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Dragon Emperor 4: Human to Dragon to God

Page 11

by Eric Vall

  Something is wrong here, Evan, Miraya warned in my head. I can’t feel her.

  I realized Miraya was right. I couldn’t sense the unique signature of Ravi’s presence either. I looked down at the phoenix and pulled up my status viewing ability to figure out what was wrong.

  Classification: Phoenix

  Condition: Poisoned and paralyzed by an unknown agent. Magic repressed.

  Priority: Immediate healing required.

  Danger: Vitals weakening. Death imminent if no action taken.

  Status: Critical

  “What the hell?” I gasped as my heart skipped a beat.

  Her magic has been repressed, Miraya said, that is why we cannot sense her.

  “By what?” I looked around but didn’t see anything unusual.

  So, I shifted into my human form as I carefully walked over to Ravi. She looked like she was asleep except she was rigid, and her muscles were pulled tight. I tried to lift her arm, but it was stiff against her side. Then I noticed there was a welt on her forearm, bright red with a hole in the center. It looked like a huge bee sting. I focused on Ravi and sent my healing magic to her. I watched as her muscles slowly relaxed as I healed her, and the welt on her arm shrunk and faded.

  I checked on her stats again.

  Classification: Phoenix

  Condition: Venom neutralized. Vitals returning to normal. Magic repressed

  Priority: None

  Danger: None

  Status: Healing

  “Miraya, why is her magic still repressed?” I asked the sword spirit. “I healed her.”

  Magic is not something that can be healed with magic. It must heal on its own. Magic is part of her soul, she will need rest.

  “Does that mean Ravi won’t have her magic until her soul fixes it? Is this similar to Alyona? Will she be asleep for days?”

  I internally groaned. We didn’t have time for this. I needed to be back home as soon as possible.

  No. Alyona exhausted her magic. It needed to replenish. The phoenix girl still has magic, she just cannot access it. Her body must find its center and realign.

  When Miraya finished, Ravi stirred. She seemed to be confused for a moment before she bolted up, grabbed her head, and stumbled.

  “Hey, be careful,” I murmured as I steadied her. “How do you feel?”

  “I feel a little weak, but other than that I’m okay,” Ravi replied, and she looked relieved as she glanced up at me. “Are you okay? I can’t believe you were able to fight off the Deathstalkers alone. I tried to warn you, but one stung my arm before I had the chance.”

  “Deathstalkers?” I asked with a confused frown. “What are those?”

  “What?” she asked, and she looked just as confused as me. “What do you mean what are those? Didn’t you have to save me from them?”

  “I found you on the sand paralyzed,” I explained. “I healed you with my magic, and now we are here. I haven’t done anything else.”

  “But that’s impossible,” she murmured as her brow furrowed even more. “Deathstalkers never leave their prey without a fight … oh no.”

  She frantically looked around the sand as she realized something.

  The area I found her in was curved inwards, like a bowl. Sand dunes stretched around and towered over us, and Ravi’s head whipped from side to side as she looked for something.

  “Ravi, what happened?” I demanded as scales started to flicker down my arm.

  “They used me to lure you here, I’m so sorry!” she cried out in dismay. “This was all a trap. They never wanted me, they want you.”

  I looked around frantically at her words, but saw nothing.

  “Ravi, there is nothing here … ” I trailed off as I noticed one of the sand dunes shift.

  I walked closer, and I felt even more scales crawl up my arm.

  Ravi turned her head to the dune as well and squinted. The sand moved again, and she gasped

  “Evan,” she warned, “stop.”

  I ignored her and took another step. The sand shifted again, and I stopped right in front of the dune.

  Suddenly, my instincts screamed at me, and I stepped back. Seconds later, a giant scorpion sprang out from the sand. Its massive stinger curled up and sat over its back. It snapped its pincers inches from my face, and I instinctively shifted into my dragon body.

  Then I flew up into the sky and watched as dozens of the scorpions emerged from the desert sand, each one the size of a small car.

  Ravi was still on the ground, and there was a terrified look on her face. The scorpion closest to her lunged, and she dove out of the way and barely avoided its stinger.

