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The Swede

Page 62

by Maureen Smith

  Scarlett could see the turmoil raging inside him, and it shattered her heart into more pieces. “And then what happened?” she whispered.

  He shook his head, fury tightening his jaw. “The old man was just lying there coughing and wheezing with blood running from his nose and his mouth. I stood over him, waiting to see what he would do. Then he looked up at me, pointed his finger and started laughing.”


  “Yes. Laughing.” Viggo’s mouth twisted into a harsh grimace. “He said he’d been waiting years for me to fight back, to show him what I was made of. He said I was even more like him than he’d always thought. He told me he was proud of me, and maybe now I was ready to go to the next level.”

  “Oh my God.” Scarlett was sickened and enraged.

  “I’ve never felt as much hatred for anyone as I felt for him that day. I looked at him lying there on the floor. And I knew if I stayed in Sweden, we’d end up killing each other. I had to go. So I did.” Viggo’s jaw hardened to granite. “That was the last time I ever spoke to him. Last summer at my grandmother’s funeral, we could barely look at each other. The memory of our last fight…the sound of my grandmother screaming and crying…it hung between us like a chasm. He had nothing to say to me, and I had no words for him.”

  Scarlett stared at Viggo, stunned and horrified by everything she’d just heard. “I am so sorry, sweetheart. I’m so fucking sorry for everything he put you through.”

  His eyes were haunted as he stared out the windows. “Before that day, I didn’t know I was capable of that kind of violence. I know that sounds crazy coming from a hockey player. But hockey’s a physical sport, you know? The speed and intensity of the game make tempers flare and emotions run high, and sometimes guys just wanna test your mettle. So fighting’s just part of the game. But the way I felt that day when I was hitting my grandfather…He brought out something dark and ugly in me. It scared me, shook me to the core. And I hated him for it.”

  Scarlett hitched her dress up and climbed into his lap, bracketing his face with her hands and staring into his impossibly beautiful eyes.

  “You’re not him,” she said fiercely. “You’re nothing like him. You were defending your grandmother, for God’s sake, and he’d pushed you beyond your fucking limits! Please don’t think for one second that you could ever be capable of the cruelty that monster inflicted on you. The man I love and adore is nothing like Olof Sandström. Not then. Not now. Not ever.”

  Viggo stared up at her without speaking. Then he closed his eyes and bowed his head, tears slipping from beneath his lashes and streaming down his face.

  She kissed his hair and then tilted his head up so she could brush her lips over his, letting their tears mingle. He made a choked sound, something between a sob and a groan. Then his arms went around her, crushing her to him as his mouth opened beneath hers, kissing her with bruising ferocity. She kissed him back just as hard, clung to him just as tightly.

  This man was her heart and soul. Whatever demons awaited him back home, they would face them together. As one.

  She wouldn’t have it any other way.

  Chapter 40


  Sweet Home Stockholm

  * * *

  Stockholm, Sweden

  * * *

  They arrived at Stockholm Arlanda Airport on Sunday night.

  Scarlett had been sleeping soundly before their plane touched down. She was awakened by the deep murmur of Viggo’s voice in her ear. “Wake up, Sleeping Beauty. We’re about to land.”

  She’d sat right up and stared out the window as the plane glided over a stunning landscape of snow-covered forests and frozen lakes dotted with red farms.

  She was incredibly nervous about meeting Viggo’s family, especially with his grandfather’s life hanging in the balance. She wished she could have returned to Stockholm under vastly different circumstances, but she couldn’t suppress the thrill of excitement that buzzed through her now that she was here. She absolutely loved this city.

  Arlanda was a massive international airport and super modern. The customs officer grinned broadly at Viggo and welcomed him back home. As he and Scarlett walked through the main concourse, people stared at him and whispered his name.

  When they emerged from the terminal, his brother was waiting by a shiny black Mercedes-Maybach S650 Cabriolet. The car was impressive, but it was easily upstaged by its breathtakingly gorgeous owner.

