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Taboo Frequency

Page 3

by Gem Sivad

  “Maybe,” she murmured, her cheeks even redder as she climbed from his truck.

  He set a record getting his door open and to her side. He made it in time to lift her from the running board and to the ground. She gave him a noncommittal nod as she unlocked her car.

  As he stood watching, she slid inside, and fired up the engine. Before she drove away, Kiley rolled down her window and whispered for his ears and not the neighbor’s.


  He might have made a big mistake, but he’d been leaning against his truck, and stood up straight at the half promise.

  “Don’t get in a twist, but I’m following you home.”

  “Absolutely not.” She looked horrified.

  He stepped closer and bent down to her window. “Your need for privacy, I get. I’m cool with it. But not with you jumping in your car to race home alone on a dark night. I have a rule. If I’m sleeping with a woman…” he paused, “Make that, when I’m fucking a woman, at least at night, I see her back to her place to make sure she’s safe. If you can’t live with that, forget about anything else.”

  “You’re not coming in.”

  “Did I ask to come in?”

  He’d definitely ruffled her feathers with his rule. Nevertheless, he followed her to the end of her drive and waited for her to get inside.

  Luke felt pretty damn good on his ride home—better in fact than he had in a long time. Christmas tree farmer. He snorted at the idea, but still, it had him thinking about the stand of blue spruce on his property. It had been featured in the realtor’s listing and when he’d taken possession, it had been one of the first places he’d visited when he’d walked the property.

  I’ll buy a 4-wheeler someday, but until then my feet will have to do. Make that one foot and a metal replacement… Every damn thought ended up chasing back to the same place. He’d gotten his fucking leg half-blown off in the war and… And that thought made him want a drink. Instead, he sucked in his gut and concentrated on the stand of blue spruce.

  I don’t know a damned thing about growing trees. But then again, apparently the ones on his property had grown themselves. He mulled over thoughts of trees and commerce during his trip home. Somehow the sex had cleared his head, helping him think things through like nothing else. He could see now that he hadn’t been doing anything other than coasting along, too apathetic to even think about selling.

  He’d wanted land and liked the privacy of the place. Even the mail delivery stopped at end of the lane by the main road. But during his time here, he’d been drifting as if waiting for someone to tell him what to do next.

  “Sonofabitch.” As he drove up the lane leading to his property, his headlights spotlighted the raccoon trying to pull the lid off his trash can. Caught in the act, the animal sat on his haunches, staring balefully through the dark at him.

  Ready to do battle, Luke parked, left the lights on and engine idling as he opened the door, swinging down fast from the truck. The raccoon fled. It wasn’t the first time Luke had chased off the varmint but although he could scare him some, nothing kept the pest away for long.

  I swear if I have to sit out here and bang on a pan, that damned bandit will go hungry tonight. Baring his teeth in victory, Luke paused by the trash can, making certain the lid was strapped on. He’d fought with the raccoon through the end of winter and into the spring. This round belonged to him.

  Cheered by his immediate victory, Luke went back to the truck, reached into the cab and shut off the motor. By positioning the trashcan by the drive, he’d fixed it so he could keep score in his battle with the ring-eyed nuisance. He could easily check the status of the container from the porch and saw it first thing when he drove down up his lane, coming home. Rarely did it remain untouched while he was gone from home.

  “Have fun buddy. Tomorrow I’ll move the can again.” As if hearing Luke’s words as an invitation, damned if the animal didn’t chitter, as if answering, waiting patiently for his next shot at the can.

  “I need to take this place in hand.” Luke tidied the yard, determined to at least make the pest wait. The animal paced at the edge of the woods clearly impatient for the moment he could get back to attacking the trash can.

  At the VA hospital, the shrink had explained soldiers were trained to take orders and had to relearn individual thinking. Luke admitted that until recently, his thinking had pretty much been confined to strategies for discouraging a raccoon.

  “I’m overdue to quit farting around and deprogram myself.” That settled in his mind, he finished repositioning his two Adirondack chairs and went inside.

