Book Read Free

Hotel O

Page 20

by Clarissa Wild

  “What if it’s important?” she asks, her lips so red and thick I want nothing more than to ravish them.

  “I don’t care,” I say, planting my lips firmly onto her lips, drawing a line down to her neck to that spot where she can’t say no to me anymore.

  She giggles, biting her lip, clearly struggling to keep it together. Her body says yes, but from the way she’s still pushing me away, I can tell she’s really distracted.

  “Can we check?” she asks.

  It takes all the effort I can muster to pull myself away from her. I grunt and march to the door in my comfy sweatpants, knowing full well my dick is erect as I open the door. I don’t give a shit.

  Except I do the moment I see Flynn standing right there with a suitcase in his hands.

  I frown, confused. “What the …?”

  “Bellhop said you needed someone to deliver this in a hurry. Emergency or some shit.”

  His eyes draw down to my dick, and then he quickly closes them, wincing. “Aw, fuck.”

  I’m stunned to the point I don’t even notice that Kat followed right behind me.

  And I’m definitely not prepared for the squeal that follows.


  “Flynn?!” My eyes widen, and my jaw drops. “What are you doing here?”

  “What the fuck, Kat?” Flynn glares at both me and Declan, and it feels like the rug is swooped out from underneath me. “What the hell are you doing here with him?”

  How the hell is he even here? And why?

  “Oh, boy …” Declan rubs his face with his hand.

  “What’s going on?” I ask, raising a brow while I look at them. Then I notice the suitcase in Flynn’s hand. My suitcase.

  Shock ripples through me. No fucking way.

  “Why does he have my suitcase that I left at the hotel?” I ask.

  Declan sighs out loud, and says, “He works for me.”

  “What?” My jaw drops. I can’t even … My brain feels like it’s busted. “No way.” I stare at Flynn. “You work for Declan? How? Since when?”

  “Since a long time. Doesn’t matter. Why are you here at his condo?” he asks, making a fist.

  “Because she’s mine,” Declan says with a smug grin on his face.

  I roll my eyes and sigh as Flynn only seems to be getting more furious.

  “You’re not helping,” I hiss at Declan.

  “So? This is my home,” Declan replies.

  “If I’d known this was her suitcase, I wouldn’t ever have come here.” Flynn harshly puts the suitcase inside and focuses his attention on me. “I can’t believe you’re with him. This is the asshole who hurt you!”

  “It’s none of your business,” Declan says, stepping forward.

  They’re up in each other’s face, breathing like bulls, clearly getting ready for a brawl I’m not prepared for. So I step between them and push them away from each other. “Whoa. Boys. No fighting. Not on my watch.”

  “Move, Kat,” Flynn growls, still glaring at Declan as if he’s the devil himself.

  “What are you gonna do?” Declan growls back. “Hit me?”

  “I’d like to,” Flynn responds.

  “No,” I say, keeping them separate. “Flynn … Please, can you not?”

  “But he’s been a giant prick to you!” Flynn says. “Tell me I’m wrong.”

  I’m trying. Really hard. But I can’t because he’s right. Declan has been an asshole. But that still doesn’t erase the feelings I have for him.

  Flynn points at Declan. “I told you to stay the fuck away from her!”

  “Stop it, you two!” I shove them so hard, they have to move or they’ll fall. “What’s the matter with you?”

  “He’s what’s the matter,” Flynn says.

  “Forgetting I’m your boss, dipshit?” Declan replies.

  “Stop. Now,” I growl at them both. I don’t have time for this jealousy shit. And Flynn has been keeping this a secret from me? Even though they knew each other? No wonder he ended the phone call when I told him it was Declan Porter.

  “You didn’t even tell me you worked for him,” I say to Flynn, feeling pissed off too now. “You could’ve told me he was your boss.”

  “And hurt you even more?” he says. “Fuck no.”

  “And you …” I direct my attention toward Declan. “You knew he was my friend, and you still didn’t tell me he worked for you.”

