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In Love with the Enemy (A Rizer Wolfpack Series Book 4)

Page 36

by Amelia Wilson

  So much for indebtedness.

  All was explained the hour before Avice sneaked into her apartment that night. She was getting ready to sleep, combing her hair in front of the mirror, when the vision came.

  In the vision, Alicia was sitting next to Avice. She had the demeanor of a ruthless general, with the upper curve of her lip, not in a warm smile but a cold leer of victory. It was the look one worn after a deliberate and triumphant victory over an enemy in a war motivated by greed and power.

  Alicia Selleck looked at Avice, who did not have the heart to meet his mother’s gaze.

  “Kill her, tonight.”

  “But mother,” Avice tried to cajole her, but Alicia was quick to slap him across the face.

  “You are a Selleck. A member for the ‘Keepers of the Blade.’ Which is more important to you? Your status, or the love of a dangerous girl?”

  “That girl helped us win a war,” he said quietly. His hand touched the bruised spot where his mother had just slapped him.

  “She did, and now she is collateral damage.”

  “You can’t possibly mean that,” Avice said, horrified. “Is this how we repay her for helping us vanquish the Bloodlust Clan?”

  “Yarra is an Oracle. Her kind is too powerful to be kept alive, Avice,” Jared Selleck said. His voice was softer than Alicia’s, although just as resolute. “There will come a time when she might turn against us.”

  “I can’t believe this,” Avice said, stepping back. “You are just the same as the Bloodlust Clan. You don’t care about all lives, just the lives of those weaker than you!”

  Alicia spoke up. “Everything we do is for the survival of our clan. And Yarra, as much as she has helped us, is detrimental to our existence.”

  “But I love her!” Avice exclaimed.

  “Does she love you?” Alicia said quietly.

  “All these years of being together, and she has not had a vision of you?”

  “Not even once,” Avice echoed softly, looking thunderstruck.

  “Kill her tonight,” Alicia said, pressing a small handgun into Avice’s hand. “Only then will I know that you are a worthy member of our Order.”

  The vision vanished in a dazzling flurry of broken images, like butterflies flitting away from a meadow of flowers.

  When she returned to reality, Yarra stared at herself in the mirror. She did not recognize the girl who looked back into those accursed eyes. The brush hung prematurely in her hand.

  The hair was brushed long, and messy in its unruly curls, just the way Avice had loved them. And tonight, he would be coming to kill her.


  Back To The Present…

  Yarra lied awake, her eyes staring intently into the wall. The shot from Avice’s handgun did not come.

  Avice’s cologne still lingered in the air. His presence filled the room, creating a tense atmosphere within them. His breath was short and harsh.

  She understood now why the Sellecks wanted her dead. She was used goods. What was worse, the power that she harbored was one that was feared by Alicia Selleck. And those who were gifted with such potent superpowers did not deserve to live in her eyes. And she could also comprehend how Avice had been coerced into killing her. Family came first, to many people.

  He had also been convinced by his mother that Yarra did not have his heart.

  “I do love you,” Yarra spoke out suddenly.

  A small but audible gasp came from behind her. She heard the rustle of his clothing, but did not turn around to face him.

  “You knew I was here?” His shallow breath came out, hoarse.

  “I knew all along, Avice. I knew that this would happen from the day that I first saw you. From the moment that we sat down on our first date together at that café across the street, I knew that you would kill me. I just did not know why.”

  Avice did not speak. She took the opportunity to wipe her eyes. The white walls became blurred from the tears welling up.

  “You often asked me of our vision together. For months, I could not answer you, Avice. Because, it was this. This was the only future I could foresee for us. And in those visions, it always ended up with you killing me,” Yarra said, sniffing. “How was I to tell you such a morbid prediction?”

  “Why didn’t you?”

  He too, had started crying. There was a loud metallic thud on the floor where the gun was dropped. Running to her, he grabbed at her shoulder to make her face him. “Why the hell didn’t you tell me this?”

  “Because I do not care, Avice. Even if you were to kill me, I would die knowing I enjoyed every moment spent with you in the past year?”

  Avice sobbed and smiled weakly. “Even with the war and all?”

  “War and all,” she nodded. She reached up to wipe the tears from his face.

  They held each other for a while, neither one knowing their future destinies. Avice leaned in and kissed her on the lips, procrastinating on the need to worry about what will happen.

  “I know why your mother wants me dead,” Yarra said, the moment his lips parted from hers.

  The bewilderment in his eyes could not be contained. “How…?”

  “She is right. I am starting to get better control of my power. I can not only foresee the future, but see that which has transpired. I am a demon, Avice. Not an Oracle who holds answers. My Eye sees too much, it can know too much, it can pervade all.”