  Scarlett had seen plenty of pictures of Rikard Sandström. Like Viggo, he had a ton of endorsement deals and was considered an international sex symbol. So she already knew that he was a panty dropper. But nothing could have prepared her for just how ridiculously hot he was in person.

  He was leaning back against the car with one foot on the curb. His shoulders were substantial, and a blue V-neck sweater stretched across the hard wall of muscle that was his chest. Faded jeans rode his narrow hips and long legs, ending at brown hiking boots. The cold night breeze ruffled his dark blond hair, giving him a rakish appearance.

  When he saw them coming, a broad grin spread across his gorgeous face, mirroring the grin worn by his brother. He straightened from the car as Viggo led Scarlett over.

  “Welcome home,” he said in slightly accented English.

  Viggo grinned harder. “It’s good to be home.”

  Holy smoking twins, Scarlett marveled as the two brothers exchanged a hearty backslapping hug. Rikard looked just like Viggo, except his eyes were an ocean blue instead of gray.

  Wow. Just…wow.

  Viggo slipped an arm around her waist. “Baby, I’d like you to meet my brother Rikard. Rik, this is my girlfriend, Scarlett.”

  She smiled and stuck out her hand. “Hello, Rikard.”

  Strong fingers wrapped around hers as he looked her over, his eyes gleaming with appreciation. “Pleasure to meet you, Scarlett.” The deep rumble of his voice was just as sexy as the rest of him. “Welcome to Stockholm. First time?”

  She was so distracted by his insane hotness that it took a moment for his question to register. “First…? Oh! To Stockholm? No, I’ve been here before. I came last summer to perform at a music festival.”

  “Is that right?” His eyes flicked over her face and he grinned. “Sorry I missed you.”

  Viggo scowled and pulled her away.

  Laughing, Rikard opened the back door for her. She thanked him and slid into the backseat of the luxury car, grateful to escape the frigid cold.

  Rikard winked at her, then closed the door and sauntered around to the trunk to help Viggo stow the luggage.

  As Scarlett took her phone out of her handbag, she heard Viggo ask his brother, “How is he?”

  “Still hanging on,” Rikard said darkly. “Not even hell wants him.”

  The blare of a taxi horn drowned out Viggo’s response.

  Scarlett sent off a quick text to her mother and Nadia to tell them she’d arrived safely. She knew her mom would write back demanding to know what she’d worn to meet Viggo’s family. The thought made her chuckle as she glanced down at herself. Underneath her wool trench coat, she wore a belted beige tunic sweater with black leggings and slouchy peep-toe boots. She’d chosen the stylishly simple outfit after consulting Cara and Bianca—two of the biggest fashionistas she knew.

  Of course, Viggo looked like a freaking cover model in his Brunello Cucinelli cashmere overcoat with the collar turned up. The expensive coat was worn over a camel-colored V-neck sweater, black slacks and black leather ankle boots. The man couldn’t look bad if he tried.

  Scarlett put her phone away when she heard the trunk door slam. When the Sandström brothers climbed into the car, glanced into the backseat and smiled at her, it was all she could do not to swoon. She definitely lost a few brain cells.

  As they left the airport and headed to the hospital, Viggo stared out the window. He was tense and worried but trying not to show it.

  Rikard’s blue eyes met Scarlett’s in the rearview mirror. “Did you get a chance
to go sightseeing during your last visit?”

  “I did,” she said with a smile. “I thoroughly enjoyed everything I saw.”

  “Good,” he drawled. “I assume you visited the most popular spots. Gamla Stan, the Royal Palace, the City Hall, the Vasa and some other museums.”

  “Yes to most of the above.” Scarlett was grinning. “The Vasa Museum was amazing with that humongous battleship. But we were only here for two days, so there’s a lot I didn’t get to see. Like the Royal Palace and Drottningholm Palace.”

  “Yeah?” Rikard glanced at his brother. “Viggo will have to rectify that while you’re here.”

  “Of course,” Viggo murmured distractedly.

  “No worries if we don’t have time,” Scarlett assured him. “I can see everything else when I come back this summer. Plus it’ll be warmer.”

  Rikard grinned at her in the rearview mirror. “You’ll have to give me the name and date of the festival so I can come to your performance.”

