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Dragon Queen (Avery Rome Book 3)

Page 22

by P. S. Power

  After half a moment, about the time it took for the tall woman to realize that calling Avery poor wasn’t meant as an insult, being not that true, the large woman touched her arm.

  “Brilliant then! So, if I want to go from place to place I can get with you as well as Dareg? Will only does messages. That and his friends. Which I don’t really count for. I spent too much time trying to recruit him into the war, you gather?”

  That settled, Kaitlyn being very focused in certain ways, they collected both Phillip and Georgia from the IPB, then took over a tent for a while. The whole thing was a bit boring for her, though Avery did do things the whole time, mainly for other people. It felt nice to be touched, but everyone else seemed to get so much more out of it than she did. They didn’t complain, since her skill that way had been growing over time, with practice.

  Then they cleared out of the tent, so that people could actually sleep in it that night. It wasn’t the one that she was in. In fact, none of the people involved in the events was staying there. The others didn’t seem to let that bother them, either. It was, Avery had to figure, a bit of entitlement going on. Then, if people had come in to join them, no one there would have been bothered, by the idea. Not even her, though being naked in front of them was still kind of embarrassing for her.

  Her boyfriend seemed pretty happy about things at least.

  “That was different. Georgia seems pretty nice, don’t you think?”

  That was hard to tell. The woman had been acting very sexy, and wasn’t as good looking as Kaitlyn at all. Really, even Trice and Avery were doing a bit better that way than she was. The woman was trim however and willing to do things. A lot more so than she was. That could be taken as being kind, by a male, like Phillip.

  “She seems like a good person, yes. Are you planning to date her as well? If so, remember that I’m still in charge. You’ll need to figure out how to get to her world regularly, without just becoming a line walker yet. We need you to look older before you do that. I know that you can do that, of course. All of it, really. Yes. I think you should do that. Try to get her attention and see if you can start a relationship with her. I’m probably too strange to really help you with the skills you need for a relationship, later.” It was just the truth, though spoke of too many things, really.

  “Um… Are you breaking up with me?” Her boyfriend seemed a bit quiet on the words. They tasted of something other than fear however. More like acceptance.

  It was a thing that he knew would be coming, eventually.

  “Not right now. Really, in the end you’ll probably break up with me. That, or Bente will order it to happen in order to push me into being cold and indifferent. I’m just suggesting that you learn how to have real relationships, since it’s a useful skill. What we’re doing is fine, I guess, it just won’t really help you later in life. Really, it’s more about us being close, so that I can gain influence over you later, when you’re a powerful Master Vampire and line walker.” She grinned then, even though it was all just the plain truth.

  She’d simply never mentioned it to him before. Not that bluntly.

  “Oh. I’d kind of wondered. I mean, what do you get out of it, right? I know that you don’t really enjoy doing things with me.”

  Thinking for a moment, she waved her hand in the air. It was a move that was suggested by one of the memories in her head. That came from a man, but she didn’t focus enough to get a lot more than that. It wasn’t Tarsus, who was staying out of things for once. For some reason.

  “That isn’t totally right. I don’t get the same biological things from it, that’s just true. That doesn’t mean I dislike it though. It’s a bit boring, at times, that’s all. On the other hand, it’s fun helping you have fun, so that part isn’t so bad.” It probably wasn’t a great long term life plan though. The other Dragons that she’d met were all alone, she realized.

  They weren’t married and didn’t even have what she did with Phillip. Possibly because they were all old enough to know better than to bother.

  “So, you’re assigning me to go and get with Georgia?”

  She nodded at the words, even if they’d gone a little bit hard.

  “To date. I know that you can get her into bed. Everyone here could probably manage that. She doesn’t make it hard. You’ll need to work out a lot in order to make that part happen though. Transportation to another world, without going into debt on it for one thing. Then you’ll have to win her over in a long-term fashion. You’re younger than she is, so that will be a challenge, I bet. I can’t even tell you how to do it. It’s beyond me, really… Consider it part of your training? The special part that makes it worth dating me in the first place?”

  She felt a bit low, doing that to him, even if it would be useful later. Even if he failed with the woman.

  He made a face. It wasn’t pleasant seeming.

  “I guess. That… It’s weird, you know? Our whole time together has been. I do like you. You get that right? I mean, it probably isn’t undying love, sure, but…”

  She smiled then, feeling happy to hear the words. For more than one reason.

  “I like you, too. Good then. I don’t know that people like us get to be close to others all the time. Zack mentioned to me that you’d make an awful husband, by the way. Once you become a line walker your options will open up so much that it will be nearly impossible for you not to become distracted. I guess that’s true for me as well. I just haven’t noticed it.”

  That got a nod and a half chuckle.

  “Yeah. Then, you’d probably have that going on regardless. Just the acting, or even just being pretty would do it. As a woman, it kind of happens that way, I think. Making it a lot harder to get with someone like Georgia than you might imagine. I mean, she has options, you know? So do you. At first, I’d kind of figured that you were going to be doing a different guy every night, making me stand there and watch. Eve kind of suggested that could happen, in our first meeting.” There was a funny expression then. “She also told me not to get too attached to you, so I really have heard some of this before. I’ve been working on it. Not getting too close. It’s harder than you might think.”

