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The Swede

Page 36

by Maureen Smith

  “No shit, Sherlock.” The assertive brunette grabbed Viggo’s hand and led him backstage where a crowd of venue staffers and roadies had gathered. They stared at Viggo and began whispering amongst themselves.

  “Cara Pedrotti,” the brunette introduced herself. “I’m Off The Grid’s manager.”

  Viggo shook her hand. She looked pretty young to be a band manager. “Nice to meet you.”

  “The pleasure’s all mine, handsome.”

  Viggo smiled wryly. “Thanks for the assist out there. That was about to get ugly.”

  Cara snorted. “For him, maybe. I’ve seen you fight. You totally woulda mopped the floor with his ’roided-up ass.” She was still grasping his hand, eyeing him up and down in blatant appreciation. “God, you’re even taller than I thought. Hotter too, which I didn’t think was possible. Did Scarlett know you were coming tonight?”

  “Nah. It was a surprise.”

  “Aww! What a lucky girl!”

  Viggo smiled. “I think I’m the lucky one.”

  Cara grinned lasciviously. “Judging by the way she sang that song to you, you’re definitely gonna get lucky tonight.”

  Viggo could only laugh. The chick had no filter.

  As soon as Scarlett and her bandmates ran backstage, Viggo grabbed her up and swung her around in a circle, delighting in her breathlessly ecstatic laughter.

  “Oh my God!” she squealed, throwing her arms around his neck when he put her down. “I can’t believe you’re here!”

  Viggo laughed and crushed her to his chest, burying his face in the exotic fragrance of her hair. Holding her in his arms felt like pure heaven. She was warm and sweaty and deliciously sexy.

  She pulled back just enough to smile at him. “Did you enjoy the show?”

  “Every fucking second.”

  She beamed.

  Someone cleared his throat behind them. “Aren’t you gonna introduce—”

  “Give us a sec.” Without even turning around to see who’d spoken, Scarlett grabbed Viggo’s hand and ushered him down the hallway to the nearest bathroom. As she pulled him inside and slammed the door, he had a vague impression of a tiny room with one stall and weak fluorescent lighting. Then Scarlett pounced on him, and everything else faded away.

  They kissed hotly, frantically, gasping into each other’s mouths as he pinned her back against the counter next to the sink.

  “I’m such a fucking groupie,” he panted.

  “And I’m a hockey hooker,” she panted back. “So we’re perfect for each other.”

  He laughed, yanking her corset down to reveal her droolworthy breasts through the fishnet. “I love what you do with your sticks.”

  “And I love what you do with your stick. On the ice—” She cupped his crotch “—and off.”

  He laugh-groaned and bent down to lick her diamond-hard nipple. Her head fell back on a throaty moan.

  His cock was throbbing like war drums. He buried his face between her lush boobs, plumped them together and sucked both of her gorgeous nipples into his mouth.

  She let out a keening sob.

  A sizzle raced over his skin, the heat arrowing down to his balls. He spun her toward the mirror and then dropped to his knees to peel off her leather shorts, pulling them down over her thigh-high boots.

  “Holy fuck,” he whispered, licking his lips as he stared at her beautiful curves through the black mesh. It was as if he were seeing her body for the first time. She had the roundest, most mouthwatering ass he’d ever seen in his life. And her fishnet bodysuit was crotchless.

  Praise God!

  He fumbled in his back pocket for his wallet, pulled out a condom and tore the wrapper open with his teeth. Hearing the sound, Scarlett turned around and took the condom from his hand. Holding his hungry gaze, she unzipped his fly and tugged his jeans and boxer briefs down.

  When his raging boner bounced free, she gave a purr of appreciation and slid down to roll the latex over his cock.

  He drew in a rasping breath at the feel of her warm hands on him. When her tongue snaked out to flick against his tight balls, he shuddered and quickly pulled her up to her feet.

  He turned her back around to face the mirror, pinning her against the counter as he ground his crotch against her plump buttocks. She closed her eyes and undulated her hips against his erection, causing him to groan.

  When he reached between her legs and rubbed her lubricated clit, she moaned so loudly that everyone in the building must have heard her. Neither of them cared.