  “I sure will,” she promised with a smile.

  He was about to say something else when his phone rang through the car’s Bluetooth. He thumbed the button on the steering wheel and answered humorously, “Hej, Mamma. Yes, they’re in the car with me and yes, we’re on our way.”

  “Wonderful,” Hedda Sandström’s accented voice floated warmly through the speakers. “Hello, my darling Viggo.”

  He smiled. “Hej, Mamma. How are you?”

  She sighed. “I’ve been better.”

  “I know. Say hello to Scarlett.”

  “Hello, Scarlett!” she said enthusiastically. “Welcome to Sweden!”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Sandström,” Scarlett called back warmly.

  “We’re all here waiting to meet you.”

  Scarlett gulped nervously. “That’s great.”

  Rikard chuckled. “You’re going to scare her off, Mamma.”

  “Sorry!” Her laughter was rich and lilting.

  Rikard took the phone off speaker and lifted it to his ear, resuming the conversation in Swedish.

  Viggo glanced back at Scarlett and smiled quietly.

  Needing to touch him, she reached forward and rested her fingers on his shoulder. He captured her hand and brought it to his mouth. The warm softness of his lips made her heart flutter in her throat.

  When he released her hand, she settled back against the plush leather upholstery and stared out the window at the passing scenery. Even enveloped in winter darkness, Stockholm was one of the most beautiful cities she had ever seen. Surrounded by water and spread across fourteen islands connected by bridges, the city glittered like a jewel in the night.

  After an eleven-hour flight, exhaustion tugged at her, making her eyelids heavy as she peered outside. She drifted off for a few minutes and woke to the sound of Viggo and Rikard talking, their voices low and tense as they went back and forth in Swedish. Although she couldn’t understand what they were saying, she knew an argument when she heard one.

  Rikard looked at her in the rearview mirror. “Forgive our manners, Scarlett. We don’t mean to be rude by shutting you out of the conversation. I was just telling my brother that as happy as I am to see both of you, I’m sorry he felt the need to drop everything to rush to the bedside of a dying tyrant.”

  “That’s enough, Rik,” Viggo growled warningly.

  Rikard shot him a dark look and muttered something in Swedish.

  Viggo scowled. “Dra åt helvete.”

  Go to hell, Scarlett mentally translated. Or Fuck off.

  Thanks to Viggo, she knew way more Swedish than she did the last time she was here. She’d also challenged herself by learning Sweden’s unofficial national anthem. She planned to surprise Viggo at some point during their trip.

  Rikard’s gaze returned to hers in the rearview mirror. “I don’t know how much Viggo has told you about our grandfather, but he can be…difficult to get along with. I just wanted to warn you in advance, in case he wakes up and says something offensive to you.”

  “I see.” Scarlett’s stomach knotted with apprehension. Wasn’t it bad enough that Olof Sandström had brutalized his own grandson? Did he have to be an ornery asshole, too?

  Striving for diplomacy, she asked very carefully, “Has he been known to spout bigoted views?”

  A grim look passed between Rikard and Viggo.

  “Let’s just say he’s not entirely thrilled about how diverse Sweden has become,” Rikard said sardonically. “But he’d feel that way no matter who was migrating to this country, so at least he’s consistent in his curmudgeonly ignorance. He hates the English, the French, the Russians, the Germans…you get the drift.”

  Scarlett nodded slowly, absorbing this information. “So…he’s not one of those hardcore nationalists?”

  “No,” Viggo said, grimacing at the word. “He thinks nationalists are jackbooted thugs and he calls them out all the time. The main problem with him is that he’s obsessively protective of his Swedish heritage and culture. He lives in constant fear of Sweden losing its identity, and it gets fucking tiresome.”

  “Yeah.” Rikard smirked. “We’ll just leave it at that.”

  Scarlett didn’t know what to say. So she didn’t say anything.

  “You don’t have to worry about him insulting you,” Viggo growled, “because I’m not leaving you alone with him.”

  Scarlett nodded, feeling only slightly better.