  “I didn’t think it would make a difference,” he says.

  “No, you were just afraid she was going to hate you even more,” Flynn says.

  “No, you’re afraid she’d choose me over you,” Declan retorts, continuing to fuel the fire to the point I have to remain between them to keep them away from each other.

  “Okay, that’s it. Time-out,” I say, holding up my hands. “Stop acting like little kids and start behaving like grown-ups. Jesus.” I let out a big sigh. “Stop fighting over me like I’m some goddamn prize.”

  Flynn crosses his arms as Declan puts them against his side. Both still look angry as hell, but neither of them are trying to grasp each other’s throats anymore, so I guess that’s good.

  But fuck … I wish I could’ve seen this coming. I would’ve brought some protective gear.

  “I thought you were over him,” Flynn says.

  “I …” I swallow. “It’s complicated.”

  “She can do whatever she wants,” Declan interjects. “Maybe you should take her wishes into consideration next time you burst into my office.”

  “I’m protecting a friend because I care about her,” Flynn spits. “Unlike you.”

  “Please,” I say, looking at both Declan and Flynn. “Can you stop this? Do it for me, please.” I look at Flynn. “I don’t want to lose you as a friend, but I … like him, okay?”

  “Tsk,” Flynn says. “Because he has a dick? This guy isn’t good for you.”

  “You don’t even know me,” Declan rebukes. “And you’re walking on thin ice here, buddy.”

  “Listen!” I yell, which makes them lean back and finally focus on me instead of each other. “This isn’t your choice,” I tell Flynn. “It’s mine. Please respect that.”

  Flynn rubs his lips together, clearly having trouble accepting it, but at least he’s not trying to change my mind.

  “And you …” I say to Declan. “Stop making this about jealousy. It isn’t. Flynn’s my best friend. Please, don’t be so hard on him. He’s listened to me again and again when you pulled all that shit on me.”

  Declan swallows, visibly shaken too.

  “I need both of you to behave like adults, please. Now, I know you might not like each other, but at least pretend, for my sake,” I say. “Flynn, I love you, but I need to make my own decisions, okay?”

  Flynn takes a deep breath and nods slowly.

  “Declan … I know he’s probably crossed the line several times because of me. But please do not fire him,” I beg.

  Declan cocks his head and closes his eyes, rubbing his forehead.

  “Fine. I won’t,” he says through gritted teeth. “But this has to stop.”

  “It will. I promise,” I say, glaring at Flynn so he gets the point. “Flynn, thanks for the suitcase. I owe you.”

  “You’re welcome,” he replies. “But I’m outta here. You gonna stay, or are you coming with me?”

  My lips part, but I don’t even know how to respond because I hadn’t thought about that yet. “Umm …” I look at Declan, who still looks like he’s swallowed a bunch of sour grapes. “Maybe? I don’t know.”

  “I think it’s better if we all cool down for a moment,” Declan says, clearing his throat.

  I nod a couple of times. “True.”

  “Don’t you have to go to work too?” Flynn says with that snobby voice he puts up whenever he catches me doing dumb shit.

  “Fuck.” I immediately check my watch. “You’re right.”

  “Guess that’s settled then,” Declan says, folding his arms.

  “Sorry,” I say,
smiling at him. “I’ll see you later then?”

  “Of course.” An arrogant grin spreads on his lips that makes the butterflies return. “But you’re not going to go without a kiss, are you?”

  “Oh, fuck no,” Flynn grumbles, turning around. “I’m outta here.” He slams the door shut behind him.

  “Bye,” Declan snaps, but I grab his face and make him look at me.

  “I’m here,” I say, licking my lips.

  He grabs my ass and pulls me toward him, kissing me hard and greedily as if he wants to show me I belong to him and no one else. As if he’s actually scared to lose me to Flynn. Not that that’s ever a possibility … but at least it means Declan cares. Maybe more than he’s willing to admit.

