Book Read Free

The Swede

Page 47

by Maureen Smith

  “That’s true,” Scarlett confirmed. “I’ve seen it for myself when I go overseas on tour.”

  Trinity nodded. “Now, I’m certainly not suggesting that Europe is a racial utopia,” she said emphatically. “We all know that racism exists everywhere. But when I’m traveling abroad, I just don’t feel the same racial baggage that I feel here in America, and I’ve talked to many black expats who say the same thing.”

  Thoughtful nods went around the table.

  Nadia heaved a dramatic sigh. “Alas, while you ladies run off to Europe, I’ll be stuck here with my roughneck white boy from Detroit.”

  “I’ll take him off your hands if you don’t want him!” Leilani volunteered.

  Everyone howled with laughter.

  Trinity looked across the dining room, an appreciative gleam filling her eyes. “Speaking of your roughneck fiancé…”

  Everyone followed the direction of her gaze.

  Scarlett’s heart skipped ten beats at the sight of Viggo and Reid heading in their direction. They must have come straight from the airport because they still had on their suits. But they’d removed their ties and unfastened the top few buttons of their shirts. They positively bristled with virility as they sauntered through the dining room, turning heads and setting off a flurry of simpering smiles and batting lashes.

  “Oh my damn,” Jade breathed lasciviously.

  When Viggo and Reid reached their table, Scarlett and Nadia cooed, “Hey, boys. Welcome home.”

  They grinned broadly, each coming around the table to kiss his woman.

  Scarlett couldn’t resist locking her fingers behind Viggo’s neck and holding his mouth in place, prolonging the kiss until a chorus of cleared throats and laughter intruded.

  They pulled apart grinning at each other. Scarlett watched Viggo’s eyes roam from her face to her hair, lingering with a glint of masculine approval.

  “Reid and Viggo, I’d like you to meet my cousins from Virginia.” Nadia went around the table introducing everyone.

  Leilani, Trinity and Jade had turned into one big heart-eyes emoji. Kandace was blinking a lot, struggling not to look dazed.

  Reid and Viggo gave them warm smiles. “Nice to meet you, ladies.”

  “Pleasure to meet you both.” They sounded breathless and excited.

  “How long will you be in town?” Viggo asked them.

  “Just for the weekend,” they chorused.

  “But we’re off from work on Monday,” Jade added quickly. “So we might stay another day.”

  Trinity and Leilani bobbed their heads in agreement.

  It was all Scarlett could do not to burst out laughing. Nadia looked like she was holding back laughter as well.

  Reid grinned. “I hope you ladies will enjoy your visit.”

  “Oh, I’m sure we will,” Trinity gushed. “Thanks for letting us stay with you and Nadia. You have such a beautiful house.”

  “Thank you.” Reid smiled tenderly at Nadia. “Your cousin has made it a home.”

  “Aww!” everyone cooed.

  Even Kandace was visibly touched.

  Trinity asked Reid and Viggo a hockey question, trying to impress them with her limited knowledge.

  While they responded, Leilani leaned over to whisper excitedly in Scarlett’s ear, “Oh my God, girl! They are fine as hell!”

  Scarlett grinned. “Think so?”

  Leilani laughed and playfully elbowed her. “By the way, that kiss?” She snorted. “‘Just taking things slow,’ my ass.”

  Scarlett could only blush.

  When the waiter came to clear the table, Leilani, Trinity, Jade and Kandace excused themselves to go to the ladies’ room. They walked off with their heads bent together, giggling and whispering like schoolgirls.

  Viggo and Reid watched them go, then exchanged a look of masculine appreciation that had Scarlett and Nadia elbowing them in their midsections.

  They laughed, each dropping into the empty chair beside his woman.

  Cupping Reid’s face, Nadia smiled into his eyes. “Have you guys had dinner?”

  “We ate on the plane,” Reid murmured, rubbing his nose against hers. “But I’m ready for something sweet.”

  Nadia grinned. “We’ll order dessert.”

  “That’s a good start.”

  The two lovebirds canoodled as Viggo stared at Scarlett, running his fingers through her faux locs. “These look gorgeous on you.”

