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Dragon Emperor 4: Human to Dragon to God

Page 29

by Eric Vall

  I walked up the ramp and followed the sound deep into the Blue Tree Guild’s home. The noises grew louder as I approached a large open space with training weapons along the walls and stuffed dummies displayed along the ground. The music came from a small group that played in the corner, and people danced wildly in the center. My parents spoke with members of the guild, and Nike stood along the wall with Azra. There was food set out on the tables, and I walked forward as my stomach growled.

  “Evan!” Anton yelled as soon as I approached the table.

  The wolf slung his arm around me with a dopey grin stretched across his face, and I could smell the scent of alcohol on his breath. He was still covered in the blood and guts from the battle and reeked of death and sweat.

  “Get off me.” I shoved his arm away playfully before I looked around. “What is all of this?”

  “It’s a party!” Anton replied as he shoved a cup into my hands. “We’re celebrating our victory!”

  “And what is this?” I asked and sniffed the contents. It smelled faintly like butter, and I took a sip.

  “Ale! I told you we are celebrating!” He knocked his cup against my own and drunkenly ran off.

  I shook my head with a slight laugh and turned back to the food.

  I grabbed a warm roll from the table and bit into it. Then I scanned the room for Laika, Alyona, or Ravi, but I didn’t see them anywhere. I frowned as I traveled through the room, and I finally met up with Nike and leaned against the wall.

  “So, this is kind of weird, right?” I asked him.

  “Kind of,” he answered with a laugh. “Maybe if it were held anywhere else than their training room, it would make sense.”

  “This probably has the most open space for everyone,” I mused. “Not to mention, it’s probably the sturdiest room here. It’s used to train guild members, so I’m sure there’s nothing in here that could be ruined by some drunken men.”

  “I guess that’s true,” Nike hummed. “Laika always does think of everything.”

  “I’m sure she’s seen her people destroy more than their fair share of equipment while drunk,” I laughed.

  We fell into a comfortable silence and watched my people celebrate.

  “Have you seen Laika or Alyona?” I asked after a while. “Or Ravi?”

  “Ravi is asleep upstairs,” my fellow Noble of the Sword replied as he sipped his own ale. “I saw Laika and Alyona take off together, but there are so many rooms here, I have no idea where they went.”

  “Thanks.” I stepped off the wall and continued my search.

  I slowly drank my ale as I walked around the room. When my cup was finally empty and I was about to lose my patience, I felt someone wrap their arms around me.

  “Come to the last room on the bottom floor in ten minutes,” Alyona’s voice whispered in my ear, and then her arms vanished.

  I turned around, but she was gone.

  Well, this would be a long ten minutes.

  Chapter 17

  I counted each minute in my head as I tried to walk around the party and engage with the people of Hatra, but I couldn’t focus on anything said to me. So, I would just nod and smile politely before I would excuse myself and make my way to the next person. Finally, I excused myself from the last guest when I reached the five-minute mark in my head. Then I slipped from the room and eagerly made my way down toward the bottom floor of the ship. I practically jumped down each staircase in my anticipation before I finally crossed the last staircase.

  I took a deep breath to calm my erratic heart beat before I continued down the hall. Each door I passed was nothing more than a blur as I made toward the last door. I swallowed thickly before I raised my hand to knock, but then I stopped before my knuckles hit the mahogany door and moved my hand down toward the brass handle instead. Then I twisted the door open and looked inside the room.

  Several candelabras stood along the floor, and tall, white candles were lit and created a bright glow around the room. In the center of the room, Alyona and Laika, both cleaned of the sweat and grime of battle, laid together on top of a massive bed. It was dressed in golden sheets and had a sheer canopy overtop that was pulled open to display the women.

  “Lord Evan, you are a minute late,” Laika said, and her voice was sultry as she raised herself onto her knees.

  The wolf Demi-Human wore nothing but red lingerie, and the top barely fit over her breasts and was only supported by the two thin bands wrapped around her chest. The bottoms were nothing more than a few strands of string that sat along her hips and between her thighs. She also wore a red collar made of something like silk, and it connected to a thin sheer fabric that billowed behind her like a cape. The cape was attached to red cuffs along her wrists as well. Her hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, and her gray wolf ears pointed straight up off her head. She wore a slight smirk on her lips, and her tail seemed to lazily wag behind her where it draped across the mattress.