  When our lips unlock, I bite my lip. “That wasn’t just a kiss …”

  “Had to show you who’s boss,” he murmurs.

  I playfully slap him on the chest. “Seriously?”

  “Go on then. Get dressed. Work is waiting.”

  “One sec,” I say, quickly opening the door so I can catch Flynn before he disappears. “Thanks, Flynn! For the suitcase, I mean.”

  He waves at me without turning around. “No problem. Glad I could help.”

  I don’t think he’s really that happy to help, but I appreciate it. I know it’s hard on him to see his best friend date a guy like Declan.

  If we’re even dating … At this point, no one knows. Not even me.

  As I close the door, I turn and grab my suitcase filled with clothes so I can finally put on something decent before going out. But I can’t help say, “So about this kiss …”

  He brings his finger to his lips, and says, “Shh … Don’t tell anyone.”

  Of course, he’d say that.

  Why would I expect anything else?

  Chapter 28


  At work, I’m writing a few articles that are way overdue. I haven’t looked at the one I was writing about my experiences at the hotel in ages, partly due to the fact that I have a conflict of interest now. I still want to finish it someday, but I just don’t know when. Part of me desperately wants to see what it’d bring me, yet a part of me can’t stop thinking something bad will happen if I do. Even if I remove all the personal details and references, I can’t shake the feeling that Declan will be pissed, and that I might lose him.

  Before, I didn’t really care about any of that, but right now, I don’t know anymore.

  Which is why I’ve drowned myself in other work so I don’t even have to think about it.

  However, I’ve been typing away so much my fingers hurt. I definitely need a break right about now. Plus, I’ve been meaning to call Flynn after that recent fiasco at Declan’s condo.

  I still find it so hard to fathom Flynn’s been working there all this time, and I didn’t even know it. Why wouldn’t he tell me? Was he that ashamed of his work? I wonder what he does then … if he’s part of the staff or maybe part of the crew that pleases the guests.

  My curiosity takes control of me as I pick up my phone and dial his number. I don’t even know what to say, but we have to talk about this.

  “Flynn,” he says as he picks up.

  “Hey, it’s Kat.”

  “Oh … hey.” He doesn’t sound too happy to hear from me.

  “Sorry, am I bothering you right now? I can call back later.”

  “No, it’s fine,” he says, clearing his throat. “I just wasn’t expecting this.”

  “What? Me calling you?”

  “No, I just … never mind.”

  “What’s the matter?” I ask, leaning back in my chair.

  “Nothing. I’m just worried about you, okay? That dude isn’t right for you, you should know that.”

  I sigh. “I know you don’t like him, and that’s fine. But—”

  “You don’t like him either, Kat,” he interrupts. “You just don’t want to realize it.”

  “Maybe I do. So what?”

  “He’s not a datable guy. Trust me.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because he treats you like shit, like all the other girls who came before you.”

  That’s not exactly what I want to hear … but okay. “Maybe this time is different.”

  “It’s not. Don’t fool yourself into thinking he’ll change. He won’t,” he says.

  “You don’t know that. You don’t know him like I do.”

  “He’s my boss. I know him differently.”

  “In a bad way,” I say. “I noticed. And that’s okay. I get that you’re pissed at him, and rightfully so, considering all the shit he did, but I …” I sigh. “There are feelings involved, okay? I’m not sure what it is, but I want to find out. I need this right now. I need to know if there’s a possibility for more.”

  “There’s not. Trust me. Please.” He’s being so straightforward … goddammit. I don’t know what’s gotten into him.

  “I want to, believe me, but I have to follow my heart too.”

  “Dammit, Kat … Please, listen to me,” he growls.

  I don’t like the tone of his voice. “Flynn—”

  “You’re making a big mistake,” he interjects. “I wish I could explain, but I can’t. Not without hurting you even more.”

  “Fine, then don’t,” I say. “I don’t need advice. I only called to say thank you. To make things up after how badly shit ended when you walked out of Declan’s apartment,” I say. “For now, Declan is part of my life, and I’m not going to punt him out just because you say he’s bad for me.”

