Book Read Free

Broken Rock

Page 32

by K. A. Finn

  Chloe leans against his arm and hugs him close. ‘I’m unbelievably proud of you.’

  ‘I should have said something a long time ago. I just didn’t... I didn’t know what I was remembering, and I was terrified I’d scare you all off.’

  ‘I’m not going anywhere. None of us are.’ She kisses him then smiles as she looks up at him. ‘Go. Have fun. You deserve it.’

  ‘I feel bad leaving you here.’

  ‘Don’t. I could do with a break from you lot. Living under the same roof as four rock stars has been a little... trying at times. Go. Blow off some steam. I’ll have lunch ready when you get back.’

  Tate kisses her then slips on his jacket and takes his helmet from the cupboard. Dillon and Luke are already on their bikes with the engines running when he goes outside. Tate swings his leg over the saddle and puts on his helmet. He starts the engine and smiles when the Kawasaki roars to life.

  As Tate follows Dillon and Luke out the gate he glances over his shoulder. Chloe is standing in his doorway smiling at him. She blows him a kiss and he’s glad she can’t see his stupid grin under the helmet.


  Chloe walks into the playground with her class. The last three days had gone better than she could have imagined. The children were amazing, and she quickly settled into her new job. As the parents come forward to collect their children she spots someone on the far side of the road. He’s sitting on the bonnet of his truck wearing a cap and sunglasses to hide his face. She smiles when she notices some of the mums glancing over at him. He really needs to work on his disguise.

  As the last child heads home, he slides off the bonnet and crosses the road. He leans on the stone wall surrounding the playground and takes off his glasses. ‘Ms Quinn. How was your day?’

  ‘It was so good, Tate. I think I’ve finally found a job I like doing. Better late than never, I guess. And the other teachers are so nice.’

  He smirks and waves over Chloe’s shoulder. ‘I can see that.’

  She looks around to see four of her colleagues waving at them. ‘Oh my God. Do you have to do that wherever you go?’

  ‘Do what?’

  She gestures over her shoulder. ‘That. I could really do without my colleagues looking at you that way.’

  ‘You want me to go and say hi?’

  ‘No I don’t. You didn’t have to collect me. I was planning on getting the bus.’

  ‘Fuck that. I’m taking you to lunch then we are going back to my house to work off lunch until we have to go to dinner with my parents.’

  ‘Oh and let me guess. Then back to yours to work off dinner.’

  ‘Absolutely. So are you ready to go yet?’

  ‘Stop distracting everyone and go back to your truck. I’ll just grab my bag.’

  When she comes back out and climbs into the truck he’s frowning at his phone. ‘Is everything all right?’

  ‘So, I just got a call from my lawyer.’

  Her stomach drops a little. ‘And...’

  ‘And it’s all done and dusted. I’m free as a bird.’

  ‘Really? They’re not going to do anything to you?’

  He shakes his head. ‘My delightful cousin fessed up to everything – including planting the drugs in my truck. They’ve dropped the charges against me and, as he’s admitted to everything, I won’t be needed again.’

  ‘I can’t believe it’s all done.’

  ‘Tell me about it. Just glad he had the balls to admit to what he was doing. Nice to get it sorted before I head off.’ He pulls out of the car park and drives around the seafront.

  ‘How are the ticket sales going?’

  He glances around and smirks. ‘Sold out.’

  ‘That’s amazing, Tate.’

  ‘I know. We lost a hell of a lot when we had to reschedule. It always happens though. People can’t make the new date or they get pissed off that the dates changed in the first place. Wasn’t expecting those shortfalls to be made up again so fast.’

  ‘So Ellen was right. Making a statement about everything was the right thing to do.’

  He nods. ‘Guess so. Might have to stop arguing with her when she comes up with plans like that.’

  Arguing is a bit of an understatement. Tate had been less than enthusiastic about making a statement. He knew the truth was going to come out but didn’t want to talk about it publicly. After a heated discussion, he begrudgingly agreed to the management company making a statement on his behalf. It was brief but confirmed all the facts about Dara, about his childhood, and about his addiction. Ellen had kept a lot of details back about what his father did, but he wasn’t keen on any of the details getting out.

