my mother says to Yvonne. “That’s enough, Yvonne. Please leave us.” My heart sinks as Yvonne walks back into the kitchen and shuts the door behind her.

  “Allie, I want to hear all about your day,” my father says. He clears his throat and for a moment, I forget all about food.

  “Um, it was very long,” I say honestly.

  “Yes, well,” my father says before clearing his throat. “Come on. Give your mother and me the good news.”

  “I’m sorry, Dad,” I say quickly. The words tumble from my mouth before I can think about what I’m saying. “But I didn’t get it. I tried really hard, but the interview was so tough, and—”

  “Shut up, Allie,” my father snaps. “How could you be so stupid? You know how important this was!”

  Tears sting my eyes and I swallow hard. “Dad, I really am sorry, I swear!”

  My father sighs heavily. “You were gone all day,” he says angrily. “When Nick came home around noon, I assumed that you’d gotten the internship and that they’d put you to work right away!”

  “I’m sorry,” I squeak softly. “Dad, I really did try. I promise I did.”

  “Well, you’re going to be really sorry when I figure out an appropriate punishment,” my father replies sternly. “I have no idea how I’m going to get the information that I need now!”

  “James, it will be fine,” Mom says. She sounds bored and annoyed at the same time. As I watch her put a comforting hand on my father’s shoulder, my heart sinks.

  “No, it won’t,” Dad snaps. “I need access to Lockdown, and if your daughter hadn’t been so dumb, she would have realized that!”

  His word hit me hard in the gut and I bite my lip as I turn to face my father.

  “You…you wanted me to get the internship so that I could bring you information? Why can’t you just work there yourself?” Saying the words aloud makes me feel ludicrous and for a second I expect my father to laugh and tell me how silly I’m being.

  But he doesn’t.

  “Yes,” Dad says grimly. “But you’ve disappointed me yet again, Allie. And now I’ll have to think of something even better.” He clears his throat. “And I certainly won’t make the mistake of trusting you again.”

  A lump forms in my throat and I push the chair back from the table as I leap to my feet. I want to rage at my father. I want to yell and scream and beat his chest with my fists.

  I can’t, though. Because deep down, I know he’s right. I know that I’ve been nothing but a disappointment and embarrassment to my family since the day I was born. Dad had been hoping for a boy, and it was like as soon as he knew that he wouldn’t get what he wanted, he didn’t even bother trying.

  I wish, more than anything in the world, that my parents loved me. But I know I’ll never stop trying to win their affection and approval, even if it kills me.

  “Dad, I’m really sorry,” I say tearfully. “I promise that I’ll make it up to you.”

  Turning on my heel, I head upstairs and lock my door behind me. Every part of my body is smarting with humiliation. I yank down my ripped hose and throw them in the trash. Seeing the snag on one leg reminds me of Dane and I bite my lip as I flop down on my bed.

  God, how did things get so messy? In a way, I’m glad that I didn’t get the internship. Then I never would have met Dane…or kissed him. And if my father really does have some kind of trick up his sleeve, I’m admittedly glad that I won’t be playing a part in it. Dane is so hot and so kind, despite his alpha behavior.

  I wouldn’t ever want to do anything to hurt him.

  With trembling hands, I unzip my skirt and yank it down my legs. The material is hopelessly creased and I sigh as I throw it down to the floor before removing my blouse. There’s a purple love-bite on my right breast, right above the nipple and I brush it with my fingers.

  The sensation is heavenly as my fingers trail over my stiff nipple. I have to bite my lip to keep from crying out in pleasure as a wonderful knot of arousal begins to form in my lower belly.

  God, Dane was so unbearably hot! I can’t believe that I got the chance to make out with someone like him. And if his driver hadn’t almost crashed and thrown me to the floor, I have a feeling that we would have gone a lot further.

  Don’t be a dummy, I tell myself as I reluctantly pull my hand away from my breast. Dane wouldn’t really want to sleep with you – and you never should have put yourself in that position!

  Against my better judgment, I slide my hand inside my panties. The curls of my pubic hair are soaking wet and I gasp as my finger brushes against my hard clit. I know it’s a sin to touch myself, but with heady thoughts of Dane in my mind, I can’t help it. My cheeks burn with shame and arousal as I spread my legs and flick my thumb over my clit.

  God, it feels so good. Soon, I’m squirming and writhing as I rub my hard pleasure nub. Dane’s face floats through my head and I’m gasping and clenching as a powerful orgasm rips through my body.

  When it’s over, I feel almost sad. I’m never going to see him again, I tell myself as I wipe my hand on the blanket and crush my face into the pillows.

