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In Love with the Enemy (A Rizer Wolfpack Series Book 4)

Page 6

by Amelia Wilson

  It was why she’d asked Ian what she had about how many humans he’d killed. She noted that he didn’t answer and that was probably because it was more than he could count.

  This isn’t about me or my feelings. It’s about what’s right. That is the right of mankind to survive and to thrive.

  It was a bit early to be going to sleep but she knew better than to leave her room again with her body so charged up that it would only take a light caress over her clit to be coming again.

  She never wanted Slade like she wanted Ian. If they had sex it would change so much. Sure, he might trust her more but she’d be connecting herself more to the enemy. Falling for Ian would complicate things.

  Slade’s advice to sleep with Ian was wrong. Nora decided that she was going to try and take a step back as far as intimacy went.

  And if I can’t?

  Nora touched the necklace at her neck. It was the only thing she had left of her life before her family was killed. Tears welled in her eyes. If she could not keep from drawing closer to Ian than she would commit the ultimate betrayal and hurt him even though he’d didn’t do anything to her to earn such treatment.

  He was wrong when he said that all could not be blamed for the acts of some. Shifters killed humans. Even Ian killed humans. If her actions brought about his death it would hurt, she knew that already but how could she protect him when he was a man killer?

  She remembered the fierce protectiveness he’d shown when he went after the remaining Nothings and her heart filled with a dread that felt like poison as if it was actually killing her heart to continue on the path where she stood.

  Mom, I’m so lost and confused. Why aren’t you here? Why do I always have to be alone?

  She wrapped up tightly in the blanket.

  He’s a shifter and a murderer. Don’t fall for him, Nora. That’s what mom would say. Dad too. And my brothers?

  Nora considered what they might think and knew that she didn’t know what they would say. In truth, she didn’t know how any of her family would react if they had survived. Her mom always tried to be peaceful, she wanted to make friends with the shifters. It was an act that seemed impossible back then and now Nora had that chance.

  She didn’t know what to do or who to trust.

  Nora closed her eyes and took the only escape she knew, falling to sleep.


  Ian knocked at Nora’s door the moment he was sure she was dressed. “It’s Ian,” he said. Last night running through the town he’d scented the man who had touched his Nora and followed his scent until it disappeared into a river.

  Whoever this man was, he left.

  Nora opened the door. “Good morning, Ian,” she smiled a sad smile. Maybe she thought she was going to get rid of him today but she was wrong. They were predestined. There was no getting rid of him.

  “You like to go walking, don’t you? Would you like to go for a walk with me this morning?”

  “Why don’t we go and get something to eat first?” Nora said.

  Ian noticed the way her cheeks were sunken in a little and the dark crescents forming under her eyes. “Are you ill?” Ian asked.

  “No, just tired. I couldn’t sleep like I needed to last night. My mind just kept racing.”

  Ian nodded knowing the same feeling as he found no rest either. “I want to show you something,” Ian said. “We will stop in town and get some food on our way out.”

  Nora’s eyes lit with curiosity. “What do you want to show me?”

  “Something I believe you’ll find beautiful.”

  She nodded, locking her door. “I think seeing something beautiful is rare anymore. Yes, I’d love to see what you have to show me.”

  They left the inn and the keeper said nothing to Ian about his running off the huge number of guests he had though Ian could feel the glare he was delivering to the back of his head.

  He put Nora’s hand in the crook of his arm and led her into the heart of Freebasin. In the early mornings, many of the townspeople set up little stands selling things like food, hand-carved utensils, clothing, and weapons.

  Nora smiled when she saw the stands. “I heard they held an open market here but I’ve never been up early enough to catch it I guess. What do they use as currency?”

  “It’s all trade. I have some things we can trade. What would you like to get?” Ian asked her watching her close her eyes and smell the air that swam with freshly baked bread, tarts, and cinnamon.

  “I don’t know the last time I tasted cinnamon. Let’s go see what they’ve made,” Nora said.

