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The Swede

Page 15

by Maureen Smith

  “Watch you masturbate.”

  Just like that, her body overheated. “I’m not masturbating in front of you,” she croaked.

  “Why not?”

  “That’s a very private activity. And we just met, like, five minutes ago.”

  His eyes glinted. “But you’re gonna masturbate when you finish talking to me.”

  “I—” A quiver ran through her as heat suffused her face and neck. She quickly turned the tables. “What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “Are you gonna jerk off when we end our call?”

  An unholy gleam entered his eyes, a look so sinful that her breath caught and her thighs parted slightly of their own accord.

  He shifted his laptop so he could stretch out on the sofa, leaning back against the armrest with one tattooed arm folded behind his head. From that angle, she could see that he was wearing dark shorts. His muscular thighs were powerful, and there was an unmistakable bulge at his crotch.

  She felt her stomach tighten. As she watched, he slid his hand inside his shorts and fisted himself.

  Her eyes flew up to his face. “What’re you doing?”

  His naughty smile was orgasm-inducing. “Getting a head start.”

  A jolt of pure lust sizzled through her body. Her nipples puckered and her clit throbbed, hardening to an almost painful bundle of nerves.

  Viggo watched her with knowing eyes. “Are you getting off?”


  “Our call.” His expression was damnably wicked. “Are you hanging up now?”

  “No.” The word left her mouth before she could stop it. Not that she would have. She knew what she wanted. There was no use denying herself any longer.

  Before she lost her nerve, she sat up and crawled off the bed.

  “Where are you going?” Viggo asked.

  “Be right back.” She turned her laptop so he could watch her strut away in her boy shorts that bared the bottom half of her ass cheeks.

  He groaned. “Jesus, Scarlett.”

  She grinned mischievously as she reached her suitcase. Keeping her back to him, she pulled on a purple satin kimono that stopped midthigh. She belted the robe around her waist, then dug inside the suitcase’s zippered pocket where she stashed her sex toys. She wasn’t brave enough to ride her dildo in front of Viggo. So she grabbed her bullet vibrator and slipped it into the pocket of her robe.

  “Hurry up and get back over here,” Viggo growled from her laptop.

  A ripple of excitement ran through her. She couldn’t believe what she was about to do.

  “Alexa,” she softly commanded her Echo, “play ‘Motivation’ by Kelly Rowland.”

  The seductive song began playing as she turned and sauntered toward the bed, her short robe parting to expose her upper thighs with every step.

  When she saw the look on Viggo’s face, she almost melted into a puddle of need right there. The raw hunger in his eyes took her breath away. He looked as if he could eat her alive.

  She came to a stop in front of the laptop. Riveted by his ravenous gaze, she reached under her robe and peeled off her zebra-striped shorts with a little shimmy of her hips.

  Viggo made a growling noise deep in his throat.

  The sound heated her blood and tightened every muscle in her body. Biting her bottom lip, she stepped out of the skimpy shorts and bent to pick it up. She was surprised at how wet the crotch was. Skype-sexing with the Swede had her juices flowing like a river, and they were just getting started.

  As he watched, she tossed her shorts onto the top right corner of her laptop. It covered just the edge of the screen.

  Viggo stared at the dangling underwear and slid his tongue over his bottom lip. “Can you mail that to me?”

  Scarlett let out a smoky laugh. “What would you do with it?”

  “What wouldn’t I do with it?”

  “Oh my,” she purred, turning on the bullet vibrator. “What a dirty boy you are.”

  His rakish grin weakened her knees and fluttered her heart. Slowly, deliberately, she spread her legs and brushed the buzzing toy over her mons, shivering at the electric sensation.

  Viggo watched her intently, licking his lips. “Your robe’s in the way, beautiful.”

  “I know,” she breathed, managing a sexy wink. “You’ll have to use your imagination.”

  “Oh, that won’t be a problem, fantasy girl.”

  That made her smile. Staring into his hooded eyes, she ran the pulsing little bullet up and down the slick folds of her sex. Her soft hiss of pleasure had Viggo shifting restlessly on his sofa, drawing her gaze back to the mountain in his shorts.

