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Fallen Darkness (The Trihune Series Book 2)

Page 23

by Austin, RB

“That’s not an I statement either.”

  Gabe rolled his eyes. With his gaze focused solely on Cade, he said, “I, we, it’s the same. They’re both first person pronouns.”

  Cade stared at Gabe. Lucas did, too.

  “What? Teachers can be very hot in bed. You know, with the plaid skirts and tight buns and glasses.”

  The Sept leader frowned, focused back on Lucas. “You have a problem,” he said again, ignoring Gabe’s sound of protest.

  Lucas raised an eyebrow. “What problem would that be?” The scent of blood drifted up to his nostrils. Good thing he chose dark slacks.

  Cade snagged Lucas’s left hand that lay on the table and yanked up the sleeve of his light blue sweater.

  Lucas had two tattoos. His Behn tat, three interlocking circles with a scripted B in the middle, sat on his upper right arm. A tribal tattoo wrapped his left arm, from wrist to shoulder, and continued down the left side of his torso and back. He received it at sixteen from the Yamacraw elders when they learned about his ability.

  The tat had recently started shifting colors. The first time was after he’d touched that demon. He’d taken off his shirt, shocked to see the normal black swirls a cherry red. And ever since then, the color alternated shades from gray to red. It seemed to be tied to the violence in his system.

  “Going to a baby shower?” Gabe’s gaze locked onto the pink swirls running up Lucas’s arm. “Should Martha pick you up some pink balloons?”

  Anger rose, but it wasn’t as strong as when Cade was in his bedroom hours before. The hits were wearing off faster now. Followers weren’t working anymore. He latched onto the anger any way, drawing deep, surrounding himself in it like a shield. It’d be the only thing that got him through this.

  He jerked his hand out of Cade’s. Feasible only because his boss wasn’t expecting it.

  “How are you getting it, Lucas?” Cade’s voice was soft but commanding. “Sarid can sense it. Your anger tempts the Other.”

  Lucas shot Sarid a glance out the corner of his eye. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He pushed his sleeve down, moved his hand to his lap, arm well out of easy reach from Cade. “It’s thirst. Nothing more. I haven’t had Elias’s blood in over a month. The last time I’ve taken from a Follower was in Philadelphia.”

  Silence reigned and Lucas held his breath. Would they buy it?

  “Why haven’t you taken blood from Followers since you’ve returned?”

  Lucas shifted in his seat. “I’ve been busy.”

  Cade frowned. “Because of Kate.”

  Lucas stiffened, but before he could reply Cade continued.

  “Your mood has been off for a while.”

  Lucas closed his eyes to hide the blue flare. “We’ve been over this. Continuously.” He pushed himself away from the table, rose. Sweat beaded on his forehead. He rubbed a hand down his face to hide it. “This little intervention is over. What did you think the outcome would be? That I’d stand in front of you and say, ‘Hi, My name is Lucas.’” He glared at Gabe, who glanced away. “Do you have a twelve-step brochure to dish out?

  “You interrupted my sleep for this? Dragged Sarid out of bed while he was still recovering. For what? Because I’m in need of blood?” He shook his head. “We have bigger things to worry about than my hunger. I’m not used to surviving on as little as you used to, Cade. Perhaps I’ve been a bit testy. But we’re all on edge. Let’s focus on the mission, not me.” He shoved his shaking hand in his pocket and gripped his star so tight he had to hold in a wince. “I’m going back to sleep for the rest I need. I’ll see you at the BDM.”

  No one said anything when he left. No one tried to stop him. Sarid stiffened when Lucas brushed against him on his way out. If he wasn’t so pissed and trying hard to hold it in, he may have apologized.

  Bedroom door shut behind him, he leaned against it. The roar of a waterfall drowned out all other noises. He jerked his hand out of his pocket. The star’s points were lodged deep into his palm. He yanked it out, watching the blood pool in his hand, falling between his fingers to the floor.

  Drip. Drip. Drip.

