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In Love with the Enemy (A Rizer Wolfpack Series Book 4)

Page 9

by Amelia Wilson

  Nora knew she could throw the knife she picked up off of Doogle and take out Slade. In fact, she knew she could probably do it before he got his shot off but the way he was crying. It was just like that day. That day when they held onto each other in the back of the wagon after they’d both lost the only family they’d ever known.

  As angry as his words were, she could see his raw pain in his eyes. It was like he’s just realized who’d she’d been for him all these years. Who they were for each other.

  Angeline’s warning that Slade would be the one to kill her was still fresh in her mind and here he was ready to do just that. She should throw the knife, she knew she should.

  “I loved you,” he cried. His hand was shaking, his trigger finger trembling. “Throw it,” he yelled surprising Nora. He knew she had the knife?

  Nora shook her head.

  “That’s selfish, you know that? You’re making me be the one who has to kill you. Fucking bitch.”

  “You don’t have to kill me, Slade. You can leave right now and leave this life full of hatred and murder behind,” Nora said.

  “She’s inside interrogation,” one of the HRAF yelled out from behind the protective wall.

  Slade crossed the space between them when Nora looked toward the other guy who’d just yelled out her location. The barrel of the gun pressed against her chest right over her heart. “You always seem to escape death, don’t you Nora? Not this time.” He pulled the trigger.

  The sharp pain that came with a hard punch to her chest hurt but the pain immediately following was much worse. Nora crumpled to the floor screaming as the traitor’s fire began to pump throughout her veins. The pain was so strong that it was nearly all that existed.


  She couldn’t tell if it was her body or the room shaking. The strobing lights caught Slade in freeze frames it seemed as he unsheathed his knife with his gaze on Angeline’s stomach.

  Nora thrust her knife up into his thigh, cutting the artery located there. He screamed but Nora couldn’t hear him over the sound of her own screaming. The knife pulled out with a twist as Nora’s body stiffened and her back arched up off the floor, the traitor’s fire increasing in intensity over her back like she was lying in a fire. No matter how much she arched, rolled or moved she wouldn’t escape this fire.

  Killian appeared as if out of nowhere. He was lifting Angeline from the table.

  The pain that began in Nora’s chest was suddenly sharp again. Her body was too stiff, the pain too great to move even to breathe. It was one of the final stages of the poison.

  It’ll be over soon. It’s almost over.

  She lost consciousness blackness closing in briefly only to have it recede as the fire feeling eased enough she was able to draw in breath only to have the fire in her veins rekindle and burn as the poison was designed. This process would repeat until she finally suffocated.

  The pain was like new and she couldn’t stop herself from letting out the scream filled with agony.

  The sky? Or is that heaven?

  Ian’s face twisted in torment blocked out the sun from her eyes. The pained look and sadness on his face, worse than Slade’s had been when he knew he was going to have to kill her.

  Nora clamped her mouth shut fighting the need to scream so that she might hear what he was saying before she died.

  “… I’m so sorry. I have no other choice.”

  He’s going to end my misery.

  Nora wanted to tell him it was okay. It was the right thing to do to end this pain. But her body was already stiffening up again on it’s way to freezing up completely and cutting off her air again.

  This time was faster than the last time since her mouth was frozen shut. It was harder to breathe earlier. The sky that was so bright behind Ian fell black. Ian’s eyes were the last thing she saw.

  Goodbye, my love.


  “How are you?” Angeline asked Ian. Her voice was just as soft as her hand on his shoulder.

  “I’m broken,” he answered easily because it was true.

  Angeline hugged him as Killian glared at him from behind his wife. Ian didn’t blame Killian for hating him. He knew he would feel the same way if he were in Killian’s shoes. “Will she think that when she wakes up?” Ian asked Angeline hoping she could tell him more.

  “I don’t know what she will think, Ian. I only know that the woman who you love, she loves you too. She will forgive you if she’s angry. Just like you’ll forgive her.”

