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Tracie Peterson - [Desert Roses 01]

Page 12

by Shadows of the Canyon

  This got Alex’s attention. Valerie nearly laughed out loud as the woman froze in her steps. “What do you mean?”

  “Why, Daddy has offered him a position. Once he’s president, Daddy won’t have time to mind all his interests.”

  Alex’s demeanor relaxed a bit as she smiled. “Luke would never take a job in the city. He hates them. Hates the noise and hubbub. And he hates politics.”

  “Oh, I know all of that,” Valerie simpered. “He’s just the dearest thing, isn’t he? Anyway, Daddy has a ranching interest he’s just purchased in Wyoming. He’s offered Luke the job to run it as if it were his own. And who knows, if he plays his cards right—it just might be his own someday. After all, Daddy says Luke would make a wonderful husband and father.”

  Valerie noted the defeat in Alex’s expression. Feeling good about what she’d accomplished in such a brief conversation, Valerie turned to leave. Calling back over her shoulder, she plunged the knife in a little deeper. “I’m sure Luke will be glad to leave this place. There’s nothing here he’d want to stay for. He told me as much.”

  Alex watched Valerie Winthrop leave. For several moments, Alex felt as if her legs were made of lead. Unable to move, Alex remembered every detail of their conversation. Luke was going to work for the senator? It just didn’t make sense. He hates politics and can’t abide the men who pursue such power. Why would he do this? Then a sinking thought came to her. He’s always wanted his own ranch. Maybe he sees this as an easy way to make that come true. But at what cost?

  Making her way to the Lookout, Alex tried to rein in her thoughts. In spite of the party going on in the main dining room, her duties for the evening had concluded. She would go to the Lookout and escape the noise and party spirit of the tourists. Hopefully, there would be very few people around.

  The upper level appeared to have one or two people milling about, so Alex chose the lower level station for her respite. Hiding in the shadows under the overhead balcony, Alex tried to regain her composure. Surely Miss Winthrop was lying.

  “But how do you propose to eliminate the competition?” A voice sounded from overhead, and Alex recognized it as her father’s.

  “By doing exactly that. Eliminating the competition,” Joel Harper said snidely.

  Alex pulled back even farther into the dark recesses of her hiding place. Apparently her father and Joel had left the party in order to consider their plans.

  “You don’t mean kill them?” her father questioned.

  “I mean exactly that.”

  Alex put her hand over her mouth to muffle the gasp that escaped. Joel apparently talked of death as easily as someone else might talk of the weather.

  “But how?

  “I have some people already on the job.”

  “Truly?” Her father sounded completely fascinated, and Alex cringed, remembering his threats to her and her mother.

  “I’ve been working on this for nearly a year. We do whatever we can to buy off the competition or otherwise entice them to give up the race. Those who won’t be bought or put off have to be dealt with in, shall we say, more permanent manners?”

  Alex felt her breathing quicken. She had to get out of here before they discovered her overhearing the conversation. She tried to think clearly, but her heart was pounding in her ears.

  “Do you see yourself eliminating the likes of John Davis and Bradley Jastrow?” her father questioned.

  “It’s already being worked out. Why, Davis has even decided against coming to the canyon for the celebration this week and next. We’ve managed to create a little problem with the American Bar Association that he must attend to. After all, he’s the president of that dear organization.”


  Alex heard a shuffling, as if the men were moving from one side of the balcony to the other. “Look,” her father continued, “I’ll do what I can to aid your cause. I have no desire to be the man in the presidential chair—I’d rather be one of those who puts him there and helps to keep him there.”

  Liar! Alex thought. She could have called it out, too, except for what she’d already overheard.

  “Good,” Joel answered as they moved inside. “I knew I could count on you. Things will really start to get ugly in the days to come. As we move toward the convention in New York City next June, we need to have a solid following. That’s where I’ll need people like you. You will be called upon to influence your circle of friends, as well as your enemies.”

  “My enemies know better than to cross me, they only have . . .”

