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Falling for Sakura: A Secret Proposal Part 1 (Sakura and the Princeton Brothers Book 3)

Page 20

by Alexia Praks

  He laughed. “I knew that last sentence shocked you.” At Sakura’s nod, he went on. “If this didn’t happen, I would have sent you a message regardless and tell you exactly how I feel and who the heck I was.”

  Sakura placed her hands on his chest where his heart was. “You’re Sebastian Princeton, and you’ll always behave like Sebastian Princeton. You could never leave me alone, could you?”

  He chuckled. “When it comes to you, Sakura, I could never leave you alone. But I better say good night now because, heck, I don’t want to keep you up until three in the morning and make you sick again.”

  She laughed. “It’s not three yet, and I did have a good nap this afternoon after the shock of seeing all you brothers again out of the blue.” She dropped her hand from his chest and took a step back. “But yes, it is getting late, and I have to prepare for Sosuke’s birthday party tomorrow.”

  “I can’t wait to come,” he confessed. “You’ll look amazing in a yukata.”

  She cocked her head to one side. “I didn’t even know we were wearing a yukata.”

  “It was Tristan’s idea. But yes, we’re all wearing yukata.”

  Sakura nodded. She herself couldn’t wait to see the brothers, all seven of them, wearing the Japanese clothing either. They’d look awesome. She thought she better get her camera ready to take pictures. Maybe she’d even get to post some on her website to attract young female buyers who wanted photos of hot men in yukatas. That was if she got their permission first, of course.

  “Good night, Seb,” she said teasingly, a grand smile on her lips.

  He laughed. “I still want to kiss you again and again.” And he did do it once again, grabbing her into his arms before she could escape. He kissed her lips so deep and so passionately it made Sakura’s heart burst with joy. When he did finally release her, he had his face buried against the nape of her slender neck, inhaling her sweet scent.

  “God, I love the way you smell,” he said.

  She laughed. “I know. I can smell you brothers a mile away.” It was an exaggeration, of course, but Sebastian was pleased with her confession.

  He pulled back and said, “Can you now?”

  “Sebastian, I really have to go,” she said, pushing at his massive chest. “I’m staying with Lady Haruka and her family, and it’s not proper to come home so late…”

  “Then move in with us,” he suggested. “Like Conrad said, we have a spare room. It’s perfect for you. Please, Sakura, think about it.”

  Sakura gazed up at him and noted he was serious about her moving in with them. “I’ll think about it,” she said, chuckling. When he gave her a brilliant smile, she laughed. “Now, I really, really must go. Good night, Sebastian.”

  Sebastian laughed. “Good night, Sakura, sweetheart,” he said and kissed her on the forehead once again. “Dream of me tonight.”

  Sakura turned, and before she could open the door, Sebastian caught her wrist and brought her hand to his lips. He gave her a hot kiss there, his warm breath against her skin making her breathless.

  When he finally did let her go, Sakura was ready to throw herself into his arms once again. He had that raw effect on her. And they’d just reunited. How odd. Perhaps, she reasoned, it was just the fact that she’d been so lonely for so long, by herself for so long that his very presence made her feel whole and complete with love and affection.

  She prevented herself from acting out her stupid desires by opening the door and slipping in. She quickly closed it before the urge to throw herself back into Sebastian’s arm got the better of her. Then she rested her back against the frame and closed her eyes, a smile about her lips.

  * * * * *


  A Race for a Kiss

  It was six in the morning as usual when Darcy met Sebastian in the corridor, ready to go for their swim.

  “Morning,” Darcy greeted his brother.

  “Morning,” Sebastian replied, a big fat grin on his face.

  Darcy noticed and knew the private moment last night with Sakura must have put Sebastian in a very good mood. He wondered what they’d been talking about. It was a little hard not to think about the possibility of them kissing. Darcy tried not to get too worked up about it, but hell, it was impossible.

  They came into the pool area together, and the moment they walked in through the door, they heard water splashing. Curious to know who had arrived before them, which was unusual, they hurried nearer the pool area. On the edge, both men watched in awe as that exquisite slim body glided like a mermaid underwater. The female was a breathtaking sight to behold, and when she came up on the other side, both sucked in their breath.