  Air flew in and out of his nostrils. His eyes glowed and he was able to see the cells in each drop of blood. “Fuck!”

  Lucas whirled. Punched the door. Once. Twice. The skin around his knuckles tore. He couldn’t stay here. He stormed to the bathroom, held his hand underneath the water until it no longer ran pink. After grabbing his jacket, he armed himself with a knife and scooped the star from the floor.

  He managed to escape without running into anyone. Jumping into the car, pressing his foot all the way down on the accelerator, he headed away from the city. Nighttime or not, he had to find a Fallen.

  Chapter 46

  Lucas arrived back at the HQ minutes before Kate’s break was due to start.

  Finding a Fallen had been a no go. They could be hiding anywhere during the day. He’d have to find one. Tonight.

  On the way home, he’d thought about finding a Follower while he was out. It was true, what he told the others. He hadn’t had any blood since Philadelphia. It might help with the cravings.

  Though finding a blood donor no longer held any appeal. He didn’t want to have to chat up a nheqeba, flirt, find a secluded area, and start a kiss that would turn into a feeding session.

  It was fine. He could wait until the next ceremony. Besides after he found a Fallen tonight, blood would no longer be an issue.

  After a quick shower, he knocked on Kate’s door. No response. A peek inside showed the room was empty.

  He found her in the kitchen, chopping potatoes at the island. Martha was at the stove, stirring a large pot. Steam rose, making the more gray than black hairs around her head curl.


  The ebhed startled, then turned and bowed. “Adohn, I didn’t hear you come in. How can I help? Are you hungry? Do you want a sandwich?”

  If Lucas hadn’t been watching Kate he’d have missed the quirk of her lips. When he didn’t respond to the ebhed, she lifted her head. He raised an eyebrow. She flashed a smile before turning back to her work.

  Lucas shoulders relaxed. Just being near her calmed him. “No thank you,” he answered Martha. “But I’ll take an apple.” He walked further in the kitchen and snagged one from the bowl of fruit sitting on the counter. “I came to see if Kate was free.”

  Worried lines appeared between Martha’s eyebrows. “Oh, well, of course, if you need Kate she can go.”

  “But I’m not finished,” Kate said to the ebhed.

  “If Adohn Lucas needs you for something, Kate, that takes precedent.”

  Kate frowned. “My job is to assist you, not Lucas.”

  Martha straightened. Her already flushed cheeks turned redder.

  Lucas spoke quickly. “If Kate’s not finished with her work, I’ll wait.”

  The ebhed’s lips pinched together, hands fell to her hips.

  “I insist,” he added. Then to Kate. “You know where to find me when you’re done.” He paused. “If you’d like to.”

  She gave him a quick glance, nodded once, then turned back to her cutting.

  Not an encouraging sign. He left the kitchen and stormed to his room. The apple in his hand only a reminder that Kate wasn’t by his side.

  A little while later he heard her walk up the stairs. Her door opened. Shut. He waited. Expected her to come over in a few, maybe after she washed up or something.

  She didn’t.

  Lucas didn’t bother going down for mealtime. Kate never ate in the dining room.

  Why had she changed her mind? Had he scared her?

  Of course he scared her. She practically ran out of his room earlier. Why hadn’t he’d seen that? He was normally so good at reading people. All he did with Kate was screw
things up.

  He’d talk to her. Fix it.

  A few hours later he suited up for patrol. In the hallway, he hesitated outside her door. Maybe she was napping? She hadn’t slept enough this morning. It could wait. They’d talk it out when he returned.

  Lucas was the first to arrive in the conference room. He set up the laptop, projecting Astoria on the wall. Then proceeded to check the incoming alerts.

  Sarid arrived next. A silent presence. The only notification was to Lucas’s spine.

  When Cade showed, Lucas braced himself for another verbal attack, but the leader also said nothing. Gabe strolled in with thirty seconds to spare.

  “I received word from Niko that Ares and Enyo will be in the area within a few weeks.”

