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Dragon Queen (Avery Rome Book 3)

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by P. S. Power

  Avery Rome: Book Three

  Dragon Queen

  P.S. Power

  Orange Cat Publishing

  Copyright 2017

  Chapter one

  The powerful thought from inside her head was bothering Avery more than a bit. The biggest problem at the moment was that Tarsus, The Librarian, de-facto leader of the Greater Demons, was trying to guide her way too much. Especially when the task at hand was making a simple meal for breakfast. Avery knew she needed more calories, but had opted for bacon, eggs, and waffles. She’d made the remainder of the carton of small white ovals that she’d gotten about four days before, using two of the remaining ten for the waffles.

  It took work to ignore the presence however, who was basically a copy of the demon himself. That meant there was an odd sort of life inside the being which didn’t really manifest with most of the other memories she had. With any of them, honestly. They weren’t even carrying on a conversation. The thing just kept pushing her to eat more, by providing extra options. She had to admit, the melted butter in hot syrup idea sounded pretty good. The problem with that option was that they didn’t have that kind of thing. She could go and get it, but a half hour trip to the store for that, just when she was about to eat wasn’t going to work that day.

  There was just too much going on.

  So, wiping a stray black curl from her eye, she grinned.

  “No, Tarsus. I’m eating right now. I do get your point, but please, be silent for a while?” She didn't know if it would work and was ready to slam the memory down, using her focus, but silence hit her almost instantly.

  It was relaxing. Enough so that Avery let her eyes close, for just a second. She really did need to eat more, but it was four in the morning, and while she’d gotten a good eight hours of sleep, the others needed her to be ready for the day at six. It was election day after all. Also, thankfully, a Saturday. The school year was over, but the event was held on the first Saturday of June, every five years. That meant she was going to get to go and find whoever won and take them to the government node for her people. The Shifters.

  That was due to her being a line walker, of course. The only one that her people had, so far. That would change, eventually. She hoped. Not because she was lazy, but rather her wanting her people to be in a stronger position. It was what any good person would want for their kind, she figured. Even knowing, from the memories in her head, that even good people rarely felt that way. A lot of dragons actually did though, interestingly enough.

  The meal was fine. It could have been prepared a bit better, she knew. There were seasonings for it, but she lived with two Vampires, so had tried to make certain she wasn’t bringing anything into the house that would cause them undue problems. Some things, like pepper and garlic had a very strong aspect to them if you were keen of nose. Her friends, Eve and Edom, wouldn’t have complained about that part, given they never whined about anything, ever, but they’d be smelling what she did for days if care wasn’t taken.

  It didn’t take as long to finish eating the food as it had to make it. Worse, it was clear that she was still a bit hungry. Meaning that the Tarsus inside of her had been right the whole time. To that end she decided to pick up some donuts to take with her to Calley’s house. The Bat Shifter had invited her over to watch the election results with her. Personally, having called her up just to do that, nearly a month before. All of her friends and election team as well, so it really meant getting everyone to Tyler’s mansion, in Nevada.

  That had been her thought at first. That Calley just wanted her to be there so that she’d volunteer to take people around for free. Which she would have, since it was what you did for friends, if you had the ability.

  Interestingly, Calley had already told them to all drive, or in a few cases, fly, in for the event.

  Meaning that the woman wanted her there for some other reason. Possibly just because they were friends and the Bat thought having her people close would be fun or helpful.

  It wasn’t as big of a deal as the Human Presidential election had been, but there was going to be televised coverage of it, which had never happened before. The four main people in the running had all made videos, explaining what they would be bringing to the table, along with their plans for various topics. The vote itself would be done via computer, from home. Every Shifter over the age of fourteen was not just allowed, but expected to vote

  More than just that, they were duty bound to actually place an informed ballot.

  Calley Hale was in the running, but no one really thought she was going to win. Two of the other people were older, those being Alstop and Peterson. Benjamin Peterson, who, surprisingly enough, Avery had met before. He was a Wolf Shifter, and had helped her steal a flag for a game, once. The last person was a woman called Boils. She wasn’t much older than Calley, if she was older at all, and could turn into a Llama. That was an unusual change to be able to make, but didn’t seem to come with any special powers, other than the form and some heightened senses in her Human form. It was definitely nothing that would have normally changed anyone’s vote.

  Feeling a bit chagrined at her lack of knowledge, she got up and cleaned her dishes, then the kitchen, actually taking time to wipe down most of it. The oils from the food would stay there, otherwise. It meant that she had to hurry, in order to make it to the right place at six. Mainly because there was a small chance that her mentor, Bente, would stop by. That meant she was required to be well dressed for the day, as well as have her face made up perfectly. The whole time. Always.

  So she rushed, doing that as carefully as possible, then putting on a red dress that showed her shoulders, but stayed up on its own, even if her breasts weren’t that large. There were hidden stretch panels in the skirt portion of the outfit, in case she needed to run. Possibly useful if she needed to sit comfortably, though it hadn’t been a design consideration. The underwear was made of silk and lace, though they weren’t that provocative. She’d made all of it herself. Including the red shoes that went with the outfit. They weren’t the same color of red, since it had been impossible to match in the materials she’d gotten, so were darker, which her memories told her would work pretty well.

