Book Read Free

Broken Rock

Page 22

by K. A. Finn

  ‘Oh nice one Mr. Archer. Great way to get the subject off you.’

  He grins and winks.

  ‘Last Wednesday in August. Two and a half days initially to ease us in.’

  ‘You looking forward to it?’

  ‘Absolutely terrified and excited at the same time. I don’t know if dealing with a class of eight-year-olds is better or worse than a class of teenagers.’

  ‘Definitely eight-year-olds. They’re still like sponges at that stage. They’ll be hanging on your every word.’

  ‘You miss teaching, don’t you?’

  Tate takes a long breath before he answers. ‘I absolutely love what I’m doing, but yes, sometimes I miss the one-on-one. Singing is great, but it’s playing guitar or piano that’s the main bit of it for me.’

  ‘And violin.’

  He laughs. ‘That too. Believe it or not I’m working on a few ideas to incorporate that into some of our music. I just think it’s incredible that a few keys or strings can make millions of different melodies. Teaching people the basic notes and watching them move on to playing full songs and then composing their own music was so rewarding.’

  ‘You’re just a big softy under all that muscle.’

  ‘Don’t tell anyone. I’ve got an image to uphold.’

  ‘There’s no way you could take on a few students again?’

  ‘Nah. Don’t think it would work. My schedule is all over the place. I couldn’t commit to anything right now. Besides, teaching your gran whenever I can is work enough. She really doesn’t like to be told what to do. I need the patience of a fucking saint to deal with her.’

  Chloe manages to stop herself from spraying Tate with her tea as she laughs. ‘Sorry. I just got a picture of the two of you facing up to each other. I can’t see either of you backing down.’

  ‘That’s where my super teacher skills come in to their own, and a few cups of her posh coffee of course. Her stubbornness actually helps her. She doesn’t stop until she gets it right.’ He looks at his watch and makes a face. ‘Damn. I guess we better head back to the hotel. Wouldn’t want to be late.’

  He takes her hand as they walk back on to the busy street and head back towards the hotel. With every step, the nerves increase, sending the butterflies in Chloe’s stomach into a frenzy.

  In a few hours she’ll be stepping out of a limo in front of reporters, cameras, and fans as the new woman in Tate Archer’s life. He may have tried to play it down, but she knows tonight is so important for both Tate and the rest of the band.

  She’s just going to have to ignore the nerves and do her best not to let him down.


  Tate sits on the edge of the enormous bed and stares at his reflection in the mirror opposite him. He feels like he’s going to throw up. He’s never liked these award ceremonies, even at the best of times. He’s not a natural people person, preferring his own company to crowds of people making small talk with each other.

  He never took to the attention fame brings with it, but if he didn’t get it tonight or got it for the wrong reason, his career will be on the rocks. Not only his career, but Dillon, Gregg, and Luke’s career too. They depended on him. This will be the first real test and he desperately doesn’t want to fail, especially with Chloe there to witness it.

  He slips on his waistcoat and fastens the buttons as he paces the thick carpet. The vice of pressure across his chest refuses to let go. It’s been with him all day, getting worse as the dinner drew closer.

  The countless cups of black coffee probably hadn’t helped. If he’s not careful he’ll be adding caffeine to his list of things to avoid. Since getting out of rehab he’s been drinking the stuff like it’s going out of fashion.

  He knows he’s scratching his arm, but he couldn’t care less. It’s offering a little distraction from the fact he can’t breathe. The damn tie is like a noose around his neck, so he tears it off and throws it on the bed.

  He’s going to ditch the tie tonight. Ellen will just have to be happy he’s wearing a suit. It’s not like he’ll have to get up on stage and give any speeches. There isn’t a hope in hell he’ll be coming away with any of the awards tonight. It’s not going to matter what he’s wearing.

  He opens the top two buttons of his shirt and rubs his neck. It still feels like there’s something around it. He leans on the dressing table and glares at his reflection.

