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The Chronicles of Benjamin Jaminson: Empires At War (Book 5 Part Two)

Page 20

by Thomas Wright

  “Is there a place where our people can clean up? It’s been many days since we had a chance to wash,” Tazleaha said. Again, a long pause.

  “There is a place,” he said. Tazleaha expected more. Of course there would be a place somewhere. What is this idiot playing at? She changed her mind. This wasn’t going to be peaceful. Not at all. “Are you slow? Do you have a hearing problem or does processing a simple answer hurt your head?”

  “You should watch your mouth, tall woman.”

  “The queen is tall. Do you have something against tall women?” Tazleaha asked. She wanted to see what he thought of her while he didn’t know who he was talking to.

  “No. I have finally established order among the local survivors and you people show up and contest it.”

  “We are not contesting anything. We want you to join us. We have successfully taken out one of the outposts and stolen two shuttles. With larger numbers, we can do much more,” she said. He turned around, but then turned back and marched on, saying nothing.

  “We work directly for the queen. We would tell her of you, of your cooperation and assistance,” Zora added. Dela’maah remained quiet.

  “Our queen may not be queen any longer. The Khalnalax may own our lives. There is also a new regent. Will she hear my name and reward my deeds?”

  “How do you know this?” Tazleaha asked. “News could not have arrived any time recently with the blockade in place.”

  “Some of our people hid under their home for days while the Khalnalax occupied it. They overheard talk. They said the regent might offer a surrender for a position in the new government.”

  “I’m going to kill her,” she said, looking directly at Zora who nodded her understanding. Dela’maah moved in closer. Both knew the signs.

  The leader laughed. “You are stuck here, woman, and will be dead long before you get a chance to kill our new regent. Idaline will not survive the Khalnalax World Eaters once they get here. This they heard also. It will be weeks, but they will come.”

  “This war has only just started,” she said. “Could it be Emperor Khalnalax is above us having a tantrum because our fleet is regrouping and not engaging them? He fires on Idaline with no care for what he hits. If so, what do you think he will do to the Regent of Cjittan if she surrenders our empire? I don’t think he will keep his word even if he gives it.”

  “He kills his own people without thought or care,” Zora said. “If the rumors are true, then those loyal to the queen may have to fight on two fronts.”

  “Renji may have made alliances with other houses who have been out of favor. Her family is not strong enough alone to field any resistance once you return.”

  “What are you three talking about? When who returns, where?” the leader asked.

  “When I return to Xanlos,” Tazleaha answered. The rifle butt connected with his face snapping his head back. She drove it into his midsection. He doubled over, then she finished it, driving the stock into the back of his head.

  “When I return, I am Tazleaha, Queen of Cjittan,” she said. The rifle was now pointed at the two who accompanied the man, who were currently moaning on the ground. “I hope both of you provide answers faster than your leader did. Whom do you follow?”

  They dropped to their knees. “We follow you, Queen Tazleaha,” they said in unison.

  “Guess I’m not captain anymore. I liked telling her what to do,” Dela’maah said, laughing.

  “Surprised it lasted this long,” Zora added. “You two pick him up and help him back to camp. We are finished here. Leadership has been decided.”

  “You, on the ground, bleeding all over my planet. Do you agree or do I have to continue our discussion?” Tazleaha asked.

  “I agree,” he moaned. “Forgive me for saying, but you might have told us earlier.”

  “Some secrecy was and is necessary. You will still lead, but you answer to us.”

  “You have done well to get them organized,” Dela’maah acknowledged, trying to soften the blow. “Our queen recognizes that. Now, one of you show us where we can clean up, then we will address everyone with a general idea of our goals.”

  “Mayor,” Zora said. “Get our people organized and ready to do the same. Removing the dirt and stink will be short-lived, but will feel good while it lasts.”