  “I need a life,” he grumbled, but the image of Kiley popped into his mind. “No, you need to get laid more often,” he answered himself, captured by an unfamiliar playful mood.

  From his doorway, Luke scanned the area and mentally marked where he’d reposition the trash can the next day. His less than profound mutterings accompanied him into the house.

  He wrapped his lower leg in the water proof cap and showered quickly, standing in front of the mirror afterward, studying his face and wishing again he’d trimmed his beard closer before he’d gone to Doug’s. Without analyzing his why, he watched his lips curve into a satisfied smile. A smile he actually felt.

  “I hope to hell she copies my number from her hand and programs it into her cell before she washes up tonight.” He toweled his hair dry before throwing the cloth aside and climbing into bed, where he stroked himself absently as his thoughts played over the evening.

  Shit. She came so many times I lost count. He groaned and licked his lips remembering the flavor of her sweat. I want a taste of her honey next time before I ride her pussy and suck her tits. The fact that another meeting had been left up to her didn’t lower his anticipation. He brushed his tongue against his teeth, trying to recall the exact feel of her taut nipple in his mouth. He’d bitten it lightly scraping his teeth over the tip before sucking with hard pulls on her stiff peaks.

  The memory made him hard all over again and he palmed his shaft, squeezing as he remembered the feel of her lips on his cock.

  “Jesus God,” he groaned, his hips coming off the bed as he grabbed the discarded towel in time to catch his release.

  “Hell yeah, she’ll call. It was her idea.” Having a fuck-only relationship worked fine for him. He fell into a deep dreamless sleep that lasted until morning birds and the sound of the trashcan tipping over woke him. His first thought wasn’t about raccoons or reconnaissance, though. “I need to get some better flavored condoms.”

  It didn’t take him long to be up and out of the house, heading toward the spruce woods, navigating across the rough ground, matching the stride of his healthy leg to that of the titanium tube attached to the microprocessor knee. Luke assured himself that wearing long pants and walking on flat ground nobody would ever guess. His custom boot disguised the absence of a flesh and blood foot.

  He cut through the overgrown field thinking about the night before and planning more occasions of Kiley fucking. Picturing her on a mattress—naked in a real bed, he stumbled and his smile changed to a frown. That would require him to shed his clothes.

  Chapter Three

  What did I do? Kiley woke up in her bed and lay staring at the ceiling, feeling one part satisfied and two parts appalled as memory washed over her. Then she snickered, her giggle resounding in the empty bedroom. Well, no, make that two parts satisfied and… The kids were at her mother’s, which meant she had the house to herself and could lounge for a while.

  The night before had been incredible. Moments of complete freedom didn’t happen often. When she’d made it home, she’d planned on pampering herself. Bath, bubbles, candles, book, glass of wine and…

  Kiley brushed a stray strand of hair from her cheek and exhaled. Tired and relaxed the night before, she’d skipped the bubble bath, opting to stand under the shower and scrub her skin, inspect the red passion marks on her breasts and soap away the smell of him still clinging to her body.
  The latter task she’d performed almost reluctantly, holding thoughts of him and their truck tryst at bay. Clean and content, she’d slipped beneath the blankets curling on her side in a fetal position, sliding her hands between her thighs for comfort. She’d closed her eyes and slept a deep, dreamless sleep like she hadn’t experienced since Evan died.

  Remembering everything, her thigh muscles tightened and her womb clenched. She hadn’t needed wine to help her sleep. She’d just needed a bed.

  Nervously she looked at her palm as if his telephone number remained there though she’d cleaned up and washed it away. But, not until she’d transferred it to her contact list.

  She closed her eyes trying to replay the ending of the evening. She hadn’t needed to glance at her rearview mirror to know he was behind her. She’d felt his presence in a weird kind of way. Her attempt to keep him from following her home, hadn’t worked.

  “It’s a stupid waste of your time.” She’d tried one last volley but he’d shrugged, climbed in his truck, and leaned out his window this time.