  “Baby…, I…, I…,” Avice stuttered.

  “I will not hold it against you if you kill me now,” she admitted. It pained her to see him in such a bad way, torn between choosing the expectations of his family and matters of the heart.

  War was not a life that she would have chosen willingly, or easily. If she remained alive, there would be the need to constantly live in fear, to look over her shoulders. Perhaps today she would be able to escape the ‘Keepers of the Blade’ with her precognition, but until when?

  Alicia Selleck would not rest till Yarra’s body was washed up lifeless in the shores of a deserted beach.

  Avice stood from her bed and walked towards the window. His face was speckled in grave concern, his eyes squinting into the darkness of the night. She did not need him to tell her that they would be awaiting his return. The gun glinted on the floor, untouched. It would not kill her tonight.

  Suddenly, she realized that her vision might not necessarily come true. All that she had known for the past year had to be suddenly unlearnt. Avice would not kill her. He did not want to either, knowing now that she loved him just as he loved her.

  A wave of excitement surged through her body. The fact that she did not know what the future held proved exhilarating.

  “Baby,” she murmured.


  He did not falter when she stood behind him and wrapped her arms around his muscular body. He was no longer the awkward boy she had known twelve months ago. Tonight, he stood taller, prouder, and stronger than he had ever been. This was a warrior.

  “Run away with me,” Yarra said, surprising even herself. Where did that come from?

  Avice’s hiss of surprise was a sharp whisper. His hand clenched at the clasp of her arms around his body, unwilling to let go of the poignant moment.

  “Either kill me and return to your family, or run away with me forever,” Yarra said. Her voice was listless, absent of wild demands. She said it with total apathy, accepting whichever decision Avice would choose to partake in. She would not harbor any ill-feelings towards him if he chose the former.

  “I don’t want you to die, baby,” Avice said finally.

  “And if I am to live, I don’t want a future without you in it,” she said.

  Avice turned in his spot to face her. The juvenile pockmarks on his face had completely vanished to reveal a smooth, chiseled face underneath the deliberate swarthiness. Standing a head taller than her, his height radiated no strength tonight. All that was present was his feeling of vulnerability in front of the woman he loved.

  “Then, all I
ask for is one thing, Yarra.”

  “Name it.”

  “Consult your visions. Tell me what you see of our future.”

  Yarra smiled widely. Closing her eyes, she imagined Avice and herself standing together in the empty black, canvas of unknown.

  Slowly but surely, just as the pages of her university assignment had filled up the unwritten words, so too did an image began painting itself in real time.

  She saw the future Avice and Yarra walking in a small green field, towards a small house situated in the middle of a vast meadow.

  Brick homes were scattered sparsely, each too far away from another to discern with the naked eye, but it was paradise.

  Birds tweeted, and the sky was a light pallor of grey and blue. They loved the superficial gloom weather.

  Yarra’s vision adjusted. She could see the image of her and Avice walking quietly, holding hands. There was a clear baby bump protruding underneath her white sundress.

  On Avice’s shoulder was a child approximately four years of age. She had Yarra’s nose, but Avice’s clear, ruby red eyes and tiny vampire-like fangs.

  But what she also had was the healthy color of a human devoid of all paleness. And she was happy and smiling, not cold and brooding.

  The place was on a plateau, in a highland somewhere in a fairy tale.

  “Mummy, mummy!” the girl screamed in delight as a butterfly fluttered past them. She let out a chubby hand to grab at it but failed.

  The Avice and Yarra in her vision continued to talk in voices Yarra could not hear, but knew to be pleasant conversations. Soon, the baby would be born.

  She watched the happy family enter the home never to be disturbed by anyone. At the fencepost is a small wooden symbol with a delightful carving, “Home of the Davises.”

  Avice took Yarra’s family name when they got married.

  The vision evaporated like pollens blown in a windy day, and Yarra was back in her apartment. Avice still had his muscular arms wrapped around her dainty waists.

  “Well?” he smiled. “What does our future hold for us?”

  Yarra hugged him, her head resting on his chest. Without missing a beat, she told him what she saw, in true Oracle fashion.

  After she was done, she closed her eyes and waited for Avice to make his decision.

  Avice squeezed her shoulders and held her at arm's length. His brown eyes looked deep into hers. A warm smile broke out on across his lips, and the tears began welling in his eyes.

  “Well then,” he said, “…, let us go make that vision a reality.”


  Yarra knew that it would be a happy ending for Avice and her in the end. But, that is what it was, an ‘end.’ To reach that destination, they would have to cross convoluted bridges, slog through haranguing pathways, and schlep of tumultuous mountains. She knew that the ‘Keepers of the Blade’ would not take to kindly to Avice’s betrayal.