  She imagined his fingers wrapped around the long, scrumptiously thick column of his cock. The thought aroused her as she circled the tip of the vibrator around her creamy opening, pretending his fingers were stroking her.

  “Talk to me,” he commanded, all Alpha male. “Tell me how it feels.”

  “It feels good,” she whispered.

  “Yeah?” he rasped. “Are you wet? Is your clit hard?”

  “Very hard.” She pressed the vibrator against the simmering bundle of nerves. Erotic tingles shot through her and she moaned softly with satisfaction.

  Viggo’s eyes darkened, nostrils flaring. “Pretend that’s my tongue on you, licking your clit and tasting your hot little pussy.”

  Scarlett groaned and rotated her hips, increasing the pressure on her clitoris. The vibrator hummed deliciously, delivering pure pleasure.

  She watched Viggo watching her, enjoying the way his broad chest expanded as his breathing grew more ragged. He looked breathtakingly masculine and virile, radiating raw power and carnal intensity.

  “Take me inside you,” he ordered.

  She shivered and arched her back, a hungry moan escaping as she eased the head of the buzzing toy inside her.

  “Fuck.” Viggo’s breath hissed out between tightly clenched teeth as his gaze alternated between her face and her hand moving between her legs. “Go deeper for me, honey. Imagine me sucking your pretty nipples while I fuck you with my fingers.”

  “Oh God,” she gasped, trembling all over.

  “Now imagine my cock pushing inside your tight pussy. I’m so fucking hard you can barely stand it. But you’re begging for more because it feels so damn good.”

  “Yes,” she moaned, her neck arching as her eyes closed. “It feels sooo damn good.”

  No guy had ever taken charge of her like this or gotten her so excited. She thrust the humming bullet in and out of her pussy, her breath quickening, sweat breaking out over her body as she pretended the vibrator was his big, throbbing cock.

  “That’s it, baby. Just like that.” The rasp in his voice raised goosebumps all over her skin. “You’re so fucking hot, Scarlett. Shit, I’m about to explode and I’m not even there to touch you.”

  She whimpered. He was driving her wild with his insanely sexy voice and his dirty talk.

  She bent forward, bracing her hand on the edge of the bed and spreading her legs wider. Her skin felt hypersensitive, her breasts ached, and slick cream oozed from her pussy and ran down the inside of her leg to her foot.

  She could see herself in the small video box in the corner of the screen. Her face was flushed with arousal, her eyes hot and hazy.

  “I’ve never done this before,” she breathlessly confessed.

  “Good,” Viggo growled. “I don’t want you doing this with anyone else.”

  She grinned. “So possessive.”

  “You bring it out in me. Now put your toy down and use your fingers.”

  Biting down on her lip, she eased the vibrator from between her legs and held it up. It was glossy from her juices.

  When Viggo saw it, he let out a tortured groan that made her pussy clench and spasm.

  She turned off the little bullet and tossed it onto the bed. Then she cupped her aching breasts through her robe and pinched her nipples, imagining his searing mouth wrapped around the tight, pric
kling flesh.

  “So beautiful,” he whispered hoarsely. “So fucking beautiful. God, Scarlett, what you do to me.”

  She loved the sound of his lust-roughened voice. She squeezed her breast with one hand and spread her labia with the other, sliding two fingers inside with a throaty moan. Her stomach quivered as she rocked her hips against her hand. As good as her fingers felt, she longed for the deep penetration of Viggo’s dick, pounding her hard and fast.

  He bit into his bottom lip and raked one hand through his hair, never taking his eyes off her. His smoky gaze consumed her, so intense she thought it would burn a hole through the screen and scorch every inch of her skin.

  She fingered herself while staring at his tattooed arm, the thick muscles flexing as he pumped his cock with his fist. She could see the swollen head peeking over the waistband of his shorts. It was shiny with precum. So fucking hot.

  “I found your G-spot.” His voice was a dark, guttural rumble. “I’m stroking it with my cock. Over and over, deeper and harder. Do you like the way that feels, baby? Does it feel good?”