  Their voices faded away as they moved indoors. Alex tried to steady her nerves as she got to her feet. “I can’t let them know I was here,” she whispered, her worries turning into a prayer. “Oh, God, help me to do the right thing. I wish I could talk to Luke.”

  In a rush of emotion, however, she realized she couldn’t talk to Luke. If she could believe Valerie, he was one of them. He was going to work for the senator. But even if it was true, her heart argued, Luke would never abide killing. She knew him well enough to realize that much. Maybe she could dissuade him from going to work for the Winthrops. Maybe if he knew the kind of things they advocated, he’d reject their offer.

  Alex heard the men move out onto the rim path and head back to El Tovar. They were laughing and enjoying some great joke as they went. After a few moments of silence, feeling confident she could slip back to her room unnoticed, Alex came out from the shadows and moved up the rocky path to the top of the rim.

  “Where do you think you’re going?”

  Joel Harper came out from the darkness of the Lookout doorway. Alex swallowed hard and tried to smile. Not that he could really see her face.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know anyone was here.”

  “You lie rather calmly,” Joel said, standing only inches from her. “Now tell me what you overheard.”

  Alex knew lying was no good. He already knew the truth of the matter. “I heard it all.”

  “That’s what I figured.” He reached out and gripped her arms tightly. “If you say a word—so much as a single hint of a word about any of this—I’ll see you dead.”

  This threat, coupled with her father’s, and added to Valerie’s announcement about Luke, left Alex in a state of near hysteria. Laughing, she shook her head from side to side as if to shake away the image of her nightmare. Joel pulled her down the path away from the Lookout. The area afforded them a bit more privacy.

  “I’m serious. I’ll kill you.”

  “It seems you’ll have to stand in line, Mr. Harper.” Alex managed to sober herself a bit. “I’ve been threatened all day long—all week, in fact.”

  “Those were most likely idle threats, my dear.” He pulled her close against him and held her fast. “But my words are more than that. I’d hate to harm you—you’re so lovely, so pure. We could make a great team if you’d just give me a chance.”

  His breath against her face reeked of whiskey, and his hands fondled her back and neck in a much too familiar way. Alex pushed against him, but he didn’t release her. She began to fight in earnest and tried to scream, but he clamped his mouth upon hers without warning. The sickening taste of whiskey touched her lips as he forced himself upon her. Alex feared not only for her life, but for her innocence. She brought her foot down on top of Joel’s, all while struggling to pull away.

  “Fighting me is no good. I have the ability to break your neck right here and now,” Joel said in panting breaths. “You need to stay on my good side.”

  Alex laughed bitterly and with all her strength managed to push him slightly off balance. As he let go of her to right himself, Alex hurried away. “You have no good side, Mr. Harper,” she called back, not waiting to hear if there might be a reply.

  As Alex neared the hotel, she tried to appear self-confident and self-assured. She wouldn’t run. She’d walk very quickly and put herself near people. Surely Mr. Harper wouldn’t cause a scene in front of others. She pushed aside her first reaction, which wa
s to go to Luke. She felt safe with Luke, in spite of her anger at men in general. Luke had been trustworthy.

  But Luke had said his feelings had changed, and the thought of facing Joel Harper and the Winthrops without him left her with an aching loneliness.

  Oh, God, what am I to do?


  Luke watched from a distance as Alex and Mr. Harper appeared to share an intimate moment. He watched Harper embrace Alex and pull her close. With his stomach churning, Luke looked away. He didn’t want to wait and see if Harper and Alex kissed. The intimacy of the scene suggested it just might happen, and the image that flooded his head sickened him.

  How had his life suddenly become so complicated? The woman he cared about was in the arms of another man. The job he loved was off limits to him because of his broken wrist. It was so frustrating.