  I’m not letting Declan go this easily. Not for anyone, and certainly not because Flynn wants me to.

  “Wait, Kat—”

  I end the call before he can say anything more that’ll make me question everything.

  Even if he’s right, I don’t want to doubt what I feel right now.

  I’ve lived in doubt for so long, always searching but never finding what I needed, never finding what I was looking for. From the moment I was born, I’ve been kept in a room like a fucking pet, always being protected from the big, bad outside world. As if living my life the way I wanted to would be the worst thing that could ever happen to me.

  No. I want to be free. I want to do what I like. I want to try everything even if it’s bad and wrong and filthy. I don’t want to be held back anymore.

  First, my parents … now Flynn.

  I’ve had enough. I need this for my own sake. And now that I’ve crossed paths with Declan, I have to know where it could lead. Even if it’s only heartache.

  At least I’ll have known just how bad love can be for me.

  And maybe learn a thing or two.

  He’s not all bad. I mean, the sex is amazing, and he did take me home when I was too tired to even walk. And he was so sweet when he made those pancakes for me, and that kiss …

  God, I could just about die for another one.

  That’s it.

  I get up from my chair, pack my stuff, and walk to the door.

  I’m going to him. I don’t care if it’s the middle of the day or that I still have work to do. I’ll catch up when I get home tonight. Hell, I’ll work all through the night if I have to just to get this shit done.

  But I am going to see Declan, we are going to talk about this and what it means, and then we’re going to have banging hot sex.

  End of discussion.


  A few days later, I’m having the talk.

  Not the talk I was hoping for. The bad one.

  The one where your boss basically tells you it’s do or die at this point.

  “I’ve heard some complaints with the past two events, Declan,” my boss says as he struts around his office.

  “I know, and it won’t happen again, I promise.” I’m trying to remain calm even though I want to scream right now.

  Fuck. I wish I hadn’t pulled her into the events. That I could erase all of it so my job would still be secure and I’d be able take the bad memories away for her too.

  But that’s not how life works. I made a mistake, and now I have to live with the consequences.

  “How will I know for sure?” he asks. “I hired you because you were the best at what you did.”

  “I am, sir. Please give me a chance to redeem myself.”

  He scratches his chin. “Multiple co-workers have expressed that they felt uncomfortable with the way you handled a particular girl …”

  “She’s out of the picture,” I say.

  It’s not entirely true, but I know I won’t take her to these events again. Not just because my job is on the line now, but also because I couldn’t stand to watch her with other men when I wasn’t there to enjoy her too. I get jealous around her. A lot. And it says something.

  “Right. If you say so,” he says, interrupting my train of thought.

  I know I fucked up a few times at these past few events, but don’t the other successful events outweigh that?

  “None of the guests were unhappy, sir.” I say. “Doesn’t that count?”

  “True, true …” he mumbles, gazing straight at me. “But I have a business to run. I can’t have these things happening at this hotel.”

  “I understand, sir. It was a hundred percent my fault, and I take full responsibility.”

  “Good,” he says, his voice as stern as the look in his eyes. “Because I should be looking for a different event coordinator if this keeps happening.”


  Two tiny mistakes at an event and I’m already on the verge of losing the only job I ever wanted.

  The job that would lead me to success, and maybe … just maybe … I’d be able to take over the company in the future.

  Guess I’m really fucked now.


  I arrive at the hotel an hour later. I stopped by my place first to put on something sexy. You know, in case Declan wants to get it on. I wouldn’t mind it myself either, as I’m definitely in for a rematch after how I left his apartment. He wanted to jump my bones back then, and I desperately wanted him to. But Flynn had to show up and ruin the mood.

  Oh well, at least he brought me the suitcase. At least the clothes in there allowed me to leave Declan’s apartment with my dignity intact. And I did thank Flynn for it. I just wish he would’ve accepted my choice.


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