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Broken Rock

Page 17

by K. A. Finn

  ‘Sorry. I’m not trying to be evasive.’ But she’s right. He’s avoiding answering her. The last thing he wants is Chloe keeping an eye on everything he does. ‘Okay, it was Christmas, but it’s getting better. You don’t have to worry about me.’ He reaches out and squeezes her hand. ‘Promise.’

  ‘Just be careful not to push yourself too hard. You need to look after yourself.’

  ‘Yes, ma’am.’ His mock salute falls a little short. He’s trying to make light of his situation but she’s not buying it. Thankfully she changes the subject and the rest of their dinner is eaten while she talks about her eccentric uncle and some of the meals she had to invent while she was living in Alaska with him. Hearing some of the stories, he’s not surprised she could make what she did from his cupboard stock.

  Tate glares at his phone as it vibrates across the counter towards Chloe. He grimaces when he spots Ellen’s name on the screen.

  ‘Are you going to answer that?’

  He’d prefer not to, but he’d already gotten an earful from Ellen for taking so long to get in touch after he was released from rehab. He could do without a replay of that conversation so picks up the phone and tries to sound cheery as he answers. ‘Hey Ellen.’

  ‘Hey Ellen? Is that it? I’ve been trying to get a hold of you for days.’

  ‘Sorry. I was in the studio.’

  ‘I know that, Tate. That’s why I left numerous messages on your mobile. If you keep ignoring me we’re going to fall out. I guarantee you don’t want that, Tate. I can’t do my job if you go AWOL on me. Do you hear me.’

  ‘Yeah. Sorry.’

  ‘Of course you are. Just like the last time. And the time before. Anyway, I need to know if you’re going to the awards?’

  ‘What awards?’ he asks.

  Ellen sighs loudly on the other end of the phone. ‘Have you even read my emails?’

  ‘What emails?’

  ‘Why am I not surprised? The awards dinner in London. I’ve only sent you about a dozen emails about it. Broken Chords are up for two awards.’

  ‘Ah, right. Forgot about that.’

  ‘Well it’s time you refresh your memory. I want the band there but you’re kind of integral to that. Dillon, Gregg, and Luke have all got back to me, but I need a yes from you too before I confirm. Read your damn emails and let me know if you’re bringing anyone with you.’

  ‘Listen, I—’

  ‘No, Tate. I’m going to stop you right there. How about I make this really easy for you. You are going, okay. No arguments. Do you hear me? This is the perfect opportunity to get back out into the public eye without having to face an interview. It’s a dinner. That’s it. You go. Smile at the lovely people. Pose for a few photos. Eat a ridiculously priced meal then come home. Simple. Uncomplicated.’

  ‘I just don’t think—’

  ‘Again, stopping you right there. You need to get back out there before people forget who you are. Show your face and smile. That’s it. Oh, and wear a suit. It’s not black-tie but you’ll need to look the part.’

  He closes his eyes and rubs his forehead. An award ceremony is the last fucking thing he wants to face, but she has a point. He can’t keep harping on about finishing this new album if he’s just going to hide in the studio for the rest of his life. That’s not how it works. He can’t do his job and not go to things like this. It’s also not fair on the guys. He needs to show his face.

  ‘Hello? Tate? You still there?’

  ‘Yeah. Okay, I’ll go.’

  Ellen pauses for a few seconds. ‘Wow. That was relatively painless for a change. I was all prepped for a battle. So, will you be going alone or bringing a plus one?’

  ‘I’ll let you know tomorrow.’

  ‘Great. Talk to you in the morning.’ She ends the call and Tate buries his head in his hands.

  ‘Is everything okay?’

  ‘No. Well, yes, it is. I’m just being...’ He takes a deep breath and smiles at her. ‘Right, so I have a favour to ask, but I don’t want you to feel like you have to say yes. Believe me, I want to refuse but I’m kind of stuck.’

  ‘Okay, you’re going to have to back up a little. What do you want to ask?’

  ‘We’ve been nominated for an award. Actually I think it’s two. I need to check.’

  ‘Oh my God! That’s amazing, Tate. Congratulations!’

