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In Love with the Enemy (A Rizer Wolfpack Series Book 4)

Page 43

by Amelia Wilson

  Alicia did not say a thing but stared at her son with a look of disbelief running across her face. “What are you playing at, Avice?” she asked.

  Yarra did not understand what was going on. She looked at her boyfriend, puzzled by his question. More than that, she was curious as to its significance, considering the effect it had on his parents’ faces.

  “What if… I made Yarra into a vampire?” Avice asked again. “Would you then consider her a part of our clan?”

  “Out of the question!” Alicia Selleck roared, getting up from her chair. It was the first time Yarra had seen Avice’s mother lose her composure, disregarding the air of regality she usually embodied for something rather bestial. The force of her movement shattered the glass in front of her out of pure will, causing Yarra to shriek in surprise.

  Avice was quick to shield the broken shards from Yarra’s body and face. Some of it was embedded into his hands, which he shook off without too much trouble. His fingers gripped her shoulders in support as she let out frightened sobs. Not even her precognition could have predicted such a reaction.

  “Avice, that is forbidden,” she said calmly, though the anger in her eyes was now obvious. “Conversion is only done by the top members of the clan.”

  Avice stared at his mother, wanting to argue, but knew then that doing so would put him and Yarra in trouble. Conceding defeat, he nodded.

  They never spoke about the incident ever again.


  Would You Give Me A Bite?

  “Do you remember the dinner we had with your parents?” Yarra asked. “Why was she mad when you suggested that I be made a vampire? Is it even possible?”

  Avice shifted in his chair. Smiling at the attendant who brought them some juice, he sipped at it for a moment. “It is, with just a single bite.”

  “So why was Alicia against it?”

  “I’m sure you remember how mother spoke of humans and other demi-humans who weren’t vampires. She thinks that everyone else is beneath her. For one to be converted, they would have to prove themselves worthy to her first and foremost. Only then would they even be given a sliver of opportunity to be considered for a conversion.”

  “But I helped Alicia to win the war against the Bloodlust Clan.”

  “It doesn’t help that you are an Oracle, Yarra. Mom resents your kind of people the most, but she needed your abilities.”

  “So what Nainoru said was true then. Alicia thinks that Oracles are things - artifacts - meant to do her bidding.”

  Avice nodded. “Plus, it isn’t as easy as just delivering a bite. The conversion process is quite tricky, and hard to get exactly right. When a vampire plunges their fangs into another person, it is usually to feed or to kill. Rarely do they do it for conversion. The entire process is ritualistic, and many things have to be taken into consideration.”

  Yarra shifted her body towards Avice, genuinely interested.

  “What kind of things?”

  Avice smiled and stared into her eyes. “For one, the conversion is usually more successful when the vampire bites his lover, or someone that he or she feels a certain amount of devoutness towards.”

  “So they should have some form of significant emotional connection?”


  “Fat chance that Alicia would actually be able to convert anyone then,” Yarra said. She couldn’t imagine a woman like Alicia actually respecting or even loving another human being.

  “Well, as hard as it is to believe it, she converted my dad,” Avice replied. “She does have a heart you know!”

  Yarra found it hard to embrace Avice’s duality. Here he was escaping with her, going against his mother’s wishes, betraying her trust in every possible way. Yet, he still saw it necessary to defend her actions! She rolled her eyes at his explanation.

  “What happens if there isn’t a connection between a vampire and human, and they decide to attempt the conversion?”

  “Our fangs are poisonous, baby. If the attempt was a failure, the recipient of the vampire’s bite would die. There is no turning back.”

  “Crap,” Yarra muttered.

  “Tell me about it. There hasn’t been an attempt in the last three hundred years. That is why the number of vampires in the world is rapidly dwindling. The only other way is for one to be born from a vampire mother. Even then, it is extremely difficult for a vampire to conceive a child. Blame it on genetics,” Avice said, finishing off the last dregs of his juice.

  Yarra’s hands returned to her stomach once again. Although she felt nothing but the clothes rubbing against her skin, she knew that a life had now formed within her womb. She loved Avice, and knew that he returned those emotions. But was his love adequate enough to turn her into a vampire? Would she die if he planted his fangs at the side of her neck?

  If it failed, she would die along with their baby…

  “What if we attempted it, Avice?”=

  Avice looked at his lover. The apprehension on her face was real. Her flushed cheeks glowed redder in the almost freezing cabin of the plane, but there was a certain resolution in her eyes that showed she wanted nothing more than to be his equal in every way.

  “I don’t dare risk it, Yarra,” Avice said truthfully. “If you died…”

  Avice choked slightly, unable to quite finish the sentence.

  “But you love me, don’t you?”


  Alicia’s Fear

  Tess hated places where the crowds changed rapidly. It introduced too many scents into the equation. She sniffed the air and detected the faintest hint of Avice and that girl, Yarra.