  Tonight isn’t about the awards or getting him back in the limelight again. It’s about seeing if he can survive a very public walk of shame.

  ‘Get yourself together. This is for Chloe.’

  He knows she’s nervous about tonight, but he wants her to see this side of him. It’s a part of his job and he would love for her to join him at every single event. Assuming there will be more of them of course, which he very much doubts. She might as well go to one while she still can.

  He looks over his shoulder at the fridge sitting under the enormous TV on the far wall. There’s no alcohol in it. He already checked and he hates himself for that. He doesn’t doubt Ellen had a hand in making sure all temptation had been removed before he arrived. For some reason that irritates him more than it should. Then again, he opened the damn fridge in the first place. Not a great start.

  He doubles over as a wave of nausea hits. Would he have shut the fridge door again without taking anything out? Or would he have had a glass to steady his nerves?

  The way he feels right now he’s not sure which way it would have gone.

  He groans as his phone rings on the table beside him.

  ‘Hey Gregg.’

  ‘Hey buddy. We’re heading in about fifteen minutes. You going to be on time or fashionably late?’

  ‘On time.’

  Gregg pauses for a second. ‘Put on the video on.’

  ‘Gregg, I—’

  ‘Video, Tate.’ He taps the button and Gregg’s face appears on the screen. ‘Hey. Nice suit, buddy. Oh dear. Is the colour off or are you a tad grey?’

  ‘I’m trying not to throw up so make it quick.’

  ‘Sit down, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths. Quit glaring at me and just do it.’

  He does as he’s told and little by little the queasiness eases.



  ‘I checked out the mini bar. I mean opened it to see... you know...’

  Gregg’s face drops a little. ‘Yeah, thought you might.’

  ‘You asked them to clear it? I thought it was Ellen.’

  ‘Nope. All down to me. Better safe than sorry, buddy. It’s not that I don’t trust you. I just know every other time you’ve been to one of these things you’ve had a little help.’

  Tate drops his head into his hand, hating, but also unbelievably grateful that Gregg knows him so well. ‘Fucking predictable, right.’

  ‘Just watching out for you. You feeling any better?’

  ‘Think so.’

  ‘Look at the screen again. I can only see your arm.’

  Tate lifts his head and looks down at the screen. ‘Happy now?’

  ‘Ecstatic. Seriously though, you’ve got this, Tate. Stop second guessing yourself and walk down that red carpet like you’ve done who knows how many times before. You became a fucking superstar without any help from drink or drugs. That was all you. Get your shit together and show Chloe how monstrously boring these events are, then take her back to the hotel room and make it up to her.’

  Tate smiles down at the screen at Gregg’s wide grin. ‘Will do. Thank you, Gregg. I mean that.’

  ‘Any time. You good now?’

  ‘Guess so.’ He looks over at the door when someone knocks. ‘I got to go now.’

  ‘Okay. Well I guess I’ll see you in a bit. I’ll save you a seat next to Pippa.’ Gregg winks and ends the call before Tate can comment.

  He gets up and, after taking a deep breath, opens the door.

  ‘Hey Dani.’

  ‘I’m done with Chloe. You ready for me?’

  He n
ods and lowers into the chair so Dani can sort out his hair. ‘How’s Chloe?’

  Dani smiles widely. ‘She’s stunning, Tate. Bria picked one hell of a dress for her. Oh and the front desk just sent a message up. There’s a bit of a crowd outside so they’ve decided to take you and Chloe down in the service elevator and out the back door. The car will meet you there. You’ll be getting extra security too.’

  What a way to introduce Chloe to his public life. Sneaking her down in a service elevator. Better than having her face whatever crowd is outside.

  ‘How long until they’re ready?’

  ‘They’ll collect you in ten minutes or so.’

  Ten minutes to get his shit together. No problem.


  Chloe stares at her reflection not quite believing she’s looking at herself. The dress fits her like a glove thanks to the alterations the boutique made. Dani had left her long hair down, the thick curls swept over one shoulder with a sparkling comb. She feels amazing.