  “It’s late. Let’s get this show on the road. You’re going to an empty house. I’ll tag along.”

  She’d felt a mix of exasperation and relief when behind her, she’d seen his lights turn onto the unpaved gravel and his truck wait by her mailbox, engine idling while she parked her car, and unlocked and entered the house. She’d watched from her kitchen window like a school girl as his taillights had disappeared. But she’d felt safe.

  Of course, I always feel pretty safe here escort or not, so I guess it was nice but not necessary. I’ll tell him so. She grimaced at her assumption there might be a future conversation with him on the subject.

  Before she could question her motives, she retrieved her cell phone from the bedside table and checked to make sure the entire evening hadn’t been a dream.

  Because of his explanation for the term taboo frequency, she’d typed TF next to the entry. It didn’t sound like a military term. It sounded like kinky sex and made her lips curve in a satisfied smile.

  Awake and hungry, her stomach growled reminding her to get up. She swung her legs from the bed, pulled on a robe and padded barefoot to the kitchen.

  “Good God, I feel sexy.” She rubbed her stomach and then pressed her palm against her lower belly at the same time her womb clenched. “Who knew thorough familiarity with a male body could make such a difference.”

  Kiley made cocoa, filled her mug and rinsed the pan, before carrying her drink into the living room and setting it on the side table. Staring out the window at the mailbox at the end of the lane, she frowned remembering how he’d waited there, watching her safely inside.

  “But I told him not to follow me home.” It smudged the fantastic evening and made her frown. She didn’t want him dropping by.

  “I’d like to just be able to fuck, dammit,” she muttered, then realized how childish she sounded. Still, she’d had too many of her mother’s boyfriends coming and going in her life as she’d grown up. She’d not repeat that mistake with her own kids.

  Evan and Emmy weren’t going through the same thing. No good-time lovers here today/gone tomorrow. Examining the twinges and aches in her body, she linked each one back to the cause: Luke.

  She hadn’t offered him her number but it would be easy enough for him to get it from Doug. If he blew up the phone calling her or showed up on her doorstep pestering her, she’d stop him cold. But if he didn’t, if he kept his part of the bargain and made time for sex with her when she called him, well…

  “Yummm. I’ll take him for breakfast every morning,” she groaned, leaning back against the couch pillows, reliving the exquisite feel of his cock inside her, his teeth on her nipples, his lips and tongue invading her mouth. “All that in a frigging pickup truck parked at Bindle’s Bluff.”

  Finishing her chocolate, she licked her lips, remembering Luke’s salty essence instead of the rich cocoa taste. Then she made a moue of disgust comparing his spicy musk to the noxious taste of the condom material. “I’ll buy different flavors.”

  Little by little, she mentally shifted to accommodate the possibilities in the bargain she’d made.

  * * * * *

  Kiley’s luscious moment of solitude ended when her sister arrived with the kids. Thankfully, it was a nice day and all four headed for the swing set in the side yard.

  “What do you want?” She met Marcie at the house entrance, not letting her in from the porch until her sister held her finger to the doorbell making it chime continuously.

  “Grow up,” Kiley snarled, opening the door.

  “Well, how was it?” Subtle her sister wasn’t.

  “We went for a drive in his truck.” Avoiding her twin’s gaze didn’t stop the blush creeping up Kiley’s neck and heating her cheeks.

  “It was a long ride. He didn’t bring you back until two o’clock.”

  “Tell me you weren’t standing by the window, your nosey nose pressed to the glass waiting for me to get back.” Kiley glared at her sister.

  “Doug’s nosey nose, this time. I think he was worried about Luke.”

  “What? He thought I would attack his friend? You can tell him that Luke was just fine when he left.”

  “How fine?” Marcie circled back to her original question like a terrier after a rat.

  “Would you stop,” Kiley snarled, willing her twin to leave her alone. “We are not in high school anymore and it’s not show and share time. Drop it.”

  “He was that good, huh?”