  Walking back to his cabin in the cool night air, Luke fought the need to rush back to Alex and force her away from Harper. She can’t possibly be attracted to him, Luke reasoned. She hates men who act as Harper acts. She despises infidelity. He paused, stopping behind El Tovar, wondering if he had misjudged the situation. Perhaps Alex wasn’t all that willing to be alone with Harper.

  “Hey, Luke, I was just lookin’ for you,” Clancy said, coming upon him. “Your boss wants to see you. Something about coordinating several mule trips.”

  Luke nodded, pushing aside his concerns about Alex. “Thanks, Clancy. I didn’t figure anyone would be looking for me this late.”

  Clancy shrugged. “Guess they’ve got a full party going in there and one thing led to another. You know how money talks. Someone mentioned how much fun it had been to take the ride down to Phantom Ranch, and the next thing you know everybody wants to go. This whole political thing is bringing in some real dillies, let me tell you.”

  Luke knew only too well. He thought of Alex with Harper. Maybe she’d aligned herself with him because of her mother. Alex was rather desperate to see her mother away from the humiliation caused by Rufus Keegan. Maybe she’d gone to Harper for help. The idea irritated him, almost more than the thought of Alex being involved romantically. Emotions could carry a gal away, making her do stupid things she’d later regret. But helping her mother was something Alex would think out—plan out. If she’d gone to Harper for help, it would be because she’d calculated the risk and the result.

  “Guess I’ll go see what we can figure out. You boys are going to have your work cut out for you,” Luke muttered. “Wish that mule hadn’t broken my arm.”

  “You’ve said that at least fifty times since it happened,” Clancy grinned. “It’s still broke. Wishin’ it wasn’t doesn’t make it so.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “God, help me to do the right thing,” Alex murmured as she continued toward El Tovar. A hot bath and quiet night of rest was all she wanted. She wondered about her mother and whether she should go and check on her, but decided against it. No doubt her father had mandated that her mother not be allowed out of his sight for long. Of this, Alex felt confident.

  With her mind on these things, Alex refused to give Joel Harper any further consideration. His threat was very real, but if Alex dwelled on it, she wouldn’t be able to think clearly.

  “I’m not done with you,” Harper declared in a menacing tone.

  Alex had thought herself rid of Joel Harper for the night, but instead she found him back on her heel, his anger only piqued by her attitude. He took hold of her arm and turned her back to face him. The rage in his expression was quite evident.

  “I said, I’m not done with you,” he growled.

  “Well, I was through with you. I have no desire to be manhandled by you or anyone else. You think very highly of yourself and your effect on women, Mr. Harper, but your flattery and attention would be better shared with someone who finds such things appealing.”

  Joel seemed to regain control of his temper. His face relaxed just a bit, but not so his hold. “I can give you many good things.”

  “I have all I need.”

  “You could have more. I can make your life very comfortable.”

  “I thought you were to marry Miss Winthrop.”

  Joel nodded. “I am, but it needn’t concern us. I find your innocence and purity quite refreshing.” He tightened his hold and pulled her close. “You must have some kind of feelings for me.”

  Alex struggled but to no avail. “Oh, I do have feelings, Mr. Harper, but they aren’t at all the kind of feelings you’d like to hear about. Now let me go.”

  “Just give me a chance,” he said, lowering his voice to a husky whisper. He leaned closer to Alex’s ear. “I have a way with women.”

  Alex stopped fighting against him. Her voice was flat and void of emotion. “Let me go.”

  “Not until you understand. I can’t have you threatening our plans—my plans. But I think you can realize that much. I can make life very good for you—or very bad.”

  “So your purpose for this is to overwhelm me with your romantic passion so that I’ll remain silent about your plans to eliminate the competition, is that it?” She asked the question very matter-of-factly, as if the answer were of no concern to her. In truth, however, she felt dizzy, almost near to fainting from fear.

  “We could have a wonderful time together. And your father might even get that appointment to Washington he so badly desires. You wouldn’t want to stand in the way of that, now would you?”

  “So if I cooperate with you, become your mistress, you’ll ensure my father’s appointment? Is that it?”

