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Her Officer in Charge

Page 9

by Carpenter, Maggie

  “I don’t know if it’s noble, I just hated seeing what it did to my friend’s daughter and her family. Law enforcement weren’t much help at all. I was the one who tracked down where they’d taken her. It’s a long story, but I want to help others in the same situation.”

  “I know you’ll be brilliant,” she sighed, moving her arms around his neck, “but it makes me even more surprised you’re single. You’re so… everything.”

  “I could say the same thing about you, but I know the answer.”

  “You do?”

  “Sure. I’ll bet most of the men you meet are scared shitless, if you’ll excuse the expression. You’re a handful.”

  “You don’t know me well enough to say that.”

  “You’re wrong, I do,” he said with a knowing smile, then, lowering his head, he moved his mouth across hers in a warm, sweet, leisurely kiss.

  “Mmm, that was lovely,” she sighed, “but you still haven’t told me why you’re single. You’re very good at being evasive.”

  “And you’re very determined,” he grinned. “For a start, until the last couple of years I was traveling a lot.”

  “You mean like Afghanistan, the Middle East.”

  “Yes, and other places, and I knew I’d be in some tight spots. The thing is, I didn’t want to have a girl back here worrying about me. I also didn’t want to be worried about her. That’s a personal choice; others feel differently, and it’s not wrong or right, it’s just a choice. To be effective, I needed to be unencumbered.”

  “While you were spying,” she said dramatically.

  “Stop saying that!”

  “How would you put it then?”

  “Intelligence work.”

  “Were you in, what you just said, tight spots?”

  “Sure, a few times.”

  “Wow. I don’t know why, but that really turns me on,” she purred, moving her hand to his crotch.

  “What do you think you’re doing?”

  “You don’t know?” she teased. “I thought you were a man of the world.”

  She could feel him springing to life under her fingers, and with her free hand she began unfastening the top buttons of his shirt.

  “Damn, girl,” he growled, “you are so wicked.”

  “I’m not wicked,” she said softly, continuing to pop his shirt buttons. “I just know what we both want.”

  “Is that right?”

  “Uh-huh,” she murmured, pulling his shirt from his jeans and unbuckling his belt.


  “Yes, captain?” she murmured as she started to slither down his body.

  She was on her way to her knees, but he caught her. Effortlessly lifting her into his arms, he carried her into his bedroom.

  “Tell me what you wanted to do,” he said, sitting on the edge of the mattress and holding her on his lap.

  “Wasn’t it obvious?”

  “Don’t answer a question with a question,” he said firmly. “Tell me.”

  “I wanted,” she whispered, her lips at his ear, “to suck you.”

  “You’ve already forgotten your place,” he said, gently pulling her head back by her hair and touching the tip of his finger to her nose.

  “What do you mean?”

  “You really don’t know?”

  “I really don’t know,” she said earnestly.

  “Sweetheart, sucking my cock is a privilege. You have to ask.”


  “Ask me, ask me nicely.”

  “Vince, you’re making me so hot,” she bleated, dropping her head on his shoulder.

  “I’m still waiting.”

  “Please, Vince, may I suck your cock?”

  “No, you may not.”


  She stared at him, wide-eyed, then frowned.

  “Did you just say no?”

  “Correct, I said no.”

  “But, uh, I don’t understand.”

  “Think about it.”

  “Can’t you just tell me?”

  “Think about it.”

  “Um, didn’t I ask politely enough?”

  “Close to one reason, there are two.”

  “Oh! Please, sir, may I suck your cock?”

  “Much better, now what’s the second reason?”

  “I have no idea,” she sighed.

  “I haven’t trained you.”

  “You haven’t trained me?” she repeated, feeling a flame of heat burn across her face.

  “You assumed just putting your mouth on me would be enough. It’s not. If you want to please me, you need to be taught.”

  “You’re amazing,” she whispered.