  Licking his lips, Viggo gripped his painfully hard cock and guided it between the rounded curves of her ass. He couldn’t wait a second longer. He needed to be inside her more than he’d ever needed anything in his life.

  As his dick pressed through her tight opening, he sucked in a breath and rasped, “Love the outfit, by the way. The boots are killer.”

  With a breathy laugh, she spread her legs wider and thrust back against him, impaling herself on the swollen head of his cock.

  “Fuck,” he spat out between clenched teeth. Rolling his hips, he buried himself balls-deep inside her.

  She gasped loudly and he groaned. Her pussy was so hot and juicy, he almost shot his load right then and there.

  “Soaking fucking wet,” he growled against her ear. “You must have known I was coming tonight, honey. You were waiting for me.”

  “Mmm, yes,” she breathed. “I’m always waiting for you, papi.”

  Shuddering at her throaty words, he cupped her chin and turned her face toward his. He took her mouth as he began a steady thrusting rhythm, pushing deeper inside her silky walls.

  “Viggo,” she practically sang his name. “Oh, Viggo…baby…”

  He cupped the perfect globe of her ass cheek and pulled her hard against him, grinding her onto his cock. Her hands gripped the edge of the sink, clawing for purchase as she arched into him.

  Ravenously fucking her mouth with his tongue, he reached between her thighs and stroked the hard nub of her clit, spreading her creamy wetness.

  “Oh hell yes.” She broke the kiss and bent over the sink, her ass flush against his pelvis, her back arching as he pounded into her. She was pure perfection, her pussy so slick and tight around him it nearly broke his control.

  He kissed the back of her neck while watching her reaction in the mirror. Her face was flushed, her eyes glazed and her lips parted. She was so hot and beautiful, so thrilling and addictive. He could spend all night making love to her and still not get enough. He was totally addicted. Totally pussy-whipped.

  Someone knocked on the door, but he and Scarlett were too far gone to give a shit. Was the door even locked?

  Didn’t. Fucking. Matter.

  “Viggo,” Scarlett sobbed as he deepened his strokes. “Oh baby…baby.”

  He stared at her reflection, unbearably aroused by the sight of her plump tits slapping together with every thrust of his hips. Her cries of ecstasy shot straight to his cock and tightened his balls. He could see his own eyes reflected back at him, heavy lidded and stormy with raw lust.

  He braced one hand on the mirror and filled his other hand with her luscious breast, tweaking her stiff nipple through the fishnet.

  She whimpered and arched, leaning her head back on his shoulder. “Fuck me. Oh yes. Fuck me, baby. Like that. Just like that.”

  He slid his hand up into her damp hair, cradling the back of her head to devour her mouth as he plunged into her again and again. The way she pushed back against him drove him to move even faster and harder, his blood roaring in his ears and slamming through his veins.

  “You feel so good, honey. So fucking good,” he rasped against her lips. “I missed you so damn much.”

  “I missed you, too,” she breathed. “Hence the song.”

  He grinned into her eyes, then groaned as she thrust her ass higher against him. He fucked her furiously, the room echoing with the sound of his pelvis slapping her fleshy cheeks.

  “Viggo,” she gasped, her eyelids squeezi
ng tight. “Oh God…”

  He felt her pussy tightening around his cock and knew she was close. So was he.

  He dug his fingers into her hips, lifting her booted feet off the floor as he pistoned into her with hard and fast strokes until she let out a wild cry, slapping her palm loudly against the mirror. The muscles in her pussy clamped around his dick, milking him so hard and tight that her whole body shook from the strength of it.

  “Fuck.” He threw back his head and groaned her name, his cock jerking inside her as he came in an explosive burst. The thrilling orgasm went on and on, each jetting spurt of cum leaving him weaker at the knees.

  He held her tightly, his body shuddering against her back. Their breathing was loud and harsh in the dim confines of the tiny bathroom.

  Time passed, though he couldn’t say how much.

  Eventually he set her back down on her feet. Then he kissed her shoulder and the damp skin between her shoulder blades. “Mamma always warned me to stay away from drummers,” he rumbled teasingly.

