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Deadly Choices: How the Anti-Vaccine Movement Threatens Us All

Page 30

by Paul A. Offit M. D.

Adams, Lucy Rorke

  Advisory Commission on Childhood Vaccines

  Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)

  AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)

  Alaska, measles outbreak

  Alba, Jessica

  Alexander, Hattie

  Allergic reactions, to vaccines

  Allopathic medicine

  Aloudat, Tammam

  Alternative medicine, lure of

  Althen, Margaret

  Aluminum, in vaccines

  American Academy of Family Physicians

  American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)

  American Experience (television program)

  American Medical Association

  American Medical Liberty League

  Angstadt, Lauren



  Anti-Compulsory Vaccination Act

  Anti-Compulsory Vaccination League (ACVL)

  Anti-Vaccination League

  Anti-Vaccination League of America

  Anti-vaccine movement/activists

  birth of modern American

  CDC and

  celebrities and

  choosing not to vaccinate

  conspiracy theories and

  differences between 19th-century and modern movements

  DPT: Vaccine Roulette and

  in England

  Healy and

  lawyers and

  marketing strategy

  mass marketing and

  pharmaceutical companies and

  rejection of germ theory

  religious beliefs and

  similarities between 19th-century and modern movements

  smallpox vaccine and


  vaccine advocates and

  Antivaccine philosophy, Steiner and

  Anti-vaccine rallies/protests


  measles outbreak

  pertussis outbreak

  Arkansas, measles outbreak

  Aschoff, Ludwig

  Asher, Evan

  Asher, John

  Association of Parents of Vaccine-Damaged Children

  Attkisson, Sharyl


  cures advanced for

  McCarthy and

  mercury in vaccines (thimerosal) and

  MMR vaccine and

  Omnibus Autism Proceeding

  vaccines and

  Autism Action Coalition

  Autism Speaks

  Avard, Ronald


  Bacterial meningitis

  Baker, Josephine

  Ballard, Henry

  Banks, Bailey

  Baraff, Larry

  Barr, Richard

  Bazell, Robert

  BCG (Bacillus of Calmette and Guérin) vaccine

  Behar, Joy

  Belkin, Lyla

  Belkin, Michael

  Berg, Anna

  Berkovic, Samuel

  Bernier, Roger

  “Bill to Further Extend and Make

  Compulsory the Practice of


  Blaylock, Russell

  Bonthrone, Iris

  Bonthrone, John

  Bonthrone, Richard

  Bordetella pertussis

  Boston Daily Globe (newspaper)

  Bradstreet, Jeff

  Brain damage, pertussis vaccine and

  Brain Research Institute

  Brandt, Edward

  Bridgewater State Hospital for the Criminally Insane

  British Medical Association

  British Medical Journal (journal)

  British Pediatric Association

  Brooklyn Compulsory Anti-Vaccination League

  Brown, Charles

  Bumpers, Betty

  Bumpers, Dale

  Burns, James B.

  Burton, Susan

  Byers, Randolph

  Byers, Vera

  Byline: Lea Thompson (television program)

  California, measles outbreaks

  Calmette, Albert

  Campbell, Meagan

  Canadian National Advisory Committee on Immunization

  Canby, Vincent

  Capizzano, Rose

  The Care and Feeding of Indigo Children (Virtue)

  Carlson, Sybil

  Carrey, Jim, as anti-vaccine activist

  Carter, Jimmy

  Carter, Rosalynn

  CBS Evening News (television program)

  CDC. See Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

  Cedillo, Michelle

  Cedillo, Theresa and Michael

  Celebrity, use by anti-vaccine movement

  Center of Excellence in Autism

  Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)

  criticism of Vaccine Roulette

  on effects of pertussis

  on mercury in vaccines

  on pertussis outbreaks

  rotavirus vaccine and

  school immunization requirements and

  study of pertussis vaccine-brain damage link

  as target of anti-vaccine groups

  vaccine shortages and

  Chadwick, Nicholas

  Chambers, Hillary

  Chambers, Finley

  Chase, Sylvia

  Chemicals, in vaccines

  Chen, Robert

  Cherry, James


  Chickenpox vaccine

  CHILD. See Children’s Health Care Is a Legal Duty (CHILD)

  Childhood Immunization Initiative

  Child Neurology Association

  Children of God for Life

  Children’s Health Care Is a Legal Duty (CHILD)

  Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

  Chiropractors, vaccines and

  Christian Scientists, religious exemption to vaccination requirements and

  Christopher, Warren

  Church of Human Life Science

  Citizens’ Medical Reference Bureau

  Classen, Bart

  Classen Immunotherapies

  Clostridium tetani

  Coalition for Vaccine Safety

  Cohn, Mel

  Colantoni, Anthony

  Committee on the Safety of Medicines

  Compulsory vaccination

  anti-vaccine movement and

  Jacobson v. Massachusetts

  for smallpox

  social good vs. individual freedom and

  Typhoid Mary and

  See also Mandatory vaccination

  Concomitant-use studies

  Confessions of a Medical Heretic (Mendelsohn)

  Connaught Laboratories

  Conscientious objector status

  Conspiracy theory on vaccines

  Converse, Ben

  Conway, Homer and Chin-Caplan

  Cookie (magazine)

  Cornelius, David

  Cornelius, Edward and Anne

  Corynebacterium diphtheriae

  “Courage in Science Award,”