  I may never see him again, but there’s no way in hell that I’ll ever forget Dane Andersen.

  Chapter Six



  Sweet, sweet Allie.

  It’s been days and I can’t get her out of my head. I’ve tried everything – I even spent four hours at the gym the other night, just trying to exhaust myself enough to sleep without the image of her sweet face floating in front of me. Have you ever spent four fucking hours at a gym?

  Let me tell you: even as a man in extremely good shape for his age, it was still one of the worst goddamned ideas that I’ve ever had. The next morning, I was so stiff that I had to call a massage therapist to my penthouse. I was too sore to get out of bed.

  In short, I’ve been a real mess ever since Allie leapt out of my limo and ran down some back alley.

  Hanson isn’t pleased with me, either. I know it’s technically not his fault that we weren’t able to find Allie, but since he’s the only one who saw her, I’ve been putting him on duty outside of the Lockdown building every day from dawn to dusk. H
ey, she appeared outside once…why not again?

  I sound like a fucking crazy person.

  Maybe I am. But I swear – Allie inspires that kind of passion in me. Ever since we met briefly, I can’t stop thinking about her luscious ass and thighs. I’ve never had a woman like that before and now that I’ve gotten a hold of Allie’s ripe curves, I don’t ever want to sleep with another stick figure again.

  My thoughts are interrupted by the sound of the intercom buzzing on my desk.

  “Mr. Andersen? May I come in?”

  I heave a sigh and stand up from my chair before stretching my hands high above my head. I’m still a little sore from all those hours at the gym, and I already know that today is going to be one hell of an unpleasantly long day.

  When I unlock my office door, I see Lea standing there. She’s holding a new Armani tuxedo in a plastic wrapper and she beams at me.

  “Hi, Mr. Andersen,” Lea chirps. “I just picked this up from your tailor. The alterations are all done in time for the awards ceremony tonight!”

  I resist the urge to groan. “I hate these things,” I mutter under my breath as Lea passes me the tux. “It’s gonna be a rubber chicken dinner while making nice with my competitors. Can you go in my place?”

  I’m obviously kidding, but Lea flushes and giggles. “Mr. Andersen!” she scolds me. “That wouldn’t be appropriate!”

  I roll my eyes subtly, but bite my lip becqause I don’t want to engage with my assistant more than necessary. “Thanks for picking this up,” I say, indicating the tux.

  Lea nods. She looks shy again as she twines her hands together in front of her narrow hips. The girl shifts her weight from one foot to the other and shoots me a nervous look.

  “I know I shouldn’t say anything, but I know that you don’t have, well, um…”

  “Yes?” I ask eyebrows raise. Oh god. She’s gonna do it.

  Lea’s cheeks flush bright red and she swallows. “I know you don’t have a date,” she says in a rushed voice. “And I was wondering if you wanted me to arrange for someone to accompany you? You will be receiving an award, after all. I could find someone for you real quick, no problem.”

  Suddenly, it dawns on me – she’s waiting for me to invite her along! The idea fills me with dread, but I have to make nice. This is my employee after all, and a young woman who could easily take things the wrong way.

  “No, no thanks,” I say smoothly. “I’m totally comfortable flying solo. Thanks for the offer, but I’m good.”

  Lea backs up while nodding her head, still blushing furiously. As soon as she closes the door, I groan and flop down on the couch.

  Why does my assistant have to meddle? Why does she have to have an all-too-obvious crush on me? And how could I have forgotten all about the Excellence Awards? Normally, this awards ceremony is the highlight of the year for Lockdown. For the past three years in a row, we’ve won the prize for “Excellence in Home Protection.” I don’t personally give a rat’s ass about winning, but I’ll take any chance to grow my company that I can get.

  Tonight, though, my heart won’t be in it. I’ll be sitting up on the dais with other winners, but I won’t be thinking about how lucky I am or how much I deserved to win.

  I’ll be thinking about Allie and that juicy ass of hers.

  The day drags on. I skip lunch and try to focus on work, but everything blurs together. Finally, I take my tux and tell Lea that I’m leaving early. I have Hanson take me home where I spend an hour jacking off in the shower and dreaming of Allie.

  Jesus Christ, I really need to get a grip. I’m acting like a schoolgirl with a crush, not a forty-eight-year-old man. By the time Hanson is waiting to take me to the Excellence Awards, I feel drained and exhausted.

  “Best of luck tonight, sir,” Hanson says as he pulls up in front of the Waldorf-Astoria, where the awards ceremony is being held.

  “I already know that I’m winning,” I reply drily. Hanson looks mortally offended. “But thank you,” I add.

