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Praise Him Anyhow - Volume 1

Page 28

by Vanessa Miller


  “Wake up, man... wake up.”

  Why were they still pulling on him? Didn’t they know that the Lord was coming for him? Maybe he needed to shout louder. “Jesus! Jesus!” Dontae was shouting at the top of his lungs, calling on the only help he could turn to. Because even though his father had been lost with him, and even though his father had finally slayed the animal who’d attacked him, that animal didn’t stay dead and Dontae hadn’t seen his earthly father since Linden had gotten back up and continued to roam the earth. But his heavenly Father was another story. Dontae now knew that he could always turn to Him for help.

  “Wake up, bro. And stop hitting me before I hit you back.”

  That was Ronny’s voice. His eyes popped open and he saw that Ramsey Jr. and Ronny were standing over him. “Y’all got left behind, too?”

  “What?” Ramsey had this puzzled look on his face.

  Then Dontae got a puzzled look on his face as he familiarized himself with his surroundings. “Am I in my bed?”

  “Of course you’re in your bed. Where did you think you were?” Ronny asked.

  Dontae sat up, rubbed his eyes. He hadn’t been left behind. It was all just a horrible nightmare. “Oh, thank God.”

  “Might we ask what you are thanking God for this morning? Maybe we can put it in a praise report and send it out to Mama Carmella,” Ramsey said with a smirk of laughter on his face.

  Ignoring the question, Dontae asked, “What time is it?”

  “Almost nine in the morning,” Ronny reported.

  Suddenly Dontae remembered his promise to Jewel. They were supposed to do breakfast before church. He jumped out of bed. “I’m late. I’ve got to go.” He jumped in the shower, threw on one of his suits that had already been to the cleaners and was nicely pressed. But before he ran out of the house, he pulled two things out of his top dresser drawer and put them in his jacket pocket.

  By the time he got to Jewel’s house it was too late, she had already left. He stood on her porch paralyzed for a moment, waiting to see if that bearded man would walk by and tell him that Jewel and a bunch of her neighbors had just disappeared. But no such man approached him, so he breathed a sigh of relief as he jumped back in his car and raced over to her church.

  The praise and worship team was singing How Great is our God. It was an old worship song, but it did the trick. Dontae raised his hands and sang along, because after the horrible dream he’d endured the night before, he realized that God was great and mighty, even if He didn’t do anything else for him... as long as He didn’t leave him behind after the rapture, Dontae would praise Him. So, that’s what he did, all through that worship song and the next. Dontae smiled at himself, wishing that his mom was there to see him, somehow he knew that she would be proud. Even though it took a nightmare to show him the way, Dontae finally realized that God was worthy to be praised, just because of who He is.

  After praise and worship and the offering, the pastor stood behind the podium and read from John 16:32-33

  Behold, the hour comes, yea, is now come, that ye shall be scattered, every man to his own, and shall leave me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with me. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; for I have overcome the world.

  After hearing those verses, Dontae wasn’t able to concentrate on anything else the pastor had to say, because it was as if God Himself had spoken those words to him. In his dream last night he had felt as if he was scattered, and tossed to and fro and so, so very alone. But even with all the things he’d witnessed in that horrible dream and in his own life, he still felt as if he could somehow reach God. Coach Linden trying to take advantage of him didn’t matter anymore, Tory only wanting him for his money was a non-issue and his father leaving his family at a time when they needed him most didn’t matter either—because God Himself would help Dontae overcome all of his tribulations.

  By the time the altar call was made, Dontae was ready. He lifted his hands and walked down to receive Christ, his own personal savior. And as he was rejoicing, he turned and saw Jewel. Tears were flowing down her face and he could see the love of God all over her as he hadn’t seen it before. This was the woman for him, not just today or tomorrow, but for the rest of his life. She was heaven sent, and he would never let her go.

  He walked over to the woman that God had placed in his life to have and to hold forever and a day and he took the prenup out of his jacket pocket and tore it up. He then took the ring out of his pocket and held it out to her again as he said, “I don’t need a prenup, Jewel. With God’s help I promise you, I will fight for our marriage until the very end.”

  “That’s all I wanted to hear,” she said as she kissed him and then allowed Dontae Marshall to slide the ring back onto her finger, where it would stay as a symbol of their forever kind of love.


  Six months later, Dontae testified against Coach Linden. He felt good about his part in helping to put a predator just where he belonged. But it was Stevie’s testimony that really did Coach Linden in. Stevie was a new man and he and his family seemed to easily move beyond the pain of his past. Dontae decided is time for him to do the same. At the sentencing, when Dontae spoke, he looked Coach Linden directly in the eye and said, “After this day, you will most likely spend the rest of your days in prison, but I will not allow you to imprison me any longer. If I’ve learned anything from this experience, it’s that I can’t change the past and I don’t have to dwell in it either. So, I will forget about you and move forward. I will have a happy life. What you do with the rest of yours is your business. But I pray that you allow God to work on your heart and to deliver you.