  “We drove around, we talked. No big deal.”

  “Better cover the hickey on your neck if you don’t want Mom’s third degree. I didn’t squeal on you but between the whisker burn on your jaw, swollen lips, and strawberry mark I’m not sure how you’ll convince her it was a platonic drive.”

  “I don’t have to convince Mom of anything. I knew it was a mistake to leave the kids with her last night.”

  “Damn, Kiley. You’d think Mom was the enemy or something. Would you quit with the drama. She loves the twins just like she loves me and you.”

  Marcie slung her arm around Kiley’s shoulders and gave her a squeeze. “I’ll hush. I just want something good to happen for you.”

  “I think I’m getting a raise at the factory, the kids are doing well, both made the B Honor Roll at school, my bills are paid and there’s food in the cupboard. I’m doing fine.”

  “Kiley quit dodging the issue. Did he kiss good?” Marcie beamed at her, grinning like a loon.

  “Yes,” she caved and answered. “He kisses like a pro—like a man who’s spent time perfecting his talent.” She let her analysis dangle in the air, tempting Marcie to spill her guts about anything she might know.

  “Luke keeps to himself. I was surprised to see him last night. I don’t think he’s a player. Not since he left a leg in Afghan anyway.”

  “What?” Kiley thought she must have misheard.

  “I guess you really didn’t do more than a little kissy face if you don’t know that Luke’s left leg is fake from the knee down.”

  Kiley stifled her urge to ask questions, hiding any reaction but irritation from her twin. “Marcie you act sixteen not twenty-six. He seemed like a nice guy. As for anything else, I’m not interested in a relationship and neither is he.”

  “Just saying,” Marcie muttered, holding up both hands as if surrendering. “If you ever get naked with him, I don’t want you to freak out.”

  “Duly noted. If we ever get down and dirty I promise to not scream like a little, frigging girl.”

  “You are a little, frigging girl.” Marcie grinned, bumping her shoulder against Kiley and pointing out the obvious difference in their height. Marcie stood five foot nine in her socks and Kiley barely measured five foot two. They were twins but they really didn’t look alike.

  Except Luke recognized our similarities immediately and that means he had to be studying me. The thought brought a warm flush to her cheeks.

  “No coffee this

  “Hot chocolate.” As soon as Kiley said the words Marcie grinned.

  “Pampering yourself today, huh?”

  “Marcie, what do you want? I’ve got things to do that don’t include your idiocy.”

  “Mom wanted me to check up on you is all. She saw your car coming home late and she wanted me to make sure her little girl is safe.” Marcie cast a sly look at Kiley. “She said she saw a dark vehicle following you when you drove past.”

  “I knew better than to rent this place when I moved home.”

  “It was this or move in with Mom.” Marcie flashed her usual smile and laughed. “Country living comes with tender, loving, care. Did you forget?”

  “Tried,” Kiley admitted. She’d fled the place with Evan as soon as they’d graduated, intending to return only for holidays and short visits. But, eight years later, here she was again under the eagle-eyed scrutiny of family.

  “Thanks for bringing home the twins and giving me a heads up.” She switched to a safer topic. “I planned to stop by her house today, but I don’t think I can face one of Mom’s inquisitions right now.”

  She paused long enough to wipe off the table and look out the window where Marcie’s two boys, Keith and Little D, played beside Evan and Emmy. “I had sex with him.”

  “Figured you did. You’re smiling.” Marcie leaned next to her looking out the window too. “What’s his place like?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “You brought him here?” Marcie’s voice held shocked surprise as she turned from the window to look at the hallway leading to the bedrooms.

  “No.” Kiley grinned, still looking out the window. “The Bluff. We did it in the truck.” Feeling sixteen again, she started giggling.

  “No way.” Marcie stared at her. “So are you going out with him again?”

  “He said to call him if I wanted to get together.”

  Marcie frowned at her in outrage. “You boinked and that was the best he could do? You didn’t even get a meal out of it.”


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