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The Swede

Page 21

by Maureen Smith

  She shivered and closed her eyes, melting against him. He was hard everywhere. Hard shoulders, hard chest, hard stomach. And hardness between his thighs, pressing urgently against her lower back.

  He took the menu out of her trembling hands and placed it on the desk. Then he slid an arm around her waist and turned her to face him. The searing heat from his gaze made her so weak she had to close her eyes just to keep herself upright.

  “I’ve been dying to do this again.” He placed his hands on either side of her face and slanted his mouth over hers.

  At the first touch of his lips, her world exploded into a kaleidoscope of blazing Technicolor. She wound her arms around his neck and pressed closer to him, rubbing her achy breasts against his chest and causing him to groan.

  His tongue dove behind her lower lip before sliding over her front teeth and stroking the roof of her mouth. She moaned softly, reeling at the potent reminder of just what an incredible kisser he was.

  They played tonsil hockey for a few panty-melting moments before he lifted her into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist, staring into his eyes as he carried her over to the bed. He lowered her onto the mattress and followed her down, his big body covering hers. He took her mouth again, his tongue teasing and taunting her with wet little flicks that had her hips grinding against his.

  When he broke away and sat back on his heels, she sat up and helped him pull off his sweater and undershirt.

  Holy. Shit.

  His body was unbelievable, starting with those massive shoulders and tattooed biceps roped with thick muscle. His rock-hard abs were a freaking eight-pack—forget about six. And he had an Adonis belt, that delicious ridge of V-shaped muscle that angled down toward his cock.

  He took her breath away.

  Wonderingly she reached out and touched his chest, swooning at the cut of his pectorals and sharply defined stomach muscles. How could a guy be so ripped? she wondered dazedly. He was absolutely breathtaking, her secret fantasies come sizzling to life.

  “Jesus,” he muttered, watching her face.

  Dragging her eyes from an enticing line of hair below his navel, Scarlett met his gaze and whispered hoarsely, “What?”

  “You can’t be looking at me like that, baby, or I’m gonna explode in my pants like some fucking middle schooler.” He tugged her sweatshirt up over her head, then pushed her back on the bed and peeled her socks and leggings off.

  His hands were huge, she marveled as she watched him undress her. The size of them turned her on. So did the way he bit his bottom lip as he unveiled her body.

  She shivered when he ran his palms over the outside of her legs, stroking her from hip to calf. His calluses were a little rough against her skin, but it only heightened the sheer pleasure of his touch.

  When he reached the intricate tattoo on her ankle, he made a rumbling sound of appreciation. “Holy shit.” His thumb traced the outline of an afro-rocking Misty Knight holding a mic in the hand attached to her bionic arm. “God, that’s sexy.”

  “You like it?” Scarlett breathed.

  “Hell yeah.” He admired the colorful tattoo with a heavy-lidded smile. “It suits you perfectly.”

  “I think so, too.” She pushed up to her elbows and unclasped the front hook of her black cotton bra, shrugging out of it. Viggo’s eyes latched onto her breasts and darkened with pure lust.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He palmed her tits and leaned down to suck one nipple, sending electrifying pulses straight between her thighs.

  When she reached down and cupped his straining cock through his jeans, he groaned against her breast and kissed his way to the other one, licking and biting her hard nipple.

  She gasped with pleasure, falling back on the bed with her eyes closed. She was flushed and trembling all over, a riot of sensations tumbling through her as his mouth slid down her body, leisurely kissing and tasting her hypersensitive skin. She arched upward when his tongue swirled into her pierced belly button. His soft lips closed around the tiny diamond stud and sucked, causing her to writhe and moan, her hands tangling in his hair.

  “So beautiful. So goddamn perfect.” He trailed kisses to her hip, chasing her goosebumps down to the inside of her thigh. Her breasts grew heavier, and the throbbing ache in her core became almost unbearable. The man could teach a seminar on the art of foreplay, that’s how good he was.

  She felt his callused hands spread her thighs apart just seconds before he licked her damp pussy through her underwear.

  “Oh God!” she gasped, her hips arching off the bed.