  “Lead the way,” Ian encouraged her and followed her through the crowded street to the stand that was selling cinnamon rolls. Ian traded a tiny bag of the healing balm Killian created that the townspeople valued more than anything else because it meant the difference between dying from such illnesses as the common cold or an infected cut and being cured. In return, he was given the entire bag of cinnamon rolls.

  Nora was salivating for them in such a way that it had him growing hard again between his legs. Ian took out a roll and fed her the first bite, the sounds of pleasure she made had him so hard it became painful for him to walk.

  Luckily the sight he wanted her to see wasn’t far. He led her to the edge of the rocky mountain ledge. “Look down there,” he said gesturing.

  Nora walked out on the ledge and looked down seeing children. Dozens of children running and playing. She pressed her fingertips to her lips. “How can this be? It is too dangerous for them to be together like this.”

  “Look,” Ian said gesturing to the four mountain points. “Two from the human town of Freebasin watch over them, and two of the shifters watch over them. They are a mix of shifter and human children. This way they are both at risk and both have everything to gain by building a foundation of friendship with one another.”

  Nora watched them playing as she ate. The way she was going on about the cinnamon rolls, Ian had to taste them too.

  You taste sweeter, my Nora.

  “Is it my scars that make you draw away from me, Nora?” Ian makes himself ask her at last. “I know that while I may not be much to look at, I would make you a good mate and protector.”

  Nora shook her head and drew closer to him. Her fingers lightly touched over his scars. “It is actually because of these scars I find it easier to speak with you, Ian. I know that you too have been hurt by shifters, even if you are one yourself.”

  “Then it is because I’m a shifter,” Ian stated holding very still so that she would not withdraw her hand from his face.

  “I’m sorry,” she said in a near whisper. “I never thought something like this would be possible. I don’t think I’ve ever felt so lost as I do lately. I don’t want to forget who I am or what happened to my family. What is still happening to so many families.”

  “The Herod pack is gone. Surely the human killing has slowed down. Humans kill each other too, don’t forget the Nothings. Not everything can be blamed on the shifters.”

  Nora’s hand trails down his neck and then over his chest. “It’s harder to believe your own kind will turn on you when there is so much pain already.”


  “Do you know the one they call Raffi, Ian?” She asked naming a shifter that was once a member of the pack. He was cast out after endangering the female alpha, Cara. If she was simply just a human wandering and trying to find answers on how to cope with lost loved ones how would she happen upon a name like Rafi?

  Ian nods his head slowly. “He left the Rizer pack last year. Rafi was cast out after he committed betrayal. Tell me, Nora. How do you know of such a name?”

  Nora smiles at him. “I think I heard it in town. People are saying he is making a pack of his own. Have you heard this too?”

  “I have.”

  She’s lying. No one in town ever knew of Rafi. He was cast out before the wall came down. Nora promised Ian she wouldn’t lie and now she has. He is disappointed and wants to confront her but h
ere, in front of the children is not the place.

  He takes her hand and leads her back down the slope only instead of turning back toward town he turns toward Rizer Keep.

  “Where are we going now?” Nora asks once they are back inside the forest.

  “We are going to find out why you are lying to me.”

  She stops walking. The forced laugh that comes out is painful to his ears. “Lying about what?”

  “You’re lying about where you learned the name Rafi. You’re lying about why you’re here. You are going to tell me these answers, Nora and you’re going to tell me the truth.”

  She side steps as though she were going to make a run for it.

  Ian takes hold of the back of her dress and plucks her off the floor giving her ass a smack. Nora kicks and thrashes in the air, angry to have received a swat on the rear end.

  “We’ll start small, shall we?” Ian says. He slides his hand up her dress and curls his hand over her soft downy mound. “Do you like it when I touch you here?”

  Her body was vibrating under his hand. “No,” she growled out. Ian parted her folds and ran his fingers through her wetness. “That’s a lie, isn’t it? Want to try again?”