  Hanson looks mollified. “You’re welcome, sir,” he says crisply. “I’ll be right out front when the awards ceremony is finished.”

  I turn and walk into the hotel. It’s packed with the billionaires of New York – all men like me, who own their own massive companies like Lockdown. For years, I had dreamed of finally joining their elite ranks.

  And now that I’m here, part of me wonders what it would be like to be a nobody.

  Stop it, I order myself as I push through the crowd to the bar. You’re turning maudlin in your old age.

  There is one huge perk of being Dane Andersen, though. I’m instantly recognizable. A group of men at the bar part for me, letting me pass through like I’m the most important man in the world.

  I have to admit, it does feel pretty fucking good sometimes.

  “What can I get for you, sir?” the bartender asks. She bats her long lashes at me. “The signature cocktail of the evening is called The Aviator. It’s a floral gin with elderflower liqueur and a splash of lavender tonic water. Of course, all drinks are complimentary.”

  I wrinkle my nose – the cocktail sounds like something Versace’s ghost would drink on the beach.

  “Top shelf whiskey, whatever you have, on the rocks.”

  The bartender nods. “Yes, sir. Right away.”

  As I wait for my drink, I look around the large ballroom. Most people are taking their seats and it’s only a matter of time before I’ll have to give my speech.

  Shit. I should’ve started drinking back in the limo.

  “Here you are, sir,” the bartender says. “Enjoy.”

  I take the drink from her hand without even meeting her eyes. Walking through the crowd, I climb onto the dais and take my seat just left of center.

  Only a matter of time now.

  The ceremony starts a few minutes later. I drain my drink and toss the glass aside, wishing that I’d thought to order three at the same time. The speech I’m giving is the same one I’ve given for the past few years – hell, I could probably do it in my sleep.

  “Welcome to the Excellence Awards!” the MC booms loudly. The room bursts into applause as he launches into a routine of tired old jokes. I shift uncomfortably and stare out at the crowd. It’s the same mix of people every time: wealthy older men like myself, most with younger dates who are likely high-dollar escorts. Then there’s a smattering of young men who work in technology…and who have no idea how to dress. You can always tell if a man works in IT when he shows up to an awards ceremony in a wrinkled polo shirt. And then there are the hopefuls – usually young girls with fake tits and fake tans, all glammed up in knockoff designer gowns and filled with hopes of snagging a rich boyfriend.

  “I now present Dane Andersen, founder and CEO of Lockdown!”

  The crowd goes wild and I blink as I stand up and face thousands of flashing cameras.

  Shit, maybe that whiskey went to my head a little too fast.

  “Good evening,” I say into the microphone. “I’m so incredibly honored to receive this award for the fourth year in a row.”

  The audience cheers and hoots and claps and I stare at them with a fake smile frozen on my face. Come on, come on. The sooner you let me finish my speech, the sooner we can all get out of here, I think to myself.

  When the applause dies down, I clear my throat.

  “As I was saying, I want to thank each and every one of you,” I continue smoothly. “This award is the beginning of many great things. As you know, riding our current wave of success, my firm plans to open two additional international offices – one in Dubai and one in Tokyo. I’ve been looking forward to this day for a long time. Konichiwa and salaam alaykom!”

  The crowd cheers again like they’re all personally invested in my success abroad. The spotlight swerves wildly over the room and for the second time, I feel almost a little too drunk.

  And that’s when I see her.

  My Rubenesque goddess, standing on the other side of the room. Her chestnut hair is
piled high on top of her head and she’s wearing a black silk dress that hugs every curve of her body. We lock eyes and an animalistic bolt of lust tears through my body.

  Shit. I need her so fucking bad, and it doesn’t even matter that I’m currently center stage in the spotlight.

  “Mr. Andersen?”

  Startled, I turn to the MC and realize that I’m still holding the microphone. My speech isn’t finished yet, but it’s okay. Nobody really wants me to blather on for ten or fifteen minutes as their dinners grow cold. So I keep it simple. Smiling out at the audience, I nod graciously.

  “Thank you all,” I say. “And welcome to the world of premier security solutions!” The audience cheers once again, raising their glasses in a toast. I smile and wave before quickly walking off stage and making my way to the back of the ballroom. Trying to look normal, I look around, trying to spot Allie. But now that I’m at the same height as everyone else, I can’t see her. Panic swells in my chest even as a frozen smile remains on my face.

  But fortunately, I finally catch a glimpse of her to the left. She’s still here, although somehow, she’s lost track of me. The woman sips nervously at a flute of champagne as a gaggle of IT men walk by, all staring at her luscious form. Knowing that other men are ogling my beautiful creature fills me with homicidal rage.


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