  It hadn’t taken long for Ellen’s decision to pay off. Support had poured in and helped bring back a little of his confidence. She’d seen the change in him over the last week. As the days passed, his mood had improved, but there had been more than a few tense moments while he got over what Dara did.

  Difficult patient had been a monstrous understatement. He was irritable and would bite the head off anyone who looked at him the wrong way. Over the last few days things had slowly taken a turn in the right direction.

  He was sleeping a little better. The nightmares still came. The guilt over what happened to his mother was still there, but she hopes in time that will ease.

  Sending him on tour for a few months is the part she’s not convinced about. It had taken a long and heartfelt conversation with Dillon, Gregg, and Luke to convince her otherwise. Tate doesn’t know they spoke to her and he never will. They made her promise on pain of death not to tell him. The talk had helped her understand why he had to go.

  Tate came alive when he was on stage. He adored performing and getting back to what he loves doing could only help him. He needed to see that he hadn’t messed things up for all of them. What better way to do it that on a stage with his fans in front of him?

  They assured her they’d keep a close eye on him and, now they know all the facts, also know what to look out for when he’s getting lost in his thoughts.

  All she can do is trust they have his back and try not to worry. She just wishes it wasn’t going to be six weeks before she saw him again. But this is the way it’s going to be from now on. She’d been spoilt since she’d met him. With neither of them working they’d had plenty of time to spend together. That was all changing. She’d had Tate to herself for months and now she was going to have to share her boyfriend with a lot of other people.


  She looks across at him. ‘Sorry?’

  ‘You’re thinking. We promised no thinking until tomorrow.’

  ‘I know. I’m sorry. You’re right.’

  Tate reaches across and holds her hand. ‘Hey. I’m going to miss you like crazy. You know that, right?’

  Chloe nods and squeezes his hand. ‘I know.’ She takes a deep breath and pushes thoughts about him leaving to the back of her mind. There’ll be enough time to miss him when he’s actually gone. ‘So the plan for today is lunch, sex, dinner, sex. Did I get that right?’

  ‘Sounds like the perfect way to spend the afternoon.’


  Tate keeps to just below the speed limit as he drives through the empty Dublin streets. He can’t wait to get Chloe home and naked. Dinner with his parents was nice but there were other things... well, one other thing on his mind.


  He finally pulls up at his gates and taps his fingers on the steering wheel as he waits for them to open.

  ‘Are they always this slow?’

  She runs her hand up his leg and rubs his dick through his jeans. ‘They’re doing it on purpose.’

  ‘Keep that up and we won’t make it into the house.’

  Once the gates finally open he parks and grabs Chloe as soon as she steps around the bonnet.

  Tate struggles to unlock the front door while kissing Chloe at the same time. She untucks his shirt and her hands travel up his chest. He curses as she traces a nail over his nippl
e, pulling against the piercing. The key and the lock finally line up and he holds her against him as the door swings open. After kicking it closed behind them, he locks it then picks her up and throws her over his shoulder. Chloe squeals as he hurries up the stairs and lowers her to her feet when he gets her into the bedroom.

  Then Chloe puts her hand against his chest and pushes him back.

  ‘Get naked.’

  He tears off his clothes as she slips out of her dress, leaving on her underwear.

  Tate stares at his stunning girlfriend and, not for the first time, wonders what the hell he did to have someone like her in his life. The red corset and thong hug her curves, lifting her breasts and torturing him with glimpses of her smooth skin through the lace. ‘Jesus, Chloe. You trying to kill me or what? That new?’

  ‘Going away present. Now, sit on the armchair.’

  He lowers into the chair at the bottom of the bed and Chloe pulls his hips forward. She takes him in her hand and runs her thumb over the heavy piercing. Tate sucks in a breath when she pulls against it a little.

  ‘Hands on the arms of the chair.’

