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Dragon Queen (Avery Rome Book 3)

Page 29

by P. S. Power

  She didn't. Even imagining that kind of thing was a little bit beyond her ability to do, strictly speaking. Rather than admit how limited she truly was, Avery nodded. It was more or less pretending to things that weren’t true, but the lady in front of her seemed to accept the idea.

  “I can come and make sure you get to the right place for the meeting, if you need me to? I can do that, if it would be more comfortable for you.”

  That got a grin. It was a bit loopy and perhaps a trifle overdone. Like the things that Vampires sometimes did, attempting to seem like they were still human beings. This woman glowed with silver energy and heat, showing that not to be the case. Her skin was fairly clear and she looked fresh and clean. She was, also, wearing a skirt. Much like Avery was at the moment. It was well made, though not as high quality as what she had on herself.

  “Thanks. I should be able to do it myself, but great to know that I have backup if I can’t hack it for some reason. This is in Brian’s world, right? I’ve been past there, so it should be fine. On the nice side I can watch some television when I’m there…” The woman tilted her head then, shaking it a tiny bit. “Do you have that where you come from? Not everyplace does. It’s strange how things like that work.”

  The letter going back firmly in hand, Avery slowly started moving toward the front of the house. Half of her focus was still on the rip in space that she needed to travel out of, holding the thing open. It wasn’t hard to do, but it would have taken longer to find some other way home. Even if she could feel the local nodes in the world she was in without really working too hard to do it.

  “We do have television. In fact, once I get home, I’m starting a new series. Acting in it? We’ve been picked up by a cable company. Um, HBO?”

  “Really? We used to have that where I came from. That’s so cool.”

  The woman seemed to want to chat, which wasn’t a huge problem for Avery. Except that she had half the messages left to deliver.

  “I should go. It was fun, talking to you. We should get together and visit for real sometime?” That kind of thing might not happen, or be allowed, of course. “Really, we could set up a line walking service from out of this world. That way people traveling overland might be able to just come here and save themselves years of complicated work.”


  There was an honestly baffled sound to her voice on the idea, as if it had never even occurred to her as being a real thing.

  “Right. Um…” It was pretty awkward, but Avery shrugged. “You probably know this, but there are rips in space, between realities. The spacing between places is actually very thin. In some spots things are worn down, allowing a person that knows how to step from one place inside a reality to another. Normally within a few hundred miles of where they started. Human Zack and his people call these Shortcuts.”

  The woman laughed then.

  “Right! I’ve heard about these then, from Zack. We’ve met. Both here and on Mars once. Nice guy.”

  That sounded right to her.

  “There are also nodes, which are more or less collision points between places. Every world has them, or at least the ones that I can go to. Where things press against each other they form the void. Which is really just made up of all the nodes. More or less it’s a single point in space and time.”

  Her new friend, if they were going to be that kind of thing, nodded slowly.

  “This is more than I’ve heard about so far. Keep going? I think I kind of get it.”

  “Okay. Um… There are also spots where worlds overlap. Really, they’re like huge shortcuts, caused by the collisions and overlapping of entire realities. If you know where they are, you can literally load up a wagon or car and just drive, or even walk, from one world to another. That’s really slow though, and most don’t bother. Finding your way from one world to another could take a lifetime, even if you have a way of navigating. Still, a lot of people in my world that I know got there that way in the first place.”

  Like the Trollienkeine. Avery didn’t mention group names though, in case that wasn’t welcome yet. It felt like it might be. She simply didn't want to overwhelm the woman in front of her.

  “That is awesome. So, I could have gone from here back to my world, the whole time? If I knew how to find the right spot to walk through?”

  “Probably. That would be slow. I… Could probably get you back, if you want? It’s one of my jobs, finding places like that. Literally, I mean.” At its heart, it was what line walkers did.

  There was a sad smile and a slow headshake.

  “I’ve already been back. I can teletransport, so managed to go back on my own, a few years back. Time runs differently there. I don’t know how fast, but the friend that I know from my time, Jake, told me about what had happened. Functionally, my world isn’t there anymore. It’s like some kind of bad fairy story. I went underhill and when I came back after a few days, a lifetime had passed.”

  Avery made herself wince, to show the compassion she actually felt.

  “I didn’t have that kind of thing. I did lose my world once, but it was in a very different fashion. They turned on me for being what I am. A Dragon? Then I ended up killing six of my clan. I was twelve at the time. Everything was gone then. My entire world evaporated in an instant. Even though I was still right there.” It was foolish of her, telling that to a stranger.

  Gwen moved in and gave her a small hug, anyway.

  “I’m so sorry. Anyway, I know you need to leave, but we really should hang out, soon. I can come to your world and we can eat nachos and watch television? Or we can invade Brian’s world and demand tribute. That will make it harder to see you in action on the screen though. I’ve never known anyone that was on television before. I mean, not as a friend. Mark Steinberg showed me his cooking show. It was funny.”

  Laughing, Avery went wide eyed.