  Shrugging, Avery moved to their tent, and went in. There were other people inside already. The blonde woman, Christian was there, shown by flashlight glow. There were others, though she made a face and stared at Phillip, a bit hard.

  “Sorry… Could you do something about the angst and emotions there? I’m a telepath. I carefully arranged this tent to have mentally calm people in it on purpose.” She sounded a little upset on the issue.

  Which was probably fair. If you had to hear the thoughts of those around you, it could be a pain at times.

  Taking a single breath, Phillip relaxed outwardly and a moment later, so did Christian.

  “Oh, that’s better! Thanks. I hate to be a pain about things like this, since almost no one can really control their thoughts like that. Just hold that all night for me?”

  Looking at her blankly, Phil let his head drop, showing that he was willing to do that. To try at the very least. It was hard, though not impossible, to meditate while sleeping, after all. Avery could do it. All the line walkers probably could.

  It seemed like the conversation would be over, but the blonde lady touched his sturdy arm gently.

  “As for Georgia… I can tell you that she’s actually very lonely. She has to have a lot of friends. Her power and first mode demand that of her. It isn’t the same as a love match or even a real boyfriend or girlfriend. If you can arrange for her to have that, I think you might find that she’s not going to be that hard to attract.”

  Very calmly, the boy faked a smile.

  “So, I only have to get past my looks, first?”

  It was true that he wasn’t exactly a movie star that way. The older woman moved back, to get her sleeping bag rolled out on the pad that she’d brought along with her. Avery hadn’t bothered, since the ground was soft enough for her that way. She did have a pill
ow, since that really helped to keep her more comfortable.

  When Christian spoke, her words were soft.

  “I doubt that will be an issue. If it is, then have that part changed? I believe that Timon Baker can do that sort of thing, if you’re interested? Also add other abilities, if you wish? You might have to win him over to your side for that. So far he’s been generous with people that way, so it’s worth asking about? I think that he’s still here in the camp, even, if you hurry.”

  That got a nod.

  “So you want me out of the tent so you can fall asleep without a hazy background of my internal misery?”

  “Exactly! You know, Avery, he’s very clever. Now, give me at least half an hour?”

  Mark on the other side of her took Christian’s hand then.

  “Night, love.” He looked over her at Avery, as Phillip left the tent. At least taking the woman at her word that she wanted to get some sleep if possible. “Night, Avery. Can we get you to help with the introductions for Will and Bridget tomorrow? I’d love to have the continuity on our little project. It’s also great to have someone new on it. Denis mentioned that you’re a better actress than anyone we’ve worked with so far.” He seemed to mean it, his face open and peaceful seeming.

  Nice even, as long as he wasn’t critiquing her food skills.

  “Yes. As long as I get to go see some sights? We’re in a different reality, so we all need to go do something like that. You and Denis as well.” She mainly meant her, but focused her mind, so that she wasn’t blasting that fact all over the poor telepath who simply wanted to rest.

  The man lit up then.

  “Done. Thanks. Now, I need to…” He arranged his own space, next to Christian, who was either his wife or girlfriend at a guess, then drifted off so fast that Avery felt slightly envious at his skills that way.

  Then, as she watched, he jumped in place, got up and left the tent.

  It was a bit strange. There had been a ripple in space around him as it happened, so it wasn’t just him deciding it was time to use the restroom before sleeping.

  Ignoring that, she did her own resting then. Not even waking until sunlight came through the thin nylon fabric of the tent. She was a bit muzzy headed, but worked out what she needed for the day. First, to clean up, dressing in her own clothing so that Mongo could use the extra clothing device that Will had provided for her.

  Then, after hurrying through that, she came back, to find that the outside world had changed. There were tables, for one thing. Things being carried in by Will, and another man. He looked to be in his early twenties, was rather muscular compared to Willum and was nearly as good looking as she’d ever seen on a man. They didn’t speak, until the very large, probably heavy, table with attached benches was put in place.

  Then they both came over, still being nearly silent, since people were sleeping.

  Strangely the new man gave her a hug, then a kiss.

  “Like the new look? I have no clue how I’m supposed to sell this to my mom and dad, but I have to admit, it’s better. Timon even set me up with super powers. I look older too, so, I was thinking, I could go and you know, try out the whole line walker thing? I’m not as fast as some of the Vampires, though I doubt that I can become one now. Um… I’m too hard to hurt for one to bite me, you know?”

  He seemed a bit doubtful, as if there was some other factor other than looking too young that would be keeping him from becoming a line walker. Avery didn’t think there would be, to be truthful.

  Of course, this probably meant he wasn’t her boyfriend any longer, which actually hurt a bit, inside. She locked that down, even if it was unexpected. Then, it really was a good idea. Waiting had always been about appearances. Nothing else. Now he had that part down pretty well.

  “We can go and do that after breakfast? I need to get some food for people. Bridget for one. She seems to have a hard time in the morning.”

  Will nodded at the words.