  There would be plenty of wars to be fought before they can finally acquire their ‘happily ever after.’

  And the next war will not be easy, for Avice would not be embroiled in a battle with some random enemy. He would have to fight the members of his own order. He would have to stand up to his mother. And that was not going to be easy.

  As they walked in the stillness of the night, away from everything they knew, the two lovebirds swore to have each other’s back till the end of time.

  A vampire, and an Oracle.





  Betraying his clan had never been a possibility for Avice Selleck. But with his hand clasped to Yarra’s, he knows that redemption was no longer a possibility. He was now an outcast, keen on being with the woman his mother had wanted assassinated.

  Yarra had questions of her own. Why was Alicia Selleck, the leader of the clan, intent on having her killed? What secrets and resentments does she harbor?

  As the two lovebirds escaped into the night, they found themselves reunited with one of Avice’s old friends; one who shared the same fate of banishment from the clan. Avice’s mysterious friend also held the very key to unlocking her past.

  With the Keeper of the Blades hot on their pursuit, Yarra and Avice must rely on each other to survive.

  Yarra has already seen the future; a happy ending with Avice. But, now she must work towards it. Will her prediction become a reality?


  Escape into the unknown

  They had to say goodbye to the world they had once known. She, to a world of university assignments, partying and cramming for final exams; He, to a family and clan that he had betrayed.

  Escaping into the night, they had successfully avoided the Keeper of the Blades who had been waiting in the Yarra’s vicinity. Avice had then used Yarra’s precognition to choose the best way to run past his former clan members without rousing any suspicion.

  By the time that the Keepers of the Blades realized that Avice had in fact not killed Yarra Davis, the two lovebirds had gone ahead by a considerable distance, unable to be pursued. Or at least, not without time and planning.

  Though Yarra had seen a happy ending for the two of them, it was not a destiny written in stone. She knew now that her visions, no matter how eerily prescient, could be altered.

  Her vision of Avice killing her was one such example. For months, the vision had grown in its intensity, and it had always ended with Avice shooting her in the back. That had all changed when she had proclaimed her love for him.

  For now, as they sat in a bus headed out of state, she held on to his hand, happy and content. The smell of his cologne, where it once scared her, now provided the reassurance that this was indeed their reality now.

  The reality of them being together.

  With her head on his shoulder, she felt his stubble graze her forehead as he kissed her temple.

  “You awake?” she whispered, her eyes still closed.

  Avice murmured an assent into her ear. He had not released her hands since they left her apartment. He too, was afraid that if he let her go, he would wake up from this dream. The bus’s wheel went into a small pothole on the road. The slight tumble made Yarra flinch, hitting her forehead into his chin. They both yelped in pain; it was a sign that what they had with one another, in the then and now, was not a vision, dream, or unreality.

  Yarra gazed into Avice’s eyes, knowing that this was all real. The pain in her forehead throbbed, though not with the same ferocious intensity of the flare in her heart.

  The bus ride was less than comfortable, wobbling through the interstate highway, pushed by an engine with one spark plug in an automotive grave judging by the sounds that it made.

  “We’ve just left the state,” he said, looking out the window at a battered sign showing their current location.

  The sun was just beginning to peek out of the skyline. Already, the horizon was painted with a golden orange hue. Dawn was fast approaching. It was a new day. All of the troubles that they had faced merely a few hours ago seemed like years long gone, only a distant memory to be reminisced on.

  But they both knew that the troubles were far from over. If they weren’t careful, the Keepers of the Blade would be upon them.

  “Where are we heading? ”

  “A friend’s,” Avice replied, not bothering to explain further. He would if he had to but, for now, the need was not there.

  She nodded, too tired to continue with her line of questioning. Sleep was what she needed. When they had escaped her apartment, her body had been galvanized in a constant ‘fight or flight’ panic state. Only now, did her muscles relax and the acute focuses of her mind begin to wane as fatigue both mental and physical began to sink in. She closed her eyes, but fumbled around in her thoughts, still too tense to relax. What if they were suddenly attacked by Avice’s former clan members?

  He seemed to read her mind. Putting a hand across her shoulders, he drew her closer to him. The heat of his body sank into her, lu
lling her into a state of relaxation. Or as close to it as was possible, given the state of the transport they were using.

  Yarra sighed. Just before sleep came, she wondered how long they would have to run till the Keepers of the Blade finally caught up with them.



  Avice’s friend lived two states away. After what seemed to be an almost full day spent on the bus, mingling with quick showers in filthy rest stops and meals in dingy roadside diners, they finally arrived at their destination. The bus creaked into the station close to midnight, bringing with it a thunderstorm of such intensity Yarra had not seen in many months.


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