  Her eyes let her see about a million more colors than a Human could. How well a Greater Demon did that way… Well, just thinking about the idea had ten different answers volunteering the data. She picked to get what Bente’s set had to say on the matter. It was interesting, since it seemed to be saying that she wouldn’t get the difference at all. No better than a regular Human might have.

  Bente hadn’t shown up for everything that Avery did or anything like that so far. It was just a constant threat, meant to keep her on her toes. She knew that, because the Greater Demon had simply told her about it. Then suggested she copy that kind of thing in her own life. Using psychology to manipulate others. So far it hadn’t come up for her.

  Oddly enough, it still worked to keep her in line.

  Which wasn’t a bad thing. Avery wanted to be good, and part of that meant doing what her Elders told her to. It had been drummed into her as a child that you followed what those above you said. Without hesitation, or error. In a way, that had prepared her for her current life as a line walker. Except that she had to start taking charge of things, if she could.

  Her friend Zack, if a man could be friends with a woman, had mentioned that to her, in passing. That she was too powerful to let others guide her any longer. Not without at least being willing to stand up for herself.

  The day was raining, in Vancouver, Washington. That meant she was going to need a coat in order to get to Nevada. At least if she wasn’t going to end up soaked. Her clothing at least. Water tended to just run off o
f her, which was useful at times. It had something to do with her Dragon nature. It wasn’t magic, strictly speaking, but still worked.

  That didn’t keep her makeup on, or her clothing dry. So a coat was in order. She certainly wasn’t going to sprint fast enough in her new shoes. They were formed to her feet, individually, so were quality that way, but had heels on them. Stilts, practically. It had taken her half a week to learn how to walk properly in the specialized footwear. She’d gotten it though, after hours of daily practice. That meant, on her tall shoes, she was headed out at about five-thirty, wearing a very practical, and ugly, green waterproof rain poncho. It was part of her military gear, but worked.

  If her mentor saw her in it, there was probably going to be a scolding. That or being locked in a closet for a month or two. Threats hadn’t been that common from Bente, but they had come, and sounded oddly like things the female Greater Demon might actually do to her. She hadn’t been told that there would be death for everything, or vast beatings. Just small things that could be pulled off by someone clever enough. Which all Greater Demons were. Threats didn’t work if they couldn’t be thought of as potentially real.

  She had a bag with her, which was made of leather, but was hand made. By her. The thing was based on a Gucci style, but had been altered to hold things internally a bit more efficiently. It organized her makeup kit, as well as had quick access to her funds and debit card. There was even a small gun holster inside, in case she ever needed one of those. Outside, the thing just looked expensive. Really, everything she was wearing did. It was a bit much for her life, given she was a school girl but if anyone saw her, it was possible that they might take her picture. Now.

  Avery considered that part of her new reality, as she walked across the grass of the back yard. There was a path in it, leading to an empty space. At least it would look like that to everyone else in the world. To her it seemed like a translucent, yet glowing, disk in the air. There was an intriguing depth to the thing and it gently swayed and pulsed, if she watched closely enough.

  Stepping through the thing could take her to several places. Today she wanted Westfield Mall. She worked there, part time. Actually, she had two jobs there. Being that she was a line walker for the concern there and also took in sewing for the Alede clothing shop. That was mainly hemming lingerie and cute underthings on special order. At first it had just been alterations, and mainly was still that, but she’d taken to helping people who wanted special orders as well. Interestingly, it hadn’t been Bente, the fashion demon who had suggested she try it. Instead it had been the Alede Ambassador, Valerie Swanson.

  That particular woman was very nice looking, being one of her people. She was probably also an attractive man, but Avery had never seen that one from her. She had with Robert and Roberta however. They were one person, both of whom were very nice looking. Ridiculously so. Today she looked nice, being in a new dress. One that Avery had made for her.

  She had orders to work on her sewing, from a Greater Demon. That meant almost everyone she knew at all well had new things. Even a few people that she’d only met a few times had been given handmade gifts. Things to suit them, she hoped.

  “Val!” The woman was standing there, having jumped when she walked through the Node into the back of the Yoghurt World. Barbara, the Vampire, showed up in the back room with them almost instantly. That was super speed, but was quick enough that Avery had seen her enter as a blur.

  “Hey, Avery!” The woman didn’t move in on her, but did look at her poncho. It was appraising and not all that favorable. Which was correct. She was well hidden from the world at the moment. That didn’t stop the woman from going on however. “We have messages for you. The main one being that the Alede Ambassador has an emergency, and needs to get to New Zealand, pronto. A certain daughter of hers managed to get invited to an election party, keeping her from doing the work herself. Calley Hale? Then she turned her phone off. After going in last night. I guess they were having an orgy? You had to work, right? That’s why you weren’t invited to it?” She tried to look bright and sunny. Which wasn’t real at all, since the undead didn’t have positive emotions easily. Barbara didn’t mean it in an abusive way, however.