  “I don’t know about that,” he said, “but if you want to be my submissive, I expect certain behaviors, and one of those is for you not to assume things.”

  “Please, sir, will you train me to suck your cock?”

  “Good, very good,” he smiled. “Yes, we can make a start, but first I’m going to heat up your butt. After that you’ll have your first lesson.”

  “Are you sure you need to spank me first? My butt is still a bit sore, and I’ll be good, I swear, I won’t make any more assumptions,” she promised, leaning in and planting kisses across his face.

  “Bella, that’s not going to change my mind. Now lie over my knees, and if I have to ask you again, your ass will be a whole lot more than just a little sore tomorrow.”

  “You’re very strict,” she moaned as she rolled herself over his lap.

  “Sweetheart, this is not strict, this is just a lesson.”

  “It feels strict.”

  “You know every time you make a smart-ass comment, it earns you more swats. You do know that, don’t you?”

  “I guess,” she said as she wriggled, trying to find a more comfortable position. “Sir, I—”

  Before she could finish, his palm began delivering its peppery smacks, moving from cheek to cheek, landing three quick slaps at a time. Bella kicked her legs in protest. In spite of the protection of her jeans, her already tender bottom was feeling the significant zing of his hard hand.

  “Please,” she begged, “no more, I’m sorry I forgot my place and I’m sorry I forgot to call you sir.”

  He paused, and resting his palm on her backside, he could feel the heat of her skin through the denim.

  “There will most certainly be more, but after you take off these jeans. Remember when you were across my knee at the venue, when I punished you for sneaking in?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Then you know what you must do now, and you also know I don’t wish to repeat myself.”

  Sighing in resignation, she crawled off his lap and, sliding down the zipper, pushed her jeans and panties to her knees.

  “Back into over thighs,” he said smartly, “don’t keep me waiting.”

  As she bent over his lap, his reminder of the first time she’d felt his discipline flashed through her mind. Though she had been mortified by the exposure, and stunned by the heat in his hand, she had still felt the burning desire between her legs, and she realized even then, the chemistry sparking between them had been real.

  “Now then, where were we?” he asked as she squirmed into position. “You had something else you wished to say?”

  “Yes, sir. I shouldn’t take things for granted. I was just being flirty.”

  “I love it when you’re flirty, but next time you’ll approach me differently, won’t you, Bella?”

  “Yes, sir. Definitely.”

  “Do you still want me to be your dominant?”

  “Yes, yes, sir.”

  “You suggested I was too strict.”

  “No, no, sorry, that’s just me and my big mouth.”

  “Hmm, yes, you and your big mouth,” he repeated, and dispatched his hand to her naked skin in a flurry of hard, quick slaps.

  “Ow, ow, ow, sir, I’m sorry!” she wailed, shocked by the sudden onslaught.

  “Your big mouth,” he said again, spanking he
r sit spot, “is going to make this bottom of yours very red if it doesn’t learn to hold its tongue.”

  “Ooh, sir, I’ll try to be better,” she cried, trying to kick her legs but unable to because of the jeans. “I will, I swear.”

  “Uh-huh,” he muttered as he swished his palm upwards. “I won’t tolerate disrespect, not for a moment.”

  “But I do respect you,” she howled, “so much.”

  “Be careful about testing me, young lady. You might find it carries more of a consequence than you care for,” he warned, pausing for a moment.

  “Oh, my gosh,” she gasped. “Your hand is so…”

  “Hard and hot?”

  “Yes, sir, hard and hot, so hot.”

  “We’re not done yet. Round two is coming up.”

  “Round two?” she whimpered.

  “First I want you to tell me how you’re feeling.”

  “I, uh, you mean how sore I am?”

  “No, Bella, how you’re feeling about being under my authority. Having your butt properly tanned, and knowing I’ll whip your ass if I think you need it.”

  “It’s, um, strange,” she bleated, finding it difficult to think. “I feel like I need it. It helps me somehow, and I love you being in charge. I’m so tired of feeling as if I have no rudder.”