  She gave him a pleased smile. “You like?”

  “Absolutely.” He leaned close to murmur huskily in her ear, “I’m gonna pull ’em while I do you from behind.”

  “Oh my.” His words made her thighs clench. “When?”

  “As soon as we get home.”

  She shivered with excitement. They had some of the best no-holds-barred sex when he returned from away games. They were like animals. Seriously.

  “Hey, Viggo,” Reid said. “Who does Leilani remind you of?”

  Viggo grinned at him. “Meagan Good.”

  “Bingo.” Reid grinned at Nadia. “Better keep her away from Logan.”


  “He has a serious thing for Meagan Good. If he sees Leilani, he might go straight caveman trying to make her his woman.”

  Nadia and Scarlett laughed.

  “So where’re the rest of them?” Viggo asked with a twinkling gleam in his eyes.

  “The rest of who?”

  “The rest of the cousins from that Instagram picture.” Reid grinned teasingly. “We were hoping to meet all of them.”

  Scarlett and Nadia narrowed their eyes at them and then turned to each other.

  “Are they seriously perving on our cousins?” Nadia asked.

  Scarlett bit her lip to stifle a grin. “I think they are.”

  “Like, right in front of us?”

  “The nerve, right?”

  Nadia’s lips twitched. “You know what? I’m outta here.”

  “Me, too.”

  They shoved back their chairs and stood.

  Before they could flounce off in a dramatic huff, Viggo and Reid grabbed them around their waists, pulled them onto their laps and began nuzzling their necks. Their squeals and laughter rang out across the posh dining room, raising many eyebrows and coaxing more than a few smiles.

  * * *

  Lennox called scarlett as she was leaving the restaurant an hour later.

  “Hey, Lenny,” she said warmly. “What’s up?”

  “Hey. What’re you up to?”

  “Just had dinner with Nadia and the girls. Viggo and Reid joined us for dessert.”

  “Yeah?” Lennox sounded amused. “How’s the family visit going? Are you and Kandace behaving yourselves?”

  “I’m trying,” Scarlett said wryly as she climbed into the passenger seat of Viggo’s truck. “Can’t say the same about Kandace.”

  Lennox chuckled. “Don’t let her get under your skin. You know she lives for that.”

  “I know.” Scarlett smiled as Viggo slid behind the wheel and started the engine to warm up the truck. They were heading over to Reid’s house to hang out with the others, but they weren’t staying long. Two hours, Viggo had told her with that hungry gleam in his eyes. He wanted to do things to her and with her, and he couldn’t wait much longer.

  “So listen...”

  The sound of Lennox’s voice drew her attention back to the phone. For the first time, she detected something off in his tone. “Is everything okay?”

  He sighed. “I guess we’ll find out soon enough.”

  The cryptic response made her frown. “What’s going on, Lenny?”

  “Can you meet me over at the house?”

  Her frown deepened. “Mom and Dad’s house?”



  “You’ll see. Are Nadia and the others still with you?”

  “Um, yeah. We’re waiting for them to come out of the restaurant. Trinity ran into an old supervisor who relocated to Denver, so she’s playing catch

  “Can you bring them to the house with you? All of them. Reid, too, since he’s going to be a member of the family. And Viggo.”

  Scarlett glanced at Viggo. He was watching her curiously.

  “I’ll call the rest of the family,” Lennox said. “They need to be there, too.”

  Scarlett’s nerves tightened. “What’re you gonna do, Lennox?”

  “Something I should have done a long time ago.” He hung up.

  Slowly she lowered her phone to her lap and met Viggo’s concerned gaze.

  “Everything okay?” he asked.

  “I don’t know.” She swallowed. “I think Lennox is going to come out to the family tonight.”

  Viggo held her gaze for a long moment. “Good for him.”

  “Yes,” she agreed. “It’s been a long time coming.”

  Viggo’s eyes probed hers. “But you don’t think it’s going to go well.”

  She swallowed again. “I hope it will. I don’t want him to get hurt. He’s been hurt enough.”

  Viggo reached over and squeezed her hand, infusing her with his warmth. “It’s gonna be okay,” he said in a deep, quiet voice. “Everything will work out.”