  The sweet smell of the Oracle’s body was enough to send a sublime rage coursing through her body. That was the girl who stole Avice’s heart. The very same girl who made Avice betray his own clan. Her scent riled Tess, and she looked down at a group of people in the airport. Her eyes scanned the crowd, falling upon a girl with maroon hair and a thick jacket.

  ‘Looks a bit like her,’ Tess thought to herself. But this girl was holding a man’s hand, and it didn’t smell like Avice. But, then again, the man next to her gave out a familiar scent. Tess was resolved to watching the two of them as they followed the crowd into another section of the airport.

  Just as she was determined to keep her eyes on the two of them, Yarra’s scent suddenly broke off in multiple directions. Tess cursed. It was enough to tell her that Avice was in the vicinity of the airport. He knew the best way to outsmart the Scent Sensors.

  She walked over to where Alicia was standing. It was off to a disappointing day. Lufie, the Tracker had managed to follow Avice and Yarra in the bus. But his stupidity had allowed them to escape from the convenience store. Idiot, trying to prove that he was a macho hunter! Alicia had tasked Mark and Domlen to follow Lufie, to try and subdue Avice again, but there had been no news of them.

  When Tess approached Alicia, her leader was the picture of the calm before the storm. Nothing about the matter niggled at the soft features of her face.

  “Yes?” Alicia said distractedly, looking at her cellphone.

  “I have their scent in the airport, but it is too weak to follow. Plus, Avice broke off the girl’s scent into different places to throw us off,” Tess said. “It will take hours to chase each scent down.”

  Alicia nodded. She had expected nothing less from her son. Part of her was furious at the prospect of her son running off with another girl on the grounds that he loved her. Another part of her was distinctly proud. This was a man who had managed to avoid detection. All she of the time ad effort she had put into him had paid off.

  The pride vanished almost as instantly as it had arrived. There would be no redemption to be had for him. The punishment for betrayal to the clan was death. It was the written law, as old as the clan itself.

  “Mark and Domlen aren’t responding either,” Alicia said.

  The two ladies shared a grim silence. If Avice and Yarra were in the airport, it would mean that they had vanquished M
ark, Domlen and Lufie.

  Alicia sighed. It had been quite a shock for them when Avice had chosen Yarra instead of his clan. Everyone had called for punishment to be doled out to Avice, and Alicia had to concede to their demands. It did not help that she was the leader. The law of the clan had to be upheld.

  “It will be almost impossible to find them in this crowd,” Alicia said.

  Tess nodded. She looked at her leader, who though beautiful, had a slight fatigued weariness in her eyes. The betrayal of her son had taken a toll on her. It would not be easy for Alicia to handle the delicate situation. Especially when family members were involved.

  “What should we do now?”

  The leader sighed. She tucked a little curl of her hair behind the ear and considered her options. If Avice had indeed come to this particular region, he would have been looking for Nainoru. There were rumors that her old friend had run away to hide somewhere here. But years of searching had not been successful. Nainoru was a good ‘Vanisher.’ She would only make herself known when she wanted to.

  But then again, all Vanishers had one weakness.


  What if… just what if, Avice had Yarra use her capabilities to find Nainoru?

  And if they had managed to find her, she would have told them about the original war. And about how Alicia had tasked Nainoru to kill the last Oracle. About Great Yarmouth.

  “Alicia?” Tess asked, surprised at the dazed wonder glazing over Alicia’s eyes.

  “Gather all of our members, Tess,” Alicia said, when she gathered her wits. “We are heading for Great Yarmouth!”

  Born fifty years ago, Tess had vampire parents who were both sworn members of the Keepers of the Blade. She had only heard of Great Yarmouth from her parents, who had come from England originally. It was the birthplace of her clan, and the place where the vampires had their last great civil war.

  Nodding excitedly, Tess walked away, leaving Alicia to her own thoughts.

  Alicia became nervous. If Yarra and Avice were headed to Great Yarmouth, they might soon unearth the secrets Alicia had laid to rest there. Time was running out.


  Great Yarmouth

  A coastal town with filled with many tourist attractions, carnival rides and long stretches of beaches laden with families on vacation, Great Yarmouth did not look once like the place that Avice described to her.

  Two hundred years ago, an immense and extraordinary battle had taken place. Vampires fought against werewolves, were-bears, magicians, sorceress, Magis and ogres in a bid to claim their power over the humans. Of course, there were small factions even within the vampires. Alicia Selleck had been the very wedge who had driven the vampires apart, conceiving the ‘Keepers of the Blade.’

  With the help of the then Oracle, she had marched her clan into victory over the other demi-humans. But at what cost?

  “Are there any demi-humans like werewolves, ogres and magicians, left on this earth? Or has Alicia rid us of them completely?” Yarra asked, sipping her soda. They had arrived in Great Yarmouth from London by way of a three hour bus ride.