  “Ravi!” I yelled down to her. “What are you doing? Shift!”

  “I can’t!” she shouted back. “My magic won’t listen to me!”

  Fuck. Of course. Her magic had been suppressed. She needed help.

  I roared and flew back down to help her, and the scorpions turned toward the sound and snapped their pincers at me.

  Ravi took advantage of their distraction and tried to climb out of the pit, and I watched as she tried, in vain, to get a grip along the desert floor. The sand was too loose, though, and she just slid down before she could make any progress.

  I needed to fly down and grab her, but there wasn’t enough space in my dragon form.

  Then I had an idea.

  “Ravi! I’m going to roast these guys, will you be okay?” I knew phoenixes were made of fire, but did that mean they were immune to fire-based attacks?

  The scorpions had turned their attention back to Ravi, and she was cleverly able to dodge most of the other attacks.

  “I’ll be fine, just hurry!” she yelled back, but then she screamed in pain as one of the scorpions grabbed her waist with its giant pincers.

  I reared my head back, and flames poured out of my mouth. I could hear the painful screeches of the scorpions as I burned them and didn’t stop until it was silent. Then I cut off my fire magic and looked down into the pit.

  Ravi was alone, and the scorpions in the pit were all burned to ash.

  I sighed in relief as she stood and coughed. Then she waved her hand up at me, and I flew into the pit.

  “Are you okay?” I asked as she rubbed her middle where a scorpion had grabbed her. I immediately sent my healing magic toward her.

  “I’ll be fine,” she sighed as my power soothed her. “Let’s just get out of here.” She walked over to my side, and I lowered myself to the ground.

  Then I felt the sand shift under me, and before I could warn her, more scorpions poured from the sand below.

  “Fuck!” I yelled. “Where they hell did they all come from?”

  “The little hairs on their backs allow them to feel even the slightest vibrations,” Ravi answered from my back. “That’s why they are called Deathstalkers. Once one attacks, they swarm.”

  I frantically looked for an escape route as the scorpions filled the area.

  “Evan, watch out!” Ravi yelled.

  I turned to my left and dodged out of the way of a scorpion’s stinger, but it managed to graze my hind leg. Almost immediately, I could feel the venom spread through my body as my leg began to lock up.

  “Oh no you don’t,” I snarled. Then I focused all my healing energy into my leg and could sense the venom slowly start to fade.

  Want a little boost? Miraya asked in my head, and then I felt the Spirit Sword feed her magic into mine. A moment later, the venom had all but vanished.

  “Thanks,” I said to the spirit.

  You’re very welcome. How do you feel?

  “I’m fine,” I growled as I turned to the scorpion that had stung me. “But he won’t be.”

  Then I lunged at the creature and tore him apart with my jaws.

  When I tossed away the pieces of the dead creatures, Ravi’s grip tightened on my neck.

  “You okay up there?” I asked her.

  “Yes. Are you okay? That scorpion stung you!”

  “I’m good.” I lo
oked around as more scorpions began to descend toward us. “Ravi, you need to hold on tight. I don’t have enough room to fly out of here yet. I’m gonna have to kill all of these guys first.”

  “What?” she exclaimed, and she trembled like a leaf. “C-Can you do that?”

  I eyed the dozens of enemies that skittered down the crater walls in our direction, and their high-pitched clicks and chitters grated on my ears.

  “Yeah, but it’s gonna be a bumpy ride,” I admitted. “I’ll dump as much of my healing power into you as I can, but try to stay away from stingers.”

  “U-Understood,” Ravi whimpered, and I braced myself as the scorpions lunged within striking distance.

  I reared back my head and unleashed a torrent of flames on the first line of insects, and they screamed hellishly as their exoskeletons burned and bubbled. While the creatures scrambled in confused chaos and tried to retreat, I summoned my earth power and caused the wall of sand behind them to explode out.

  Half a dozen scorpions sank into the sand as it washed over them like a wave, but it wasn’t enough. There were still dozens more that had managed to skitter out of the way.