  “We should assume they are aware that something has happened to their outpost,” Tazleaha said, looking at the man being held up by a man under each arm. “We need a place to hide the shuttles in case they’re searching. Make that your priority. If you have a location in mind for prisoners, take the pilots and move them there. Do not kill them, even if they give you attitude. We need them right now. We will join you shortly.”

  “Follow me,” the leader said. “I am Jamar. Former security head for the Harzza Resort.”

  “Jamar, Mayor, we are taking the fight to the Khalnalax,” Zora said. “If anyone has knowledge of other outposts, we need it. We will question the pilots again for information and cross-check it. While they swore loyalty, it was not given freely. They may still think to sabotage our objectives.”

  It was a silent walk to the river. If the outposts were relatively the same complement of soldiers, then they should have no problem overwhelming them with the numbers they now possessed. A night raid would work and lessen their chances of casualties. The sound of rushing water splashing on rocks greeted them and brought smiles to their faces. The small waterfall looked wonderful as it dumped into a pool that swirled and eddied before flowing downstream. It was coming together. There had to be more survivors. Idaline’s permanent population was not large, mostly employees working in the few business fields required to make a resort planet function. She had never stayed more than a night on Idaline. It was something she would need to change. Her people would need to see her throughout the empire when this was all over.

  “Zora, I have to admit I thought my people would see through our charade, but it seems they don’t recognize me. Have I fallen so far from their minds that they don’t know their queen?” she asked in a hushed tone.

  “Your likeness is on our currency,” Zora replied. “A bold regal portrait that hasn’t changed in quite a while. Our people also expect to see a crown, a beautiful dress, long luxurious hair and the attitude we’ve all come to expect.”

  “And they got this,” she said motioning up and down with her hand.

  “Yes, dirt, butchered hair, blood stains, more dirt. The only thing that rings true is the attitude.”

  “Remind me to relieve you of command when we return,” she teased.

  “Gladly,” Zora laughed. “I’m thinking of becoming a privateer.”

  “You better not. Thank you, dear cousin, for being at my side. I should have said this before now.”

  “What about me?” Dela’maah asked.

  “I’m sorry, did you say something?”

  “Forget it.”

  Tazleaha and Zora laughed and hugged Dela’maah.


  Natalia watched her father walk away then turned her attention to the activity around the fallen mech. What the hell was the matter with Jared, sending a mech against him, anyway? The marines called a halt to the training and were using another mech to right the one face down on the deck. All the Privateers were standing around idly. She noticed Sash watching her and headed her way.

  “Knows how to make an entrance and an exit, I’ll give him that,” Sashet said as she walked up.

  “Yeah, and you’d think they would know by now not to screw with him. While it’s not perfect, we’re all supposed to be on the same team. We are either going to absorb the Warhammer and they fall in line or it’s gonna get ugly.”

  “We should continue, give our people something else to do and think about instead of standing around. All of the experienced people just departed with Benjamin, so this is going to be easy.”

  “You stick with the young ones, Captain; I’ll take the older group,” Natalia said, walking toward them. “Ok, fall in
. Nothing to see over there.”

  “He killed the man in the mechanical suit of armor?” Warlock asked.

  “He did.”

  “But he won.”

  “He did. Winning isn’t what it was about. Had they confronted him in their tee shirts and pants, the pilot would be alive. Beat to hell, but alive. In that suit, the pilot could squeeze your head and crush it like piece of overripe fruit. He could punch you and crush your ribs, turn your heart and lungs to paste.”

  Warlock thought about what she said. “I get it.”

  “I doubt you do. Threat assessment and experience combined with a pinch of emotional dysfunction and being challenged in front of your people. Mix it up and you get one dead marine.”

  “What was he wearing? It was…alive.”

  “Enough talk. All of you pair up,” Natalia barked. Doon and Joon paired up along with the rest but the departure of the crew left an odd number. Warlock stood alone. “Joon, you’re with me. Warlock, you and Doon pair up. The rest of you look good. Everyone face your partner.”