  Ian nodded. He didn’t know how to make them understand that he already had forgiven Nora. When she’d contained her own pain as she’d struggled for breath and relief just to ease his suffering as he watched her feeling so helpless, he’d forgiven everything in that moment.

  Perhaps before that moment.

  Nora was his predestined mate which opened his heart well beyond what any person is ever brave enough to do. With his heart this open to her there was no way to hold onto any anger. Watching her so vulnerable over the past seven days, waiting for her to wake up, there was no way he could be mad at her.

  Her coloring returned though, warming her face that had grown so pale for those first two days. Killian as mad as he probably was with Nora, he was still looking out for her. Her bloodwork came back fine, showing that her body accepted the werewolf gene and the spirit wolf companion that would share her body.

  Her auburn lashes fluttered.

  She’s waking up.

  “We should leave them alone,” Angeline said turning to push Killian out of the room in front of her.

  “I am her physician, Angeline,” Killian complained. “Her cognitive-”

  Angeline closed the door with them on the other side. “I have visions, remember? She’s fine.” Ian heard her say to Killian and it gave him comfort too as he took a seat next to Nora’s bedside.

  “Ian?” She said his name even before her eyes opened.

  As soon as her green eyes focused on him Ian leaned forward and kissed her hand. “I’m so sorry for what I said, Nora. I never want you to leave my side again.”

  She swallowed her mouth and throat sounding dry.

  “You must be thirsty, of course.” He held the glass of water to her lips and tilted it up for her. Nora drank the water, watching him over the top of the glass. “Better?”

  “Am I paralyzed?” she asked her green eyes wide.

  “No,” Ian gasped. “Why would you think that?”

  She sighed. “Because I can’t lift my arms and you just held my glass for me.”

  Ian remembered the restraints and quickly opened them. “You were clawing at your skin in your sleep. The dreams of the poison in your system must have been very realistic.” Reaching down to the bottom of the bed he unstrapped her ankles.

  “Where are we?”

  “This is Rizer fortress. It’s the home of the Rizer pack.”

  Outside the door, he could hear the pack gathering, trying to be quiet. “Did he tell her yet?” Errol whispered.

  “No, she just woke up,” Killian answered.

  “Shut up, I can’t hear,” Onyx insisted.

  Nora lifted her eyebrows at Ian. “You have something to tell me?”

  “Yes. Like I said, you had poison in your system. You were dying and I know you hate shifters-”

  Nora pushed the blanket from her body, sliding her legs off the bed. “Are you trying to tell me you bit me?” she asked him her green eyes looked sad.

  “I’m sorry,” He said and laid his head in her lap.

  “Don’t be sorry. I don’t know how long I was asleep but it felt like a long time. There was this voice, this energy with me. She helped me through all the pain. There was so much pain. Not just the physical pain.” Nora combed her fingers gently through his hair. “There was no hiding anything from her.”

  Ian listened not sure yet how she felt about her spirit wolf he didn’t want to say anything that might upset her. He didn’t know how much her spirit wolf explained
to her and how much she didn’t.

  “She’s my spirit wolf and I have her because you bit me. You saved me from dying even though I deserved the fate I was given. You don’t owe me any apologies.”

  Ian straightened and lifted Nora from the bed and into his lap. “So, you’re okay with being a shifter?”

  “Okay with it? I’m not sure how I feel about it if I’m being honest. I think I’ll accept anything if it means being with you, Ian.”

  “I hope you’re sure about that because I turned you without permission from the alpha and we may be cast out by the pack.”

  Nora wrapped her arms around him. “I’m sure. I’m so sorry my actions led you to this. I don’t want to cost you your family.”

  Ian tipped her face up so he could look into her eyes. “You’re my family too, Nora. Where you are is where I will call my home.” He kissed her feeling her lips coming to life under his more than they had before. Like she wasn’t holding back anymore.

  He opened her legs holding her straddling his lap and made a mental note to thank Nora’s spirit wolf for loving Nora enough to help her heal so well.