  My cock immediately stiffened as I took her in, and I swallowed hard.

  “I’ve been told I have time management issues,” I replied before I heard them both laugh.

  “I’m sure we can manage to forgive you this once,” Alyona purred.

  She was dressed in lingerie as well, only hers was a pale blue that complimented well with her milky skin. The top was made of lace and gently pulled her breasts up with the straps over her shoulders, and it connected to a pale blue choker necklace made of the same lace as her top. Two slips of sheer fabric fell from where they connected to the top at the bottom of her breasts and draped along her thighs. The bottoms she wore were nearly identical to Laika’s, only instead of red, they were blue, and they were made of several thin strings of lace that pulled tightly against her hips.

  “I suppose that would be acceptable,” Laika agreed, and the smirk was still evident on her face.

  My cock ached in my pants as I stared at them. Then I watched as Laika’s eyes travel down to the tent that had formed in my trousers, and she grinned wickedly.

  “Eager are we, Lord Evan?” the wolf asked as she stood from the bed.

  Her breasts bounced seductively in the small strapless top she wore, and my eyes were drawn to the movement. I growled in my throat and grabbed her by the arm when she was close enough to me. Then I pulled her against my chest and kissed her roughly on the mouth. She gasped at the sudden movement before she melted into the kiss.

  She moaned loudly, and I smiled at the noise and pulled away.

  “Eager, Laika?” I mocked lightly, and she blushed.

  “For you, my Lord? Always.”

  “Good,” I growled, “because I want you both right now.”

  “Ah, ah, ah,” Laika said with a smirk as she placed her hand in the center of my chest. “We got cleaned and all dressed up for you, the least you can do is get cleaned.”

  Then she giggled and gestured to a large tub in the corner of the room, and I could see steam curl off the surface of the water.

  I groaned as I looked between the tub and the two sexy women before me. I wanted nothing more than to ravish them this instant, but I was covered in sweat, sand, and echidna guts.

  “Fine,” I relented with a sigh, “but hold that thought.”

  “What thou--?” Laika began to ask, but then I pulled her into another bruising kiss, and I poured all my desire into the motion.

  Laika’s gray eyes were hazy with lust when I pulled away, and I smirked as I gently pushed her back toward the bed where Alyona still lounged.

  “That thought,” I chuckled, before I quickly strode across the room, shed my dirty clothes, and got to work.

  I dunked myself into the warm water and moaned as it seeped into my sore muscles. Then I started to scrub the grime of battle off my naked body, and less than five minutes later, I stood, dried myself off, and stalked toward the bed.

  The ladies watched my movement, hypnotized, and I could see their eyes were full of lust with their pupils blown wide.

  Laika sat back down o
n the bed while Alyona shifted over to sit next to her.

  “Alyona,” I started, and her head quickly snapped up to look at me. “Come here.”

  The princess crawled onto her knees and sat up, and I bent down to meet her lips in a heated kiss. Her warm hands explored my bare chest as we kissed, and I shuddered under her gentle touch. Then her hands traveled downwards, and I inhaled sharply and held back a groan as she wrapped her fingers around me.

  “Evan … ” Alyona’s voice distracted me from her antics, and I looked down to find her amethyst eyes staring up at me in admiration.

  “Yeah?” I murmured.

  “I think you need to come to bed,” she said seductively as she softly tightened her grip around my cock.

  “I think I agree with you,” I replied with a slight gasp.

  I stepped onto the bed and pulled Alyona into another kiss, and I heard Laika as she shifted her body slightly so we could all lay next to each other. As I kissed Alyona, my right hand ran along Laika’s thighs, and I wrapped my finger around the tiny strings of fabric and pulled them down and off the wolf Demi-Human. Then I traced a finger over the soft skin of her inner thighs before I finally slipped my fingers into her slick entrance, and I felt her body clench around me in surprise.