  “Really? I just did a little show with him a few days ago. That was in Dareg and Will’s world. We did a full season, though it will probably just go up online there. It’s about food in alternate realities? I got to be the host and teach people how to cook over an open fire.”

  “Seriously? I wonder if that’s the same Mark I know? I haven’t been too clear about how to tell that kind of thing, yet. If the people are close enough, how would I know, right?”

  “Yeah. I think there is a dense pocket of interrelated worlds though, in this area. It isn’t that they’re all that similar, just that we have a lot of crossover between them. So it’s likely that if you know Brian, then it’s probably the same Mark, too. I can’t prove that though.”

  There was a soft exhalation then and a slightly bemused expression on the pale face.

  “I am Brian. A girl version, of course. Remember, this isn’t my original body. I guess I’m also Zack, Demon Zack, and Glenda. Oh, Tor Baker as well. That one is really hard to see. The guy is huge and looks nothing like how I used to. Then, none of them really do.”

  “That’s… Really different then. I haven’t met any other versions of me yet. I heard that there is one in Tor’s reality, called Sorlee. She’s a spy, and not a Shifter at all. A regular Human, I think. That would set my old people back a bit, learning that other places had versions of themselves who aren’t among the Elect.” She shrugged and actually took a step back, in case saying things like that were about to have her beaten or scolded. It was probably the correct answer to such things, and it wasn’t her world, so other rules might apply.

  Apparently though, she’d gotten the sarcasm on the last word right.

  “So, your clan sounds a bit douche-tastic. Not that I know enough to say that. Just, the two things you said kind of makes me think less of them. You seem pretty cool though.” There was a bit of worry over the words. Probably because a lot of people would have taken it as an insult.

  “That’s close to correct, I think. My mother is all right, now that she’s away from them. The rest of them… I doubt they could change, even with different information. May
be if we could get the women and little ones away from the men? They live a life that’s dedicated to traveling around, keeping ahead of common sense and facts. I didn’t see that as a child, but now I have to wonder if it’s simply the truth? The reason that we were never allowed to rest in one place?”

  The very proper seeming woman hugged her again.

  “I can’t know that. Still, if you need a place to hang out, or someone to talk to, I’m here. A lot now. The war is over and I just got married, but we have servants and all that kind of junk. I’ve been looking for some projects to fill the time, you know? Maybe that line walking depot or whatever it’s called? I wonder if anyone would come, if I built it?”

  “Almost certainly. We should set that up. Also, we can get together in a week or two?”

  They firmed up some plans for that. Avery would come and get her, then they’d raid Brian’s world. That way they could check out the home movies. Gwen called the show that, which made it sound less professional than it might end up being.

  The rest of the messages were harder to find people for, but none of them lent themselves to as much conversation. In the end she had a half dozen letters or in one case a hastily scribbled note folded in half, to take back to Director Turner. Interestingly, it was only two hours later, from what the clock said. Given the work involved, she would have suspected it being closer to half a day’s worth of travel. Time distortions between worlds could account for some of it, but her innate nature just didn’t lend itself to that kind of knowledge, she didn’t think.

  Director Turner gave her an appraising smile as the things were placed on her desk and carefully slid across the smooth glass top of the thing.

  “Mission accomplished. At least so far. There seems to be more to do. When do you wish me to come back? I think my world runs really close to this place, time wise, so we can be a bit more specific than not. It might be a little off, but it isn’t in years for every week that passes or anything like that.”

  The woman leaned back in her chair, her tan uniform seeming almost comforting to Avery. Her pale fingers touched, forming a steeple. The brown eyes looked nearly happy, even if there was no smile on her face at the moment.

  “Could we plan to have you in every other day or so? We don’t have a date set or anything yet, which means we need to keep on top of things. My guess is that it will take twice as long to put together as it should, then we’ll have to argue the finer points of things for months, instead of just meeting up and sharing notes, which is kind of what I’m going for here. Kind of seeing what the others need and all that.”

  She grinned and then gave a nod, standing up straight.

  “We can do that. I was planning to come back through here in a few weeks with Gwen Harrison? She’s um… A girl version of Brian Yi? Only she looks like you, not him…” That sounded strange, no matter what she’d seen an hour before.

  “To what end?”

  “Um, I think the plan is watching the video that Mark and Denis put together, if it’s ready by then. There was also a mention of nacho theft? That part seemed playful, rather than an actual raid on your facilities.”

  “Hm? That’s different. We can set that up, I bet. Keep me in the loop on that? I should watch that show, as well. If nothing else I need to be supportive of my people. Mark mentioned they were having it professionally edited, which won’t take the people doing it all that long. I’ll see about finding out what the schedule is on that. So, you’ll be by in… Call it two days?”

  She nodded, since that sounded fair to her.

  “Will do, Director Turner. You can also send messages or orders with Phillip. Possibly Alan, when he comes in. Phillip needs to be by at least a few times a week. More than that? It’s… I don’t know how relationships really work. He’s a Human though, and not half emotionally crippled like I am. Maybe you could give him tips on that?”

  There was a strange pause, then a snort.