  He lifted his head to stare at her, a fierce gleam in his eyes. “I’ve never forgotten the sexy sounds you make when you’re turned on. They’ve been stuck in my head since the night of our first kiss.”

  Scarlett whimpered as he hooked his thumbs into the waistband of her cotton panties and dragged them off her legs. She’d treated herself to a Brazilian wax last week. So her pussy was smooth and bare, just the way she liked it.

  The blistering intensity of Viggo’s gaze took her damn breath away. His nostrils were flaring, his huge erection stretching the front of his jeans as he stared down at her quivering cleft.

  “Fuck, you have a beautiful pussy.” His voice was a raspy growl. “I have to taste you.”

  “Yes, please,” she practically begged.

  He slung her legs over his massive shoulders and knelt in front of her. Cupping her ass cheeks in both hands, he lowered his head and pressed his face between her shaking thighs. The moment his breath hit the bare skin of her sex, her hips bucked. When he flicked his tongue over the violently sensitive nub of her clitoris, she sobbed with pleasure and grabbed fistfuls of the sheets.

  His answering growl rumbled against her flesh as he sucked her clit and tongued the saturated folds of her pussy, tasting her slick arousal.

  “Viggo,” she whimpered, her eyes rolling back in her head as another burst of wetness baptized his mouth. The way his stubble scraped the insides of her thighs only intensified the electric sensations zinging through her. She was a shivering mass of red-hot need, her body so primed and ready it was a miracle she hadn’t already exploded.

  “So fucking juicy,” he groaned gutturally. “Damn, Scarlett.”

  He was doing things with his mouth that made her want to weep. A few seconds later, feeling wetness on her cheeks, she realized that she was crying. No man’s tongue game had ever brought her to tears before. This was totally new territory.

  Her legs tightened over his shoulders as he worked her clit, rasping his tongue up and down the swollen knot.

  “Oh God, that feels so good,” she moaned as tingling pulses of heat streaked through her body. She could feel herself shaking, trembling with the need for climax.

  When he pressed one long finger inside her, she gasped and bowed backward, her muscles clenching tightly around him. He added another finger and pumped in and out of her while sucking on her clit.

  “Oh God, Viggo, I’m gonna come,” she whimpered.

  “Come for me,” he growled, his eyes locking with hers. “Come in my mouth.”

  Her pussy started spasming. When he withdrew his fingers and bit the nerve-rich hood of her clit, she threw back her head and came in an explosive gush, crying out his name as her hips jerked against his open mouth.

  He groaned with satisfaction and buried his tongue between her folds to soak up her juices, ramping up the intensity of her orgasm. She’d never come so hard in her life from oral sex. She felt dazed and breathless and just…wow.

  It was only when she stopped gasping and shuddering that Viggo lowered her back onto the mattress and unhooked her legs from his shoulders. Then he bent over her, kissing her tear-damp cheeks and her mouth, letting her taste herself on his lips.

  When he lifted off her, she dragged her heavy eyes open to watch as he reared off the bed and stood. His hands shook as he unbuckled his belt, unfastened his jeans and pushed them down. His legs were long and powerful, his thighs thickly m
uscled. His body was golden all over. Not a tan, but his natural skin color.

  Scarlett sat all the way up and grabbed the waistband of his boxer briefs, tugging them down over his hips to release his bulging cock. Her eyes widened and she sucked in an appreciative breath at the size of him. He was even bigger than she’d suspected. Insanely thick and long, the flushed head glistening with precum.

  With riveted fascination, she reached out and stroked the granite-hard length of him, tracing the vein that ran from the tip to the neatly trimmed pubic hair at the base.

  His big frame shook and he groaned, the sound sizzling through her very core. Sliding her hand lower, she cupped his heavy balls, pressing them gently but firmly between his legs.

  His breath hissed out, a sharp push between his teeth.

  The need to taste him filled her mouth with saliva. But before she could make her move, he growled roughly, “I’m sorry, baby. I can’t wait any longer.”