  “Evan!” Laika gasped out as I swirled my finger inside her.

  I pulled out of the kiss with Alyona and turned to Laika. Her eyes were closed, and her face was twisted in pleasure. Then I pulled away from both of them and wrapped my hands around Laika’s chest.

  “You both have too much clothing on,” I told them, and my voice was husky with lust.

  I grabbed the strings tied behind Laika’s back and made quick work of them. The top garment fell into her lap, and her bare body lay in front of me. Then I turned to Alyona and helped her undress as well. I fumbled with the buttons on the fabric around their necks, so I ripped them off in annoyance, grabbed their tiny underclothes, and tossed them to the far side of the room.

  They wouldn’t need them anymore.

  Once my lovers were both bare in front of me, I hungrily raked my eyes over their bodies. I was overcome with the sudden desire to claim them, to mark them so everyone would know they belonged to me and only me.

  I growled deep in my throat at the thought.

  Laika cocked her head to the side, and I took advantage of the opportunity to kiss along the olive skin of her neck. I sucked along her pulse point and lightly bit down when I heard her gasp of pleasure.

  When I was satisfied with my mark, I turned to Alyona. She gave me a grin and bared her neck to me as well, so I copied the motions I had used with Laika and kissed along the princess’s neck before I sucked gently on her pulse point. She didn’t have the same reaction as Laika, so I continued back up her throat and felt her catch her breath when I reached behind her ear. I smirked against her skin as I marked her there as well.

  Then I turned back to the matters at hand. I began with Alyona this time as I slowly slipped two of my fingers inside her, and I kissed her heatedly as I toyed with pussy until I could feel her quiver beneath me.

  “Evan,” she bit her lip to hold back a moan, and I knew she was close.

  I began to kiss Laika while I used my thumb to rub Alyona’s clit in slow circles, and she couldn’t help the moan that escaped from her mouth. My finger moved quickly in and out of the princess’s body, and her hips rose off the bed as her orgasm rushed over her.

  “Gods, Evan!” she yelled in ecstasy as I felt her walls clench around my fingers.

  I pulled my fingers away, slick with Alyona’s pleasure, and stopped kissing Laika so I could lick my fingers clean.

  “You taste delicious, Princess,” I said to Alyona.

  “Oh, myyy,” she moaned as her purple eyes fluttered. “That felt so good, Evan.”

  “We are just getting started,” I said, and then I turned to Laika.

  The wolf Demi-Human whined with desire as I leaned over to kiss her again, and she groaned against my lips as my fingers traced across her inner thighs. I could feel the slick, wet juices from between her legs as they dripped down onto my hand, and I kissed down her bare neck and along my marks from earlier. My fingers slid inside her easily, and she leaned her head back in pleasure when my kisses trailed down to her breasts. Then I kissed along her stomach and sunk lower. Her breath hitched when I kissed her inner thigh, and I smirked. My fingers began to pump into her body quickly, and my mouth gently slid over her pussy. Then I licked between her wet pussy lips, my tongue flicked across her clit, and she jerked wildly.

  “Evan, don’t stop.” Her voice was nearly a whine, and I paused to look up at her from between her thighs and grinned wickedly.

  Then I resumed my ministrations, and I could feel her body tense as she came closer to her climax. With one last flick of my tongue across her clit, Laika’s toes curled along the sheets, and she moaned deeply as her climax made her back arch like a pulled bow. I held onto her legs as I continued to lick her through her orgasm, and she finally let out a fierce gasp that indicated she was too sensitive.

  I pulled away from the warrior woman, wiped my mouth with the back of my hand, and smiled down at my two lovers. They both gazed at me with satisfied, yet hungry eyes, and I knew it was time to fuck them properly.

  I grabbed Alyona by the legs, and she giggled as I pulled her toward the end of the bed. I wrapped my hands around her waist as I kissed her deeply, and the taste of Laika was still on my tongue. Then I pulled away, gently pushed the princess down, and slid my cock inside her slowly as she moaned.

  “Alyona, fuck … ” I groaned.