  “No rudder? You mean, no direction?”

  “I’m not sure what I mean, I just know it feels better, it feels right, even if my ass is stinging like mad right now.”

  “It’s about to sting more. Do you know why?”

  “Because you said round two is coming up?” she said, wriggling on his lap.

  “Yes, of course, but that’s not the answer. It’s going to sting some more because if I don’t spank you properly, you’ll be left frustrated and disappointed.”

  “That’s happened to me,” she sighed. “It’s a terrible feeling.”

  “I’m sure, and on that note, I believe I shall continue,” he declared. “Slow and hard now, Bella. Think about each smack, and the reasons behind it.”

  Raising his hand, he flattened his palm and sailed it upon her already pink backside.

  “Oh, sir!”

  “Now you will not utter a sound. Not a peep. Understood?”

  “I’ll try, sir,” she bleated.

  “Not good enough. It’s time to show me you can be obedient,” he said sternly, landing several smart slaps as he spoke the words.

  “Ooww, yes, sir.”

  Clutching her punished flesh, he squeezed it hard, then delivered another resounding blow to her opposite cheek. She wriggled and kicked, but did not cry out.

  “Good, several more, and remember, not a sound.”

  He counted silently to three between each blow, moving his hand slightly lower with each slap, alternating her cheeks, allowing her the opportunity to mentally prepare. When he reached her sit spot, he smoothed his hand over the area before landing the zinging smack.

  Bella threw back her head and bit her lip; determined to show him she’d meant what she said, that she really did love his authority and wanted him to be her dominant, she swallowed back the yelp that was bursting to be heard. As his hand landed on her opposite side, she gyrated her hips from side to side, and slammed her closed fist on the bed, but again kept silent. Vince had seen enough, and staring at her scarlet skin, it was obvious his point had been made.

  “I’m very proud of you,” he crooned as he began to massage her scorched backside.

  “Th-thank you, sir,” she gasped.

  “You can settle for a minute, think about what you’ve just learned, and how it made you feel.”

  “I want to please you, sir, and that feeling is stronger than ever.”

  “It’s supposed to be, that’s how it works,” he sighed.

  “It’s, uh, so different now, than that first time,” she mumbled.

  “I would hope so, but tell me why.”

  “It feels like being across your lap is where I belong. It makes me want to sigh, even now, even though I’m stinging and hurting so much.”

  “That’s because it is where you belong, and you’re going to find yourself in this position frequently.”

  “Oh, sir,” she wriggled, feeling a fresh wash of heat in her sex.

  Staring down at the evident wetness, he smiled knowingly, and lightly touched her, just to tease and tantalize her for a moment. She groaned her need, and when he withdrew his fingers, she moaned her disappointment.

  “All right, Bella, time to start your training. Move off my lap and kneel between my legs.”

  Her bottom on fire, she slid off his lap and kneeled in front of him, then, lifting her hot, red face, she gazed into his mesmerizing blue eyes.

  “Take off your shirt.”

  Fingers trembling, she undid the buttons. After sliding her arms out of the sleeves, she laid the shirt on the floor next to her.


  Reaching her hands behind her, she unsnapped the hooks, then let it slip off and put it on top of the shirt.

  “Lovely tits,” he murmured, tracing her nipples with his finger.

  “Thank you, sir,” she breathed. “I’m glad they please you.”

  Using both hands, he pinched them softly, then sharply, eliciting a sharp squeal.

  “Stand up and take off the rest of your clothes, then kneel back down.”

  Pulse racing, she rose to her feet. Feeling strangely self-conscious, she kicked off her sandals, then slid her jeans and panties down her legs, dropping them on top of her blouse and bra.

  “Eyes down, knees apart, hands behind your back. In the future, when I order you to kneel, this is the position I expect you to assume. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Stay there.”