  She was wearing a navy-blue bikini, just like the one they’d spotted before. When she climbed the steps onto the floor, her body was dripping wet with water, and to be sure, the intoxicating sight was turning the brothers on. Of course, they didn’t realize they were staring, nor that they were holding their breath, waiting for her to turn to face them. When she finally did, they swallowed hard.

  “Sakura,” Darcy said softly under his breath, realizing he hadn’t been hallucinating after all that early morning when he’d seen her walking down the hall. God, if only he’d been faster and surer of himself, he would have caught her and… Well, it was too late for that now.

  Sebastian felt like someone had punched him in the stomach, hard. That morning when he’d come in to find a young woman swimming, it had been Sakura all along, and he bloody hell couldn’t believe it. She’d been here with him, and if only he…

  When Sakura turned, she was surprised to see the two brothers there watching her.

  “You two were so quiet I didn’t even hear you.” She came around the pool to stand in front of them. “You guys always swim so early in the morning?”

  At the brothers’ nod, Sakura suddenly paled as she realized it had been Sebastian that first day she’d been here. But she kept quiet, since she thought he mightn’t remember that incident at all.

  “Sakura,” Darcy said. “You swim.”

  She chuckled. “I taught myself after that… after what happened last year. It was really hard. I was so afraid of the water for so long, but I told myself I had to do it. I just can’t be afraid of it and let it beat me.”

  Sebastian took hold of her hand. “You are a natural in the water.”

  “Thanks,” she replied, smiling. “You guys still race?”

  At Sebastian’s nod, she said, “I want to see you.” She turned to Darcy and gave him an imploring smile. “Please?”

  Darcy nodded without hesitation. After all, he wanted to show her he was as good a swimmer as Sebastian. “Anything for you.”

  Sakura clapped her hands together in excitement, and Darcy was just heading over to the edge of the pool when Sebastian said, “Wait a minute. What’s the prize?”

  “I beg your pardon?” Sakura asked, blinking.

  “What’s the prize for the winner?” Sebastian asked again. “It just doesn’t seem fair for you to watch us race, and the winner doesn’t get a prize.”

  Darcy agreed. “True.” He turned to Sakura and cocked his head to one side. “Come on, Sakura. You’ve got to give us something.”

  Sakura wasn’t sure where the brothers were going with this. She simply wanted to see them race like that time last year back on St. Joseph Island.

  “Oh, how about this?” She was quite excited about the idea. When both brothers looked at her, waiting for her suggestion, she said, “I’ll make the winner a cup of coffee.”

  The brothers looked at her, unimpressed.

  “But it’s a cup of coffee,” she said. “You guys like my coffee.”

  “Sorry, Sakura, but if you aren’t going to offer a better prize than that, I’ll pass,” Darcy said, jumping into the pool.

  “What about a kiss?” Sebastian suggested, giving Sakura a wink.

  Sakura blushed, her mind suddenly flashing back to last night when he’d kissed her. She said, “That’s not a real prize.

  “It is to me,” Darcy said. “Are you on, Seb?”

  “I’m on,” Sebastian said and then jumped into the pool as well.

  Sakura watched them, dumbfounded. When the brothers climbed back up and got ready, Sakura said, “But I haven’t decided yet on the prize.”

  Sebastian glanced at her over his shoulder. “It’s decided, Sakura. The winner gets to kiss you.”

  “Why don’t you go and sit on the side of the pool?” Darcy suggested.

  Sakura suddenly got pissed because, really, she didn’t have any choice in the matter at all. Rather than do what they were saying, she headed toward the door instead. Racing be damned. Heck, she wasn’t even that desperate to see two hot men working hard out in the water, propelling their powerful arms, their bodies glistening wet with droplets of water.

  She was about to exit the place when she felt herself being pulled around by the arm gently and lifted in the air. She found herself in Sebastian’s arms.

  “Sebastian, what are you doing? Put me down this instant, you hear?”