  A feral smile touched the corners of Rikard’s mouth. “On the bright side,” he added almost cheerfully, “if the old man croaks before we get there, you’ll never have to experience his bullshit.”

  His bluntness startled Scarlett. “Wow. Um, okay.”

  “Jesus.” Viggo clapped a hand to the back of his brother’s neck and shook his head at him. “Sometimes I forget what a soulless bastard you can be.”

  Rikard’s low, rumbling laugh was wicked as sin—and ridiculously sexy.

  Looking over his shoulder, Viggo reached into the backseat and put his hand on Scarlett’s knee, giving her a gently reassuring squeeze.

  When she smiled at him, he smiled back and winked.

  Rikard grinned at them. “Get a room.”

  They laughed.

  Rikard drove as fast as Viggo, so they arrived at the hospital in no time.

  Scarlett grew more nervous as they rode the elevator to the intensive care unit. When they reached the floor and got off, the waiting room was filled with a large group of people that Viggo identified as old family friends. Apparently his family members were down the hall in his grandfather’s room.

  As Rikard went off to retrieve them, Scarlett followed Viggo into the waiting room. She hid behind him as he was bombarded with hugs, kisses, handshakes and slaps on the back. There were so many voices, all of them speaking at once. It was sort of overwhelming.

  Viggo brought her around to his side and introduced her to the group at large. She was greeted with friendly smiles and handshakes. More than a few stares were tinged with curiosity.

  She was relieved when Viggo’s mother and sisters came hurrying into the room, swarming him with tearful hugs and kisses and laughter. It was quite a touching reunion.

  Wearing the biggest grin, Viggo introduced Scarlett to his womenfolk. Before she could even open her mouth, the younger blondes surrounded her, squealing and kissing her cheek and hugging her in turn. So much for reserved Swedes.

  “We’ve been dying to meet you!” Viggo’s sisters gushed excitedly.

  Scarlett grinned at them. “It’s great to meet all of you. Your brother talks about you all the time.”

  Freya, Astrid and Svea beamed with pleasure. Their hair was long and straight, shining like spun gold. Freya and Astrid had gray eyes while Svea’s were the same shade of blue as their mother’s and Rikard’s.

  Hedda Sandström wrapped Scarlett up in the warmest of hugs. “It’s so good to finally meet you.”

  “Same to you,” Scarlett told her.

  Hedda drew back and looked into her face. “I’v
e heard so much about you. I’m glad you were able to come home with Viggo. Now we can all get to know you.”

  Scarlett smiled. “I’m looking forward to that.”

  “So am I.” Hedda gave her a twinkling smile. “You’re even more beautiful in person.”

  Scarlett blushed. “Thank you. So are you.”

  It was true. Hedda was just as gorgeous as her daughters. She also looked young enough to be their big sister instead of their mom.

  “We have a very large family,” she told Scarlett. “So many aunts, uncles and cousins. Some of them were here earlier today, and others are arriving tomorrow. My mother and sister are on a cruise with their husbands until next week, and my brother is out of the country on business. But we’ll try to get everyone else together at the same time so you can meet them all before you leave.”

  Scarlett smiled. “That sounds good.”

  Viggo draped an arm around his mother’s shoulders and kissed the top of her blond head. “Where’d Pappa and Leif go?”

  “They went to stretch their legs and get some coffee. Oh, here they come now.”

  Everyone turned as Viggo’s father and eldest brother came striding into the room.

  The sight of them sent a jolt through Scarlett. They were both as tall, broad-shouldered and strikingly handsome as Rikard and Viggo. Ludvig Sandström sported fashionable black frames that made him look forbiddingly serious. Until he smiled. And then…holy crap. What a stunner.

  The two men greeted Viggo with broad grins and backslapping bear hugs. All that testosterone on display had a dizzying effect on Scarlett.

  When Viggo introduced her to his father and Leif, they smiled warmly and took turns shaking her hand. For the second time that evening, she had an internal swoon-fest.

  Not every Swede was good-looking. She knew that. But the Sandströms didn’t exactly dispel the stereotype. They were absolutely beautiful, every last one of them.


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