  “Yes. God yes,” she whimpered. She was breathless with arousal, gripped by a primal need she could barely contain. She’d expected to feel paralyzingly self-conscious about this whole Skye-sexing thing. But it felt so right to lose her inhibitions, to let go in front of this supersexy man.

  She wanted to prolong their mutual masturbation session, but she could feel her pussy clenching around her thrusting fingers. She groaned as her thighs started shaking, her head tilting back and her spine arching.

  “Don’t look away.” Viggo’s voice was a rough command. “Look into my eyes when you come for me.”

  Heat licked up her body, flamed in her face.

  “Oh my God, Viggo. I’m—” She broke off with a choked moan as the first wave of her orgasm hit.

  “Fuck,” Viggo groaned harshly. He was coming, too.

  As her pussy spasmed wildly, she bent over the laptop, her face so close to the screen she could see Viggo’s pupils dilating. Their gazes locked as they exploded together, the connection between them like an electrified wire of sizzling heat.

  The orgasm was so intense that her legs buckled under her. She slid to the floor on her knees, gasping and panting shallowly. Closing her eyes, she could only imagine how much harder she would have come with Viggo actually thrusting inside her.

  After several moments of stunned silence, he breathed, “Holy shit.”

  A breathless giggle escaped her. “My sentiments exactly.”


  Scarlett grinned weakly and blew her hair out of her eyes. Somehow she managed to climb back up onto the bed and curl into a boneless heap on her side, dazedly watching Viggo on the screen.

  He was staring down at himself. He’d pulled his shirt halfway up, and she could see wetness glistening on his seriously ripped abs.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever come so fucking hard in my life,” he uttered.

  Coming from a guy who’d probably boned more than his share of bunnies, Scarlett took immense satisfaction in his words.

  He looked up at her, tracing his bottom lip with his tongue. His lids were heavy, eyes bright with awe and lust. “That settles it. I’m hopping a plane to New York to finish what you started.”

  “What I started?” she said on a breathy laugh. “You’re the one who told me to masturbate in front of you.”

  “Only after you told me to lick your belly button.”

  “Hmm. Good point.”

  He laughed.

  She grinned. “That was fun. We should do it again sometime.”

  “How about tomorrow night, and every night after that until we meet up again in Canada?”

  She laughed softly. “Um…let’s pace ourselves.”

  He gave her a sexy half-grin that melted her insides.

  She lay on her side with her head resting on one arm, her short robe riding up her leg. The insides of her thighs were sticky from her juices and her girl parts were still tingling. It was late and they both had to get up early the next morning, but neither seemed in any hurry to end the call.

  “Viggo,” she whispered.

  “Yeah, baby?”

  “What was that you said to me this morning before you kissed me goodbye? Do you remember?”

  His smile was lazy. “Vacker tjej.”

  “Vacker tjej,” she repeated. The second word sounded like shay.

  “It means ‘beautiful girl.’”

  Scarlett smiled, her stomach all aflutter. “I love Swedish.”

  His soft laughter made her want to snuggle into his big chest. God, she wished he were here with her right now.

  “Guess we’d better get ourselves to bed,” she said with a sigh of regret. “I have an early interview and you have morning skate.”

  “Yeah,” he reluctantly agreed. “Have a good show tomorrow night. I’ll call you after the game.”

  “Please do.” She winked. “And don’t forget to score a goal for me.”

  “I won’t forget.” He smiled that slow, sexy smile. “Hope you have an easier time falling asleep tonight.”

  She grinned. “Something tells me I will.”

  After they disconnected, Scarlett shut off her laptop and placed it on the nightstand. Then she slid off her robe, turned out the light and crawled under the covers. She felt warm and sated, sensuously drowsy.

  As she lay there listening to the sounds of the city outside her window, her mind drifted back in time to the night of her first encounter with Viggo. Today was almost six years to the date, and the memories were as fresh and as powerful as ever.