  “Something like that,” Joel said, grinning. “I see you’re beginning to think like one of us. Threats aren’t always the way to get things done. Sometimes promising benefits can be much more productive.”

  “I don’t want your promises. I prefer your threats to your sweet talk and promises, any day. You hold absolutely no appeal to me whatsoever.”

  “Maybe not, but you’re going to have to promise me your cooperation, one way or another. I’m just saying it can either be a whole lot of fun for both of us, or it can be a misery that makes you wish you’d never met me.”

  “I realize the validity of your threat, Mr. Harper. I can’t make promises as to what I’ll do or say, however. Lives are at stake.”

  Joel’s expression hardened again. “You are so very right, Miss Keegan, and the very first life at stake . . .”

  “I know. I know. The first life at stake is mine. Go ahead and threaten me.” Alex hoped she sounded bored with the entire matter, when in truth she was praying someone would come along and interrupt this affair.

  “That’s not what I was going to say,” Joel said, his whiskey breath hot upon her face. “The first life at stake will be your mother’s.”


  “I’m telling you that if you refuse to cooperate with me, I’ll see your mother dead. I have many people who are willing to help me. I have men here who are at my every beck and call. They will willingly do anything for money.”

  “You would kill an innocent woman to have your way?”

  “I will do whatever is necessary to win this election.”

  Alex felt her knees weaken. A trembling started in her legs and wound its way up her entire body. She had to get away from this evil man. She saw the pleasure he took in speaking of death and destruction. She could feel the cold, heartlessness of his soul in his very touch.

  She tried to pull away. “Let me go.”

  “Stay with me,” he encouraged. “I have a wonderful room and I think you and I could very much enjoy the night together.”

  Alex fought harder. This time, she dug her fingernails into his arm. “I said, let me go. Let me go or I’ll scream.” Her voice grew louder.

  “Miss Alex? Are you okay?”

  It was Clancy. Alex breathed a sigh of relief. Joel instantly unhanded her and stepped back a pace.

  “Clancy, would you walk me back to the hotel?” she asked, looking at the ground rather than let Clancy see in
the dim lighting how upset she really was.

  “Sure thing, Miss Alex.”

  Alex said nothing more to Joel. She knew there was nothing she could say. He wouldn’t listen to her, nor would he pledge to leave her mother out of the situation. Walking in silence with Clancy, Alex felt tears come to her eyes. Things had gone from bad to worse in just a matter of days. What was she to do?

  “I hope I didn’t interrupt anything important,” Clancy said softly, almost hesitantly.

  “No, Clancy, you did exactly right. Mr. Harper was out of line.” She paused momentarily and reached out to touch Clancy’s arm. “Please don’t tell anyone what happened. It’s rather embarrassing.”

  “I’m not sure I know just what did happen, but I won’t say a word, Miss Alex. I know how things can get misunderstood. That’s the way it was with the boss and that Winthrop gal. She just don’t seem to like taking no for an answer. Guess her boyfriend feels the same way, eh?”

  “Yes.” Alex felt an overwhelming regret that she’d believed Luke might actually have encouraged Valerie Winthrop’s actions. Hearing Clancy speak of it now, in the aftermath of her own forced encounter, Alex knew that Luke was innocent. Sometimes hindsight wasn’t all that comforting.

  Back in her room, Alex felt overwhelmed with her fears. Michaela had already made her way to bed but wasn’t asleep, so Alex took the opportunity to try to better understand her own turbulent emotions by talking.

  “Do you think people always mean what they say? Like when they threaten people or talk about threatening people?”

  Michaela sat up and pushed her pillow behind her. Leaning back against the headboard she shrugged. “I guess that would depend on who they are and what they have planned. Why do you ask?”

  Alex took off her apron and tossed it aside. She wanted to tell Michaela everything—the talk she had with Valerie Winthrop, Joel’s threats, even her confusion over Luke. Instead, when she opened her mouth she said, “My mother wants a divorce.”


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