  Sebastian just laughed at her outrageous demand. “I thought you wanted to see us racing.”

  “I do,” she snapped.

  “Then why are you leaving?”

  Sebastian took her to the side of the pool and placed her there, where Sakura sat with her legs dangling in the water.

  “I don’t like the prize,” she said, matter-of-fact.

  Sebastian moved his face close to her. “So you don’t want to be kissed by me?”

  Sakura blushed even more and glared at him.

  “Or the thought of kissing me revolts you, Sakura?” Darcy asked from the distance, a haunted look in his brooding features.

  Sakura turned her gaze to him and saw the wounded look in his eyes. She stammered, “No! That’s not it.”

  Sebastian laughed. “Wish me luck.” Then he was off to stand next to Darcy.

  Sakura’s body tensed as she watched the brothers get themselves ready. Sebastian started counting, and then on three, both dived in, their powerful bodies in perfect sync. Once they hit the water, they started swimming, their strong arms propelling them forward as their legs kept kicking.

  Sakura watched as she held her breath. When they reached the other side, the brothers were neck to neck. They flipped over and kicked their powerful legs against the side of the pool and then headed in the other direction again. This was it, Sakura thought as she watched the brothers, and then suddenly, they were there, neck and neck, their arms propelling like mad, water splashing about everywhere as they raced forward.

  Sakura waited, her body tense, her breathing stopped, and her eyes were glued on the two men. Who would it be? Sebastian? Or would it be Darcy? And then suddenly, Darcy hit the finish mark first by mere milliseconds. He was heaving heavily as he came up to the surface.

  Sebastian laughed and slapped his brother on the back. “That was a good race, Darcy.”

  Darcy chuckled and flicked his gaze to Sakura, his eyes intent and hot on her. Sakura met his stare and became nervous all of a sudden. The race had been an adventure to watch, but now that it had ended, she thought she’d better run and hide before the brothers demanded she give the winner the promised prize.

  She was about to act out her plan when Sebastian said, “Now the prize.”

  Darcy got up from his spot and, with a determined look, headed over to her. Sakura swallowed and felt a little exposed all of a sudden. As Darcy came closer, she flicked her gaze to Sebastian and then back to Darcy again. They looked serious about the kiss after all.

  Darcy came to stand right in front of her, his strong, toned body dripping, which caused a delicious shiver down Sakura’s spine. Her heart was racing and her stomach fluttering.

  She was staring at his chest, at the beautiful tattoo of the cherry blossom flowers intertwining with the word SNOW residing on his chest. She felt her whole body tremble with emotion at the sight. Darcy loved her that much to have branded her name on his chest where his heart resided? The realization made her weak, and she inhaled a shaking breath. Slowly, she lifted her hand and gently caressed the tattoo, his wet skin, with her fingertips, stroking the lines of cherry blossoms and the word SNOW.

  Darcy sucked in his breath as Sakura stroked him. She was making him weak, enticing him and awakening his desire. It was a moment that bonded them. Slowly, he brought his hand up and rested it gently on the side of her face, his fingers intimately entwining with her wet hair. He shut his eyes for a moment, inhaling her sweet scent. When he opened them again, he saw her watching him. The look in her eyes, bright and curious and ready for him to take her, brought Darcy to his knees. She was enchanting.

  Sakura licked her lips as Darcy leaned down. Then she closed her eyes, waiting for him to kiss her, to claim his prize. She was completely and utterly tense as she felt him moving his face toward her and his warm breath against her sensitive skin. When she opened her eyes again, he was watching her and their lips were nearly touching, ready for the kiss.

  Darcy stayed there for a moment, as if he were prolonging the inevitable. Then suddenly, he moved back and abruptly released Sakura from his clutches. Without an explanation, he turned on his heel and marched toward the door, passing Sebastian, who looked a little confused at the brother’s odd action.

  Sakura blinked and suddenly felt like her heart had just been broken. Perhaps—just perhaps—Darcy no longer loved and wanted her?

  * * * * *


  Snow and the Knight of Darkness

  Sakura tried not to think about Darcy and his rejection that morning, but it was hard. She thought back as to why he wouldn’t kiss her after he’d won the race. Perhaps he no longer wanted her? Perhaps he no longer loved her?