  “Go to hell, Ian,” Nora said kicking her legs but failing to dislodge his hand.

  “Did you come for me yesterday?” Ian asked dipping his finger into her depths.

  Nora gasped fighting still but breathless. When she couldn’t get herself free she sagged hanging from the waist of the dress. “Yes, Ian. Okay?”

  He was getting lost in the feel of her warmth around his finger and it was difficult to pull away. “And what about this?” He asked returning to her clit and massaging her with wet, hot fingers.

  “Is your goal to humiliate me?” Nora demanded as she began to pant.

  “I’m after the truth.”

  “Yes. It feels good,” Nora glared at him.

  Ian knew he’d made his point and he should stop. He showed her that he could get the truth from her if he so desired. Only he didn’t stop. His cock was still hard as a rock from the night before. His ache stronger than anything he’d ever experienced.

  Turning her he took hold of the front of her dress. His eyes were connected to hers as he slowly peeled down the top. Her breasts spilled free of the tight restraint and he groaned a sound of pure need.

  “Do you want me to touch you here?” he asked trailing his fingertips over the pink buds of her breasts.

  Nora gasped and closed her eyes.

  “Yes or no?” he repeated.

  Her green eyes were blazing when she opened them again. “Yes,” she bit out.

  Ian set her on her feet and pressed his palm over the tenting of his pants. He ran his tongue over the tightening pink nipple and then sucked it greedily into his mouth. Nora was watching him and arching toward his mouth with desire in her eyes.

  “And here?” he asked as he sucked her other nipple deep into his mouth taking as much of her breast as he could fit into his mouth.

  Nora whimpered, “Yes,” as she gripped his shirt.

  “More here?” he growled running his hand through her slit again.

  Nora gripped the front of his pants surprising him. She met his gaze as she slid her hand under his pants and curled her fingers around his cock.

  “Nora, I want you so much, do not tempt me,” he said already worried he would not be able to stop himself. His hips jerked with the strong need pumping his cock through her hold. Nora’s eyes widened at the feel of him which seemed to shove him even further from any place he had any control.

  She opened up his pants exposing him to her view. “I’m not sure what to do,” Nora whispered. “The man I was with before, he didn’t touch me like you do.”

  “I don’t want to hear about him, Nora. You do to me whatever you like. If you’re touching me I will love it.”

  Her nervousness seemed to drain away a little at his words. She stroked him up and down his thick shaft with her hand looking at him and marveling at the size of him. When she slowed her strokes and looked at him holding him tighter in her grasp he knew he was in trouble.

  “Do you want to put to push this huge thing inside me?” She asked her cheeks turning a brighter shade of pink.

  “Yes,” Ian answered thrusting upward through her hold.

  “Will you let me do this my way?”

  Ian wasn’t sure what she meant but he didn’t want to force anything on her so he nodded. “However, you want me, Nora. I am yours.”

  “Sit down,” She said. Ian sat straight down. He needed to be inside her and anyway she would have him he wanted her. Nora straddled him. “Will you…” she trailed off her cheeks growing red.

  “Yes, whatever it is yes,” he breathed his whole body tense as he held himself back from pumping upward and into Nora before she was ready.

  Nora bent forward pressing her breasts into his chest. “Touch me. I want to feel your hands and mouth,” her voice quivered giving away how hard it was for her to ask.

  Ian raised up onto his elbows and began to lap at and kiss her breasts. He rubbed his hands down over her back and squeezed her ass. He arched upward a little and the head of his cock stroked through the lips of her wet pussy.

  Nora cried out and then quickly covered her mouth with her hand. “I’m sorry,” she whispered.

  “Scream my Name, Nora. I don’t want you quiet,” Ian told her grabbing onto her hips and pushing the head of his cock up into her pussy. Nora gasped gripping his shoulders.

  She was so tight, he did not want to hurt her. Ian remained still waiting for her to adjust to the size of him.