  He stepped back to pick up his jeans and grab a small foil square from his wallet. He ripped it open with his teeth, pulling out the condom with an impatient shake that sent the torn packet flying over his shoulder.

  Utterly mesmerized, Scarlett watched his hand slide down the length of his massive cock, sheathing himself with the transparent latex. She’d never been more turned on by the sight of a man putting on a condom.

  When his eyes met hers, she lay back on the bed and let her legs fall wide open. “Get over here,” she breathed.

  He came down over her, settling between her thighs and bracing one hand beside her head while the other hand fisted the base of his shaft. His hot gaze held hers enthralled as he guided his erection toward her opening. The instant she felt the broad head brush her slick folds, her legs began to shake like she was already coming.

  “Jesus.” A deep shudder racked Viggo’s body and he groaned. “Ah, fuck, this is gonna be good.”

  “God yes,” she panted, wrapping her legs high around his waist.

  Keeping his eyes locked with hers, he slid the head of his cock inside her in a slow, sensuous thrust that made her shiver and moan with pleasure.

  Circling his hips, he worked the head in and back out, groaning as her pussy greedily squeezed and released him.

  When he fed her a few more searing inches, she sucked in a breath and shifted her hips to adjust to his girth, her inner muscles pulsing around him. He shuddered, pulling back until he was almost out.


  He slowly pressed back into her, deeper this time, stretching her wide as he slid home.

  She let out a keening cry and clutched his shoulders, her legs tightening around his waist.

  “Ah Scarlett,” he groaned, staring down at her with a look of fierce wonder. “You feel so fucking good, sweetheart. Nothing’s ever felt this good before.”

  “I know,” she whimpered as her hips arched up to meet his, tearing a ragged groan from his throat. “Fuck me, Viggo.”

  He planted his hands on either side of her head and began thrusting into her, one long stroke after another, his hooded gray eyes locked onto her face.

  She moaned and tangled her fingers in his hair, balling up huge chunks of the silken thickness.

  “Damn, baby.” He moved deeper, stroking her G-spot with every achingly slow plunge of his cock. The pleasure was mind-blowing. Off the charts spectacular.

  As her heart pounded like tribal drums and her skin grew slick with sweat, she dug her heels into his flexing buttocks. He had an ass to die for, perfectly round and muscular. Desire pounded through her as she rocked her hips against him, her pussy creaming around his cock and oozing down to his balls.

  “Fuck, Scarlett.” His jaw was tight, sweat dripping off his brow and landing warmly on her chest. His eyes lingered on her glistening breasts before sliding downward to watch his cock shafting in and out of her. “Ah God, that’s so fucking hot.”

  “Hell yes,” Scarlett panted as her hands left his hair, raked down his back and gripped his pumping buttocks. “You feel so good, Viggo. So damn good.”

  He supported his weight on his elbows, rocking his hips tighter into hers. She gasped at the sheer pleasure of it. The sublimely raw intensity. He was music to her body, a symphony to her soul.

  “Du är min,” he whispered, his eyes burning possessively into hers. “You’re mine.”

  As tears glazed her eyes, he leaned down and kissed her deep and hard, his tongue mimicking his thrusts. His huge cock felt like a heart beating inside her slick walls, each pounding stroke driving her closer and closer to oblivion.

  She sucked on his tongue and gripped him tighter with her thighs, crossing her ankles to hold him deep inside her. The chiseled slab of his chest gleamed with sweat, the muscles contracting as his thrusts slapped his pelvis against hers.

  When she squeezed her pussy around his plunging cock, he broke off their feverish kiss to muffle a groan against her throat. It was the hottest fucking sound she’d ever heard. Raw and raspy. Utterly primal. It shot straight to her swollen clit, making it throb even more.

  He lifted his head, his feral gaze devouring her as he slammed harder and faster between her thighs. Her body rocked under the force of his savage fucking. She couldn’t hold back her loud cries as sizzling jolts of pleasure lashed at her pussy and her womb.

  “I’m coming…oh God…!” She threw back her head, screaming Viggo’s name as the orgasm exploded through her body in a rush of white-hot ecstasy.