  ‘I wouldn’t get too excited. We were nominated a few weeks before I went off the rails. I seriously doubt we’ll get it now. But Ellen, she’s our manager, she really wants me to go. As in I’m going and that’s it. I just thought you might fancy a night out. Well, it’ll be two nights. The dinner is in London so it would mean flying out on the Friday and back on Sunday. Like I said, you don’t have to come.’

  ‘Are you finished?’

  Tate grins. ‘Sorry. I’ll shut up.’

  ‘Are you sure you want me to come? It’ll be the first time we’re... you know, out together.’

  ‘Why the hell do you think I’m all iffy about it? I don’t want you to feel pressured to be seen with me.’

  ‘I was thinking about you being seen with me,’ Chloe replies with a smile.

  ‘You can knock that off for starters. It’s you I’m worried about.’

  ‘I’d love to come with you.’

  ‘You sure?’

  ‘Of course. When exactly is it? Do you have any details?’

  He pulls up his email on his phone, grimacing when he sees quite a few from Ellen about the event. ‘Fuck, bit short notice. It’s in two weeks. Probably should have read the emails before. The band are up for Best Rock Album and I’m nominated in the Song of the Year group for a song I wrote.’

  Until Ellen’s phone call he had completely forgotten about the two nominations. Being nominated is such a big deal for the band. Having the lead singer all over the media alongside the words heroin, addict, and rehab, probably would have ruined any chance they had at winning. Years of hard work gone to waste all thanks to him. He’s managed to destroy not only his career but that of his three closest friends.

  Chloe takes his hand in hers and he looks down. He was scratching his arm again.

  ‘Are you okay?’

  He smiles and nods although okay is far from how he feels. ‘Yeah. All good.’ He focuses on the email again, trying to sound at least a little excited about the event for her sake. ‘Ellen suggests flying to London on Friday evening. The dinner is on Saturday night, so we’ll have the day to ourselves. The car will pick us up from the hotel at six. There’ll be some photos, then a dinner. After that they’ll announce the awards. Might go on till the early hours. Ellen will get us back home sometime on Sunday afternoon.’

  ‘Will there be loads of famous people there?’

  Tate looks up from his phone and laughs. ‘Yeah. There usually are a few at these things.’

  She slaps his arm. ‘Stop laughing at me. This is all new to me. I’ve never met anyone famous before.’

  Tate smirks and crosses his arms. ‘Is that right?’

  Chloe takes a few seconds to realise what she said, then the blush comes out in full force. ‘I can’t believe I just said that. Oh God. Now I feel like an idiot. I didn’t mean... I just don’t think of you that way. I’ll shut up now.’ She buries her face in her hands and groans to herself.

  He gets up and wraps his arms around her as she curses to herself. ‘Hey. That’s the best thing you could have said to me.’

  One eye peers out from behind her fingers. ‘How is that a good thing? I just offended you.’

  ‘It would take a lot more than that to offend me. If anything, the fact you don’t think about all the celebrity stuff is a definite plus.’ He kisses her forehead then clears the plates away, leaving her to curse herself under her breath.

  She sits up straight and sweeps her hair back from her shoulders. ‘Right, so naturally we’re both going to forget I said all that. So, have you been to this before?’

  He sits down again and restrains the smirk that wants t
o break out. She’s still blushing slightly at her slip-up, and he fucking loves it. ‘Last year. We won our category but there’s a strong change we won’t be making it two in a row.’

  ‘Don’t count yourself out just yet.’

  ‘Yeah well I’m only going because Ellen is on my case about it. She thinks I need to get my face back out there again before people forget who I am.’ It’s getting them to forget about his overdose that’s his priority. He’s tired of seeing the words addict or troubled in front of his name. Seems the press have a longer memory than he would have liked.

  ‘I was thinking you might like to go shopping. I’m not saying you need something new to wear. Just that you might want something new. I’ll cover the cost.’

  ‘I don’t need you to do that, but I will definitely get something new. Do you think your sister would come with me?’

  Tate frowns as he looks up at her. ‘Bria? Why?’

  ‘I just thought it would be a good chance to get to know her. This is her area of expertise isn’t it?’