  She was just eighteen, a scholarship student at Berklee whose passions were singing and playing the drums, collecting Misty Knight comic books and watching hockey.

  Viggo was a nineteen-year-old phenom drafted out of the Swedish Hockey League. Scarlett had watched him stumble through a few interviews, adorably mangling his English and explaining that his grandfather had allowed only Swedish to be spoken. His boyish charm and air of vulnerability had captivated her, tugging at something deep inside her. He’d struck her as a boy who would love playing hockey whether or not he became a star, and she’d found that totally endearing. It didn’t hurt that he had the smokin’ hot face and hard-muscled body of a young Viking god.

  Not surprisingly, he won everyone’s hearts and became a media sensation, racking up millions in sponsorships and endorsement deals. Fortunately he had the explosive talent to back up the hype and fame.

  The fateful game happened on a Wednesday night, and it was every bit as exciting as Lennox had described. Viggo and Reid were the most electrifying hockey players that Denver Rebels fans had ever seen. They’d wowed the crowd with their lightning speed, raw athleticism and stickhandling prowess. But Viggo was the one who’d captured Scarlett’s young imagination and fueled her secret fantasies—fantasies she’d never shared with anyone.

  She still remembered the rush of excitement she’d felt watching him race up and down the ice that magical December night. His lethal slap shots and breathtaking breakaways had the crowd roaring like maniacs.

  Her heart tried to leap out of her chest when he’d scored that thrilling goal halfway through the first period. Her stomach did all sorts of acrobatic flips and spins as he’d skated right up to the glass where she and her family sat. His dazzling grin lit up his face and ignited his beautiful gray eyes. Everyone was pounding on the glass and screaming his name, but somehow his eyes had found Scarlett’s through the sea of euphoric faces. When he pointed at her and winked, she’d swooned so hard she almost fell out of her seat.

  Lying in bed later that night, she’d gotten herself off while thinking about him and the brief “connection” they’d shared. It was sort of pathetic, but hey, she was eighteen and just beginning to explore the true depths of her sexual desires. One thing was for sure—none of the boys at college came close to making her feel the way Viggo Sandström did.

  Last month when
Nadia told her that Viggo wanted to meet her, she thought her cousin was playing a joke on her. Once she realized that Nadia was totally serious, her emotions had veered between shock and excitement, panic and yearning. She’d heard that old adage about never meeting your heroes because they always disappointed. It was one thing to crush on an NHL superstar from a distance. Being set up with him was a whole different story. So much could go wrong, and if he turned out to be a complete asshole, it would feel like an epic letdown.

  Scarlett sighed, staring out the window at the twinkling lights of Brooklyn.

  Apart from getting baptized—which she was too young to remember—meeting Viggo was probably as close as she’d ever come to a religious experience. He was…There were no words to describe what he was. He’d surpassed all her expectations and then some.

  As she lay there in the darkness, she didn’t let herself think about what tomorrow would bring. She didn’t let the doubts creep in, didn’t give in to the temptation to second-guess her actions.

  With her body still humming from her orgasm, she closed her eyes and fell asleep with the world’s biggest smile on her face.

  Chapter 11


  The Less I Know The Better

  * * *

  For the past two months, Scarlett had been struggling with a serious bout of writer’s block. As Off The Grid’s lead singer and songwriter, she was supposed to come up with new music for the band’s third album. But no matter how hard she tried, she just wasn’t feeling inspired.

  But something clicked overnight.

  When she woke up early the next morning, the words to a song were playing in her head. She hummed them softly to herself, smiling and thinking of the beautiful man who’d inspired the lyrics.

  The very next moment she was flinging back the covers and hopping out of bed to grab her notebook and a pen.

  Sprawling across the foot of the bed, she began jotting down the words to the song. By the second verse, she could hear a melody in her head. It breathed even more life into the lyrics, brought them soaring off the page.

  Half an hour later she had a whole song down. She sat up, grinning with pure satisfaction as she read over the lyrics and quickly scribbled some notes. It was only when her stomach started growling that she put her pen down. The unexpected burst of creativity had made her hungry.


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