  “True. Phillip will need more food as well. His powers are about like mine. Though… Show her the skin trick?”

  That got a sigh, and a smile.

  “Okay, I’m not very good at this yet. Let me…” Then staring at his arm, her boyfriend, who had always been a rather pale white, shifted colors.

  First to a golden tan, then a darker one that matched Avery. He didn’t stop there, moving into a nearly true black color, then became blue, green, red and orange. After that he moved back to his normal hue.

  It was, frankly, amazing. Will shook his head at the whole thing.

  “Eventually I need to have that as well. It can come up. Now, you do the food, Avery, and we’ll get the other tables that I made last night?” He sounded hopeful about it, as if he might just be starving.

  Avery got that part, feeling more than a little hungry herself.

  Chapter fifteen

  It took a long, long time in the void to get Phillip up to speed. Much longer than it had for Avery to learn the same basic task. How long, exactly, she didn’t know at all. Time just wasn’t a thing she did well, even in the outside world. In the void, it was harder.

  Impossible, really.

  Eventually, being very watchful and careful, she coaxed her friend into gathering himself constantly. When he mastered that, being able to float on his own without her help, she covered how to leave the void. It took him a long time to follow her out. Nearly three minutes of her standing in the back of the Yoghurt World, waiting for him. Inside the nothingness that had probably been a lot longer.

  When he came out, he looked dazed. Also embarrassed.

  “Oooh. Sorry. I went to the wrong place first. It was here, but not. Claire said that I should try again? This is the right spot, isn’t it?”

  He blinked at her, but the feeling was, indeed, correct. Even if he still looked odd to her. Like a computer generated perfect man, nearly.

  Eve came to stand in the doorway, watching them for a moment.

  “Oh, hey! So… Avery, you finally found a new guy for me? Looking like that, he must be from Tor’s world, right?”

  “Nope. This is Phillip Hart. He had Timon Baker do some work on him. Also, he just learned to line walk. He’s probably out of your program though, to be a Vampire. Then, he pretty much has all the powers already, without the need for blood.” She was willing to say more, it simply wasn’t needed. Eve moved in and gave the man a hug.

  “Nifty and cool then! You’re still on to work here? Starting in a few days, right? Or is the vacay over?”

  The words were playful and actually seemed happy. As if Eve was fine losing a potential Vampire like that. Avery hadn’t been certain on that score, to be honest. Vampires could be a bit territorial. Then again, her first move was making sure that the boy was still one of her people, so she might be fine with the changes, as long as that part was taken care of.

  “We’re going back after a bit more training. Really, why don’t you do that? I can stay here and tell people that I don’t know how to make any of the frozen treats.”

  That got an eye roll and a tongue stuck out at her.

  “No can do, we’re on embassy time right now. Go and teach him the ropes? Get now…” She pretended to wipe at her eyes then, making it seem nearly real. “They grow up so fast…”

  The thing there was that Avery wasn’t certain she didn't mean it.

  Teaching Phillip how to find other places from her intent was actually really easy. They hurried, since time was flying back at the camp, but got back in time for dinner that night. They hadn’t been gone long, considering what they’d been doing, but it still added up, when there was that much time distortion.

  Avery was dressed up in camping clothes that she’d made, and walked up just in time for Mark to wave her toward the food unit.

  “Great timing, Avery. We need an introduction? Just set up Will and Bridget, then we’ll let them go over how the magic works.”

  It wasn’t hard to get her mind around, once she had a plan for things. Coming ba
ck from the void left her feeling incredibly centered at the moment.

  So, after she was given a hand signal, Avery let her face light up, toward the camera.

  “Here in Noram, they use magic for many things. Behind me is one of their most versatile and powerful food units. This particular one was made by Tiera Baker, Queen of the Moon.” She paused and tilted her head a bit. “I know, that sounds totally fake. Once you see this in action, I think you’ll become a true believer! Today we have Willum Baker and Bridget Chambers showing us all about this particular marvel.” Then, smoothly, she flowed to the side, out of the way, allowing Mark to move the focus of the device.

  The others weren’t perfect on their delivery. More to the point, Bridget wasn’t. Willum actually managed it like a professional. He even covered for his costar so well that most people probably wouldn’t notice how jumpy and nervous she seemed.

  That lasted until the food started coming. Both of them were good at using the device. That meant, with a little help loading some dirt in, which Phillip handled for them when Bridget asked for it to be done by someone, they had a steady stream of hot and cold dishes being set up. Loading the new tables that Will had made.

  At the end, the scene had Mark going over almost everything. Hyper-critically. This time it was a little funny though, since he was at least as tough on the magical food as he had been the night before on her humble camp cookout meal. Given how much more impressive everything had been that night, it boggled the mind a bit.

  It was consistent from show to show at least. Everything was given the Mark treatment, fairly.

  After the meal was over, at about seven, Tiera stood up and waved at everyone.

  “We’re expected in Austra, for a tour? Apparently, the large group of people from other worlds has caught their attention. We’ll need to walk to the transport hub.”

  Interestingly, Dareg waved a hand then.


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