  ‘Yeah, but you’ve never met. It’d be like going shopping with a stranger.’

  ‘She’s your sister, Tate. I wouldn’t call her a stranger. I honestly can’t think of anyone better to go with. I presume she knows all about these events?’

  ‘Well, yeah.’

  ‘Perfect! You’ve probably guessed this is all new to me. I could do with another woman’s advice. It’s easy for you - you just throw on a suit and you’re done. I need to put a little more thought into it. Bria is the perfect choice. Only if it’s okay with you.’

  ‘Me? Hell yes. I want you two to get along. It’s just... well, she’s not a fan of mine right now. She’s been off with me since I got out of rehab.’

  ‘Off how?’

  ‘Well she barely acknowledged me when I got out then took off a few minutes later and I haven’t seen her since. She’s busy with work apparently.’ He laughs harshly. ‘I let her down and she’s not ready to forgive and forget. The odds are in favour of a definite no from her.’

  Chloe shrugs. ‘All you can do is try.’

  Tate takes a long breath then sends a text to his sister and places the phone on the counter. The phone buzzes and he stares at it. ‘Fuck. She responded.’ He checks the message. ‘Huh. Weird.’

  ‘What? Is there a problem?’

  ‘Oh no. Sorry. I just wasn’t expecting her to reply. She’s on for it. She wants me to give you her number. Should have known she wouldn’t say no to a shopping trip.’

  ‘Are you sure you’re okay with me doing this?’

  He nods but doesn’t smile.


  ‘I guess it just hit me how much I miss her.’

  Chloe squeezes his hand and he smiles at her. ‘Just give her some time. I’m sure things will work out.’

  ‘Yeah. I hope so. I’ll send you her number and let Ellen know you’re on for this. I haven’t given you much time so make sure you get in touch with Bria ASAP. Probably best you get together in the next few days.’

  The intercom on the gate buzzes and he glares over at the door. ‘Who the fuck is that?’ He hits the button on the speaker. ‘Yeah?’

  ‘Wehey! It’s your loyal band, oh-esteemed-leader. Open the gate!’

  Tate curses as he turns to look at Chloe again. ‘Okay, so it appears I completely forgot the rest of the band were coming over tonight.’

  ‘It’s fine. I probably should head back to Gran’s anyway.’

  ‘I’m not saying you should go. I’d like you to stay and maybe get to know them a little better.’ He pulls her into his arms and runs his thumb over her lips. ‘Besides, you promised we’d try out my bed after lunch. I’m holding you to that.’

  ‘Well, if you insist.’

  He kisses her, groaning as he stops before he gets carried away. ‘Okay, you get that sexy ass of yours over the far side of the room. Any closer and I’m going to have to take you upstairs.’

  Chloe laughs and nods to the window. ‘Too late for that. Would you let them in already? Gregg is going to do himself serious damage if you don’t.’

  Tate follows where she’s pointing and curses. Gregg is half way over his wall but looks like he’s stuck. ‘Idiot. He’s got a fucking remote for the gate. Are you really sure you want me to let them in? He’s not over yet - there’s still time to change your mind. Or I could set the dogs on him.’

  ‘You don’t have dogs.’

  He leans on the sink and shakes his head as Gregg drops into the garden, landing in a thick hedge under the wall. Tate silently watches his friend as he tries to right himself but Gregg is well and truly embedded in the hedge and seems to be struggling to extract himself. ‘I really should get myself some dogs.’


  Chloe stretches out on the couch and listens to the laughter coming from upstairs. After a brief hello the guys had bundled Tate up to the studio to work on the intro to one of the songs they couldn’t get right at the recording this morning.

  She’s looking forward to spending more time with them. She’d read a little about them online, but as with the information about Tate, it’s difficult to tell fact from fiction.

  From what she can make out, Luke also has a girlfriend, but Dillon and Gregg are single. She’s seen a few pictures of Luke and Pippa at various events. Luke’s girlfriend is stunning. In every single photo she’s beautifully dressed and her hair and make-up perfect. She hasn’t found an unflattering picture of her. Clearly she’s got the hang of dating someone in the public eye.