  “Like I know how to do that kind of thing? Good then. See you in two days. Here. If anything comes up and you can’t make it, try to send your asset in with a message for me. If anything comes up on this end, I can call on you? I probably can’t afford to pay what you’re worth. You do accept bribes of food, right?”

  The words tasted of candor and humor at the same time. Which was different enough it caught her attention.

  “I do, actually. I need to eat a lot, so that can really work out pretty well.”

  Then, after a few more words, she was allowed to leave and use the node box to get back home.

  To the back of Yoghurt World.

  Instead of Barb and Lenore, this time the two Vampires in the place were more familiar to her. One of them was Edom, which got her to smile. The other was Bey.

  Letting her face light up, she waved at them both.

  “Hello! I just did the first bit of message passing for that meeting? The one in the IPB world.” She moved into the front room, where Bey was sitting at a table. Edom was behind the counter, his suit jacket on, with a green and white apron over it. He smiled, his teeth white in his dark face.

  “Avery! Do you need anything to eat?”

  She blinked, since normally he said things like hello, before offering food. She really was hungry though.

  “I could use something, if it’s no trouble? Is…” She glanced at Bey, who looked completely relaxed and normal, for him. That meant he had a small smile on his face, and a compassionate look in his eyes. The problem was that he was extra still. That meant something, when Vampires did it. “Is everything all right?”

  The small man, who was bald and had big ears, as well as a clean shaved face, affected a sigh.

  “Ah… There is a small issue. Nothing for you to be worried over, I’m certain. Memes, one of our Council, managed to find herself stuck in the Antarctic. There was a secret meeting, I believe? We aren’t at all certain that it was real, however. Memes is a polite and gentle being, but not always totally aware of the same reality that the rest of us live in.” He spread his hands. “I’ve come to see if I can entreat young Eve to help retrieve her. Otherwise it might be several months before she can return. Perhaps longer. It isn’t pressing, but I fear that she might be uncomfortable in such a location.”

  Avery settled at the table, Tarsus hitting her with several things. The first one was that Edom had offered her food, first thing. What probably seemed like one of the most certain ways of getting her aid in things. Of course, asking was the most effective, but the Vampire was probably trying to soften her up. Probably so that he could ask her to do it, to gain favor with the council. Bey had made a point of suggesting that he wanted Eve for the job. That didn’t mean she wouldn’t be paid for the work though.

  The Vampires were actually good about things like that. Even with their own line walkers.

  He knew that Avery would do it for him as well. The man insisted on paying her each time, even if she didn’t actually need anything. It probably seemed like an obligation, every time she did a small favor for him that way. Even things that barely cost her moments or pennies.

  Having a Vampire Council being or two feeling in her debt wasn’t a bad thing. It needed to be done correctly however. After all, Avery Rome wanted friends, not slaves. Even the Greater Demon in her head was starting to pick up on that kind of thing. Meaning it was learning, while living inside of her. That was a bit frightening, since she really doubted that she could beat that kind of mind.

  In the moment though, there was an issue, and she had several hours of free time, as far as she knew.

  “Could I get a caramel swirl, please, Edom? Then I can take Bey to find our friend? I can go alone, but we should chat about some things, if that’s all right? Away from here?” She glanced over at Edom, who looked curious and attentive, but not scared or anything. “Don’t worry, it isn’t about anything big. I just want to soften him up for doing a bit part on Red Rain. It may not happen, but just having Bey in the background might be fun. That, or… Actually, we should go
over to see Mark and his friends? They do television shows as well, but it’s in a different world. That way it won’t influence how people think of you here.”

  She didn't mention it, but Edom could have probably gotten a role on the show, if he wanted. Either one of them, in either world. He was attractive and very fit seeming, as well as being a Master Vampire.

  It wasn’t real though, and she didn’t think that either man would want to do it. Bey gave her a small half bow.

  “Ah. So, you seek to find a way to allow us to take your aid without cost? That is kind, but we cannot abuse your good will. It is difficult for us to even request things of our own people. Naming Memes as a friend is sweet of you, I must admit.”

  She shrugged.

  “We’re either friends, or we’re not. She has a need right now, and so does my friend, Bey. Do you honestly think that I value gold or money more than that?” The words were a bit harsh sounding, but the tone was nearly shy.

  That was what she did, when it came to conflict.

  Bey closed his eyes, then nodded.

  “Thank you, Miss Rome. I meant no insult. It is known to us that you are a great being. Kind and loyal beyond what most would achieve or attempt. Thank you for your aid in this.”

  He actually seemed worried, but stood, even though Edom was just finishing her treat. Avery got the idea and moved to the back, hurrying along.

  The retrieval wasn’t at all hard. Memes was standing by a node in the side of a mountain. There were other beings in the cave, who looked strange, being very tall white people with blonde hair. It wasn’t being seven feet high or light colored that made them distinctive however. It was rather that they all looked very similar. Of the six people in the room, half of them being female, there looked only to be two of them there. Like clones.

  They didn’t speak to her, though a few of them looked at her closely.

  Bey bowed, so she did it too, getting the woman they’d come for to bow back. The others did it as well, moving as one.


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