  After that Dontae left the courtroom not even needing to hear just how many years Coach Linden received as his sentence. They were running late and a limo was outside the courthouse waiting for Dontae and Jewel. They had gotten married the week before and were now headed to the airport to begin their two week honeymoon in Paris and Italy. As far as Dontae was concerned, his bride deserved no less. She was a Godly woman who taught him to love, so he was about to show her some serious love in a place that was made for lovers.

  But as they pulled up to the airport, Dontae remembered something he forgot to do. Now that they were at the airport, it would have to wait. He got out of the car and waited as the limo driver handed their bags over to the porter. He tipped the driver, grabbed his wife’s hand, then rushed into the airport. After going through the check point and racing toward their terminal, they made it to the gate just as passengers were boarding the aircraft.

  Dontae kissed Jewel as they sat down in their first class seats, but he kept reminding himself about what he forgot to do. He didn’t have his laptop because he refused to take it on his honeymoon. But he did have his iPad. Dontae took it out of his carry-on bag and quickly opened his email. It was time for him to send his first Praise Alert.

  Before typing his praise report, he added Jewel’s email address to the circulation. She was now part of the family and should take part in their little praise-a-thon also. Dontae then began to type.

  Hey Family, I’m on the plane getting ready to start my honeymoon, but I didn’t want to leave the country before I sent out my very first Praise Alert. There was a time in my life when I didn’t think I had anything to praise God for, but I now know differently. God has done so much for me; I hardly know where to begin. But I would first like to thank and praise God for the loving family that I have. You all have meant so much to me and I doubt I’d be where I am today without your support.

  But the thing I am most thankful for is how God kept on blessing me even when I didn’t deserve or appreciate Him for doing it. My mindset has totally changed and I can now praise God just for waking me up this morning, but not only that... I woke up next to the most beautiful woman in the world... sorry sisters, you all have to take a backseat to Jewel. But I
think all of you are beautiful, too.

  God has been good to me. I even thank and praise Him for allowing me to be able to give my wife the honeymoon of her dreams... isn’t God good? He sure has been good to me. I will forever praise Him for leading and guiding me all of the days of my life, and for renewing my mind.

  Now I have given you my praise report; I’m sure as time goes by I will have many more. But I’d like to hear from some of you. So whose next... what do you have to praise God for?

  Dontae smiled as he wrote those words, because he knew his brothers and sisters loved God, but a few of them had lost their praise. Now was the perfect time to get it back.

  The stewardess said, “Please turn off all electronic devices.”

  Well family, it’s time for me to go, but before I sign off, I’d like to reiterate what Mom always tells us. No matter what trials or tribulations we go through in life, just go on and praise God anyhow.

  The end

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  Books in the Praise Him Anyhow series

  Tears Fall at Night Praise Him Anyhow Series) - (114) 5-Star reviews

  Joy Comes in the Morning (Praise Him Anyhow Series) - (57) 5-Star reviews

  A Forever Kind of Love (Praise Him Anyhow Series) - (45) 5-Star reviews

  Ramsey’s Praise (Praise Him Anyhow Series) - (50) 5-Star reviews

  Escape to Love (Praise Him Anyhow Series) - (37) 5-Star reviews

  Praise For Christmas (Praise Him Anyhow Series) - (39) 5-Star reviews

  His Love Walk (Praise Him Anyhow Series) (36) 5-Star reviews

  Could This Be Love (Praise Him Anyhow Series)

  Song of Praise (Praise Him Anyhow Series)

  Author Bio

  Vanessa Miller is a best-selling author, playwright, and motivational speaker. She started writing as a child, spending countless hours either reading or writing poetry, short stories, stage plays and novels. Vanessa’s creative endeavors took on new meaning in1994 when she became a Christian. Since then, her writing has been centered on themes of redemption, often focusing on characters facing multi-dimensional struggles.

  Vanessa’s novels have received rave reviews, with several appearing on Essence Magazine’s Bestseller’s List. Miller’s work has receiving numerous awards, including “Best Christian Fiction Mahogany Award” and the “Red Rose Award for Excellence in Christian Fiction.” Miller graduated from Capital University with a degree in Organizational Communication. She is an ordained minister in her church, explaining, “God has called me to minister to readers and to help them rediscover their place with the Lord.”

  She is currently working on a For Your Love trilogy for Kimani Romance. The first book, Her Good Thing, releases in September 2012. She is working on a historical set in the Gospel Era for Abingdon Press. First book in Gospel Series, How Sweet the Sound releases in 2013, and a My Soul to Keep series for Whitaker House.

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