  He groaned raggedly, his hips pistoning faster as he pounded in and out of her with a ferocity that had her digging her nails into his back.

  She felt his body tighten seconds before his cock began to jerk. He let out an animalistic shout as he erupted violently, emptying himself into the condom. Her pussy convulsed as a mini orgasm rippled through her, making her gasp.

  He continued pumping into her as he called her name, long and low, his head falling back on his shoulders. For as long as she lived, she would never forget the way he looked in that moment, the way he felt inside her, the way he sounded.

  Dropping his head, he buried his face in the curve of her neck and groaned as the powerful aftershocks shook them both. Scarlett clung tightly to him, trembling, rapturous, never wanting to let go.

  He lay on top of her for several moments as she glided her fingers up and down his broad back. He weighed a ton but she didn’t care. She loved having him on top of her. At long last.

  He kissed her neck and then rolled over, pulling her into his arms. She curled languorously against him and rested her cheek on his chest, her eyes closing with a blissful sigh.

  For a long while they lay together, legs entwined, listening to each other breathe as perspiration cooled on their skin, slicking them together. Neither had the strength to move or speak. They’d connected on a level Scarlett had never experienced before with any other man. Just like that, he’d ruined her for all others.

  When he finally spoke, his voice was throaty and raw. “That was fucking amazing.”

  “Mmm, yes,” she breathed.

  He kissed the top of her head, then eased away from her to grab several tissues from the nightstand. Dazedly she watched him peel off the very full condom, wrap it in tissue and toss it into the bedside wastebasket.

  Then he reached down, pulled the covers up to their waists and gathered her close against his side. She snuggled into his warmth, purring with lazy contentment as he stroked her back with a tenderness that made her feel like the most cherished woman on the planet.

  “You’re absolutely incredible,” he rumbled.

  She smiled against his chest. “You’re not too bad yourself, Mr. Sandström.”

  His low chuckle vibrated beneath her ear, sending tingles of pleasure through her.

  She sighed. “I still can’t believe you’re here.”

  “I couldn’t stay away from you.”

  Her toes curled. “I’m so glad you didn’t.”

  “So am I.”

  She grinned, looking up at
him. “Especially after this.”

  A corner of his mouth quirked upward. “I wasn’t gonna mention that, but yeah.”

  She laughed and kissed the thick bulge of his right pec before resettling her head on his chest. She let her fingers trace the hard ridges of his abdomen, savoring that lickable V muscle. “Where’s your suitcase?”

  “I left it in the car.”

  “Just in case I told you to get lost?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah.”

  “Smart man.” She grinned. “So how’d you pull this off, anyway? You had a game today in Edmonton.”

  “I did,” he confirmed. “Thankfully it was an early game. As soon as it was over, I caught a flight to Toronto with Reid and Nadia. While they headed to the cabin, I got a rental car and headed down to New York. Traffic was pretty bad and it took a while to get through customs, or I would have gotten here sooner.”

  Scarlett nodded languidly. “Did my family know you were coming?”

  “Yeah. Lennox was planning to come get you before Nadia told him I was already on my way.”

  “So everyone knew you were coming to get me, and no one said a word?”

  “I asked them not to. I wanted to surprise you.”

  “Well, you certainly did.” She grinned. “You gave me the surprise of my life and then some.”

  “Good.” He tightened his arm around her and nuzzled the top of her head. “So…are you on birth control?”

  “I have an IUD.” She lifted her head to look at him. “What about you?”

  His eyes danced with amusement. “I don’t have an IUD.”

  She poked him in the ribs, making him laugh as he caught her hand and brought it to his mouth, kissing her palm.

  “I never have unprotected sex,” he told her. “But I get tested for STDs pretty regularly.”

  “Same,” Scarlett said.

  His eyes glittered into hers. “So just in case we get caught up in the moment over these next few days…I just wanted to assure you that I’m clean.”

  A slow smile spread across her face. “That’s very good to know.”



  He folded his arms behind his head, a cocky grin on his face. “Just try not to ravish me. I know I’m irresistible—”


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