  Avice nodded his head. “Their clans are fragmented… broken apart. To completely eradicate them was impossible, but mother made it sure that those who survived would not band together again and rise up against the vampires.”

  The salty air of the sea blew towards them. It was already night, but the town’s edge was plastered with colorful lights and tacky music to attract visitors to the local funfairs that seemed to remain open until late. Yarra found it hard to believe that two centuries ago, it had been a battle ground of epic proportions. Perhaps the townsfolk knew about the eeriness from all the deaths that had occurred here, so much so that they felt the need to supersede that very fact by manufacturing intense happiness. She smiled at the irony of the situation.

  “Anything familiar about this place?” Avice asked, interested to know if his girlfriend was feeling at home.

  Yarra shook her head. The visions were much stronger here. She did not have to focus too much to invoke her precognitive ability. It was as if the atmosphere of the place made it easier for her to predict the future. The images came in vivid bursts, each alternating to different pathways, allowing Yarra to choose the best possible outcome from how detailed it was.

  Sometimes, interspersed with the future, were happenings of the past. She could see the Oracle in his prime, playing with his children. In her mind, she also saw a slightly younger Alicia Selleck consulting him late at night, pointing at parchments on the table, undoubtedly containing battle strategies for the war.

  “Baby?” Avice smiled. “You okay?”

  Yarra scratched her head. Too many visions were not a good thing too. It made her scared.

  “Your mother knows that we are here,” Yarra said with a sense of finality, sitting down on the bench. The vision had came and left like the perch and departure of a butterfly on her shoulder. It had been slight and erratic but monumentally poignant.

  “What?” Avice said, surprised.

  “Alicia knows that we are in Great Yarmouth, looking for the Oracle’s house. We have to hurry and find it before she corners us.”

  He nodded and grabbed at her arms. Before they went off into the residential area, he drew her in suddenly and gave her a kiss.

  “What was that for?” Yarra asked, slightly blushing. Not that she was complaining. The stubble of his chin felt comfortable against hers. Never had a kiss felt so complementary. They were matched for each other in every possible way.

  “For everything,” he said. “Before you, all I knew was to take after my mother’s role as leader of the clan. But… but you showed me that my future is what I make of it. There are many paths and roads, but it is what we choose in the end.”

  Yarra smiled. She had not told Avice about her being pregnant yet. Following their conversation on the plane, there had not been much opportunity to discuss their future together. Yarra did also not told him that in some of her visions, she seen them being ambushed by Alicia’s clan members. Some of the visions showed Alicia driving a sword through Yarra’s chest, with Avice screaming.

  Instead of causing Yarra emotional turmoil however, she felt calm and collected. Alicia possibly killing her was a risk that she had to take. It was one of the discrepancies of having the ability to see the future. One still jumped straight into the abyss even if it was only pain and anguish waiting on the other side.

  They walked away from the lights and music into the quietness of Yarmouth, where a few houses from the olden times still persistently clung on. Adjusting his jacket and rubbing at his mittens to protect him from the coldness of the night, he looked at her expectantly.

  “Where do we go, baby?” He squeezed her hand for her to lead the way.


  Finding the Oracle’s Home

  The street had houses made out of stone, built in the colonial style, scattered between those of a more modern design. Yarra exhaled and saw the white vapor escape her lips from the chill in the air. Her heartbeat began increasing.

  Though the place had changed considerably from how it had been two hundred years ago, the main street of the suburbs remained. She remembered the younger Naunoru in her vision coming down that very street in a horse-drawn carriage, heading towards the Oracle’s home.

  “There.” She pointed out to the field nearby.

  At the end of the lane was a huge field overlooking a forest reserve. Grass grew erratically and without order, an eyesore compared to the pristine pruned hedges to either side. It seemed that the people deliberately avoided the field for some unknown reason, for there had been no attempt made at taming it to fit in with the rest.

  Yarra knew that the Oracle’s home was nestled within the wild grass of the field. Although the place looked different, the spatial orientation of the place had not changed. The forest was still on the west, and the ocean came in from the east.

  True enough, there was a small pathway in the
field where the wild grasses had omitted proliferating. It was as though the pathway through the field was waiting for someone.

  Yarra walked on ahead, with Avice following behind her. As they walked, the pathway widened as if to accommodate them. With their footsteps crunching on wet soil, they reached the front door of the wooden shack.

  “This is his house.”

  It seemed that time had not ravaged the shack as expected. The wood remained impervious to the elements, unaffected by moisture, wind or the sun. There was a certain magic surrounding the house that made it invisible to the eyes of mortals.

  “Vanishing magic,” Avice stated, sniffing at the air. “This structure has a strong hint of vanishing magic surrounding it.”


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