  Rising from the bed, he picked up her clothes and draped them over an armchair, then, moving into the bathroom, he stripped off. As he searched out a condom, he thought about the scene that had just played itself out. Sitting on his lap, she’d been lightly provoking him, waiting to see his reactions, and she’d done it all in a very subtle way. She’d wanted him to maintain control, to show her it was always there, idling under the surface.

  Has someone let you down, or is testing simply in your nature? I don’t suppose it matters. I can spot your curve balls before they even leave your hand, sweetheart, and you don’t have to worry. I’m not going to disappoint you.

  “I know you haven’t had a man in your life for some time,” he said, returning to sit in front of her, “so I will cut you some slack, but not much, and not for long.”

  His words sent a shiver down her spine, and as she saw his hand take hold of his cock, she felt her goosebumps pop across her skin.

  “Sitting before me naked as you are, and learning how to suck my cock, is an excellent way to remind you of your place.”

  “Yes, sir,” she murmured, “thank you, sir. May I say something, sir?”

  “Yes, you may.”

  “It’s as if you know how I feel and what I want, and it’s the best feeling in the whole world. Thank you.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Not sure if she was expected to take hold of him or wait, Bella decided on the latter, and remained kneeling, quiet and still. Shifting to the edge of the bed, he presented his very erect member to her lips.

  “Keep your hands behind your back, slowly slide up and down, then gradually increase your pace.”

  Bella couldn’t recall the last time she had so wanted a cock in her mouth, and as she opened her lips and took him in, she felt a deep, satisfying wave of submission.

  This is where I belong, on my knees like this, making him happy, surrendering, worshipping his cock. I almost feel like crying.

  He could sense her yielding, and, sinking into the moment, he closed his eyes, reveling in the warm deliciousness of her mouth’s loving attention. Though he had the occasional playmate, it had been far too long since he had enjoyed the genuine surrender of a woman about whom he cared deeply. His feelings for
Bella were real and quickly growing, and he sucked in air as his excitement continued to build.

  “More,” he said softly.

  She increased her pace, sucking lustily, and he leaned forward, sending his fingers between her legs. Finding her wet and swollen, a fresh wave of energy surged through his cock.

  “You’re dripping,” he purred, bringing his hands to the sides of her head. “Keep sucking, but faster, fuck me with your mouth.”

  With his fingers curled in her hair he controlled her, showing her what he wanted and how he wanted it, until he sensed his moment drawing near.

  “Be still now, I’m going to pull out.”

  Opening her lips, she licked his shaft as it slowly retreated.

  “You did that very well. Look at me.”

  Her eyes glowed up at him and he let out a heavy sigh. They were sparkling and warm and slightly glazed, the epitome of an adoring woman drenched in submission.

  “You are lovely,” he smiled. “I’m truly grateful you were such a bad girl and crept back into the venue. I doubt we’d be here if you hadn’t pulled that stunt.”

  “I don’t know what to say,” she breathed.

  “You don’t have to say anything,” he, said smiling down at her. Ripping open the condom, he pulled out the sheath and slid it over his member. “Straddle me, sink onto my cock, then stay absolutely still.”

  Climbing onto the bed, she put her knees on either side of his legs, rested one hand on his shoulder, held his cock in the other, and with a deep moan she slowly lowered herself down.

  “Oh, sir, you fill me up, you fill me up in every way.”

  Throwing back her head, she thrust out her breasts. Accepting the invitation, he brought his lips to her nipples, sucking hungrily, eliciting a long, soft bleating.

  “Oh, please, let me move,” she pleaded. “I need to, please?”

  “Do it,” he growled, “do it, ride me.”

  Bringing his hands to her waist, he held her firmly, helping her as she began sliding up and down on his engorged member. She was uttering small sounds of pleasure, then unexpectedly she dropped her head to rest on his shoulder.

  “Please, may I touch myself,” she panted. “Please, sir?”

  “Yes, and when you’re close, ask for permission.”


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