  She checks her reflection again then steps out into the living room. Dani is finishing packing her things away. She gives Chloe a quick check then squeezes her shoulders.

  ‘Perfect. Tate’s just on the phone to Ellen.’

  Tate walks out of the other room and comes to a stop when he looks at Chloe.

  ‘You look absolutely... Fuck.’

  Dani slaps him on the chest. ‘Beautifully put.’

  Chloe feels the heat rising in her body as he walks towards her. His suit is the same dark blue as his eyes and fits him perfectly, highlighting his tall, broad body.

  Bria was right, he’s left his tie off, but Chloe has no complaints. The crisp white shirt is open at the neck, leaving part of his chest and neck tattoo on show. Dani had tamed his hair, giving a little order to his naturally dishevelled look.

  He wraps his arm around her waist and kisses her neck. ‘I am absolutely going to enjoy taking that off you later.’

  ‘And I will absolutely let you.’

  He grins and holds out his hand. ‘Better get this show on the road. Ready?’

  ‘The sooner we go, the sooner we can get back here.’

  ‘I like your thinking.’ He squeezes her hand and leads her out the door and into his other life. As soon as they cross the threshold of the room Chloe enters a foreign world. Two rather large security guards lead them down the corridor to the service elevator. The door closes behind them and one of the men speaks into his radio, telling someone on the other end that they’re on the way.

  Chloe squeezes Tate’s hand as they walk between the two guards into the large underground service garage. The butterflies come back with a bang as a shiny black limo pulls up beside them and the driver steps out to open the door for her.

  Chloe smiles at him and slips inside the car, taking care not to damage her dress. Tate speaks to the security guards then joins her in the back. One of the guards gets into the front with the driver while the other follows in a separate car.

  Tate pulls a jewellery box from his pocket and hands it to her as the car moves away from the hotel and joins the busy London traffic.

  ‘What’s this?’

  ‘Open it.’

  Chloe’s breath catches in her throat when she sees what’s inside. ‘Tate, it’s beautiful.’ She stares down at the stunning emerald teardrop necklace. ‘I don’t know what to say.’

  ‘Bria told me the colour of your dress. Just relieved it matches. I didn’t realise there were so many shades of green.’

  ‘You bought it yourself?’

  ‘Of course. Why?’

  She shrugs. ‘I don’t know. I guess I thought you’d have people to do that for you.’

  ‘Believe it or not I actually went into a real brick-and-mortar shop and picked it out all on my lonesome. If I buy something for you it means I have actually picked it out myself - well apart from the dress. That was way out of my league.’

  ‘Well thank you. It really is beautiful, Tate. I love it.’

  He takes it from her and reaches over to fasten it around her neck. ‘You look incredible, Chloe. I mean that.’

  She doesn’t know how he does it, but every single time he compliments her, a lump forms in her throat. She’s been complimented before, but the way he looks at her is so intense, she doesn’t doubt he means every word.

  Instead of replying, she leans over and kisses him. It’s going to be a long night. The combination of the suit and Tate’s body is more than a little distracting.

  ‘Thanks for coming with me tonight.’

  ‘What are you thanking me for? You’ve spent an absolute fortune on me. I should be thanking you.’

  ‘You being here with me is worth it. You’re worth it. You know that, right?’

  ‘You’re going to make me cry and mess up my make-up.’

  ‘Well, you better get a hold of that. We’re here.’

  The car slowly comes to a stop and Chloe stares out the window at the crowd waiting at either side of the wide walkway.

  Tate leans across and kisses her then slips on his sunglasses as the door opens for him. He steps out to a constant flash from cameras and people shouting his name. He leans down into the car and smirks at her. ‘You’re up, gorgeous.’

  She takes his hand and steps into the most surreal situation she’s ever been in. Everywhere she looks are cameras and reporters. Tate leans down to speak in her ear. ‘Just go with the flow and keep breathing. You look stunning.’