  ‘Yes, ma’am.’ He digs his fingers into the arms as she kneels and takes him in her mouth. She cups his balls and runs her thumb over the bar at the base. Chloe looks up at him as she draws her tongue over the tip. The way she looks at him when she’s taking the lead is such a fucking turn on.

  Chloe takes him deep into her mouth and applies a little pressure behind his balls as her tongue plays with the two piercings. She picks up the pace until Tate’s whole body trembles as the pressure builds. He’s so close but instead of letting him come, she slows down and slides him out of her mouth. She smiles up at him.

  ‘You look a little frustrated.’

  He hisses as she draws her tongue along him again, pulling the tip into her mouth, teasing him. ‘Too fucking right I am.’

  She slowly takes him into her mouth then pulls back again, running her tongue along his dick before flicking the metal ring. Chloe gently massages his balls and runs her tongue back up his shaft.

  ‘Jesus, Chloe. What the fuck are you doing to me?’

  She kisses the base and down to his balls. ‘What do you want me to do?’

  A spasm works through him as she rapidly flicks her tongue over his balls. ‘I want you to suck me until I come in your fucking mouth.’

  ‘Whatever you say.’ She keeps the pressure on behind his balls as she massages him, using her tongue to play with the piercings. It doesn’t take long for her to give him exactly what he asked for.

  The curse tears out of him as she keeps working him until he’s well and truly fucked. When she gets to her feet, the smile on her face has his dick springing to life again. Without saying a word, he picks her up, then lies on his back on the bed, pulling her down with him. He gropes blindly in the bedside table drawer only breaking their kiss long enough to slip the condom on.

  Both hands grip her waist, holding her in place as he pulls her down his length. She falls forward, resting her hands on his chest over the griffin’s wing. His hips thrust upward as he pulls her down, driving any remaining air from his lungs. She matches his thrusts, forcing him deeper into her. Her hand rests on his nipple piercing and she gives him a seriously sexy look as she twists it in her fingers. Tate throws his head back against the pillow and ups the pace, a feral need taking over. When she tugs on it again, he growls and she gives up trying to match him.

  ‘Don’t stop, Tate.’

  No risk of that. He slips one hand down to circle her clit and she bucks against him. He gasps as she digs her fingernails into his chest, but it feels so fucking amazing. He holds her steady as he rams into her again and again until his back arches on the bed and he lets out a roar. Chloe shudders and wipes sweat soaked hair from her face.


  His laugh comes out as a snort but that’s her fault. He can’t catch his breath. ‘Yeah. Fuck.’

  She slowly rises off him then collapses onto the bed. ‘That was nice.’

  ‘Excuse me?’

  ‘Fine, it was fucking amazing.’

  He pulls her into his arms so he can kiss her. ‘Fuck I love when you say ‘fuck’ like that.’

  She grins at him and his chest tightens.

  ‘I love you, Chloe.’

  Chloe’s eyes go wide as she stares over at him.

  His stomach drops a little. He hadn’t planned on saying that. The words just popped out. It’s the truth though. He loves her. Has for a few weeks, but with the whole kidnapping and relapse mess, he couldn’t bring himself to tell her. Seems his mouth decided to override his brain and all the second guessing. ‘Too soon?’

  Then the smile comes back and she rests her hand on the side of his face. ‘I love you too, Tate.’


  She nods. ‘Hell yeah.’

  Tate laughs and runs his thumb across her lips. ‘Hell yeah. I like that.’ His smile drops a little at the thought of having to say goodbye to her tomorrow. He’s looking forward to getting back to work again, but he’s going to miss her like crazy.

  ‘Now it’s my turn to tell you to stop thinking.’

  ‘Easier said than done, Chloe.’

  Chloe smiles thinly as she looks at him. ‘I know. But we’ve got...’ she pauses talking to look over at the clock and scrunches her face up, ‘eight hours or so. Now I don’t know about you, but I can think of one or two things we can do to pass the time. Unless you’d prefer to sleep or course?’