  She turns and sees Tate at the top of the stairs. ‘Hey. Are you done?’

  ‘Nearly. Can I borrow you for a minute?’


  She follows him up to the studio and frowns when she steps through the door. Dillon, Gregg, and Luke are in the inner room. If she didn’t know any better, she’d swear they were ready to perform. Tate leads her over to the vast leather couch against the wall and crouches down in front of her. ‘Do you fancy a private concert?’

  Her heart beats rapidly in her chest as she looks around at the other guys. ‘Really?’

  Tate shrugs. ‘Thought you might like to see us in action.’

  ‘I’d love that, but you were in the studio all morning. If you don’t fancy—’

  Dillon holds up his hand. ‘Stop right there. We don’t do this for the fame and fortune.’

  ‘Speak for yourself,’ Luke interrupts. ‘I’m all about the fame and fortune.’

  ‘Yeah well you have to be. That woman of yours isn’t cheap.’

  Luke flicks him the bird. ‘At least I have her. You still sleeping alone, Dillon?’

  ‘Hell yes. Footloose and fancy free, mate. Getting off point a bit,’ Dillon continues. ‘While the fame and fortune works as whopping great incentives, if we hadn’t got signed, we’d still be doing this.’ He looks around the room and smirks. ‘Although we wouldn’t be in a custom-built studio. We’d be back in one of the barns on Tate’s parents’ farm. Fucking hay always made me sneeze.’

  Tate gets to his feet and picks up a guitar from the rack by the wall. ‘Yeah. That was more than a bit distracting.’ He smirks over at Chloe. ‘So, we were thinking about a few songs you might know and a couple from the new album. I’ll finish up on the piano. Give you a chance to see what a kickass teacher your gran has.’

  Chloe tries to keep the ridiculous grin from her face but absolutely knows she’s failing miserably. Seeing him playing the piano with the rest of the guys is exciting her more than it probably should. ‘Sounds amazing. Thank you.’

  Tate slips the guitar strap over his head. ‘It’s all part of the deal I’m afraid. Whether you like it or not you’re going to hear us play a lot. It’ll get boring real quick.’

  ‘I doubt that.’


  Tate grabs another round of soft drinks from the fridge and walks back into the living room. Chloe is curled up in the armchair while the guys take up the two couches.

  The wide grin refused to leave Chloe’s face for the entire mini concert. It may even have grown in size when Tate took his guitar off and played the piano instead for the last two songs. He doesn’t play the piano often in their songs, but thought he’d mix it up a little more on the new album. From her reaction the change seems to have been a hit. Then again, she’s probably a little biased.

  He drops onto the couch beside her chair and stretches his legs out in front of him. ‘So, have we earned ourselves a new fan?’

  ‘Absolutely. That was incredible. Thank you all so much.’

  Dillon takes a bottle of juice from Tate and leans back on the couch. ‘Never a problem. It was kinda nice to play to small crowd... well, a very small crowd. Miss that intimacy.’

  Tate nods. ‘Yeah. Made a nice change.’

  Gregg nods and stretches out on the other chair. ‘Maybe Ellen could arrange some smaller venues for us. Let a select number of fans get up close and personal for an evening. Hey, Tate could answer questions from the audience, takes requests and things like that.’

  Chloe laughs as Tate sneers at them. ‘Yeah to everything except the questions. They pay to hear music, not me talking.’

  Gregg makes a face. ‘Still think it sounds like a winner. And you’d hate the question bit so that just makes it all the more enticing.’

  ‘You’re an asshole, Gregg.’

  Gregg lifts his drink and winks at him.

  Instead of taking the hint and shutting up, Gregg, Dillon, and Luke spend the next hour sharing too many embarrassing stories from long weeks on the road, much to Chloe’s amusement. He’d given up trying to glare the others into silence. They were on a roll and there was no stopping them.

  He didn’t mind, really. They were making an effort with her and vice versa. He couldn’t ask for more than that. Although, he would have preferred both sides were getting a little less enjoyment out of the stories but fuck it.

  ‘I have a question,’ she says after taking a sip of sparking water. ‘What’s the story with the dares? Tate mentioned someone dared him to learn the violin.’


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