  Nora reached down grabbing his hips and pulled herself lower down his thick, throbbing cock. Her eyes were on his face and the desire there was so strong Ian couldn’t hold back. His hips bucked upward thrusting into her core.

  “Oh fuck, Ian,” she gasped her nails biting into his sides. “More,” she pleaded.

  He rolled them both to the left putting her on bottom. Ian leaned into her pushing deeper still. Nora cried out again her pussy gripping him so good. Ian tried to slow his movements but his body wasn’t listening to him anymore. His wolf roared in his head.

  She’s ours.

  Ian lifted her knees higher. He sank his shaft in another two inches circling his hips as he did. Nora’s body jerked with the movement.

  “Tell me you want me,” he said. As he pulled back and rocketed back into her.

  “I want you, Ian please.”

  She wrapped her arms around him pulling him all the way down so that her chest was once again pressed tightly against his. He pushed in deeper sinking the last of his cock into her core, his balls slapped against her ass as he drilled pushed into her, over and over again. Rotating his hips he felt her clenching around him again.

  He wanted her to come all over his cock before he filled her with his seed. Reaching between them he circled her clit while he ground into her with ravenous hunger.

  Nora arched up against his chest as her orgasm began to take hold. It was blooming and growing as her voice raised in volume. She screamed his name her body shaking with the intensity of her orgasm. Her pussy clenching his cock and coating him in her slippery heat.

  He gripped her shoulders and sank as deep as he could go in rapid succession claiming her deeper than she’d ever been claimed and pouring his seed into her womb. Growling with each of his thrusts that poured his seeing in heavy thick spurts.

  Nora cried out again her orgasm prolonged by the hot come he was pumping into her in frantic greedy strokes. Ian kissed her eating up her cries of pleasure.


  He’s still holding me.

  Nora shivered in his arms as tears burned the back of her eyes. He was showing more care and concern for her than Slade ever had. The way he wanted her it wasn’t just lust, it was passion. Sleeping with him was a mistake. If anything, it only made her trust him more.

  “Are you… regretting lying with me?” He asked h
is thumb sliding under her eye and catching a tear she didn’t know how he could have seen it. His fingers curled around her chin and turned her face back toward his so that he could look at her.

  “I’m scared,” she admitted to him something she never admitted to Slade or anyone else in the faction. “This isn’t how I thought I would feel.”

  Ian didn’t get angry with her though she wasn’t sure why not. He continued to smooth her hair from her face. “I know you don’t want to care about me, Nora but you have no choice. You and I are meant to be.”

  Nora sat up then with a soft smile on her face.

  He’s a romantic, in a time of nothing but bloodshed and violence. How lost he must feel.

  “How do you come to know what is meant to be, Ian? Are you psychic as well as a wolf?”

  “There is one in our pack who can see glimpses into to the future. She is the healer’s wife, Angeline. She warned me that the woman I was destined to fall for would cause my pack to be angry. Your lack of trust must cause that reaction in them.”

  “Angeline? Did she tell you what I look like? How can you know it’s me she’s speaking of?” Nora climbed quickly to her feet and pulled up the bodice of her dress and she pulled down the skirt.

  Ian caught hold of her ankle. “Where are you going, Alexandra?”

  “I need to go and get some air.”

  “We’re already outside.” Ian stood doing nothing to cover his nakedness. “You are letting your fear guide you instead of your heart.”

  He pulled her back into his arms and kissed her again reminding her just how much his lips against hers melted her into a pool of butter at his feet. She couldn’t stop herself from pressing up against him and feeling his hard chest against her tender breasts.

  “You undo me, Nora. You make me feel like I’ve finally come to life. As if everything before was all preparation for you.”

  Nora swallowed hard. She didn’t know why his words meant so much to her. They shouldn’t. He was the enemy, not her friend, or her lover. “Can you tell me what Angeline said about me?” If Angeline knew the future then she could see what was coming, she’d know that Nora was the one who would betray them, wouldn’t she?


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