  He sucks in a breath as she takes his dick in her hand. ‘Not a chance. I can sleep on the road.’


  Tate quietly places his bag on the ground at the foot of the bed and watches Chloe sleep. He’s never been so torn up about going on tour before. On one hand he can’t wait to get back on stage. On the other, he’d love to crawl back into bed beside her and not go anywhere. It’s six weeks until he sees her again in Barcelona. Might as well be six months.

  His phone vibrates in his pocket. He pulls it out and frowns at the screen. The car just arrived to bring him to the airport. He sits on the bed beside her and runs his fingers through her hair.


  She groans and opens her eyes. It takes her a few seconds to realise he’s dressed. ‘Did I sleep through the alarm?’

  ‘I’m heading a bit earlier than planned.’

  She sits up and brushes her hair back from her face. ‘What? When?’

  ‘The car’s outside.’

  ‘You’re going now? But I can’t get dressed that fast.’

  ‘Relax. You don’t have to get dressed.’ He holds out a keyring with a few keys on it. ‘The big key is the front door and the small one is the back.’ He checks her phone screen to make sure the message went through okay. ‘I’ve sent you a text with the gate and alarm code on it. Best to memorise them and delete the message just in case.’

  ‘What are you saying?’

  ‘I’m saying stay here. Use the house like it’s your own while I’m gone.’

  ‘But I can’t do that.’

  ‘Why not?’

  ‘Well... because I can’t.’

  He smiles and holds up a key fob. ‘Yeah – great argument. This is the key for the truck. I sorted out the insurance so you’re good to go.’

  ‘Hold on. I can’t drive that.’

  ‘Of course you can. Just don’t go under any low barriers. It’s too high for most of them.’


  ‘You’d prefer the bike?’

  He laughs at the horrified look on her face. ‘I can’t— You can’t—’

  ‘You can and I am so quit arguing. I’m leaving the keys in the house so you might as well take them. Please.’

  Chloe slowly reaches out and takes the keys from his hand. ‘You really trust me that much?’

  ‘Yes. Besides, I kind of like the idea of you being here and driving my truck.’ He holds out a small box. ‘Going away present.’

  She opens
the box and smiles widely. He pulls the griffin pendent from under his shirt and holds it out. ‘It’s the exact same. This means a lot to me and I just thought... well it might keep you safe or something. I don’t know. You don’t have to wear it. You can stick it on your keyring.’

  ‘Aww. You’ve gone all cute again.’

  ‘I’ve gone what?’

  ‘Like you did when you were asking me out. You’re adorable.’

  ‘Yeah, well you can knock that off right now.’

  She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him. ‘I love it.’ Chloe fastens the pendent around her neck and holds the griffin in her hand. ‘Thank you, Tate.’

  ‘I suppose I better go. Don’t want them leaving without me.’

  He kisses her, holding her tight until he feels his phone vibrating again.

  ‘Damn it. I really have to go. I’ll call you when I get there.’

  Before he makes a complete eejit of himself, he stands up, grabs his jacket from the chair and picks up his bag. ‘I love you, Chloe.’

  ‘I love you too.’

  Tate turns and pulls out his phone as he walks down the stairs. He sends a quick message to Bria then locks the front door behind him. The driver opens the back door of the Land Rover and he climbs inside. As the car pulls out of the driveway, Bria replies to his message.

  She’s on her way to his place to spend some time with Chloe.

  Tate stares out the window as the car takes him to the airport. It’s going to be a long six weeks.


  Three months later...

  Chloe checks her watch again. Less than a minute has passed since the last time she checked. She gets up and paces the dressing room then sits down again.

  It’s been a little over six weeks since she saw Tate in Barcelona and it’s been the longest six weeks she can remember. Each day had dragged by painfully slow.

  She looks at her watch again and curses herself. This is the last night of the tour. They arrived back in Dublin earlier in the day but Ellen had scheduled an interview shortly after he landed so he couldn’t see her until he gets to the venue. He’s due on stage in two hours, after which he’s all hers for the whole of January and she cannot wait.


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