  Lucas raised his head. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Gabe stiffen. “So you heard back from the Woyrs?” Lucas asked.

  “Both Niko and Alex called,” Cade said. “Like the other Septs, they haven’t noticed an increase or a decrease in activity. They promised to speak to the other packs and report back. Niko volunteered his son and daughter to help us.”

  “Will they be staying with us as well?” Maybe Kate working late didn’t have anything to do with him.

  Cade nodded. “Though they’ll sleep on the grounds. They prefer it that way. We’ll be providing meals and facilities for their use. I also have word that Sept Seven’s Drew, Thomas, and Benjamin will arrive next week. The day after the ceremony.”

  “Good. Maybe they can help solve the poison mystery. I learned of another vic.” Lucas pulled up a report on his screen. “This is an old one. Happened while I was away. A nheqeba was walking to her car at ten p.m. when she was abducted. Her throat was cut.” He paused. Tapped a few keys. “The location of the injury is similar to a Fallen’s. She managed to get away in her car. Drove to the hospital. Died less than twenty-four hours later. She wasn’t able to give the APD a facial description of the perp. But she did mention something he said, ‘You have sinned. In death you will be led to the right path.’”

  “That sounds familiar,” Gabe said.

  “A religious Fallen?” Lucas asked. “Seems unlikely.”

  Cade scrubbed a hand down his face. “Is anything unlikely anymore?” He stood and walked over to the map on the wall. “Let’s review tonight’s coordinates.”

  Each week they made an entire sweep of the city. They started on the outskirts of town, patrolling in pairs, working their way inward. It wasn’t fool proof, but with only four Behns for a 9,500-population city, it was the best they could do.

  Lucas eyed the sections Cade assigned him and Gabe. He had to break away from his ach tonight. Maybe say he was going for some blood?

  “Sarid? You okay, my ach?”

  Lucas’s head jerked up.

  Sarid was in the middle of the room. Muscles clenched so tight, he was visibly shaking. Eyes open, he stared unseeing. A reddish film slid down over both eyes, covering them completely.

  Lucas flashed to his feet. Anger—hot, red, rage—filled him. He inhaled sharply at the onslaught. It wasn’t his emotions. Not. His.

  Cade moved forward slowly. Lucas shifted to go around the table, but Sarid’s gaze swiveled, trained on Lucas. He growled low.

  “Stay where you are, Lucas,” Cade said softly.

  No shit.

  Gabe stood beside Cade. As a pair, they baby-stepped their way to Sarid.

  “Sarid,” Cade said, voice low, commanding.

  He didn’t answer. Just stared at Lucas with those red, pupil-less eyes. The Other’s skeletal face flashed back and forth. Sarid’s shakes had turned into convulsions, trying to beat him back.

  “Shut and block the door.” Cade said to Gabe, voice barely above a whisper.

  Cade was within touching distance on Sarid’s right side. His palms up and out. “Be at ease, ach. We’re your family. We’re not going to hurt you.”

  Gabe moved back to Sarid’s left side.

  A wave of anger swept through Lucas and he latched onto the table to steady himself. Not as strong as before. The Other was extremely pissed off, but Sarid was fighting it. His ach’s head shook back and forth with the effort.

  “That’s it, my ach,” Cade approved. “We’re here for you. Nothing’s going to happen.”

  It was a full two minutes before Sarid’s shaking subsided. Another two before his eyes were no longer blood red. Without warning he collapsed. Cade and Gabe reached him before he hit the ground. Each taking an arm, they led him to Gabe’s vacant chair. As soon as he was in the chair and not going to fall, they stepped back.

  Their ach was pale. Sweat dripped down the sides of his face. He breathed heavily, head bowed low.

  Gabe used his phone to call Martha.

  Lucas woke the sleeping computer while Cade headed back to the map.

  “We’ll divide the area in three today,” the leader said. “Each working alone. I’ll have Andrew join Michael at the boards. I want communication at all times. See a Fallen, report it. Enter a building, a house, report it.”