  Scarlett wished she could share his optimism, but he wasn’t at Lennox’s office that day. He didn’t see the way her father reacted to the sight of Lennox and Cooper kissing. He didn’t know just how stubborn and proud Lavell Warner could be.

  She hadn’t seen or spoken to him since that awful day. He’d called her a few times, but she’d let his calls go to voicemail. She loved her father and missed him dearly. But no matter how painful the estrangement was, she was resolutely holding her ground. Until her father accepted Lennox, she didn’t want him in her life.

  The others came out of the restaurant, talking and laughing as they strolled to the Navigator. Scarlett buzzed down her window, waved Nadia over and relayed Lennox’s request.

  Nadia nodded soberly. She knew what was at stake. “We’ll follow you guys to the house.”

  They left the country club and headed to Scarlett’s parents’ house. When they arrived, there were several other cars in the driveway. Almost everyone was here.

  Viggo parked at the curb, turned off the engine and looked at Scarlett. “Ready?”

  Her hands felt clammy and her stomach was a tangle of nerves. But she took a deep breath and nodded. “Ready.”

  For the first time ever, she got out of the truck without waiting for Viggo to open her door. He came around and took her hand, lacing their fingers together and winking at her.

  The others climbed out of Reid’s Navigator and followed her up the flagstone walk to the front door. She felt like she was leading an army into battle.

  Reaching the door, she hesitated. She still had her key, but she didn’t want to use it. She’d moved out, so it wasn’t her home anymore. On the other hand, she’d feel pretty strange ringing the doorbell, something she’d never had to do before.

  As she stood there agonizing, the door swung open. Suddenly she found herself face to face with her father.

  They stared at each other.

  His eyes were cold, his jaw rigid. He was wearing a white dress shirt with dark slacks, and he looked like he’d lost a few pounds.

  The last words they’d spoken to each other hung between them, echoing in the brittle silence.

  Steeling her emotions, Scarlett lifted her chin. “Hello, Dad.”

  “Scarlett.” His voice was gruff. “You lost your key?”


  He stared at her a moment longer before his eyes flicked to Viggo beside her. He gave him a tight nod. “Viggo.”

  “Good to see you again, Dr. Warner.”

  Lavell grunted, his gaze shifting to Nadia and softening. “Hey, baby girl.”

  She smiled fondly. “Hey, Uncle Lavell.”

  He nodded to Reid. “Nice to see you.”

  “How’re you doing, sir?”

  Leilani, Trinity, Jade and Kandace surged forward with outstretched arms. “Hiii, Uncle Lavell!”

  He gave a big rumbling laugh. “Hey, sweet girls. Welcome back.”

  As he hugged and kissed them in turn, Scarlett edged her way into the house and stood there looking around the high-ceilinged foyer. She never thought she’d feel like a stranger in her childhood home. But she did.

  Her mother came from the kitchen, beaming radiantly when she saw the new arrivals. “Hello, everyone!”

  “Auntie!” the girls squealed excitedly.

  There was a flurry of hugs and kisses, animated chatter and warm laughter. The foyer grew even more crowded when the others emerged from the living room to greet the newcomers.

  “Where are Aunt Eden and Uncle Lincoln?” Leilani asked, looking around.

  “They’re on their way,” Sherise assured her. “Why don’t you all head into the living room and make yourselves comfortable. We have wine and hors d’oeuvres, and Nelson’s mixing up some cocktails for anyone who’s interested.”

  “Say no more.” The girls laughed as they followed Nelson, teasing him like they’d done as children. Reid and Nadia were right behind them.

  Scarlett’s eyes narrowed when she saw her father and Viggo having a side conversation.

  “Scarlett, can you give me a hand in the kitchen?” That was mom-speak for “Can we have a private word? I have things to say.”

  Scarlett followed her mother from the foyer.

  “I miss you, baby,” Sherise said as they entered the kitchen. “I wish you hadn’t moved out, though I’m sure you’re enjoying staying with Viggo. Is his penthouse as nice as Ana says it is? She hasn’t stopped raving about it since she went to your house party last weekend. Sometimes I worry about that girl. I hope your brother’s money will be enough for her.”