  “The Cow-Pock or the Wonderful Effects of the New Inoculation” (Gillray)


  Crawford, Cindy

  The Crime Against the School Child (Higgins)

  Crimes of the Cowpox Ring (Little)


  Cutter Laboratories

  Dalli, Belinda

  Dalli, Beulah

  Danzon, Patricia

  Dateline NBC (television program)

  Daum, Robert

  Davis, Irving

  Dawson, Geri

  Deafness, DTP vaccine and

  Deer, Brian

  Delaware, pertussis outbreak

  Department of Community Medicine

  Department of Defense

  Department of Health and Human Services

  Diabetes, vaccines and

  Dick, George


  Diphtheria vaccine

  Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT). See also National Vaccine Information Cent

  District of Columbia, measles outbreak


  attitude of anti-vaccine movement towards

  Handley and

  refusing care for unvaccinated children

  The Doctors (television program)

  Downs, Hugh

  DPT. See Dissatisfied Parents Together (DPT)

  DPT: Vaccine Roulette (television documentary)

  criticism of

  experts used in

  The Dr. Oz Show (television program)

  Dravet, Charlotte

  Dravet’s syndrome

  DTP vaccine, deafness and. See also Diphtheria vaccine; Pertussis vaccine; Tetanus vaccine

  Dunbar, Bonnie

  Dyer, Brad

  East Bay Waldorf School whooping cough outbreak

  ECBT. See Every Child by Two (ECBT)

  Eddy, Mary Baker

  Eggs, allergic reactions to vaccines and

  Ehrich, William

  Einstein, Albert

  Eldering, Grace

  Eli Lilly

  Endotoxin, in pertussis vaccine


  antivaccine movement in

  conscientious-objection law and vaccination rates

  DTP vaccine injury cases

  “An Epidemic of Fear” (Wallace)

  Epidemiological Society of London

  Epidemiology Intelligence Service



  causes of

  pertussis vaccine and risk of

  Epilepsy Research Center

  Estepp, Rebecca

  Every Child by Two (ECBT)

  Expert witnesses, autism cases and

  “Extension of ‘The Tragedy of the Commons’“ (Hardin)

  The Facts Against Compulsory Vaccination (pamphlet)

  Federal Circuit Court of Appeals

  Feikin, Daniel

  Fever, seizures and

  “Fighting for the Reputation of Vaccines” (Parikh)

  Fisher, Barbara Loe

  on changes in VICP’s vaccine-injury-compensation table

  on chickenpox vaccine

  child’s reaction to vaccination and founding of Dissatisfied Parents Together

  distrust of doctors

  Hawkins hearings and

  hepatitis B vaccine and

  on herd immunity

  on Hib vaccine

  on HPV vaccine

  Jenny McCarthy’s activism compared to

  Maher and

  as media source of information

  on natural infection

  paranoia and

  parental guilt over vaccination problems and


  on pneumococcal vaccine

  A Shot in the Dark

  on vaccine advisory council

  on vaccine-autism link

  as vaccine safety activist

  on validity of scientific studies

  Wakefield and

  Fisher, Christian

  Fisher, Margaret

  Flint, Brendalee

  Flint, Julieanna

  Flutie, Doug

  Foege, William

  Food and Drug Administration

  Formaldehyde, in vaccines

  Fourteenth Amendment, compulsory vaccination and

  Fox, Rosemary

  Francis, Thomas

  Frankenstein (Shelley)

  Frist, Bill

  Fundamentals of Anthroposophical Medicine (Steiner)

  Galvani, Luigi

  Gardasil. See also Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine

  Garner, Jennifer

  Garrow, Irene

  Gates Foundation’s Global Health Program

  Gaugert, Polly

  Geier, Mark

  Gelatin, allergic reactions to vaccines and

  General Medical Council

  Generation Rescue

  Genetic cause of encephalopathy

  Georgia, measles outbreak

  Germ theory, rejection of

  Gibbs, George

  Gibbs, John

  Gibbs, Richard Butler

  Gillray, James

  Glanz, Jason



  Godfrey, Arthur

  Golden, Gerald

  Golkiewicz, Gary

  Gordon, Jay

  Graham, Michelle

  Grant, Jim

  Grant, Marge

  Grant, Scott

  “Green Our Vaccines” rally

  Griffin, Archie

  Griffin, Marie

  Group Health Cooperative

  Gruelle, Johnny

  Gruelle, Marcella

  Guérin, Camille

  Hadwin, Walter

  Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) infection

  Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) meningitis

  Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine

  Halsey, Neal

  Handley, J. B.

  attacks on Gardasil vaccine


  on The Doctors

  on Larry King Live


  Hardin, Garrett

  Harlan, John Marshall

  Harris, Burton

  Harris, Gardiner

  Hart, Ernest

  Harvard School of Public Health

  Hasidic Jews, mumps outbreak among


  measles outbreak

  repeal of religious exemption health laws

  Hawkins, Paula

  Hazelhurst, Rolf and Angela

  Hazelhurst, Yates

  Healthcare workers, mandatory influenza vaccination for

  Healy, Bernadine, as anti-vaccine activist

  Heaton, Penny

  Hellström, Bo

  Hepatitis B infection

  Hepatitis B vaccine

  infant immune response to

  multiple sclerosis and


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