  Scarlett laughed, low and throaty.

  The sound made his balls twitch. He smiled and kissed the side of her neck, luxuriating in her delicious smell and the dewy softness of her skin.

  She smiled languorously, turning her face into his. He kissed her deep and slow, letting his tongue slide around hers as his cock pulsed inside her slick heat.

  “Congratulations again, Mr. All-Star Captain,” she purred.

  “Thank you.” He sucked her warm tongue. He couldn’t get enough of her. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

  Her lips curved against his. “You’re not too bad yourself.”

  He chuckled, sucking the plump pillow of her bottom lip. The way her breath hitched caused another surge of lust to thicken his shaft. At this rate they’d never get out of there. And he was totally good with that.

  “How the hell’d you learn to play the drums like that?” he marveled. “Your drum solo after the third verse in ‘Mayhem’…whoa. It totally blew me away.”

  Her smile was lazy. “I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

  “Hell yeah,” he murmured, kissing his way from her mouth to the crossed drumsticks tattooed onto the back of her neck. “I’m so damn proud of you, sweetheart. Your bandmates are pretty awesome, too.”

  “Aren’t they?” She sighed. “I guess I should introduce you to them.”

  “You could. Or we could just stay right here and go for round two…three…four—”

  She laughed a little breathlessly. “I can already see the smutty headlines: ‘Drummer Banged In Bathroom By Bodychecking Hockey Boyfriend.’”

  “Hey, that’s not bad,” Viggo teased. “Has a nice ring to it.”

  They grinned at each other in the mirror.

  Then Scarlett wound her arm around the back of his neck and brushed her mouth across his before whispering, “We’d better get out of here before one of my bandmates comes looking for us. My money’s on Traeger.”

  “Hmm.” Viggo reluctantly dragged his semi-hard dick out of her body, enjoying the way she shivered against him. “Is he the cockblocker who called the night before you went on tour?”

  She laughed. “You remember that?”

  “I remember everything.” He nipped her bottom lip. “Reid and Nadia are waiting, so we’ll finish this later.”

  A naughty gleam lit her eyes. “Aye aye, Captain.”

  Chapter 24


  Take a Bow

  * * *

  Scarlett eased the bathroom door open and stuck her head out, looking both ways to make sure the coast was clear. Viggo was right behind her, his warm breath tickling her skin as he playfully nipped her earlobe.

  Giggling breathlessly, she grabbed his hand and led him down the hallway and around the corner to the band’s dressing room.

  She stepped through the door and came to an abrupt halt, causing Viggo to run into her. He caught her as she stumbled forward, but she wasn’t looking at him. She was staring across the room in stunned disbelief.

  Her bandmates stood in a circle talking to the last man on earth she’d ever wanted to see again.

  Myles Katsaros.

  Rotten. Fucking. Bastard.

  He was smiling and laughing, chatting up her bandmates as if he had every right to be there. Worse, the guys were yukking it up with him, just a bunch of dudebros catching up on old times.

  It felt like an epic betrayal. Seriously.

  Although Scarlett didn’t consider herself a particularly violent person, she’d concocted this little fantasy of what would happen if her bandmates ever crossed paths with Myles again. In her revenge fantasy, the fellas would confront their former manager like a pack of bloodthirsty wolves surrounding their prey. When Myles remained defiantly unrepentant, the guys would pounce on him, kicking and stomping the shit out of him like gangsters in a mobster movie.

  But that wasn’t what was happening here. Not only were the fellas not pulverizing Myles, they seemed almost happy to see him.

  So much for loyalty, Scarlett fumed in disgust. So much for having her back and defending her honor.

  Traeger was the first to glance toward the doorway. His smile vanished as soon as he saw her standing there, glaring at them with the rage of Medusa. If she could have turned them all to stone, she would have.

  Traeger stood straighter and cleared his throat to get the others’ attention. They followed the direction of his gaze. When they saw Scarlett, an oh shit look came over their faces.

  “Uh, hey, Scarlett,” Zander said awkwardly. “Look who’s here.”

  Jaw clenched, she looked at Myles. He was staring at her, his dark eyes moving up and down her body with an appreciative gleam.