  It was simply that she probably figured that Avery would have been invited for that, if it were going to happen. Which wasn’t true. After all, her friends knew that she didn’t really enjoy sex. If that had been the real plan, she would have been asked, but given a chance to decline.

  “Nope. I had to make some clothing. I have it on under the magic poncho, since I worked way too hard to get it wet.” Then she just stood there.

  Honestly, she wasn’t planning to take her outer covering off until she got to the party, since it could be raining there as well. Possibly in New Zealand, though that should be an indoor location. Apparently, that wasn’t good enough, as far as plans went. At least she found two women staring at her, with Val waving her hands.

  “Let us see, then?” She seemed pleasant, but there was no way that Avery wasn’t going to feel judged. Not that she wouldn’t later, when she got into place. At least until everyone stopped staring at her.

  Instead of fighting, she pulled the green monster of a covering off, carefully, so it never touched her face. There were no pleased gasps, but Barbara did roll her eyes. Tarsus pointed out that it was probably envy. Most likely, of her skills at sewing, as ridiculous as a fifty-year-old Master Vampire thinking that kind of thing was. Instead of simply owning a gown like she had on.

  If it were just that, then Barbara could just ask her about it. She was a line walker, as well as her friend. Not a great one of either, but that could change, given time.

  She shook her head, as Val looked at her with lust in her eyes.

  “So… I can’t even make fun of you for making your own clothing? That’s nearing the best I’ve ever seen in that kind of style. Even in magazines.”

  The Alede Ambassador reached out and touched her arm. That took real work for her, it seemed, since her fingers moved over a little bit to hit her chest. That didn’t do much for her, but the woman wasn’t really trying that hard. It would be difficult for the woman to affect Avery using her lust magic, but it was possible to do. All she had to manage was putting a finger, or something else, inside of her. For most people that would be nearly impossible, but a succubus might just work out how to manage it.

  Especially one of the ones that Avery had been getting to have sex with Phillip, her boyfriend. Not that she hadn’t been careful to do her part. The other women were all better at that kind of thing, but she’d made a point of practicing and trying hard, each time. That meant having help on occasion though, which could be used to influence her. Not having a sex drive might not protect her from that kind of influence if it was used inside of her body. Her skin was what stopped magic, after all.

  Her mind didn’t have any real defenses against feeling amorous, naturally. So if she were suddenly hit, it could really warp her mind for a while. That was going to be true of any kind of mental manipulation.

  Smiling, Avery nodded and took the woman by the hand. They were friends as well. Closer than Barbara was with her, as far as that went. At least they’d spent more time together. Most of that was working, but some had been spent doing other things. Enough so, as her friends from school had said, she was pretty certain she was dating the woman now. They all were. Except that you didn’t really date that kind of being.

  “I can get you to your meeting now?” That kind of thing could be awkward, since even Succubus business meetings tended toward group sex, most of the time. At least the once that she’d been to that kind of thing before. That had been a holiday, however.

  “Would you? That’s wonderful. What do I owe you for it?” The woman really meant that part. Most people did, even if they really wanted to get the free trip at the same time. Normally Avery just gave things away, if they didn’t come in through her job at the book store.

  Where the real multi-world node travel operat
ion was based. At least for the world she lived in. Other places had different locations for that kind of thing, but there were only a handful of really important ones.

  This time, instead of freezing, she had help. That came from the pushy Tarsus in her head. Silently, but not answering with taking Val for all she could. In fact, he had a rather different idea in mind. One that nearly made her blink.

  She managed to smile anyway, keeping her composure, then winked at the woman.

  “Could you arrange a meeting with your leadership? I need to start being known to everyone.” It wasn’t a big thing to ask for, but the woman stiffened up. Not just her nipples, though that happened as well. It was the second most common things that Alede did in conversation. The first was trying to touch you.

  “Ah… I… The Alede government isn’t allowed line transport. Zack put that rule in place, years ago. After they tried to kill Kaitlyn. That was before she became one of you. I don’t know… I don’t even know if that’s what you have in mind? I can introduce you, I suppose but it might not lead to any more work for you.”

  That was news to Avery, but Barbara nodded and a copy of Cherise, the current leader of the Alede came forward to confirm that fact. Also, that she was nearly certain that the line walking former schoolgirl was planning to take their government over in the coming years. Possibly by force. From what was playing in those memories, her own people really thought that Kait could pull it off. They were, in fact, freaked out about it. On a level that probably meant they were plotting to remove the threat from the world. It wouldn’t work, naturally. That mean Kait would destroy them all.

  Which was probably just true. Especially if her friends were in on it with her. Thinking about it for half a second, Avery decided that she was in on that one.

  “Right. That works. Can we set that up for next week sometime? Or later, if Cherise doesn’t want to see about getting line walking privileges back? I need some time to work things out with Kaitlyn first, but… I think this might work.” She didn’t go on, since Tarsus warned her that everything anyone said, could be heard. For most beings, their thoughts were nearly as vulnerable, but she had some protection that way. Even though she needed to learn to do it on purpose as well. Just in case anyone ever worked out how to get around that kind of thing.


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