  Lucas nodded his understanding as possibilities flowed through him.

  Sarid thumped his hand on the table. He started to speak but no sound emerged. He cleared his throat. Tried again. “I can patrol,” he managed, his voice barely audible. Lucas half lip-read the words coming from his mouth. The whites of his eyes were still tinged pink. “Just need thirty minutes to recover.”

  Cade’s head was shaking before Sarid even finished. “No. You’ll take the next two nights off. At least.”

  Sarid’s eyes flashed. Blue, not red. “Rest is not what the Other needs,” he said with obvious strain.

  “Your weakness is what the Other wants. You have to be strong so you can control him. Patrolling tonight, even standing upright at the moment, is too much for you and a chance for the Other to fight for an appearance you won’t be able to stop. You’ll stay here.”

  Sarid frowned, but said no more. Martha knocked once, entering after Cade’s command. She placed a steaming mug in front of Sarid. He held it in trembling hands. As soon as it was to his lips he gulped. When he had drained the entire contents, Martha stepped forward. “Would you like me to bring you another, adohn?”

  “Yes, thank you.”

  She took the empty mug, bowed, and shut the door behind her.

  Cade continued to give off the updated coordinates for tonight. Lucas was stationed between Cade and Gabe, but that shouldn’t be a problem. He put their coordinates to memory and left to weapon up.

  Chapter 47

  Kate woke to footsteps outside her door. She braced herself for a knock. Should she pretend to still be sleeping? Or did she want to see Lucas?

  Against all logical protest, she knew what she wanted.

  But a knock never came.

  She hadn’t meant to fall asleep earlier. Had just sat on the floor on her makeshift bed, thinking about skipping her break altogether, trying to force Lucas from her mind. Along with the memory of the orgasm he’d given her. Sure she had them before. But nothing so explosive. Or with someone else in the room.

  She had wanted to wrap her arms and legs around him. Wanted to take off her clothes and his, too, so he could keep doing what he was doing but with no barriers. It’d been so hard to stay against the wall, to find solace in touching him with her gloves on.

  Had she ever wanted to kiss someone so badly?

  No. Never.

  She’d forgotten about her ability. About her no touching people rule and why it was so extremely important. Shudders ran through her, making her sick to her stomach. Completely irresponsible. What had she been thinking?

  Oh, yeah, that it felt so damn good. Along with, don’t stop. Don’t stop. Don’t stop. When it was over, when the cloud of bliss coating her body had evaporated, insec
urity rose. How should she act? What was she supposed to say? What did it all mean?

  Could they do it again?

  Dammit, she hated feeling uncomfortable. So when Martha asked if she minded postponing her break, working a bit later, Kate had been more than happy to oblige.

  It didn’t make her a coward. This was her job.

  It’s not like she wanted to watch a movie with Lucas anyway. She snorted.

  Like a date.

  She didn’t date. Couldn’t.

  She’d never been on a date before. Might be nice. Fun, even.

  Damn it. Why was everything so confusing? Lucas was making her forget her plans. Forget about Stacy. She had stupid ideas running through her head, like what if she stayed here. Permanently.

  Forgetting Stacy? Inexcusable. Kate had a broken promise to fix.

  Staying here permanently? A joke. Cade didn’t want her here, for one thing. The other, she didn’t belong with a bunch of vampires, or Behns, or whatever they called themselves. They saved people.

  That was their whole job. It was why she was here. Lucas believed he was saving her.

  If they ever found out what she did, they’d probably kill her just like they killed those monsters they hunted.

  Cade’s eviction deadline was good. She’d be gone in less than a week. With three thousand in her pocket. She’d find Stacy. Get two new IDs and head to Mexico. Start her new life.

  With all this crap still running through her head, more sleep was a no go. So, Kate gathered her things and headed to the bathroom down the hall. Ten minutes later she was back in her room storing her stuff. Before heading to find Martha, she walked the hallway, checking her map for which rooms she had to clean next. Place was freakin’ huge.


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