  There was still so much they needed to talk through but with her whole again he wanted to claim her again, he wanted her to know that this time when they made love that they would be bonded forever by their spirit wolves.

  The call of the alpha froze them both where they were.

  “He wants to see us now?” Nora asked.

  Apparently, he does.

  “Better to find out where we will make our life together now than to be kept waiting.”

  Nora nodded smoothing her red hair down. “Do I need to change into something else?” She asked raising the skirt of the nightgown.

  “No. You are better dressed than most of the pack has ever been. Don’t be afraid. No matter what happens I will protect you.”

  “And I’ll protect you,” Nora said taking the hand he offered.


  Darian and Cora stood together, the alpha pair, Ian called them. Darian is a dark haired large man, wide, his facial features are stern and his golden brown eyes are sharp.

  Cora the female alpha, also his partner, appears petite next to him. Her human form is small, her blue eyes soft like her face, and wispy brown hair. Nora notes the way she stands with Darian and knows that her looks are deceiving. Cora is protective of Darian and the iron will in the intensity of her gaze tells Nora that even if Cora does seem soft, she would be deadly if crossed.

  Ian’s hand is interlocked with hers. Nora allows him to guide her to the front of the pack to stand in the space left open between the alphas and the Rizer shifters.

  Nora meets the gazes of the other shifters as they pass through the crowd. She is ashamed of her behavior but she wants to know who will be her enemies and who will leave her alone if by some miracle they are allowed to remain with the pack.

  Kate the older woman with blond hair a pointed chin doesn’t look as angry as she did last Nora saw her but there is still distrust and unfriendliness clear in her gaze. Many of the others are holding the same expression.

  I’ve made this so hard for Ian. These are the people he calls family and I’ve betrayed them all. How can I ever make that right?

  A shifter with short black hair, nearly as big as Ian gave Nora a nod of acceptance that surprised her so much she nearly lost her footing. Ian steadied her as the wolf with the short dark hair, long rectangular face and blue eyes fell into step behind them. He followed them to the front, ignoring the judgmental looks directed his way by some of the other pack members.

  “Thank you, Victor,” Ian said to the shifter who inclined his head.

  Ian bowed his head low to the alphas. Nora quickly followed his lead bowing her head low.

  “You broke several of our rules, Ian. Turning humans to shifters is a dangerous, big decision, especially if you wish to bring this human to join the family pack. Worse, you put Angeline at risk speaking to outsiders about her gift of sight.” Darian’s disappointment soaked into Nora’s bones like a heavy lead, weighing her down.

  This must be the alpha authority.

  Cora spoke next her voice was much harder than her soft appearance, matching her eyes. “What do you have to say for yourself, Ian?”

  “I love my pack,” Ian said meeting their hard gazes in turn. “None of my actions were of ill intent. Nora is my predestined mate. You both know how strong the bonds of pre-destiny are, I acted with foolishness and should have been more cautious in what I spoke of with Nora while she was still an outsider. I apologize to Angeline, and to Killian for my grievous mistake and will never make this mistake again.”

  Darian looked over to Killian and Angeline. “You paid the price for this error. It is up to you both if it is forgiven of Ian.”

  “It’s forgiven,” Angeline said right away, her hand on her stomach.

  Killian looked directly at Ian. “I forgive you, your intentions were not to harm us.” When his gaze shifted to Nora she knew he did not feel the same way about her. She didn’t blame him for that. Nora tried to pull her hand away from Ian’s. She didn’t want to taint him with her unforgivable actions.

  He would not allow her to pull her hand from his. Instead, he brought her hand to his lips looking down at her with smoldering eyes that heated through the anguish she was feeling.

  “Nora,” Cora said calling her name.

  This is it. This is where the shifters cast me out and I cost Ian everything.