  I gritted my fangs and was about to resign myself to a drawn-out battle when, suddenly, I could sense a familiar presence crest the dune behind me.

  Then a vicious roar split the air before white-hot fire slammed down between the scorpions and me.

  I could hear the insects shriek as they were melted on the other side of the flames, but I saw my opportunity, and I seized it.

  I wheeled around and bounded to the other side of the crater, and as soon as I could stretch my wings, I tore out of the pit.

  Ravi gripped my neck tightly as I picked up speed and soared into the sky. More scorpions scampered out of the pit behind me, fleeing the fire, and their pincers snapped at each other as they realized their meal had escaped.

  It didn’t take me long to find my familiar ally, even after the pillar of fire faded into smoke. Her crimson scales reflected the light of the sun as she glared down into the pit.

  “Valerra, you came,” I said in disbelief.

  “Yes, well, if you weren’t so incompetent, I could have stayed home,” she bit back, but then her golden eyes scanned over me. “Were you injured?”

  “Are you worried about me?” I smirked.

  Valerra scoffed and averted her eyes, but she didn’t respond.

  Silence stretched between the two of us as we watched the few remaining Deathstalkers try to flee into the desert.

  “So, do you want to help me roast the rest of these fuckers?” I asked as I glanced at Valerra.

  She continued to stare downward for a moment, but she finally met my eye, and her lips pulled back to give me a wicked, fanged grin.

  Then, together, we both turned back to the desert, and flames poured from our maws in unison, mine a deep orange, and hers a brilliant white.

  The scorpions were quickly turned to ash.

  “Well, that was pretty cool, right Valerra?” I snickered when we released our attacks.

  She ignored me and instead flew toward the ground. She landed a few miles away from the pit and shifted into her human form.

  I landed in front of her and let Ravi slide off my back, and then I turned to Valerra.

  Ravi sprinted forward before I could stop her.

  “Y-You must be the Crimson Dragon.” Ravi’s eyes were wide in awe as stepped closer and wrapped Valerra in a hug. “You saved us! You’re my hero!”

  Valerra pushed Ravi away instantly.

  “Get off me, you idiot. You are the reason Evan nearly died.” Her words were laced with spite, and Ravi stepped back.

  “I know. I’m so sorry. I should have known about the Deathstalkers.” She looked at me, and her eyes filled with tears again. “I should have warned you about them. I’m so sorry, Evan.”

  “Ravi, it wasn’t your fault,” I reassured her. “You were stung, there was nothing you could have done.”

  Valerra scoffed loudly, so I turned and leveled her with a stern look.

  “Don’t blame her,” I said. “If you would have agreed to come last night, this wouldn’t have happened either.”

  Valerra glared at me half-heartedly, but stayed silent.

  “Are you both alright?” she asked after a moment, and her voice was tight but no longer angry.

  “I’m fine,” I replied. “I got stung just barely, but my magic healed me.” Then I glanced at Ravi. She sat on the ground, and her legs were pulled up to her chest.

  “I’m fine,” she murmured in a small voice. “Lord Evan healed me.”

  “Good, then let’s continue.” Valerra turned toward Ravi. “You can fly, yes?”

  “Yes, but not right now,” the phoenix answered honestly. “My magic has been suppressed by the Deathstalker venom. I won’t be able to shift into my phoenix form until I am healed.”

  “Of course.” Valerra rolled her golden eyes. “How long will it take for you to heal then?”

  “I won’t be able to heal my spirit until I burn and am reborn. At least, that’s what happens to all the others when they are stung. I’ve never been stung before.”

  Valerra closed her eyes and let out a small laugh of disbelief.

  “Okay, so basically you are no better than a human right now,” she growled. “That’s perfect.”

  “Valerra, leave her alone,” I chided gently, since Ravi’s eyes were red from tears.

  “It’s alright, Lord Evan.” The phoenix turned to Valerra. “I’m sorry you had to save us, but I appreciate it nonetheless.”

  Valerra’s eyes narrowed in irritation. “You can ride on Evan’s back. Let’s go.” Then she shifted into her massive dragon form and took off into the sky.