  “What should I do?” Joon asked.

  “Do just what I said. I didn’t bring you up here to stand around looking pretty,” Natalia said, giving her a dirty look. Joon frowned, feeling the anger stirring inside her. “Today you have to imagine you have a knife on your belt. You and your partner will try to take each other down via a hip toss or leg sweep, then you will use your knife. You must score on a vital. The area you want is navel to chin. There are other places, but you’re looking for the quickest results. Let me demonstrate.”

  Natalia had no more said demonstrate then she was on Joon. Her arm caught her across the chest while her leg slid in behind Joon’s. Joon’s head hit the mat and Natalia’s knee came down on her diaphragm. The air whooshed from her lungs as the tip of a knife pricked her throat. It was fluid and fast. She moved her leg from Joon and grabbed her arm, pulling her to her feet. She walked away from Joon into the formation. “Ok everyone, you give it a try.” She knew it would be chaos, people wrestling each other, but she wanted to see if anyone stood out in the group and could actually perform anything martial.

  She heard a yell and feet running across the mat and waited. Natalia was expecting it, but thought she would have attacked sooner. Spinning, she caught Joon in the air and dropped, flipping her over and onto her back. Natalia rolled and came down on top of her, pulling her knife again and poking her in the throat. She sheathed it just as quick and slapped Joon in the face, leaving a handprint. Pinning Joon’s arms to the mat, she leaned forward to speak into her ear.

  “My father likes you, farm girl,” Natalia said. “He has instructed me to watch out for you. So, I am. But, I’m not going to be your babysitter. I’m going to beat on you until you learn how to take care of yourself.” Natalia stood and this time didn’t offer a helping hand.

  “Warlock, what just happened here? Speak loud enough so everyone can hear.”

  “She attacked you from behind.”

  “Yes, she did. This is exactly why you leave no enemy alive. Having said that, you’re not always going to get them all, so you have to know that they’ll be coming for you and be ready. We don’t have a lot of time to devote to training. It takes years and you have days, so you have to keep practicing what you learn in this short time. Knowing your leader, I’m sure we will have more training in the future.”

  Joon was standing before Natalia finished addressing everyone. Her face was red all over and darker where she had been slapped. She faced Natalia. “I am sorry I was angry with you.”

  “Don’t apologize or I’ll kick your ass again. I get the anger; I have plenty of it myself. You have to channel it into determination, not crazy, going-off-the-deep-end actions. I already have one of those to keep an eye on. Your brother saved your ass and was doing everything he could to keep you alive. You think he doesn’t grieve the loss of your parents, your friends? Be angry, but be smart. Be ready.”

  Natalia watched Joon nod her head then caught Doon and Warlock staring at them. “What the hell are you two looking at? Get to work or I’m going to give you some individual instruction. Trust me, you won’t enjoy it.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  The shuttle arrived at the Generations ship, the incident on the Warhammer already forgotten. The crew exited, making a beeline straight for the Claymore. I had contacted everyone I wanted with me, except for Natalia, who I felt would better serve staying behind with Sash. Natalia would have her own ship and crew one day. The time with Sash would be good for her. Everyone had their gear already on board, so it was only a matter of loading some extras.

  Hey, Your Highness, you coming with us or you wanna stay here and lie around? I thought, knowing she would hear it. Imelda focused on me constantly.

  Why do you insist on asking foolish questions? Imelda fired back.


  Are you bringing your new pet?

  Yes. I think it will enjoy this trip as much as you or me.

  I am happy I had my own name and position before I adopted you. Had you called me ‘it’ for days I would have eaten you.

  I task Aisling with the chore of a name.

  You’re such a young fool. Your friend will not do what you ask no matter what you ordered. You give the child a name. The ships and people, they all answer to you. They serve you, so take responsibility for the child you woke from its forever sleep. Imelda’s legs touched the deck almost silently as she came to rest right next to me.