  “You betrayed the trust of Ian and of the pack. You put Angeline and her unborn child at risk with the knowledge that what you were doing would put them in danger,” Darian said his voice so full of recrimination that Nora knew there was no way he or his pack was going to get over what she’d done.

  Cora touched Darian’s shoulder and gave him a stern nod.

  Darian let out a long breath. “I want to also let you know that your actions to protect Angeline and try to make right what you did wrong is not lost on us. The price your old family had you pay is far worse than anything we would ever do to reclaim payment. You died three times before the bite of the shifter could combat the poison enough to keep you alive.”

  Nora was afraid to be hopeful that the pack might accept her pain as payment for what she’d done. She waited for him to say more, for him to cast her out.

  “What do you have to say for yourself?” Cora asked Nora.

  Nora closed her eyes trying to find words that could describe the depth of her guilt and sorrow. “I was desperate to protect Ian when I gave away Angeline’s name.” Nora opened her eyes meeting the gaze of Cora and then Darian.

  “I hoped to tell Ian when he returned what I’d done but it was already too late. I chose Ian’s life over Angeline’s. I am more than sorry and more than ashamed that I put her in danger.”

  Nora knew she’d find Killian glaring at her and that no mere apology could ever make right what she’d done. She looked in their direction anyway. “I am sorry for betraying Ian and you both. I know that my efforts to undo what I did don’t change the fact that Angeline was taken away and in fear of her life and that of your baby.”

  Killian was glaring like she knew he would be but his eyes were wet.

  “Like Ian, it falls to Killian and Angeline to decide if you are forgiven,” Darian said.

  Angeline met Nora’s gaze. “I was there and saw what you did to try and protect me and my baby. It is the only reason I am able to forgive you, and since it was me that paid the price and I forgive you, I hope the pack will accept you.”

  Nora nodded her lip trembling. “Thank you.”

  Everyone looked to Killian next. He dragged his hand through his hair, gritting his teeth. “I wanted you to die when I learned what you did,” he said his teeth looking sharp. “You paid three times with your life and suffered days of pain from the poison and it should be enough….” Killian’s fists were so tight that they were white and shaking.

  Nora understood his pain. She fe
lt the same way for so long about the shifters who took her family. Death wasn’t going to enough, nothing was enough.

  Ian’s arm wrapped around her, supporting her back as they waited for Killian to finish.

  A single tear trailed down his face as he looked at Ian. “I want to forgive her for you, we’re pack brothers, family… but I can’t.”

  Ian’s face was stoic as he listened to Killian then he turned back to the alpha’s without saying anything in response to what Killian said.

  “We must vote then,” Cora said. Looking out at the pack. “Think on your answer because whatever it is, will be final.”

  “May I speak?” Victor, the shifter that followed behind Ian asked.

  Cora inclined her head.

  “It wasn’t very long ago that me and some of the others here were accepted into your pack. Our trespasses against members of this pack are just as great if not greater than the trespass made by Nora. If she is not welcome after she has paid for her mistake, it makes no sense to me to stay. Afterall, I am the man who helped to capture Ian-” his voice broke as he looked over at Ian. “It’s my fault you were tortured like you were. I could have done the right thing and allow you to escape earlier. I didn’t.”

  “It wasn’t you who tortured me, Victor. It was you who made sure I would have the chance to escape. I am not angry with you,”

  Victor pinched then end of his chin as he continued, “I wish you would be. It’s a lot more difficult to live with when you are so ready to forgive us.”

  Nora wrapped her arms around Ian’s waist hugging him. He truly was the most amazing man. “I think I’m even more in love with you than I was before,” Nora whispered not caring who heard as long as Ian heard her.

  “You all knew we came to vote. This entire week leading up until now you’ve had time to think about what your decision would be. Let us vote,” Darian said.

  “All of those who believe it would be just to outcast Ian and Nora raise your hand,” Cora called out.

  Killian raised his hand, as did Kate, and a few others that Nora didn’t know.

  “And if you wish to have them to stay and be forgiven, raise your hand.”


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