  She was incredibly tight and wet, and her walls felt like the finest velvet. I could feel my pleasure begin to coil in my stomach as I thrust into her, and I had to slow my pace a bit for fear of climaxing too quickly.

  “Evan,” Alyona whimpered softly. Her hands grasped at my back, and her nails raked across my skin.

  I ducked my head to suck at her neck and breasts, and I hitched her hips a little higher so I could reach a little deeper.

  “Oh yes!” she cried out as I bottomed out inside of her. “Yes, right there, Evan, please!”

  She bit her lip to hold back more of her moans as I felt her tighten around me. I wanted to prolong my orgasm a bit longer, but I remembered that I had dragon stamina, and I could cum inside my women as many times as I wanted tonight without really losing steam, so I decided to let myself go. The sensation of her walls clenching around me was just what I needed, and I let out a growl as I pushed my cock as deep into her as I could and shot what felt like a gallon of my cum straight into her accepting womb.

  “Ohhh, so muchhhhhhhh,” Alyona cried out as I kept pouring my sperm into her, and she began to climax a second time when my orgasm didn’t stop after a dozen seconds.

  Then, after another half minute, I’d emptied inside of the beautiful princess, and her own orgasm had subsided. She let out a moan of pleasure, and then her body relaxed as I slowly slid my still rock-hard cock out of her tight and dripping tunnel.

  “Your turn,” I said as I turned to the wolf-girl with a wild smile.

  “Yes, my lord.” Laika’s normally strong voice was a whimper of desire, and Alyona moved over to the side with a content smile as I began to kiss the warrior woman.

  After our tongues explored each other for half a minute, I pushed the warrior down onto the bed and rolled her over onto all fours. Then I leaned over her body, and pressed the length of my cock against her slick pussy. I could feel her drip with desire, and I leaned over to put my mouth next to her ear.

  “Do you think you’re ready for me?” I teased.

  “Ohhh.” She shuddered beneath me.

  “That wasn’t an answer,” I growled.

  “Yes, Please cum in me. Fill me with your seed. I need you so bad.” Laika wiggled her hips back against me to prove the point.

  “Good girl,” I growled in her ear.

  Then, in one smooth motion, I pushed myself inside her. S
he moaned loudly, and I could feel her immediately tense, so I bit down on her shoulder as I left myself buried deep into her warm tunnel.

  Then I pulled back and began to hammer my large cock into her.

  “Oh, gods, Evan!” she screamed as I continued to fuck her. “Soooooo gooooood. Ohhhhhh.”

  I smirked at the sounds she made, but then Alyona sat up from her spot on the bed to watch us, and I summoned her over with a hand. I could see the copious amount of seed I’d poured into her had begun to drip out of pussy and onto her thighs, but she’d made no move to clean it. I kissed Alyona fiercely just as Laika reached her orgasm, and I felt the tightness of the wolf-girl’s walls around me. I thrust a few more times into her as I chased my own release, and finally, I could feel the familiar pleasure begin to build in my stomach.

  “Fuck, Laika,” I growled Alyona’s lips as I pumped deep inside of the wolf. “I’m going to cum.”

  “Evan, yes,” the warrior moaned. “Please. Bless me with your seed. Fill me to the brim just like with Milady.”

  “As you wish,” I groaned, and then I pushed into her until my tip brushed against her cervix.

  My climax was just as powerful as it had been with Alyona, and Laika let out a wolf-growl of sweet agony as her impaled body trembled around my dick. My cock twitched a few dozen times, and each spasm sent another cup full of my sperm into Laika’s hot body while she also came.

  Then, after a few beautiful minutes of the two of us climaxing together while Alyona kissed and massaged each of us, Laika and my climaxes’ began to subside. Finally, I pulled my still hard cock from Laika and watched my seed pour out of her tight tunnel like a waterfall, drip down her muscular legs, and dribble onto the sheets of our bed.

  Then the three of us fell onto the mattress with gasps of relief.

  Laika cuddled up under my right arm, and Alyona placed her head on my stomach. For a moment, we all sat in silence with the smell of sex heavy in the air.

  But I only let the silence last for a minute or two. I was a dragon after all, and I could pleasure them all night.


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