  You keep referring to it as a child. Do you know its age?

  Only that it is not full grown. Even then it would still be young.

  “Hey, hey,” I heard someone yell.

  You are on your own with that one. I would love to eat her, though, if you tire of the game. She shoved me out way none too gently and walked up the ramp. I could see Mira walking double time headed straight for me.

  “What?” I asked.

  “You’re not leaving me behind. I’m going with you.”

  “Good,” I answered and turned away from her.

  “Good, really? It’s that easy?”

  “Yes, I was just discussing with Imelda her dietary requirements and your name came up.”

  “That’s not funny.”

  “I’m not joking,” I said over my shoulder, walking away. She couldn’t see me smiling. She leaped onto my back and I carried her up the ramp. “Don’t you need to get your things?”

  “I brought them on board earlier while you were gone.”

  “Did you bring your black armor?”

  “Yes. It and a few weapons are all I have to my name.”

  “Are we friends, Mira?”

  “I hope we are. I lied and pretended to be someone else to get the Akelorians to come here.”

  “Were you really lying? It is harder to understand you than it is a real foe who wants to kill me. You’re riding on my back like an old friend yet I’m waiting for the knife to slide between my ribs.”

  “Benjamin, I’m a failed experiment. You know the Master was going to kill me and my sister like he had so many others before us. I have had many opportunities to kill you and let them pass.”

  “I remember most of them.”

  “Through it all, you offered me a life. Left me on Athena to start one. That is the rub. To be far away is to be driven by something I can’t control. Once I’m with you, it subsides. That is the failure in my creation and always the problem. The compulsion should grow even stronger, to the point of madness, but it doesn’t. I don’t know if there is another compulsion that is triggered if I were to kill you. Possibly one to take my own life. Don’t want to find out, either.”

  “Like you said, he was going to kill you one way or another.”

  “Yes, I am doomed. I would like to stay with you till the end. I imagine I don’t have much longer. Most clones have an expiration date. I was made to make you suffer. For you to stare into the blue eyes of the woman you loved once again while she put a blade in your chest. To drive you
to despair, helpless to fend me off. But we know how that all worked out.”

  “Yes, we do. Go see Lorelei. You’ll have to work like everyone else. She’ll assign you to something.”

  “I’m not cleaning the waste disposal tanks. There will be trouble if she tries to make me do that.”

  I laughed. “That won’t be necessary. So you know, there was a little trouble over on the Warhammer so things might get a little dicey between us and them. Just a heads up.”

  “What constitutes a little trouble?”

  “A fubar mech and a dead marine.”

  “Just one dead?”

  “Yes! Just one, hopefully the last. I hear the cargo lift. That should be Dog. Go check in.”

  I walked back down the ramp and watched the cage with my angry alien pooch approach. While it didn’t look angry, it locked on me with its eyes and didn’t blink. I removed my helmet and stared it in the eyes. So this is how we’re gonna keep doing it. A test of wills.

  “Someone suggested I just talk to you and ask, instead of command. I don’t know if I believe that or not after the way things have been. I don’t want to keep you locked up, either. We are making a two-hour detour to the surface below. It will be a test. If you want to stay, just keep on running. If you want to go with us, come when I call.”

  Its eyes were bright and clear. I watched its ears twitching as I spoke; they stood up alert. It seemed relaxed, listening, but not angry this time.

  Imelda, you did you hear what I told Dog? Two-hour detour. Kill enough to eat while traveling for just over a week and if Dog kills her own, wrap hers up and bring them back.

  I’m not deaf to sound or thought.

  Stop being a big hairy bitch. You’ll be a bad influence on my pooch and I don’t need two of you.

  If she wishes to return, I will bring her kills.

  That wasn’t hard, was it?

  “Lorelei, how long till departure?”

  “Just a few more minutes.”

  “Do you know where they dropped the rest of the Khalnalax crew?”


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