  “What’s wrong, Sakura-chan?” Akira asked at the door.

  Sakura looked up, surprised to see Akira there, already dressed in her yukata. This one was very beautiful, a light blue with floral design.

  “I did knock,” Akira said.

  Jane poked her head in behind Akira. “Sakura, haven’t you showered yet?”

  Sakura cocked her head to one side as Jane came into the room. The woman was dressed in a green yukata that matched her eyes perfectly. She looked very fetching without her glasses on and her blond hair up in a pretty bun.

  “Jane, you look beautiful,” Sakura said.

  Jane blushed. “Akira helped me with the yukata.” She did a little spin to show off the garment to Sakura. “I’ve never worn one before, but I love this. I’m going to get one to wear on special occasions.”

  Sakura laughed. “I might buy one as well.”

  Akira sighed in vexation at the two women who were still talking when they were running out of time. She took matters into her own hands, because otherwise, they really were going to be late. She grabbed ahold of Sakura’s wrist and pulled her up from the bed.

  “Sakura-chan, I know you’re tired from organizing and preparing the celebration, but you have to get ready before everyone arrives.”

  Sakura sighed, reluctant. What she really wanted to do was collapse on the bed and sleep forever. She couldn’t believe she got tired so easily these days. Of course, she’d been up since five this morning, wanting to take a swim before the pool got too crowded. Then Sebastian and Darcy had come in. There had been the race and the expected kiss that didn’t happen.

  When she’d returned to the apartment, she got down to helping the housekeeper and Haruka with preparing food for Sosuke’s birthday celebration. Jane had arrived not long after and helped out as well.

  Akira nudged her into the bathroom, followed by a slap on Sakura’s bottom for her to hurry up. Sakura jumped and laughed wholeheartedly.

  “You’re acting like you’re my oneesan.” Sakura jested.

  Akira raised her brows. “Oh? Don’t you want an oneesan like me, Sakura-chan?”

  “Actually,” Sakura said, smiling, “I do. To be honest, I consider you as one.”

be a good imoutosan and go shower.” Akira gave Sakura another nudge between the shoulder blades to get her moving. “Otherwise, you’ll really make us late for dinner.”

  “What’s oneesan?” Jane asked from behind. “And imoutosan?”

  Akira said, “Oneesan is older sister and imoutosan is younger sister in Japanese.”

  “Oh!” Jane expressed as she clasped her hands together. “If we’re going to be sisters, non-related of course, I think I will be the oldest. I know what we should do. We should form a sisterhood or something.”

  Sakura cocked her head to one side, a thoughtful look on her face. “Jane, are you serious?”

  Jane nodded her head. “I’m totally serious. But that means I’d be the oldest.”

  Akira asked, “How old are you?”

  Jane went bright red and murmured, “Twenty-eight.”

  “Then you are the oldest. I’m twenty-seven,” Akira said as she really made Sakura go into the bathroom by gently jostling her in. “I’m going to get Sakura’s yukata, and you, sister Jane, make sure she doesn’t come out until she’s totally done.”

  “Sister Jane?” Sakura couldn’t hide her giggle.

  Akira shut the door in her face, blocking her mirth from Jane’s view. Then she headed out the door.

  “Sister Jane?” Jane said in outrage, frowning. “You make me sound like a nun!”

  Akira laughed from the corridor, and Jane, finally finding the funny side of it, joined in on the laughter, too.

  Alone inside the bathroom, Sakura stripped herself naked and then went into the shower. As the water pounded down on her, she touch her fingers to her lips, her mind on Sebastian and Darcy.

  “Stop it!” she muttered under her breath. “You shouldn’t be upset if Darcy’s decided he no longer likes you. After all, you left him without saying good-bye. Of course he’d forget about you.”

  The realization of that reality hurt, and Sakura felt herself shake uncontrollably with emotions.

  “Sakura?” Jane called out from the other side. “Hurry up. Your parents have just arrived. I can see them down at the street.”


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