  Sherise paused to gulp from a wineglass on the countertop. Setting the glass back down, she beamed at Scarlett across the center island. “I love your goddess locs. They make you look so queenly and exotic. I still wish you’d grow your hair back on the side, but I suppose the shaved look is still in style—”


  “What, baby?”

  “You’re rambling.” Scarlett studied her face. “You seem nervous. Or drunk.”

  Her mom laughed. “I’m not nervous or drunk. I’m just happy to see you. The house isn’t the same without you. At least when you went on tour, we always knew you were coming back home, and that gave us some comfort.”

  Scarlett felt an unwelcome pang of guilt. “I’m sorry for any pain I’ve caused you.”

  Her mother waved her off. “Don’t be sorry. You’re a grown woman, Scarlett. It was only a matter of time before you moved out on your own, so we might as well get used to it. And I know you’re being well taken care of, so that makes me feel much better. Speaking of which, you look like you’ve gained one or two pounds.” A sudden gleam lit her eyes and she leaned forward to whisper, “Are you pregnant?”

  Scarlett’s spine stiffened. “Of course not.”

  “Are you sure? Are you still on birth control?”

  “Yes, Ma. The IUD hasn’t gone anywhere.”

  Her mom’s eyes twinkled. “You and Viggo would make such beautiful babies.”

  Scarlett sighed heavily. “We’re not having babies, Ma—”

  “Of course not. The wedding has to come first.”

  Scarlett rolled her eyes toward the ceiling. “Anyway—”

  “Would you like some wine? Oh, wait, never mind. You probably shouldn’t have any. Just in case.”

  Scarlett ground her teeth together. “I didn’t see Lenny’s car outside. Is he—”

  “Shh! Keep your voice down!”

  Scarlett frowned. “Why?”

  Her mother glanced nervously toward the doorway. “Your father doesn’t know Lennox is coming.”

  “What? Why does he think we’re all here?”

  Her mom hedged, toying with her pearl earring. “I told him I wanted to have a special gathering for the girls.”

/>   “Seriously? Do you really think that was a good idea? Dad’s gonna be furious. You know he hates surprises.”

  “Believe me, I know.” Her mom knocked back the rest of her wine and set the glass down. “It was Lennox’s idea. He thought your father might leave the house if he knew he was coming over. And he’s probably right. But I want them to patch things up, so I’m willing to try anything. This rift is killing me, and your father has been absolutely miserable. Don’t be fooled by his stern demeanor. He’s dying inside.”

  Before Scarlett could respond, Aunt Eden walked into the kitchen, her eyes lighting up when she saw Scarlett. “Hey, baby.”

  Scarlett beamed. “Hey, Auntie.”

  They shared a warm hug, swaying from side to side. When they pulled apart, Aunt Eden gently cupped her face and searched her eyes. “I know this has been hard on you, too. Are you all right?”

  Scarlett tried to smile. “I’m fine.”

  Her mom filled another wineglass. “Viggo’s been taking good care of her.”

  “So I’ve heard.” Aunt Eden accepted the glass and grinned at Scarlett. “Nadia tells me that he’s paying for your studio time and he bought a house for your bandmates. Wow!”

  “I know. Ain’t that something?” Sherise was giddy. “That boy’s got it bad for my Scarlett. She’s got his nose wide open.”

  “I know that’s right!”

  Scarlett started backing away. “Um, I’m just gonna…”

  The two mothers were laughing and clinking glasses, barely noticing when she made her escape.

  She headed down the hall and turned the corner to reach the living room. It was elegantly furnished with a high coffered ceiling and enough room to accommodate a large gathering.

  She stood at the entrance and looked around at everyone mingling, sipping cocktails and nibbling hors d’oeuvres. It could have been just another ordinary day. Just another festive family gathering at the Warner household. But there was nothing ordinary or festive about this gathering. The smiling faces and laughing voices reminded her of the calm before the storm.

  Luke came up to her with an aggrieved expression. “I go out of the country on business for a few weeks and our whole family falls apart. What the hell is going on?”

  She gave him a dark look. “I assume you’ve talked to our parents.”


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