  The way he looked at her used to make her feel special, like a rare prize he’d just won. But that was all she’d ever been to him. A sparkling prize.

  A shiny toy he could play with and discard on a whim.

  A budding starlet with the potential to become a cash cow.

  She’d never been truly special to him. So now his admiring gaze just made her skin crawl.

  He was still good-looking, though not as irresistibly handsome as she remembered. He had deep-set dark eyes and glossy black hair brushed straight back from a broad forehead. He was Greek, so he’d been blessed with smooth olive skin and strong Mediterranean features. He was just under six feet, and his designer suit was tailored to accentuate his trim physique.

  He gave Scarlett one of those snake-oil-salesman smiles she’d once mistaken for charming. “Hey, baby girl.”

  “Myles,” she gritted through clenched teeth.

  “I’m in town on business and heard you guys were performing tonight. So I decided to stop by and say hello.”

  “How nice of you.” Scarlett forced herself to move forward. Viggo was close on her heels, tension thrumming off his big body.

  “You’re looking good.” Myles’s gaze flicked derisively over her shoulder. “I see you decided to hire a bodyguard.”

  She bristled. “He’s—”

  “Viggo Sandström,” Viggo introduced himself, reaching around Scarlett to grip Myles’s hand in an iron handshake. When Myles winced, she felt a twinge of petty satisfaction.

  “I’m the boyfriend.” Viggo’s eyes slid over Scarlett, a look so hot and possessive that she actually shivered. “But I’m good with guarding her body, too.”

  Oh my damn, Scarlett thought as Myles’s lips tightened with displeasure. He looked from Viggo to her, then back to Viggo. “So what do you do?”

  “He plays for the Denver Rebels,” Scarlett answered.

  Myles furrowed his brow. “Is that a football team?”

  “Hockey.” Viggo looked more amused than offended.

  “Oh, my bad,” Myles said with dismissive condescension. “I don’t watch hockey. No offense, but I’ve never really understood the appeal.”

  “Speak for yourself.” Gage thrust his hand toward Viggo. “Great to meet you, man. I’m a huge fan.”
r />   Viggo smiled, shaking his hand. “Nice to meet you. Gage, right?”

  “Right.” Gage grinned, clearly starstruck. “Congratulations on your All-Star selection. Fucking awesome.”

  “Thanks, man. Great show tonight. Really enjoyed it.”

  “Thanks, Viggo. Appreciate that.” Gage’s boyish delight was adorable.

  Scarlett introduced Viggo to the rest of her bandmates. For guys who claimed not to like hockey, they sure seemed pretty impressed with Viggo. As they laughed and joked around with him, Scarlett could feel Myles checking her out again, taking in every curve of her body. And once again her skin crawled like she was covered with spiders.

  Traeger grinned mischievously at Viggo. “So where’d you guys disappear to after the show?”

  “None of your business,” Scarlett interjected.

  Viggo chuckled and curved his hand over her hip, tugging her closer to him. It was an unmistakably possessive gesture that had Myles narrowing his eyes. When she looked over her shoulder at Viggo, she saw him staring her ex-lover down with an icy glare that could freeze an ocean.

  Whoa, big daddy.

  “So, Scarlett,” Myles said with an edge, reclaiming her attention, “the fellas were just telling me that you guys will be appearing on Jimmy Kimmel Live. That’s great. Congratulations.”

  She nodded. “Thanks.”

  “Of course,” he added smugly, “if I were still your manager, I would’ve had you guys on Saturday Night Live by now.”

  “Really?” Scarlett tapped a finger to her lips. “How many of your bands have appeared on SNL?”

  His smug expression faltered.

  She smirked. “That’s what I thought.”

  The skin around his mouth tightened. “My clients are doing very well—”

  “Good for them.” She shifted her attention to her bandmates. “Nadia and Reid are waiting for us, so we’re heading out.”

  Gage’s eyes lit up. “Dude, you gotta introduce me to The Rocket.”

  She chuckled. “Of course.”

  “I was hoping to take you guys to dinner,” Myles interjected, giving them an oily smile. “For old times’ sake.”


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