  Tate closes the door to their suite and locks it, then turns around to face Chloe. The last six hours have been the longest six hours of his life. Every damn time he looked at her he wanted her. Tate drapes his jacket over the back of the couch and pulls her into his arms.

  ‘I’m kind of torn.’

  ‘About what?’

  ‘I’m torn between not being able to get enough of you in that dress and wanting to get you out of it.’

  ‘That’s strange because I’m equally as torn as you are.’ She runs her hand down his chest. ‘Should you leave the suit on or take it off? How about you give me five minutes then join me in the bedroom.’

  ‘You honestly expect me to wait five minutes?’

  ‘It’ll be worth it. Oh and leave the suit on.’

  She smiles at him as she closes the double doors into the bedroom. Tate lowers onto the arm of the couch and massages the back of his neck, trying to relieve some of the tension. The night had gone so much better than he ever could have imagined. Not only had he not made a complete eejit of himself, but both the band and Tate himself had won awards.

  Winning Best Rock Album had been a fucking miracle. When they called out his name for Song of the Year, Chloe actually had to give him a nudge to get up. He’d heard the words, but they didn’t fully register. He went tonight to show his face. Coming home with two awards hadn’t even crossed his mind.

  It took him a good hour or so to allow himself to relax after he stepped out of the car. Every time a reporter approached him, he prepared for the worst, but rehab hadn’t been mentioned once. After a while, his forced smile turned into a real one, but it was a very different experience to every other ceremony he’d been to.

  Being stone cold sober for the entire thing probably had a lot to do with that. He’d never been drunk at any event, not once, but he’d always had something to drink over dinner. Usually something stronger beforehand too to help with nerves.

  Thinking back, it’s scary how often he resorted to drink and drugs to help him through nights like tonight. He’d always told himself he was in control, but the truth was he hadn’t been in control for a long time. That old family photo may have thrown his life on its head, but if he hadn’t already been using and drinking too much, he wouldn’t have fallen as disastrously as he had.

  Bad shit happens to people every day and they don’t turn to heroin to deal with it. By that stage, drugs were deeply embedded in his life whether he knew it or wanted to accept it. His first go-to option had been Eddie and wha
tever cocktail he’d given him over those few weeks. In his mind there was no other way to deal with what was happening. Whether the letter arrived or not, he would have fallen sooner or later. He’d been on borrowed time. Just one push away from ending up exactly where he did... or worse.

  He honestly doesn’t know what he would have done without Chloe by his side this evening. While he’d struggled to get into conversation, she’d come into her own. He couldn’t be more proud of her. She was incredible. You’d swear she’d been to dozens of events like this and he was the out-of-his-depth newbie.

  His impressively brief acceptance speech had been made to her and her alone. His eyes locked onto hers from the stage and he didn’t look away until he was finished talking. He can’t even remember who he thanked. His main concern was getting off the stage as fast as he could.

  It was ridiculous how off balance the entire evening made him feel. Even with Chloe and the band by his side, he felt completely out of place. Like he was an imposter. His job involved him getting on stage in front of thousands of people. Tonight’s performance doesn’t bode well for his future.

  He takes off his watch and checks the time. Four minutes. Fuck it. That’s long enough rehashing what he could have done better tonight. Time to put it behind him and enjoy what’s left of the night.

  He opens the double doors to the bedroom and stops when he sees what’s waiting for him. Chloe has taken off her stunning dress and is sitting on the end of the bed in equally stunning underwear and a pair of killer heels. If he’d known she had that on under her dress he would have ditched the dinner a few hours earlier.

  She shakes her head when she notices him. ‘You couldn’t wait five measly minutes?’

  ‘Not when I know you’re in here.’

  He walks towards her, but she holds up a hand. ‘You stop right there.’

  Tate stops in the middle of the room and watches as Chloe slowly crosses her legs. He licks his lips as his eyes travel over every inch of her body. The underwear is fucking hot but he wants to tear it off her as soon as possible.

  ‘Now Mr. Archer, I want you to get undressed. Slowly.’


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