  Ravi climbed onto my back, and we set off and quickly followed after the other dragon.

  “I’m sorry about her,” I called back to Ravi as we flew. “I wish I could say she isn’t always like that.”

  I heard Valerra snort over the wind, and I laughed as I realized she’d heard me.

  “Don’t apologize,” Ravi replied as she perched just behind my head. “I think she’s amazing! She is not afraid to speak her mind, and I think that is a very admirable quality to have.”

  I could hear Valerra inhale sharply. I doubted anyone had ever told her that before.

  “Yeah, I guess you’re right,” I laughed as Valerra huffed from below us. “She’s stubborn as hell, though.”

  We continued to fly while Ravi would yell out a certain direction every now and again. Only when the sun had begun to set did we land once more.

  Valerra landed near a dried-up oasis and used her front legs to push over one of the dead palm trees. Then she used her claws to cut the tree into manageable pieces before she shifted into her human self. She piled the wood into a triangle and let out a breath of fire to ignite the dried wood.

  Ravi helped to collect the rest of the wood while I grabbed the bag Julia gave me before we left. I pulled it out of my spatial storage and opened it. There was a tent, food, water canteens, pillows, and blankets. I pulled the tent out and quickly set it up for Ravi, since Valerra and I could easily shift into our dragon forms and be comfortable outside. Ravi was stuck in her human form for now, and I wanted her to be as comfortable as possible. I grabbed the food next and pulled out three small loaves of bread and some cheese. When the women sat down by the fire, I offered each of them some food.

  Valerra grabbed hers greedily while Ravi seemed to hesitate.

  “Sorry, I’m just not used to human fare,” the phoenix said as she eyed the food. “When my people eat, it’s usually prickly pears or lizards.”

  I grimaced, and thoughts of eating a lizard made my stomach turn.

  “Well, try it,” I urged the phoenix. “I’m sure it’s a lot better than lizard.”

  Ravi bit the bread and hummed before her blue eyes went wide.

  “It’s delicious!” She took another bite and grinned.

  Valerra rolled h
er eyes at the phoenix but didn’t seem to be as annoyed as before. After we finished our food, I threw a few more logs onto the fire.

  “We should probably get some sleep,” I told the two women. “We should reach the tribe tomorrow, and I want to make sure we’re all well rested. Ravi, the tent is for you. I know it must be hard stuck inside your human body. Valerra and I can sleep in our dragon forms, but I want you to be comfortable.”

  “Thank you, Lord Evan.” Ravi smiled as she climbed into the tent and let the flap close behind her.

  Valerra and I shifted into our dragon bodies and sprawled out on the sand. With a yawn, Valerra closed her eyes and relaxed.

  “Thank you, Valerra,” I murmured softly as I glanced at her. “I’m glad you changed your mind.”

  Valerra grunted and turned her head away from me.

  “What about your sister’s egg?” I asked.

  Valerra shifted positions.

  “Alyona,” was her only response before her tail curled up toward her snout, and I knew she wouldn’t talk anymore.

  I snorted at the crimson dragon and closed my eyes.

  But I couldn’t help the soft smirk that drifted across my face, since, for once, I’d won Valerra over.

  Chapter 7

  I was forced into consciousness by the wind as it whistled across the vast desert. I blinked, but grains of sand blew into my eyes, and I turned my head away. I could feel Valerra wake beside me and turn her head away from the wind, too. I also heard Ravi shuffle inside the tent, and a moment later, I heard her footsteps as she came closer.

  “This damn desert,” Valerra growled as Ravi came to stand between us.

  “A sand storm is headed toward us!” the phoenix yelled over the howl of the wind as her arm shielded her face from the sand whipping around us. “We won’t be able to go anywhere until it has passed.”

  “Okay. So, we wait it out.” I shifted into my human form, and next to me, Valerra did the same. “Let’s go back to the tent. At least that offers a little shelter.”

  The three of us walked back to the tent I’d set up for Ravi and climbed inside. A pillow was in the center of the floor, and a blanket sat crumpled in the corner. After all three of us climbed inside, Ravi tied up the strings to secure the flaps.


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